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Blasphemy accuser kills 80 year old man after police drop charges

if he was intereted in Martyerdom, he should have killed the terrorist who are creating havok in Pakistan rather he went after a individual who spoke for minority rights.
If you call Mumtaz Qadri this fool was interested in Martydom, then some day you'll also do the same to some individual like this coward did.

Do you Indians actually make an effort to be 5tupid or does it just come naturally........ READ his post first before commenting...

This is what he has said

Sir what Mumtaz Qadri did he did it for Martyerdrom it was his main motive he will become biggest hero of this century for millions in Pakistan what needs to be done that Pakistani Government should punish those who commit blashmey and who are proved innocent that those who falsely accuse them should be punished this is the only solution

please note the one's in red

Zarvan did not promote his behaviour or in any way suggest himself to go on this trip.

Mumtaz Qadri did what he did and it was HIS intention to become a Martyr..... that is his belief not others.

However, Like many many other countries with Blasphemy Laws, if indiviuals were bought to account for blasphemy, AS ACCORDING TO THE LAW, then there should be no use of attacks like this, as this is what Zarvan is referring to, as such, the indiviual of this thread story has committed murder and should be bought before a Court of Law.

And by the way, India too has Laws, and like many other countries, they may not like to call it a blasphemy law, nonetheless the working makes it such.......

Central Government Act Section 295A in The Indian Penal Code, 1860 295A Part 5 - Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs.-- Whoever, with deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class

- of

Part 6 - citizens of India

Part 7 - by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise] insults or attempts to insult the religion or the religious beliefs of that class, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to

Part 8 - three years, or with fine, or with both


Pakistani Acts

Chapter XV of Pakistan Penal Code 1860 - OFFENCES RELATING TO RELIGION:

(*) Injuring or defiling place of worship, with Intent to insult the religion of any class
(*) Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting Its religion or religious beliefs
(*) Defiling
(*) Use of derogatory remarks
(*) Disturbing religious assembly
(*) Trespassing on burial places
(*) Uttering words, with deliberate intent to wound religious feelings
(*) Use of derogatory remarks
(*) Misuse of epithets, descriptions and titles
(*) Person of Quadiani group (calling himself Muslim)


Other then a few added items within the Pakistani Law the Indian one too along with the UK and others follows the blasphemy laws similarly. The punishment of each country is different........
Sir what Mumtaz Qadri did he did it for Martyerdrom it was his main motive he will become biggest hero of this century for millions in Pakistan what needs to be done that Pakistani Government should punish those who commit blashmey and who are proved innocent that those who falsely accuse them should be punished this is the only solution

Do you Indians actually make an effort to be 5tupid or does it just come naturally........ READ his post first before commenting...

This is what he has said

please note the one's in red

Zarvan did not promote his behaviour or in any way suggest himself to go on this trip.

Mumtaz Qadri did what he did and it was HIS intention to become a Martyr..... that is his belief not others.
And you read the red part that I am quoting in his comment that states that he want other Pakistanis to go and become a fool like him.
With over 188 posts you are not seasoned enough to see the big picture, and this same ZARVAN in one of earlier post has expressed his wish to subjucate other religion by the MUSLIMS.
This is not any solution; the blasphemer will neither repent nor understand or change his mind.
And you read the red part that I am quoting in his comment that states that he want other Pakistanis to go and become a fool like him.
With over 188 posts you are not seasoned enough to see the big picture, and this same ZARVAN in one of earlier post has expressed his wish to subjucate other religion by the MUSLIMS.

Oh please, don't talk rubbish, Mumtaz Qadri is currently a hero and if you read it properly then you will realise that he is clearly saying that he will be a hero unless people who blaspheme are bought to account within Pakistan.

You the F@&£ gives you the right to say if someone is seasoned or not, that is the most lame excuse for a discussion on a forum, that's like me saying your an Indian, hence by default an absolute knob so you shouldn't get involved in discussions, clearly this is not true so please either get on with the discussion or just STFU
Oh please, don't talk rubbish, Mumtaz Qadri is currently a hero and if you read it properly then you will realise that he is clearly saying that he will be a hero unless people who blaspheme are bought to account within Pakistan.

You the F@&£ gives you the right to say if someone is seasoned or not, that is the most lame excuse for a discussion on a forum, that's like me saying your an Indian, hence by default an absolute knob so you shouldn't get involved in discussions, clearly this is not true so please either get on with the discussion or just STFU
Go and read his privious posts mate, had he not told that he wants MUSLIMS to rule over other religon then I'll bow to your post and to you. But on the other hand he has been irrational and has been war mongering and asking for a nucklear war between INDIA and Pakistan for the resoving the water issue in Jammu where the reality is that Pakistan does not have good water management systems on their side,.

and if you go through his post there is no grammer and no punctuation, then one normally has to put periods inbetween to come to a conclusion on what he means and if you do the same you'll get his real intensions.
Go and read his privious posts mate, had he not told that he wants MUSLIMS to rule over other religon then I'll bow to your post and to you. But on the other hand he has been irrational and has been war mongering and asking for a nucklear war between INDIA and Pakistan for the resoving the water issue in Jammu where the reality is that Pakistan does not have good water management systems on their side,.

and if you go through his post there is no grammer and no punctuation, then one normally has to put periods inbetween to come to a conclusion on what he means and if you do the same you'll get his real intensions.

Well in that case can you two then limit your nuclear wars that is not on topic in this thread to private messages, thanks
Go and read his privious posts mate, had he not told that he wants MUSLIMS to rule over other religon then I'll bow to your post and to you. But on the other hand he has been irrational and has been war mongering and asking for a nucklear war between INDIA and Pakistan for the resoving the water issue in Jammu where the reality is that Pakistan does not have good water management systems on their side,.

and if you go through his post there is no grammer and no punctuation, then one normally has to put periods inbetween to come to a conclusion on what he means and if you do the same you'll get his real intensions.
What I am saying is government should implement laws and punish those who commit blashmey and those who are proved innocent than those who accused them falsely of this crime which could have resulted in their death they should be hanged in public other wise if government will not do this than people like Mumtaz Qadri will do these kind of Jobs because you can't understand Sir even many Muslims who don't follow Islam do lot of kind of sins even if you insult HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW in front of them there are really very high chances that they would attack you right on the spot
i am afraid that secularism havent failed, give me example(s) if you insist on your stance. But on the other hand, those countries who are associated with religion are the ones who are suffering or cause suffer to the others.
Sir for your information EU is slowly failing and American economy is verge of Collapse and by the way no country has fully implemented Islam and Islam is the only solution not kufr of any kind

Sir, if I am rightly informed then that scum of the earth has downright rejected to embrace shahadat and filed an appeal against the death sentence in the high court. We are well aware of the limits of their love they have for the prophet. lol....

lol...I think this is the only way we can knock some sense into their heads.
Sir for your information when this law was not there Police above 500 murders cases when caught the culprit he said he killed the person for committing balshmey and this was reported by a former Policer officer who although was in favour of repealing of this law but still had to accept the face that this will happen if law will not be there
Oh please, don't talk rubbish, Mumtaz Qadri is currently a hero and if you read it properly then you will realise that he is clearly saying that he will be a hero unless people who blaspheme are bought to account within Pakistan.

"he will become biggest hero of this century for millions" without any "unless" or "ifs".

Under what laws in islamic jurisprudence are you supporting the extra judicial murder of Salman taseer.Can you provide some referrence from quran or sahih hadith?
"he will become biggest hero of this century for millions" without any "unless" or "ifs".

Under what laws in islamic jurisprudence are you supporting the extra judicial murder of Salman taseer.Can you provide some referrence from quran or sahih hadith?

He will be the hero for millions, which is already true and a statement of fact and unless the blasphemy laws are enforced thoroughly then people like Mumtaz Qadri would not have to carry out vigilante murders but now he will be a hero for the whole of Pakistan. Salman Taseer should have been put before the court as his words were derogatory and insulting as per the legislation of Pakistan however due to the emperor style status in Pakistan nowadays, many of its laws are not fully implemented. Had Taseer been taking to court and even if he was acquitted it would have shown a due process, but none of the kind took place, hence why actions of vigilantism taken place and this was the very action that were to be prevented by the blasphemy law in the first place. So please try to understand what was being said in the post and I believe Zarvan has clarified this is his most recent post, so please first read the thread and like I said to you in another thread, don't hit the reply with quote without knowing your homework, and typical Indian mentality.

It is like me saying for arguments sake, that Gandhi has claimed in his memoirs that he believes black people to be one step above monkeys......now by that kvery literal quote he is a racist, however Indians here may have some sane and rational reason behind this quote, although none has ever been given......... But nonetheless Zarvan too has pointed out the obvious that he already is the hero of millions and will be within the century as nothing has been done to enforce the religious code of Pakistan
stop promoting the use of violence and viglantism

Their hypocrisy is amazing. These champions of law and order are advocating vigilantism.

And if any Pakistani were to follow their advice, these same people would then condemn Pakistan as a nation of vigilantes.
"he will become biggest hero of this century for millions" without any "unless" or "ifs".

Under what laws in islamic jurisprudence are you supporting the extra judicial murder of Salman taseer.Can you provide some referrence from quran or sahih hadith?
I am not justifying what Qadri did but what I am saying is if governments will not do it than people like Qadri will which every Muslim can turn into if someone insults HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW in front of him what government should have done is removed him from his office on the first day and investigated the matter but what they were doing is keeping quite and other dumb people were saying on Television that Government has immunity basically asking people to take law in their own hands because Government is going to do nothing so what happened was one man got the chance and he did what a Muslim would do because if someone would insult HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW in front of even a really very bad Muslim who is alcoholic womaniser and all other bad qualities even many of them would attack you if you will do this stupid acts in front of them because you Non Muslims can never understand what kind of love we have for HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and his companions and Islam only born Muslim or a convert can understand that that is why sometimes you see those people who were born Non Muslims raised in modern day America and Europe live their lifestyle and suddenly or with time converted to Islam and than those same people were found either Joining Jihad against their home countries or protesting against them quite often
What I am saying is government should implement laws and punish those who commit blashmey and those who are proved innocent than those who accused them falsely of this crime which could have resulted in their death they should be hanged in public other wise if government will not do this than people like Mumtaz Qadri will do these kind of Jobs because you can't understand Sir even many Muslims who don't follow Islam do lot of kind of sins even if you insult HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW in front of them there are really very high chances that they would attack you right on the spot

How will you insure justice?
So in other words.. Muslims should behave like blood thirsty animals ..attacking and killing people at the slightest of whims.

Are you sure you are following Islam or reading off an internet page written by a bigoted takfiri?
Their hypocrisy is amazing. These champions of law and order are advocating vigilantism.
There is no contradiction; citizens hunting for a fugitive are not judge, jury, and executioner. Citizens can help in the hunt for the accused, hand him over to the justice system, and help give the authorities the confidence that by prosecuting him to the fullest they will receive their support.

Have you thought that Thor's argument (that it is better to let a murderer run around loose and leave the responsibility for catching him to somebody else) is a much worse image of Pakistan than that of "a nation of vigilantes"? The latter seeks justice, whereas the former, witnessing evil, simply doesn't want to get its hair mussed.
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