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Blasphemy accuser kills 80 year old man after police drop charges

A solution woul be optional shariah, if anyone wishes o have a talibani punishment done on himself willingly he should be able to do so, if someone does not, they can clearly say they are of a different sect/religion and get some other punishment. (Except in the case of harming others, where the vistim gets to chose)
These people really are the scum of the earth, who take law in their own hands and have no remorse after killing an eighty year old man already proved innocent
They always try to impose their own opinion on others
The murderer must be arrested and be prosecuted for murder. During the Prophet's era, there were people who abused him and Islam, but they weren't killed were they?
This Jahil Maulvi should be brought to justice.
The man is found not guilty, thats it, the case is over.... any action beyond that is unlawful and wrong
Enough of the backward obscurantists - this country needs men with cojones to take on the takfiri riffraff.
...Pakistani Government should punish those who commit blashmey and who are proved innocent that those who falsely accuse them should be punished this is the only solution
I swear, if I ever meet you IRL, your the first person I'll accuse for blasphemy. Taste of your own medicine.
It's a dereliction of duty by the civilian government.
There is a massive effort required to change the mindset of many people in our society.
You are all Pakistanis and many of you have differing political and religious views. However, all of you are united that a wrong has been done here. Who among you will embrace risk and vow to make a personal effort to attempt to see justice done by seeking out the murderer who is now a fugitive? Who among you will seek out dark alleyways, alone or with friends? Follow up leads and rumors? Keep an eye out at bus terminals and railway stations? For if you continue to put blind trust in the authorities why shouldn't they also take the easy route and do nothing while blaming others?

If that's the society you want to live in then by all means immigrate to any of the various Taliban controlled provinces in Afghanistan.
Is that really necessary? As long as they are indolent isn't that society coming to them right now - straight out of Pakistan's own prisons and terror-training camps?

It baffles me how Pakistan went from a secular, tolerant country back in the 40s and 50s, to what it is today.
Still feeling baffled?
You are all Pakistanis and many of you have differing political and religious views. However, all of you are united that a wrong has been done here. Who among you will embrace risk and vow to make a personal effort to attempt to see justice done by seeking out the murderer who is now a fugitive?

...this is Pakistan you're talking about. Here's it's better to mind your own business than chase criminals yourself. It's practically suicide to do that

Pakistani society is fast heading towards a certain kind of madness.

"Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad." - Euripides.

Keep your prophecies to yourself Cheng

Hatred is bad. Cultivated hatred is explosive.

Yeah? What about the 10s or 100s of millions of Islamophobes and Pakistanophobes in Bharat? What about that hatred there? Karma is your own concept, tell me what'll happen to you?
best option is too end the blasphemy law it's dangerous to have in a place like pakistan where half the population is f uckin illiterate and emotional ,where gun culture is rampant and where society has a violent mob mentality.Bad bad mix.
Here's it's better to mind your own business than chase criminals yourself. It's practically suicide to do that
A sad commentary. Yet if alone is too dangerous then who is willing to organize a posse to seek out the accused killer? Come on, if it was a Christian who had been accused of killing a Muslim you guys wouldn't have any hesitation to act to see justice done, would you?
A sad commentary. Yet if alone is too dangerous then who is willing to organize a posse to seek out the accused killer? Come on, if it was a Christian who had been accused of killing a Muslim you guys wouldn't have any hesitation to act to see justice done, would you?

In an increasingly polarised society, you never know who's with who. So it's better to keep your views to yourself.
Yeah you're right, it's a sad case, and I made a "sad commentary", but it's simply not feasible if one values their own life.
Technically it should be left to the authorities, but I doubt they're gonna bother too much as well.
In an increasingly polarised society, you never know who's with who...it's simply not feasible if one values their own life...it should be left to the authorities, but I doubt they're gonna bother...
You feel no courage at all? That a Pakistan where evildoers will be punished isn't worth risking one's life for?
This is no place to discuss Islam and now you get infractions for otherwise. But just to clear the things up, Islam is the teachings of Prophet and the Quran. Muhammad's actions were based on Quran and that is why it is said to be 'Sunnah'. The shahada is the base, not the complete structure.
Basically, it sums up to:
1) Belief in Allah
2) Belief in His messengers.
3) Belief in The Book.
4) Belief in The Last Day.
5) Belief in Angels.

Even if a person is wrong, you have no right to woe on him in Islam, not even Zardari.
Allah will do what is best, don't worry.

On topic: The murderer must be arrested and be prosecuted for murder. During the Prophet's era, there were people who abused him and Islam, but they weren't killed were they?
Sir for your information yes they were killed and if you want to give some example for that and for your information Sir they were forgiven because at that time HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW was in makkah and Jihad was not made Farz on him but when in Madinah Jihad was made farz majority were killed and this was also continued by the 4 caliphs of Islam

best option is too end the blasphemy law it's dangerous to have in a place like pakistan where half the population is f uckin illiterate and emotional ,where gun culture is rampant and where society has a violent mob mentality.Bad bad mix.
Not having it is far more dangerous still most cases are reported to police if this law is every one will do it on his own that will create more chaos than doing anything good

A solution woul be optional shariah, if anyone wishes o have a talibani punishment done on himself willingly he should be able to do so, if someone does not, they can clearly say they are of a different sect/religion and get some other punishment. (Except in the case of harming others, where the vistim gets to chose)
Their is nothing such as optional shariah if Muslims doesn't implement it it is kufr and also that punishment is order of ALLAH and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW not Taliban
damned u do and damnd if dont.
Sir Time to get ready 4 next round of flower petal shower on the latest pious ghazi.
I disagree.

Pakistanis are some of the hardest working, best talented, and honest people on Earth, comparable to any other nationality or race you may care to put up, when acting as individuals. However, cumulatively, we are badly let down by our social structures and our ways of doing things, some by accident, and most by intent.

There the good and hardworking people in us, that is why we are not destroyed, but because of the bad lot, we are not reaching he heights of the sky.
There the good and hardworking people in us, that is why we are not destroyed, but because of the bad lot, we are not reaching he heights of the sky.

It is not just about the good and bad people, our social methods of interaction, justice and governance have a lot to do with our failures too. The people are okay; the overall system is rotten.
Secularism is the only way forward.

A case has been registered against Waqas and his unknown accomplice but no arrests have been made as yet. According to police, raids are being conducted to find the accused.

And this is the sickening part, they are very quick and effective to capture somebody who is accused of blasphemy, but they struggle to capture an alleged killer.
Secularism is the only way forward.

And this is the sickening part, they are very quick and effective to capture somebody who is accused of blasphemy, but they struggle to capture an alleged killer.
Secularism is Kufr sir Islamic Government are the only way forward because everywhere in Muslim world secularism has failed it has even started failing in Turkey because what ever you do later or sooner Muslims will come to Islam and implement its laws on their own if governments will not do and throw those governments out
Pakistan needs to get rid of this barbaric law it has no place in this modern age.
You are all Pakistanis and many of you have differing political and religious views. However, all of you are united that a wrong has been done here. Who among you will embrace risk and vow to make a personal effort to attempt to see justice done by seeking out the murderer who is now a fugitive? Who among you will seek out dark alleyways, alone or with friends? Follow up leads and rumors? Keep an eye out at bus terminals and railway stations? For if you continue to put blind trust in the authorities why shouldn't they also take the easy route and do nothing while blaming others?

If it was a simple matter of capturing a common criminal, I assure you we could take care of it ourselves if we wanted. However capturing a murderer that also happens to be a so called "maulvi" (scholar) & "khateeb" (preacher) is a different story. This person is likely to have a lot of influence over his followers, & for us to confront him would mean having to deal with all of his followers as well. He would without doubt have brainwashed all of them.

It's clear that he believes that the accused was guilty of blasphemy even after being acquitted, although one could argue that the accusation of blasphemy may have been made to simply get the victim killed as it's argued in the article. In a society filled with "sheeple" religious sentiments are used to arouse fury among the people & direct them to a stated cause. This person can easily get his followers to believe that those who stand against him are guilty of blasphemy as well simply for defending a person who (keep in mind) had been falsely accused of blasphemy. Such an act will endanger the lives of not only those who are against him, but of their families as well.

It is for the government & the authorities to administer justice & prove to the public that those involved in the murder were wrong. You are right that blindly trusting the authorities is a foolish act, but in such scenarios taking the law in to your own hands is foolish as well unless you happen to be an extremely powerful & influential person yourself.
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