That is a valid argument, and the genocide of Native Americans was a tragic event in history no doubt. However, the industrial powerhouse known as United States of America (European name) was established through the intellect and labor of White Europeans for the most part. Sure, Black slave labor was used during the early century of America's existence as a country but it was mostly confined to plantations. Once the industrial revolution kicked in slavery was ousted. Soon, it was the White's themselves who abolished slavery and emancipated the Black slaves, even at the cost of their own White Southern Brethren with whom they fought the bloodiest war on American soil. More White Americans died fighting each other in the American civil War than did in all other wars in American history combined.
Nobody ever cares to mention the millions of Whites who toiled in dark, damp, claustrophobic mines, without any protective gear or consideration for their lives on the part of their employers. Those brave young men, even boys, who constructed the massive skyscrapers over New York, Chicago, and Detroit all for a meager pay to put food on their table and cloths on their backs. The White boys and girls, as young as 8, 10, 15 who toiled and slaved away in factories exposed to chemicals, dangerous machinery, working endless shifts without breaks just for a few cents. Many of them dying of exposure to dangerous conditions. I'm sure they had complains too! Of course nobody remembers them though! Its only because they were White!
After all, according to some people White people can't work! They are only good for nothing useless fat lazy people who conquered and exploited the genius intellectual abilities of Blacks and other non-Whites to make the West the leader in scientific, technological, and medical advancement!!
Lazy White People???:
Underage White Boys Who Worked The Coal Factories In Virginia. They had it easy right?? When the mines collapsed in many cases none of their bodies were recovered, any survivor was left to die.
Just Look At Those Evil White Boys! I'm Sure Each And Everyone One Of Them Owned A Black Slave And Had A Easy Life:
Underage White Girls Working In Deplorable Conditions At A Factory: Sure, White privilege at its finest. Just look at those lazy White people.
Evil Lazy White Men Who Built Sky Scrapers Using Invisible Black Slave Labor:
But of course, the evil White People got everything for free. They never built anything or worked a day in their lives.
The evil White people instead received welfare from the Black gov.t of America and leached on the tax money of hard working Black's who's forefathers founded America and made it into a industrial powerhouse just like Africa!!
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