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Black people protest against discrimination by police in Guangzhou

When was the last time you see cChinese protesting on the streets of USA when a Chinese was arrested for illegal entry or a crime? These blacks were causing trouble because police asking for id, and deporting illegals. Writing long winded posts do not make you right.
You want China to be strong? Social unrest and disharmony will not do my friend.

Please be considerate, I am part East Africa. I disagree with what the migrants are doing here, nevertheless don't stereotype entire groups of people. As you said before, deport those whom cause disharmony and leave the honest hard-working migrants who don't cause trouble.
China invests heavily in Africa. It is inevitable for the people (black or white or any colour in between) from the African countries to come to China, legal or not. It is a two way street.

People migrate to a different place to have a better life. Not too long ago, the Chinese paid snakeheads to escape poverty in China. So don't put your nose up. A little compassion and understanding go a long way.
This is about illegals causing trouble for local Chinese. You have not lived or born in China, you would not understand the Chinese concerns. Many of these people come illegally and commit may crimes. They loiter in groups and harass passerby for money.
Chinese people who immigrate contribute greatly to the economy but these illegal blacks are a drain to Chinese economy.

Please be considerate, I am part East Africa. I disagree with what the migrants are doing here, nevertheless don't stereotype entire groups of people. As you said before, deport those whom cause disharmony and leave the honest hard-working migrants who don't cause trouble.
I am not stereotype. I lived and born in Guangdong and I have seen it. most are not willing to adapt to local customs . China is not like USA . There is no welfare for not working and single parents. Maybe they thought it vwas a land of opportunity , but only for the hardworking and educated.
This is about illegals causing trouble for local Chinese. You have not lived or born in China, you would not understand the Chinese concerns. Many of these people come illegally and commit may crimes. They loiter in groups and harass passerby for money.
Chinese people who immigrate contribute greatly to the economy but these illegal blacks are a drain to Chinese economy.

Yes, sure all Chinese are upstanding citizens. Give me a flucking break.
Have you heard of the Triad, the Wah Ching, the Joe Boy, just to name a few. The gangs are/were running gambling dens, prostitution, human trafficking, massage parlors, drug smuggling, extortion, terrorizing not only the Chinese people in Chinatowns but the citizens of the host countries. Most of these gang members are ILLEGALS.

You are blind to make the statements you have made above.
Yes, sure all Chinese are upstanding citizens. Give me a flucking break.
Have you heard of the Triad, the Wah Ching, the Joe Boy, just to name a few. The gangs are/were running gambling dens, prostitution, human trafficking, massage parlors, drug smuggling, extortion, terrorizing not only the Chinese people in Chinatowns but the citizens of the host countries. Most of these gang members are ILLEGALS.

You are blind to make the statements you have made above.
Again read my post. Do you see Chinese people in groups harassing people for money? Do you see Chinese demanding your government to not deport illegals? Do Chinese ask for special treatment? Do most Chinese learn the language of their new countries?
There are criminal organization but do they cause riots ? Use some common sense friend. Gangs cause trouble for other gangs not harass general public.
Yes, sure all Chinese are upstanding citizens. Give me a flucking break.
Have you heard of the Triad, the Wah Ching, the Joe Boy, just to name a few. The gangs are/were running gambling dens, prostitution, human trafficking, massage parlors, drug smuggling, extortion, terrorizing not only the Chinese people in Chinatowns but the citizens of the host countries. Most of these gang members are ILLEGALS.

You are blind to make the statements you have made above.

Those are pre-PRC Chinese immigrants, they can definitely have a lot of delinquent tendency compared to the PRC immigrants.

Consider that the pre-PRC China was basically a lawless sh1thole, it just turned from a feudalistic society into a primitive capitalistic mafia society.

CPC has accomplished tremendously by erasing the illiteracy and civilized the backward China.
Those are pre-PRC Chinese immigrants, they can definitely have a lot of delinquent tendency compared to the PRC immigrants.

Consider that the pre-PRC China was basically a lawless sh1thole, it just turned from a feudalistic society into a primitive capitalistic mafia society.

CPC has accomplished tremendously by erasing the illiteracy and civilized the backward China.

Read post #54.
Again read my post. Do you see Chinese people in groups harassing people for money? Do you see Chinese demanding your government to not deport illegals? Do Chinese ask for special treatment? Do most Chinese learn the language of their new countries?
There are criminal organization but do they cause riots ? Use some common sense friend. Gangs cause trouble for other gangs not harass general public.

Do you know for certain every black (calling black people black is perfectly ok in my country, not racist at all) are harassing people for money?
Are there no upstanding blacks?
When you buy a bucket of apples, there will be some bad ones. As long as you can make apple pies with the apples, it is all good.
Not all of the laborers who built the Trans-Continental Railroad were Chinese. A significant portion were Irish-Italian immigrants who were treated no better than the Blacks or Chinese by early Anglo-Saxon Americans. And there were no significant Arab immigrants living in America to be used as labor nor were African involved in the construction boom since most of them lived in the south pre 1940's. Stop making up absurd claims that are historically inaccurate.



Irish-Italian immigrant workers built the Sky-scrapers in NYC and other major American cities (very dangerous job, many of them die from free fall):






Who's denying??? Certainly not me.

Well, these people definitely deserved a lot of respect, but many modern White Americans are just a bunch of spoiled brats in front of video games and being obsessed with ****. They have lost the dignity and honor of their grandparents.

Not just multi-culturalism is a problem, when you lost the discipline and sense of duty for collectivism of the society, the result of this kind of selfish individualism can become the severe self-destruction.
Do you know for certain every black (calling black people black is perfectly ok in my country, not racist at all) are harassing people for money?
Are there no upstanding blacks?
When you buy a bucket of apples, there will be some bad ones. As long as you can make apple pies with the apples, it is all good.
There was more to the video. Police arrested some illegals so they started rioting claiming discrimination.:crazy: This video was 2010.
There was more to the video. Police arrested some illegals so they started rioting claiming discrimination.:crazy: This video was 2010.

Well, it only shows the Blacks are decent people looking out for each other if it is true.

There are no rights or wrongs when it comes to survival.
Well, these people definitely deserved a lot of respect, but many modern White Americans are just a bunch of spoiled brats in front of video games and being obsessed with ****. They have lost the dignity and honor of their grandparents.

Not just multi-culturalism is a problem, when you lost the discipline and sense of duty for collectivism of the society, the result of this kind of selfish individualism can become the severe self-destruction.
That is what happens when a nation falls under the control of extreme Capitalism with a massive dose of Liberalism/Feminism in the mix. China and other civilized nations should learn a lesson from this and must never repeat the mistakes of the West.

But overseas Chinese are very productive and law obeying. But these black people in China are causing many problems. Chinese must learn from the Uighur mistake or future generations will pay dearly.
Which is why i always tell a lot of people, that there are only two types of immigrants that i would prefer to be allowed into Pakistan: East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans), and Europeans (particularly the Nordics) because these people are productive, civilized, and innovative.
That is what happens when a nation falls under the control of extreme Capitalism with a massive dose of Liberalism/Feminism in the mix. China and other civilized nations should learn a lesson from this and must never repeat the mistakes of the West.

The big difference is that the West gives "citizenship" to immigrants on a large scale.

In China, these foreign immigrants are not Chinese citizens, they are there on temporary visas.
That is what happens when a nation falls under the control of extreme Capitalism with a massive dose of Liberalism/Feminism in the mix. China and other civilized nations should learn a lesson from this and must never repeat the mistakes of the West.

The biggest problem for liberalism is the self-centered individualism that has no sense of responsibility for the society.

Since human beings were born from animals and with natural born animal instinct, but meanwhile we cannot behave exactly like animals. The self-restriction and discipline is a necessity for everyone.

Everyone should try to be productive person for the society and should try to study hard and to work hard. Even everybody needs some entertainment, but the mankind was built through hardwork, so you should think about entertainment when you have accomplished your daily work, then you can spare some of your time for fun.

But think about no work just for entertainment will turn everyone into the unproductive human trashes.
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