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Bhensa founder Waqas Goraya returns home

I am already missing Raheel Shareef ... If we don't have courage to punish the cluprits than why in the first place we abduct them ??? Why do we have these security institutes ??? especially police ... Just to eat away our hard earned tax money ???

Why to use word establishment ...

A direct question to army and security institution ... what the hell are you doing ??? Dr. Asim is not convicted .. Ayan ali is free ... No prosecution of Ozair baloch ...

WTF is happening ??? All the laws are for for less powerful only ???

When will we wakeup ???

Mr. Bajwa we need a person like RS .. Although he ould not conclude anything but he started all this .. He had a spine to start this ... Now we need you to borrow same spine to conclude this ... otherwise, all of your reputation will be lost and once we lost faith on the country there will be no country .... look at Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Libya ... We trust you ... We trust you to take hard decisions ... Dont break our trust like politicians ....
I don't like to get emotional on single event but the what I see we might not be in for a lot of joy.
Shame... By not prosecuting and punishing them, they have come out victorious... Just wait for them now..to become more vicious and committ worse blasphemy than before, God forbid..... I dont understand...tht when our establishment didnt have the guts to stand up to foreign pressure, why did they pick them up in the first place, gave them prominence, and then left them free? By this, made them heroes, for so called civil society... Shamee

As long as state will not prosecute bhensas, there will be more and more mumtaz qadris... State just cant act one sidedly... If state will not punish such ppl, public will then take laws in their own hands, like mumtaz qadri and then same state instituitions will blame public for extremism...but then state instituitions will have only themselves to blame...

On one side, our instituitions sets bhensas free, under foreign pressure, and executes qadris..this will only give rise to more lawlessness, extremism and intolerance..... Very shameful behavior of our instituitions... Cowards are sitting in our instituitions who couldnt sustain foreign pressure..and hence couldnt punish such ppl.....As a Muslim and Pakistani, i feel ashamed today
Some people insulted my Allah and my Prophet SAW and we as a nation collectively were paralysed by few on tv screens. Shameless nation. Please call it anything but Islamic republic of Pakistan. I wont mourn its demise anymore.
@django @CHI RULES @sady
now ISI will a least watch those who will come for consoling and advocating them... and will tap their phone.

Then what? ISI will watch their advocates, will then pick them up....they will become heroes for civil society and become famous, and then will release them after they have gained enough fame.,,,and then will repeat such acts more viciously...and cycle will continue...
Wait for Allah's justice .
Why are you all so disappointed ?
Allah helps those who help themselves. If Waqas Goraya is behind Bhensa page then justice should be served to him according to the law of Pakistan.
Off topic: coward PA cant do anything to 4 unknows i wonder will any action be ever taken against corrupt zardaris or miyans or asims or dollar baby doll!
Allah helps those who help themselves. If Waqas Goraya is behind Bhensa page then justice should be served to him according to the law of Pakistan.

To be honest this internet has destroyed our lives .

More than taking good benefits , we used it wrongly .
Just look what these people got by using internet wrongly .
Off topic: coward PA cant do anything to 4 unknows i wonder will any action be ever taken against corrupt zardaris or miyans or asims or dollar baby doll!
I have always been an avid supporter of Pak Army. My 3 gens are linked to PA. I have never been so ashamed of it as I am today. There will be many officers and Jawans perturbed by this. If they created 5 more Tarek Fatahs either court Martial the one behind this debacle or remove Jihaad fee sabillilah from the Armys moto.
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@django @CHI RULES @sady
now ISI will a least watch those who will come for consoling and advocating them... and will tap their phone.
Problem is these swines will flee as they know no momeen will let them live in their version of peace and tranquility which to them is to insult, Islam and concept of Pakistan and Pak military
blasphemy and corruption rules are applicable only for minorities and poor people of Pakistan, I was hoping there molested bodies will be found near sira e alamgir river..but Yaa now they are back and they will hurt our feelings more after moving aboard
To be honest this internet has destroyed our lives .

More than taking good benefits , we used it wrongly .
Just look what these people got by using internet wrongly .
It's failure of our state who takes no interest in feelings of millions of Pakistanis. We as a nation should be ashamed of our inability to punish blasphemers of Rasool Allah. Don't know how people ruling this nation would face Rasool Allah on the day of judgment.
Hello every body,I am new here .Could You please tell me how to post?(my english
is not very good,thank you)
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