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Bengali “Language Movement” for Dummies

This language thing was real political movement. People gave it color with time. Main thing was as majority and real producer of pakistan, Bengalis just wanted to be the dominating force in national power. But west people never wanted that to happen. Western nationalism given birth to Bengal nationalism. And when it was inevitable to give power to the Bengalis. They loose their ethnic Army at mid night to wash off their hands from Bengal knowing the consequences and possible Indian interference. Ultimate goal was to exchange Kashmir with Bengal. They thought Kashmiris are more brotherly to them than black poor Bengalis and Muslim brotherhood didnt mean anything to them. Secret meeting between Bhutto and Yahya. It is said Bengalis could rule India or Pakistan if united today. Religious and Political intolerance at best let go those chances.
It is Indian generosity that they never occupied BD. When in the world it happened that loosing several people and money on foreign land one winning force never taken advantage of losing side. See for example world war 1 and 2. Still today Germany has to pay the price. If India taking advantage on BD today, that is because of the historical mistake of Bangladeshis to go united with a foreign west land in 1947. Why they brought war on Bangladesh when Bangladeshis were more pakistani than the pakistani themselves? The imperialist thirst of west pakistanis are fully responsible to break pakistan and happy at the same time to let go BD. And today we have to see this pathetic dance of people like @khair_ctg in the name of religion everyday repeatedly.
because of India imposing this Hindu nationalist system in 1971, we have to see this pathetic dance of people like "bongbang" in the name of religion everyday repeatedly. that religion is Islamophobic "Bengali" Nationalism. right here you cannot even tolerate people "dancing" in the name of this one particular religion (that one we consider one true faith)
If India taking advantage on BD today, that is because of the historical mistake of Bangladeshis to go united with a foreign west land in 1947
wow. so basically India punished us in 1971, and continues to do so, because we were together with West Pakistan in 1947? India would be okay if East and Pakistan had separate governments?

wouldn't India be even more okay if Pakistan became Punjabdesh and adopted a Hindu nationalist song as its national anthem?

if today's Pakistan was foreign west land, then today's Bangladesh was also foreign...east land.
It is Indian generosity that they never occupied BD.
most classic part
One thing i like to add, Bollywood movies are popular across Subcontinent upto Afghanistan also. Why?
Its because these are in Hindi/Urdu. That means if Bengalis cant speak Urdu, they at-least understand it. Majority of Bangladesh populaces is muslim. I also assume that they read Quran, which is in Arabic. The alphabets of Arabic and Urdu / Farsi are 99% same. If someone can read Arabic, he can easily read Urdu/Persian with ease.
That is an advantage of Urdu, which is not available with Bangla.
We in Pakistan cant read/Write or understand Bangla, but go to any ethnic group of Pakistan (Baloch, Punjabi, Sindhi, Hazara, Brohi, Kashmiri, Sindhi) they can read understand urdu. There is no super logic behind that, its just because Quran unite us on this through its Arabic alphabetic system.

I would like to see more comments on these from @idune @khair_ctg @Al-zakir @asad71
One thing i like to add, Bollywood movies are popular across Subcontinent upto Afghanistan also. Why?
Its because these are in Hindi/Urdu. That means if Bengalis cant speak Urdu, they at-least understand it. Majority of Bangladesh populaces is muslim. I also assume that they read Quran, which is in Arabic. The alphabets of Arabic and Urdu / Farsi are 99% same. If someone can read Arabic, he can easily read Urdu/Persian with ease.
That is an advantage of Urdu, which is not available with Bangla.
We in Pakistan cant read/Write or understand Bangla, but go to any ethnic group of Pakistan (Baloch, Punjabi, Sindhi, Hazara, Brohi, Kashmiri, Sindhi) they can read understand urdu. There is no super logic behind that, its just because Quran unite us on this through its Arabic alphabetic system.

I would like to see more comments on these from @idune @khair_ctg @Al-zakir @asad71
I would say all Bangladeshis understand Urdu. Most can speak the language when required - say visiting India, Pakistan,Dubai,etc.Urdu is an easy language to pick up.The British used to learn it while traveling to SA by ship. It is quite close to all languages/dialects used in northern SA.However, Bangla is formidable going by numbers.
wow. so basically India punished us in 1971, and continues to do so, because we were together with West Pakistan in 1947? India would be okay if East and Pakistan had separate governments?

wouldn't India be even more okay if Pakistan became Punjabdesh and adopted a Hindu nationalist song as its national anthem?

if today's Pakistan was foreign west land, then today's Bangladesh was also foreign...east land.

You dont understand right. United pakistan opened a door to India for interference. West Pakistanis looked down on Bengalis. So Bengalis separated themselves from west with help from India. If BD was created first, no interference happened if people never started chaos. When there is division among people anyone can take advantage. For giving power to west pakistanis of pakistan they can played monopoly with the fate of east. That was deception of the century west pakistanis made. Said Bengalis we are here to protect and brothers. But unleashed ethnic Army middle of the night on unarmed Bengali.

Yes East and West is foreign. Religion isnt all. Different people different nationalism.

One thing i like to add, Bollywood movies are popular across Subcontinent upto Afghanistan also. Why?
Its because these are in Hindi/Urdu. That means if Bengalis cant speak Urdu, they at-least understand it. Majority of Bangladesh populaces is muslim. I also assume that they read Quran, which is in Arabic. The alphabets of Arabic and Urdu / Farsi are 99% same. If someone can read Arabic, he can easily read Urdu/Persian with ease.
That is an advantage of Urdu, which is not available with Bangla.
We in Pakistan cant read/Write or understand Bangla, but go to any ethnic group of Pakistan (Baloch, Punjabi, Sindhi, Hazara, Brohi, Kashmiri, Sindhi) they can read understand urdu. There is no super logic behind that, its just because Quran unite us on this through its Arabic alphabetic system.

Most Bangladeshis dont understand what is written Arabic in Quran. They just read it out loud.
Only understandable with help of Bengali.

Things were different 50-70 years ago. No TV to learn Hindi/Urdu. Without interaction of people no one could learn Urdu. Only some percent of Bengalis knew Urdu. Today at least 50% Bangladeshis understand Urdu mixed Hindi.

because of India imposing this Hindu nationalist system in 1971, we have to see this pathetic dance of people like "bongbang" in the name of religion everyday repeatedly. that religion is Islamophobic "Bengali" Nationalism. right here you cannot even tolerate people "dancing" in the name of this one particular religion (that one we consider one true faith)

No one stopping peaceful preaching of any religion. Its your brain farting these fictions. Your slave mind always needs fictional satanic enemy characters. Now in BD its Bengali nationalism. This satan varies in different places.
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interesting. i did not know this.

Actually, even the guys who were killed did not know this, this information was very well suppressed; for political reasons.

I'm no historian, but what I can tell you is that very, very few Bengalis in East Pakistan spoke and wrote Urdu.

There are many languages in South Asia in each and every distinct sub-culture and history.

But that contradicts the very narrative that is being sought to be peddled here...... :D
an account from around the year 1900 said that 'many' Muslims in mufassals and large towns in Bengal practiced Urdu. and among the Bengalis from whom Urdu was not a mother tongue, Urdu was prevalent only among the educated. considering the extreme illiteracy of Muslims of Bengal by that time, i will agree the number of Bengalis who practiced Urdu as first or second language was "few".

You dont understand right. United pakistan opened a door to India for interference. West Pakistanis looked down on Bengalis. So Bengalis separated themselves from west with help from India. If BD was created first, no interference if people never start chaos. When there is division among people anyone can take advantage.

Yes East and West is foreign. Religion isnt all. Different people different nationalism.

Wow....I didn't even know where to begin :lol:

@khair_ctg So, what do you propose we do? Somehow unlearn the Bengali language and adopt Urdu all of the sudden just because it's more Arabish to feel more Muslimish? It sounds highly unrealistic. Utterly wasteful.

Pakistan is a largely inconsequential nation for Bangladesh. India is complicated. There's no undo option here. Just do.

For the record, the Urdu language sound very much like Hindi. In fact, an Indian would understand every word a Pakistani is saying. So in essence, doesn't that make just another pagan language in disguise? Isn't that deceitful?

In fact, the Arabs were pagans themselves at one time. Therefore, we are all pagans? :woot: What language do the High Heavens speak then? Do you know? I don't.

Look, there is no sanction in Islam approving/disapproving languages. Bengali is there among Muslims of the world just like Chinese, Russian, Urdu, Farsi, English and many more. They are here to stay, like it or not.

Though, I agree about the general intolerance in the Politics of Bangladesh. It's a dead place, filled with dead ideas (just like yours). And I'd the same to people like @Al-zakir , @bongbang and and a bunch of others. You are really not helping here.
বাঙলার মুসলিম বিজয় বাংলা ভাষাকে উচ্চতর সাহিত্যের আসনে উন্নিত করতে মুল ভুমিকা রেখেছে। দীনেশ চন্দ্র সেন তাঁর History of Bengali Language and Literature এ লিখেছেনঃ

"This elevation of Bengali to a literary status was brought about by several influences, of which the Mahammadan conquest was undoubtedly one of the foremost. If the Hindu Kings had continued to enjoy independence, Bengali would scarcely have got an opportunity to find its way to the courts of Kings."

"কয়েকটি প্রভাবের কারণে বাংলা ভাষা উচ্চতর সাহিত্যের স্তরে উন্নিত হয়েছে তার মধ্যে নিঃসন্দেহে সবচেয়ে উল্লেখযোগ্য হল মুসলিম বিজয়। যদি হিন্দু রাজারা স্বাধীনভাবে তাদের রাজত্ব চালাতে পারতো তবে বাংলা রাজদরবারে মোটেই প্রবেশের সুযোগ পেতনা।"

দীনেশ চন্দ্র সেন আরো বলছেন : ‘মুসলমানরা এইভাবে বাঙ্গালা ভাষাকে সুপ্রতিষ্ঠিত করিয়া আমাদের সাহিত্যে এক নূতন যুগ আনয়ন করিলেন। মুসলমান আগমনের পূর্বে বঙ্গভাষা কোনো কৃষক রমণীর মতো দীনহীন বেশে পল্লী কুটিরে বাস করিতেছিল।’ (দীনেশ চন্দ্র সেন, ‘প্রাচীন বাংলা সাহিত্যে মুসলমানদের আবদান')

প্রমথ চৌধুরী লিখেছেন “Bengali literature was born in Mahommaden Age.” অর্থাৎ, ‘বাংলা সাহিত্যের জন্ম মুসলিম যুগে।’ হরপ্রসাদ শাস্ত্রীও উল্লেখ করছেন, ‘আমাদের বাংলা বিভক্তি ‘রা’ ও ‘দের’ মুসলমানদের কাছ হইতে লওয়া। তা ছাড়া, আমরা কী করে ভুলে যাই চতুর্দশ শতাব্দীর মুসলমান সুলতান এবং রাজপুরুষদের কথা, যাদের পৃষ্ঠপোষকতায় বাংলা সাহিত্যে এক গৌরবময় অধ্যায় রচিত হয়?’

ভিনদেশী শাসকেরা বাঙলাকে ভালবেসে বুকে তুলে নেয়াতে বাঙলার মর্যাদা বাড়ল। স্থানীয় শাসকেরা এবং বাঙলার হিন্দু রাজারাও রাজদরবারে বাংলা ব্যবহার শুরু করলেন।
Wow....I didn't even know where to begin :lol:

@khair_ctg So, what do you propose we do? Somehow unlearn the Bengali language and adopt Urdu all of the sudden just because it's more Arabish to feel more Muslimish? It sounds highly unrealistic. Utterly wasteful.

Pakistan is a largely inconsequential nation for Bangladesh. India is complicated. There's no undo option here. Just do.
when ethnic Bengali Muslims used to practice Urdu before 1947, did they have to unlearn Bengali if they were Bengali native speakers?

are today's Pakistanis giving up Punjabi and Sindhi because they practice Urdu?

but why should we discard Urdu? because it sounds too Muslimish to the commies?
For the record, the Urdu language sound very much like Hindi. In fact, an Indian would understand every word a Pakistani is saying. So in essence, doesn't that make just another pagan language in disguise? Isn't that deceitful?
Loki i agree with you in a lot of cases, and disagree with as you well. but here, this is brain fart from you, or else, you show how illiterate you are not only about Pakistan or India or Bangladesh, but about your very self, and typing up some fantastic misinformation that are somehow not laughed at in Bangladeshi society.

Urdu has no exclusivity within today's Pakistan. for the sake of argument, Urdu might have exclusivity to today's Northern India. there is no adopting any new language here, and neither was there any adopting a new language when the United Pakistan leaders reinforced Urdu's continuation in West and East Pakistan as it has been the case for centuries.

pick up a book, or if your internet speed allows, do some online reading. at least my references should be a good starting point. or try to interact with a bit more diverse group of Bangladeshis, or travel or interact with other parts of the Subcontinent
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You dont understand right. United pakistan opened a door to India for interference. West Pakistanis looked down on Bengalis. So Bengalis separated themselves from west with help from India. If BD was created first, no interference happened if people never started chaos. When there is division among people anyone can take advantage. For giving power to west pakistanis of pakistan they can played monopoly with the fate of east. That was deception of the century west pakistanis made. Said Bengalis we are here to protect and brothers. But unleashed ethnic Army middle of the night on unarmed Bengali.
did West Pakistanis "look down" on Bengalis or Bengali leftists looked down on Bengalis? if Bengali leftists did not look down on Bengalis, then they would not feel the need to have India invade us, have India topple our 1947 framework, or keep justifying and even celebrating Indian colonization of East Pakistan as you are doing.

Even if East and West Pakistan were separate, India would still try to invade it. it would not have taken place in 1971, but much earlier, because East Pakistan/East Bengal's economy, geography and human capital could not sustain it as a sovereign land.

for the sovereignty to sustain for Muslims of the East, they needed the connection with Muslims of the West. even by 1971, not only was East Bengal still not self-dependent, but its lackluster economy, geography and human capital from 1947 led India/Indian agents to continue to dominate. it was because of these three handicaps that we could not hold off Indian forces before March 26 1971 or in Dec 1971 when the military invasion took place. the legacy of the three handicaps continue to be a drag on us as is exemplified by some people celebrating themselves' getting colonized by a hostile enemy.
Said Bengalis we are here to protect and brothers. But unleashed ethnic Army middle of the night on unarmed Bengali.
...because "West Pakistanis" suddenly became connoisseurs of the blood of Bengali people?

pro-Indian Bengali agents unleashed war on the existence of United Pakistan even before March 1971. and entire United Pakistan tried to defend themselves (this is not my opinion, but fact that EPis never entertained such Hindu nationalist ideas). unfortunately it was in the form of a poorly conducted "Operation Searchlight". the price was losing 70 million Pakistanis into a Hindu nationalist state, that even India largely chose not to become.

Actually, even the guys who were killed did not know this, this information was very well suppressed; for political reasons.
it was far from suppressed. it was propagated and mythified by Muslimphobes to their heart's content
But that contradicts the very narrative that is being sought to be peddled here...... :D
yes and no.

One thing i like to add, Bollywood movies are popular across Subcontinent upto Afghanistan also. Why?
Its because these are in Hindi/Urdu. That means if Bengalis cant speak Urdu, they at-least understand it. Majority of Bangladesh populaces is muslim. I also assume that they read Quran, which is in Arabic. The alphabets of Arabic and Urdu / Farsi are 99% same. If someone can read Arabic, he can easily read Urdu/Persian with ease.
That is an advantage of Urdu, which is not available with Bangla.
We in Pakistan cant read/Write or understand Bangla, but go to any ethnic group of Pakistan (Baloch, Punjabi, Sindhi, Hazara, Brohi, Kashmiri, Sindhi) they can read understand urdu. There is no super logic behind that, its just because Quran unite us on this through its Arabic alphabetic system.

I would like to see more comments on these from @idune @khair_ctg @Al-zakir @asad71
the current formal version of Bengali is a classical Hindu Brahmin language, made by Hindus and for Hindus. almost all Bengali speakers of Bangladesh speak their own dialects, not this formal classical Brahmin version. there used to be Musalman Bengali language written in Farsi-Arabi script, but did not become widespread literary medium due to Hindu domination+Muslim inclination to Farsi and Urdu. such scripts only exist in museums now.

বাঙলার মুসলিম বিজয় বাংলা ভাষাকে উচ্চতর সাহিত্যের আসনে উন্নিত করতে মুল ভুমিকা রেখেছে। দীনেশ চন্দ্র সেন তাঁর History of Bengali Language and Literature এ লিখেছেনঃ

"This elevation of Bengali to a literary status was brought about by several influences, of which the Mahammadan conquest was undoubtedly one of the foremost. If the Hindu Kings had continued to enjoy independence, Bengali would scarcely have got an opportunity to find its way to the courts of Kings."

"কয়েকটি প্রভাবের কারণে বাংলা ভাষা উচ্চতর সাহিত্যের স্তরে উন্নিত হয়েছে তার মধ্যে নিঃসন্দেহে সবচেয়ে উল্লেখযোগ্য হল মুসলিম বিজয়। যদি হিন্দু রাজারা স্বাধীনভাবে তাদের রাজত্ব চালাতে পারতো তবে বাংলা রাজদরবারে মোটেই প্রবেশের সুযোগ পেতনা।"

দীনেশ চন্দ্র সেন আরো বলছেন : ‘মুসলমানরা এইভাবে বাঙ্গালা ভাষাকে সুপ্রতিষ্ঠিত করিয়া আমাদের সাহিত্যে এক নূতন যুগ আনয়ন করিলেন। মুসলমান আগমনের পূর্বে বঙ্গভাষা কোনো কৃষক রমণীর মতো দীনহীন বেশে পল্লী কুটিরে বাস করিতেছিল।’ (দীনেশ চন্দ্র সেন, ‘প্রাচীন বাংলা সাহিত্যে মুসলমানদের আবদান')

প্রমথ চৌধুরী লিখেছেন “Bengali literature was born in Mahommaden Age.” অর্থাৎ, ‘বাংলা সাহিত্যের জন্ম মুসলিম যুগে।’ হরপ্রসাদ শাস্ত্রীও উল্লেখ করছেন, ‘আমাদের বাংলা বিভক্তি ‘রা’ ও ‘দের’ মুসলমানদের কাছ হইতে লওয়া। তা ছাড়া, আমরা কী করে ভুলে যাই চতুর্দশ শতাব্দীর মুসলমান সুলতান এবং রাজপুরুষদের কথা, যাদের পৃষ্ঠপোষকতায় বাংলা সাহিত্যে এক গৌরবময় অধ্যায় রচিত হয়?’

ভিনদেশী শাসকেরা বাঙলাকে ভালবেসে বুকে তুলে নেয়াতে বাঙলার মর্যাদা বাড়ল। স্থানীয় শাসকেরা এবং বাঙলার হিন্দু রাজারাও রাজদরবারে বাংলা ব্যবহার শুরু করলেন।
summary: Muslims enriched Bengali language. i agree. but if the Muslim-enriched Bengali he's talking about survived today, me and you would have been using a language that is more representative of us and a more superior language. however a formal Muslim Bengali language got defeated by a language that developed hastily in a Hindu supremacist environment under auspices of British colonizers. whatever is the case, one cannot show so much hatred for Urdu unless they are seriously allergic to the Muslim contribution to the history of this land.

Look, there is no sanction in Islam approving/disapproving languages.
but there is a sanction to eradicate any Muslimish language like Urdu? from a land where it has had a rich history in?
Urdu is the second language after Arabic for Muslims due to the number of islamic literature there is in Urdu. But yes i agree, sounds like Hindi, on a spoken it is identical to Hindi. However what khair is trying to say is that Urdu was never going to eradicate Bangla, they would co exist, side by side.
But yes i agree, sounds like Hindi, on a spoken it is identical to Hindi.

It's similar but not exactly same. If you know urdu then it's easy for you to distinguish between urdu and Hindi speaker. It's in accent and vocubalary.

Bangladeshi Bangla is not exactly same as indian bagla. we use more Arabic- persianize words than them. Our main problem is the hinduani script. We need to replace it with persianized one like Urdu.

Though, I agree about the general intolerance in the Politics of Bangladesh. It's a dead place, filled with dead ideas (just like yours). And I'd the same to people like @Al-zakir , @bongbang and and a bunch of others. You are really not helping here.

You came from ultra secular Bengali family. Although you guys claime to be muslim but you hang muslim hating mushrik Tagore protrait on you wall. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm going by your own admittance.
Bengali “Language Movement” for Dummies

Myth vs Reality (not exhaustive)

Myth 1: The “Language Movement” wanted the eradication of Urdu

Reality: the political activists participating in the “Language Movement” wanted Bengali to be side-by-side with Urdu as national languages of United Pakistan. In their official demands, they did NOT call for the eradication of Urdu from East Bengal.

Myth 2: West Pakistani leaders wanted to force Urdu language on East Pakistani Bengalis

Reality: Not just West Pakistan-based non-Bengali leaders, but also popularly elected East Pakistani Bengali leaders wanted to have Urdu as the sole national language of United Pakistan**. Moreover, each province would have their official provincial language(s), such as, Punjabi for Punjab, Bengali for Bengal, Pushto-Baloch for Pathan-Baloch areas, and so on.

Two important Pakistani politicians in power at that time most associated with dealing with the “Language Movement” were both Bengalis: Iskandar Mirza and Khwaja Nazimuddin.

So neither were only non-Bengali West Pakistanis supporting Urdu as sole national language, nor was any language forced on anyone from the government.

**some Bengali politicians, including Ghulam Azam and others were in favour of Bengali as another national language, besides Urdu, based on Bengalis being the largest ethnic group of Pakistanis. JeI later withdraw participation in the movement sensing larger agenda of leftists (but still favoured Bengali national language)

Myth 3: East Pakistani Bengalis fought a war against West Pakistani non-Bengalis to “save” Bengali language

Reality: in 21 Feb 1952, certain political activists demonstrated and called for Bengali to be a national language of United Pakistan (as if Bengali as official provincial language was not enough). This was the official political demand. But the unofficial political rhetoric was that this was a “struggle to save the eradication of Bengali”, which was a complete lie. However the lie lives on in the minds of many Bangladeshis even today, owing to our culture of ignorance and a tendency to surrender to the fascist leftists.

Myth 4: the 1971 India-Pakistan war was a war between East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and West Pakistan (Pakistan) based on language

Reality: United Pakistan already adopted Bengali as one of two national languages of United Pakistan back in 1956. The other national language was Urdu.

Bengali was made national language of United Pakistan, even though it was unfair. It’s because Bengali was a provincial language (its use is limited to Bengal). whereas Urdu was a pan-South Asian language; Urdu has been used throughout South Asian subcontinent.

Myth 5: Muhammad Ali Jinnah was against Bengali people and hurt the sentiments of Bengali people

Reality: M.A. Jinnah’s party’s most important electorate province was Bengal and some his closest colleagues were Bengali. M.A. Jinnah was a leader of a party that itself was founded in Bengal. And neither was Quaid-e-Azam against Bengalis nor did he hurt Bengalis’ sentiments, except the “sentiments” of a few politically charged radicals, by declaring Urdu to be the ONLY national language of United Pakistan. M.A. Jinnah arguably was aware of Bengal’s culture and the importance of Urdu in Bengal.

Myth 6: Urdu was a West Pakistani language

Reality: Urdu is the mother tongue of only 10% of the people of today’s Pakistan (former W. Pakistan), and most of that 10% have background in India, Bangladesh and even Burma. The most spoken first language of former West Pakistan is Punjabi.

Urdu has been present in Bengal roughly in its current form since around 1600s, as it did throughout other parts of North India and up to Punjab and beyond. Since Urdu developed from much before in forms like Khariboli, its presence in Bengal is much older. Bengal’s people and culture influenced the formal Urdu language itself, and also created informal variants such as the Urdu dialect associated with Old Dhaka and a Laknawi offshoot associated with Calcutta.

Myth 7: 21st February marks a day when brave but ordinary students expressed their love for mother tongue

Reality: 21st February marks a day when certain political activists or political cadres expressed their hate for a mother tongue and a literary language of Bengal and Bengalis, i.e. Urdu.

The 21st February agitation was a political operation that was aimed at arousing hatred for a Muslim heritage of Bengalis. This was done by certain radical quarters who aroused anti-West Pakistan and anti-Bengali-Muslim sentiments at the same time. They hoped to take advantage of the high illiteracy of Bengali Muslims, to distance Bengali Muslims from their roots and to destroy any Muslim identity in Bengal. they hoped to distance the Urdu-speaking Bengalis from the non-Urdu-speaking ones, to distance Bengalis from non-Bengalis.

The 21st February agitation led to mass hatred and violence on a language and people. The UN International Mother Language day which is on the same day still does not acknowledge the mass crimes committed, and a culture of intolerance and ignorance developed around the Bengali “Language Movement” on which the date of the UN day is based on. Ironically, the intolerance and ignorance is towards other languages of Bangladeshis.

"(Re)Constitution of Muslim Selves in Colonial Bengal" by Samantha Arnold in Identity and Global Politics (2004) - Identity and Global Politics: Theoretical and Empirical Elaborations - Google Books

Musalmani Bangla and its transformation | Page 10

@Md Akmal @Al-zakir, @monitor, @kobiraaz, @Saiful Islam, @asad71, @Armstrong, @bongbang, @M_Saint, @T-Rex, @Tameem, @genmirajborgza786

Good to know jamat version of Language movement in BD :o:.. Good attempt to reconstruct the Bengali language and freedom movement in light of Jamat ideology :haha:

Now please explain the same to UNESCO which declared 21st Feb as International language day which recognised BD's sacrifice for language. First in the world.
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I would like to see more comments on these from @idune @khair_ctg @Al-zakir @asad71

Bd is pecullir state. It's people ideologically divided. I do not know exact figure since there has been no scientific reserch conducted on this subject but some of our people go by Muslim first and some Bengali first.

Our spoken Bangla is fine. It has heavy influence of Farsi. It could have another normal Pakistani local language if we could have adopt persianize script. I think there was an attempt but it failed due to failure of east Pakistani Muslim league leadership. They didn't try hard enough to send the message to gullible Muslim that how it was important for nation hood and deen.

Our main problem has been hindunize script and subsequent effect of Hindu literature by Hindu writer like Tagore. They were Hindu so they wrote based on Hindu culture. Their writing were directed toward Hindu population but so called Bengal muslim embrace them as their own. As a result chunk of our people think like half Hindu. They feel much close to Tagore than Iqbal.

I'm extremely sorry to see islam based literature written by Allama Iqbal has been confined in madrasa education in BD.
when ethnic Bengali Muslims used to practice Urdu before 1947, did they have to unlearn Bengali if they were Bengali native speakers?

And how long ago was that? Apart from those slum-dwelling Biharis, name me any group of Bangladeshis that speak Urdu now? Let alone willing?

are today's Pakistanis giving up Punjabi and Sindhi because they practice Urdu?

but why should we discard Urdu? because it sounds too Muslimish to the commies?

And where did I say that Urdu should be discarded? Did I discriminate against Urdu?

I'm just going by your logic as to how the "Hinduness" of Bengali language is a problem. And all that in the name Islam. I mean, what the **** is that!?

Loki i agree with you in a lot of cases, and disagree with as you well. but here, this is brain fart from you, or else, you show how illiterate you are not only about Pakistan or India or Bangladesh, but about your very self, and typing up some fantastic misinformation that are somehow not laughed at in Bangladeshi society.

Nah. They'll just say that a lot of folks died during the language movement which sparked the flame.

That's it.

Urdu has no exclusivity within today's Pakistan. for the sake of argument, Urdu might have exclusivity to today's Northern India. there is no adopting any new language here, and neither was there any adopting a new language when the United Pakistan leaders reinforced Urdu's continuation in West and East Pakistan as it has been the case for centuries.

Okay. So? What's the use of crying over spilled milk?

pick up a book, or if your internet speed allows, do some online reading. at least my references should be a good starting point. or try to interact with a bit more diverse group of Bangladeshis, or travel or interact with other parts of the Subcontinent

Is that another way of saying that Bangladeshis in Bangladesh have slow Internet speed? You'd be surprised how far it has come since the early 2000's.

I don't know where you are from, and what kind of people you run into. Bangladeshis, in Bangladesh for the record prefer to live at present, and not the past. And that's all it matters.

You came from ultra secular Bengali family. Although you guys claime to be muslim but you hang muslim hating mushrik Tagore protrait on you wall. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm going by your own admittance.

And why do you think I tagged that closet Awami Leaguer bongbang? Who's Tagore?

You guys are just propelling your views based on dead/dying ideas that have never flourished due to socio-cultural and class barriers. Perhaps that applied to the Muslim nationalism in the post partition period. The same currently applies to the AL and it's ideas.


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