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Being Pakistani and atheist a dangerous combo, but some ready to brave it

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Btw Sur, there is no spontaneous evolution theory. Evolution of humans took around 4.4 million to 6 million years. If you think that is spontaneous then you must be a wizard.

Seriously get educated please.
I am just waiting for someone to call it a Jewish Conspiracy :D

but yeah we do exist, even in Pakistan. Most people are there because they see that religion in fact has done more harm than good to Pakistan

Good to see you after a long long time :)

To all atheist scholars I have only one question
"Why I was born when I didn't wisht to be, neither I wanted to be a part of this world, then why I was born. why I took birth" ??
Only South Asian fools would claim to be British...I for one never claim nor would want to. I know I don't really belong here, am simply the son of migrant workers, and once my country gets back on it's feet, I will return.
So I don't need to be patriotic, am 'loyal' in the sense that I do no wish any harm to the UK etc.

But this scenario is totally different.

It should. Pakistan was built on Islam for Muslims...if they population of Atheists and such rises to be equal or more than half, why wouldn't they want to break free from this identity which was imposed on them by their Muslim 'brethren'?

What good will your professing love for one country do when you dream of it becoming sort of like "England". Your loyalties only lie to your selfish existence and nothing more. Pakistan is for everyone especially those who are not muslims. If you have any problems with it you can bring all the muslim Pakistanis living abroad that have a problem with it and raise your concerns here. The only condition to being a Pakistani should be that he should actually be in Pakistan.
"Why I was born when I didn't wisht to be, neither I wanted to be a part of this world, then why I was born. why I took birth" ??

Technically the choice or wish of not being born should"ve taken place when you still in the womb, and i doubt any baby has such high level of brain functionality that can produce such thoughts.
Good to see you after a long long time :)

To all atheist scholars I have only one question
"Why I was born when I didn't wisht to be, neither I wanted to be a part of this world, then why I was born. why I took birth" ??

Well, you should ask your parents, um do i have to spell it out.

"You" didnt take birth, as a matter of fact, the "birth" took you. To say you took birth, would be to say that you existed before, and then "took birth". you have not yet proved this.

all busibodies are always thinking about "why" ? do not impose human rationality on the universe. the universe has no purpose to be the way it is. purpose is a human concept. if the universe would have been in some other way, and you had been born in the small Hawaiian island of Kuai, there would still be no " reason" .

abrahamic religions as a rule are insecure about themselves.

so they console themselves by when other people "convert" to their religion.

that belief in numbers, that belief in the crowd, shows your lack of confidence in yourself.
Well, you should ask your parents, um do i have to spell it out.

"You" didnt take birth, as a matter of fact, the "birth" took you. To say you took birth, would be to say that you existed before, and then "took birth". you have not yet proved this.

all busibodies are always thinking about "why" ? do not impose human rationality on the universe. the universe has no purpose to be the way it is. purpose is a human concept. if the universe would have been in some other way, and you had been born in the small Hawaiian island of Kuai, there would still be no " reason" .
Sir if their is no purpose life than life is not even worth of living a ball cannot even come into existence on its own and you want to tell me this huge Universe came into existence without any creator

Well, you should ask your parents, um do i have to spell it out.

"You" didnt take birth, as a matter of fact, the "birth" took you. To say you took birth, would be to say that you existed before, and then "took birth". you have not yet proved this.

all busibodies are always thinking about "why" ? do not impose human rationality on the universe. the universe has no purpose to be the way it is. purpose is a human concept. if the universe would have been in some other way, and you had been born in the small Hawaiian island of Kuai, there would still be no " reason" .

abrahamic religions as a rule are insecure about themselves.

so they console themselves by when other people "convert" to their religion.

that belief in numbers, that belief in the crowd, shows your lack of confidence in yourself.
That is the slap on the face of those who talk about Atheism and other **** and also for those who talk against Islam
Good to see you after a long long time :)

To all atheist scholars I have only one question
"Why I was born when I didn't wisht to be, neither I wanted to be a part of this world, then why I was born. why I took birth" ??

WHAT IS " I " ?
Or to rephrase what you've just said: Hinduism is the only religion which openly accepted it's falsity??

Please dont exhibit your stupidity by commenting here without knowing anything about hinduism.

Hinduism is not one created by one person & binded just in one book. You cannot bind it like other religions are binded. Its a tradition of thoughts, it evovled through thinkings of generations, it accomodates all the school of thoughts right from monotheism , polytheism to atheism.Its a continous & non-ending search of truth or God. People are allowed to follow any fair path to reach the Supreme Salvation or Nirvana or Mukti.

We Hindus even respect islam like it is,to us every human is born as hindu irrespective of his parent's religion. People become christian or jew or muslim after they surrender faith to single God & start believe in limited sects of thoughts.

Do u know whats Baptism in christianity? Even in Islam, Childrens are not required and should not be forced to pray or perform islamic rituals until they attain puberty (though its good to encourage them to pray after 7 years age) so what are they before surrendering to certain faith??

and what does it mean?? It means Hinduism is like a mother which can accomodate all other faiths in itself... its a way of life & makes its own way ....rather than following rigid texts of order & commands....Hinduism allows you to study,learn (other religions too) & than decide whats best & logical path.

Buddhism, Sikhism,Jainism, atheism evolved from Hinduism only because Hinduism allows freedom of thoughts & beliefs....it focusses on inner things peace & spirituality rather than external things like religious unity & political supremacy.

Atheists are the most annoying people on Earth. They are real life trolls.

Also they are most Happy & hardworking people on Earth , they dont depend on God.
They dont beg for something they dont deserve.They dont feel threatened if somebody dont believe what they dont believe.
Please dont exhibit your stupidity by commenting here without knowing anything about hinduism.

Hinduism is not one created by one person & binded just in one book. You cannot bind it like other religions are binded. Its a tradition of thoughts, it evovled through thinkings of generations, it accomodates all the school of thoughts right from monotheism , polytheism to atheism.Its a continous & non-ending search of truth or God. People are allowed to follow any fair path to reach the Supreme Salvation or Nirvana or Mukti.

We Hindus even respect islam like it is,to us every human is born as hindu irrespective of his parent's religion. People become christian or jew or muslim after they surrender faith to single God & start believe in limited sects of thoughts.

Do u know whats Baptism in christianity? Even in Islam, Childrens are not required and should not be forced to pray or perform islamic rituals until they attain puberty (though its good to encourage them to pray after 7 years age) so what are they before surrendering to certain faith??

and what does it mean?? It means Hinduism is like a mother which can accomodate all other faiths in itself... its a way of life & makes its own way ....rather than following rigid texts of order & commands....Hinduism allows you to study,learn (other religions too) & than decide whats best & logical path.

Buddhism, Sikhism,Jainism, atheism evolved from Hinduism only because Hinduism allows freedom of thoughts & beliefs....it focusses on inner things peace & spirituality rather than external things like religious unity & political supremacy.

Also they are most Happy & hardworking people on Earth , they dont depend on God.
They dont beg for something they dont deserve.They dont feel threatened if somebody dont believe what they dont believe.
Still they believe in something still the directly or indirectly believe in something
God is a freak show who just intends to make people submissive to him out of their fear for god blessed hell. God is the biggest terrorist one can ever have.
God is a freak show who just intends to make people submissive to him out of their fear for god blessed hell. God is the biggest terrorist one can ever have.

Not all religions or Gods threaten eternal hellfire if you don't worship him...:azn:
God or religion is not a box of chocolate that you choose whichever will punish you less. :tup:

but the punishment is eminent from the all hail "the merciful" just say to him hey dude you dont exist....at least he wrote books about that.
Still they believe in something still the directly or indirectly believe in something

Your answer partially lies in Russellpeter's Post # 87

Believing or Non-believing is process of mind. Hinduism focusses on spiritual level...Aaatma & Parmaatma....
Its aim attain to supreme union with God in final by cleanising your sins through good karmas .... not just by believing/disbelieving.

We have examples of Pundlik & Shravan who got salvation by serving their old & helpless parents.
We have examples of Karna who won swargaa by his rightful acts & Dharma even when he was fighting against God Himself. They had good karmas.

Its not necessary to believe something to be too religious for being hindu .... if just have good karmas though you are non-practicing hindu you are as good as any pandit who prays or recites verses all the day.

I am not really correct & deserving person to explain all this, because I know only a drop of ocean of Philosophy of Hinduism. Those who are interested about Hinduism should read Jiddu Krishnamurti & Swami Vivekanand !!

God or religion is not a box of chocolate that you choose whichever will punish you less. :tup:

Neither it is a prison which you cant break if you dont feel free or logical in remaining in it.
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