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Being Pakistani and atheist a dangerous combo, but some ready to brave it

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Hey now, we are not the insecure bunch that puts people to death because they don't believe in Hinduism anymore. We don't keep passing fatwas on meaningless matters like girls wearing make-up or body-scanners being un-Hinduism.

You can tell that there is a very big sense of insecurity in Islam in general, the Muslim Mullahs and elites almost know for a fact that if they don't intimidate people with death threats and blackmailing through Fatwas, then Islam will die out.

Not really, most places in the world you'll see many Muslims don't even go mosque, mullahs haven't done anything about it. However Hindu banya is about "your ancestors were hindu, convert back or death."
Yay welcome to the non-crazy rational thinking group PAA and Pakistanis. There does not seem to be many atheists/agnostics in Pakistan, but with more education things will hopefully change :yahoo:

No a great majority hates this lunacy called Atheism. Don't be over optimistic for things that are simply not going to happen.
Not really, most places in the world you'll see many Muslims don't even go mosque, mullahs haven't done anything about it. However Hindu banya is about "your ancestors were hindu, convert back or death."

The 200 odd million Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jews and Parsis who are Indians (and still alive) would probably disagree with you.

I was born in a Hindu family, and turned atheist at 15 to 16-ish. I have broken about every rule there is to break, like eating beef. Know thousands of still practising Hindus in my family and friends circle (parents are pretty conservative Hindus too), never had anyone threaten me to convert back or die, and was happily accepted by everyone. This is why despite not being a practicing Hindu, I still defend Hinduism against hate-mongering people like yourself.

No a great majority hates this lunacy called Atheism. Don't be over optimistic for things that are simply not going to happen.

I know bro, I can see how much Pakistan hates Atheism. You guys contemplated passing a bill to kill them in 2006 as per the news article. But as I said in my post earlier, as general Pakistanis get more educated and become more logical/rational-thinking (rather than thinking with emotions), they will become more atheistic.

All religions were a tool used in ancient times to control the masses and provide made-up answers to questions that people did not have the scientific knowledge to answer 1000 years ago. There is no need for religion in today's modern world, science has answered a lot of these questions.
i never saw any middle class atheist..... The few i saw were childern of rich business or industrialists with all facilities available at door step mommy daddy type......

The main reason of religion and belief in our country is that when we loose hope from everybody we go to him (The ONE). And not debating that he exist or not it give some satisfaction and hope to people. And I myself got back from a very dark period and it all happened because of that Hope.
I know bro, I can see how much Pakistan hates Atheism. You guys contemplated passing a bill to kill them in 2006 as per the news article. But as I said in my post earlier, as general Pakistanis get more educated and become more logical/rational-thinking (rather than thinking with emotions), they will become more atheistic.

All religions were a tool used in ancient times to control the masses and provide made-up answers to questions that people did not have the scientific knowledge to answer 1000 years ago. There is no need for religion in today's modern world, science has answered a lot of these questions.

Who told you that education leads to Atheism?

And how do you know that Atheism itself isn't illogical?
I am perfectly happy being an atheist.. I told my parents ( Hindus), I have no faith in GOD about 4 years ago. They were fine with it, even as my father is an ardent follower of lord Balaji.. They were graceful to accept what I am. I know many atheists around me too. I would think India has at least 20-30% atheists even if they claim to belong to a religion.

Who told you that education leads to Atheism?

And how do you know that Atheism itself isn't illogical?

Its not our claim that by not following a particular GOD, you will burn in hell fire.. Atheists are just happy to lead their life in their own way..So the onus of proof is on religious people.. An educated person should not believe in anything without proofs. Most educated people consider religion to be a fallacy to dissuade an enterprising mind.
Its not our claim that by not following a particular GOD, you will burn in hell fire.. Atheists are just happy to lead their life in their own way..So the onus of proof is on religious people.. An educated person should not believe in anything without proofs. Most educated people consider religion to be a fallacy to dissuade an enterprising mind.

I know many educated people who are theist. Who told you that educated people believe in atheism?

In fact I am educated an I consider Atheism to be a BS.
the hindu (religion ?) has no concept of theism. theism is a western concept.

most mainstream hindus are monists, monism eventually denies the existence of a seperate "God".

the so called Buddhists and jains are also atheists, dont go by the size of Jain temples.

In classical hinduism, not much importance is given to belief. Realization is more important. Having merely a belief changes nothing.

the Sikhs come close to the western idea of theism. And maybe Hare Krishnas. The rest do not subscribe to the prevalent western philosophical idea of "Theism".

that said, people who dont believe in "God" are accepted well in Hindu society. Interestingly many jains will be found going to hindu temples, despite Jainism denying the idea of creator god.

The upanishads also reject the idea of a God that creates.
Atheists are more hate mongering than any group out there go to any news story about Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism it doesn't matter and read the comments its usually full of atheists going crazy insulting the faith in question with nonsense that has little to anything to do with the faith in general.
Well there are many Atheists and "wanna be Westerners" in Pakistan. I even know idiots who think that they are "rational" just because they don't believe in God ... :lol: Even here , on PDF , many "Atheists" are dumb enough to think themselves as more "rational" just because they don't believe in God. Many Atheists think that they are "believers" of science and rational people and hence they don't believe in "superstition" ..the problem is ...when you ask them about science in details and counter philosophical arguments of theists , like Kalam Cosmological Argument , the "scientific wanna be rational" Atheists look at you like :blink: lol

As long as anyone is Pakistani and respects Pakistan and isn't a wanna be western dumbass ...I am perfectly alright with him/her. If any Pakistani (Even Muslim ) acts like a wanna be Westerner then they can *****************
Atheists are the most annoying people on Earth. They are real life trolls.

I have atheist friends they are so annoying when it comes to faith always posting stuff on my Facebook wall that they fetch off of youtube to try and prove their claims LOL but I find that when it comes to all Atheists when you question them in person they get shaken they are more of the internet warrior types.
Well there are many Atheists and "wanna be Westerners" in Pakistan. I even know idiots who think that they are "rational" just because they don't believe in God ... :lol: Even here , on PDF , many "Atheists" are dumb enough to think themselves as more "rational" just because they don't believe in God. Many Atheists think that they are "believers" of science and rational people and hence they don't believe in "superstition" ..the problem is ...when you ask them about science in details and counter philosophical arguments of theists , like Kalam Cosmological Argument , the "scientific wanna be rational" Atheists look at you like :blink: lol

As long as anyone is Pakistan and respects Pakistan and isn't a wanna be western dumbass ...I am perfectly alright with him/her. If any Pakistani (Even Muslim ) acts like a wanna be Westerner then they can *****************

ISLOO kids. :disagree:
I have a number of very vocal atheist friends, I myself am agnostic and very vocal about my issues with religion. However, neither my friends nor have I had to face lynching at the hands of mullahs. Why? Because we don't go around mouthing off and insulting other people's beliefs. You won't find me questioning religion in North Waziristan, that's for sure, but anywhere else. It really isn't an issue. Yes, people may think bad of you, but they are entitled to their opinion, I can't change that. Though I would like to reiterate that the situation isn't as bad as the OP paints it to be.
To all those who say "we are educated, we are logical and yet we are theist"...

Do you guys believe in evolution ?
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