No active participation on part of China in the geopolitical game played around the ISIS. We see that the only sincere actors in the Syrian theater are the Syrian Army, Russia/Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah. The rest are still playing the little geopolitical games, with Obama doing romantic theatrics with dictators like Saudi Arabia and Qatar on the "future of Assad."
How cute!
ISIS is toast; it is politically super correct to hate ISIS these days. The point was to abhor ISIS from the very beginning like China and Russia did and stayed on that line.
Obama, getting involved in the Middle East more deeply now, has twisted and turned so many times that lots of seasoned belly dancers are having difficulty to follow up.
Now ISIS is everybody's enemy. Even Democratic Congo Air Force can come and drop a few bombs on Raqqa if it wishes some live training for its armed forces and the world will clap in ecstasy.
Here, they want to blur the bigger strategic picture. Do not blind your vision with the apparently big tree (ISIS) and miss out on the even bigger forest (foreign-backed Jihadist terrorism in Syria that the US and its allies now work to market as the moderates).
There is a
war of terror list going on behind the doors as we speak, do you know that?
Qatar, Turkey, KSA, USA, UK and the likes are working on a terror list as to who to put there. And every one of them is working to keep their own terrorists safe and off the list. Turkey have lots of terrorist groups under their direct nutrition, for example, active in the west of Euphrates.
If you honestly wish to end the war, help Russia seal off the rest of the border with Turkey. That area is the most dangerous and the terrorists nested in those areas are the very ones that Turkey and the likes are working to sell as the moderates. They are in fact moderates only by the fact that they hold particular country flags (US, KSA, Qatar, Turkey) in one hand (and a butcher's knife in the other) while ISIS hold their own flag and butcher's knife in both hands.
It is only Russia that is bombing terrorists “
indiscriminately." Hence we can say Russia is the only
democratic actor that gives every terrorist the right to "one man one ticket to hell."
China stands politically and financially behind Russia's war efforts. This is our official line as has been clearly voiced in the G20.
@Chinese-Dragon ,
@Shotgunner51 ,
@Beidou2020 ,
@Abacin ,
@Dungeness ,
@Daniel808 ,
@tranquilium et al.