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Beijing feels the pinch of Pakistan’s volatility

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DG ISPR said Hasan Mahsum, China’s most wanted “Eastern Turkistan” terrorist was killed in October 2003 in FATA and another terrorist Abdul Haq al Turkistani, also known as Miamaitming Maimaili, who became leader of ETIM, and also an active member of ALQ, was also killed by Pakistani Forces in February 2011.

“Our cooperation in the field of operation and intelligence will continue against the common threat of terrorism,” DG ISPR said.

Nobody is saying that Chinese govt has accused Pakistan Govt. All we are saying that China is letting its displeasure known through some inknown official. Once the message was delivered it quickly reconciled by praising Pakistan. Why it is hard for some Chinese and Pakistanis to understand this?

Go to the first page, you'll find your countrymen trying to establish this lie :D btw, in the article, the author himself said the same thing :cheesy:
This is a really curious thread - the Title of the thread and lead article is at odds with the concluding remarks :

In New Delhi, the government often bends backward to accommodate Pakistan, justifying such a move with the plea that it is in India’s interest to support the civilian government in Pakistan.

So, who's "feeling" a pinch? is it China or India? The article could have been more clear headed.
The writer is a BJP MP. E-mail him at punjbalbir@gmail.com


Desperation has reached an all time high. I expect soon we shall be seeing pieces from the Indian members here with their email addresses.
Who is lying ??

China Blames Foreign-Trained Separatists for Attacks in Xinjiang


China did accuse Pakistan of training Uighurs. But then it suddenly remembered that Pakistan is their ally ! Hence the turn around !

China praises Pakistan, downplaying risk of rift | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

CD, your love for Pakistan is unquestionable. But can not say the same thing about your Govt !

Your love for China is equally unquestionable.
Here check out these threads, the issue had already been discussed to death.


What a lie. :lol:

China never "accused" the Pakistani state of anything.

In fact, China made a statement immediately afterwards, praising Pakistan for their fight against terrorism.

There are many links that indicate that China has accused Pakistan for the terrorists in Xinjiang.

However, here is what STRAIT TIMES of SINGAPORE quoting XINHUA and GLOBAL TIMES (both from China State controlled media) writes:

Xinjiang attacks

Peh Shing Huei
The Straits Times
Publication Date : 02-08-2011

China accused Pakistan-trained Uighur terrorists of being behind bloody attacks in Xinjiang, a rare accusation given the strong ties between Beijing and Islamabad.

An initial police investigation found that the attacks in the ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar were led by those who learnt about explosives and firearms in Pakistan, reported the official news agency Xinhua. The attacks left 20, including the attackers, dead.

Two more suspects, both of them Uighurs, were "executed on the spot by police who were in the process of capturing them" yesterday, the Kashgar municipal government said in a statement. It also offered 100,000 yuan (US$15,500) for information on two other Uighur suspects in Sunday's attacks, local media reported.

Xinhua, citing an earlier statement by the Kashgar authorities, said the leaders of the religious extremists were trained in overseas camps of the separatist group East Turkestan Islamic Movement (Etim), before slipping into Xinjiang region.

Analysts say that such official finger-pointing was "very unusual" for the Chinese government.

"For a long time, Chinese scholars have been talking about Pakistan as a training camp for China's domestic terror groups. It is not a secret at all," said analyst Zhang Jian from Beijing University, who researches ethnic minority issues in China. "But for Xinhua to say it, it is really surprising."

While Pakistan has had a fractious relationship with the United States in the fight against terrorism, it has not come under official pressure from China.

In fact, as one of the first countries to recognise the People's Republic of China after its founding in 1949, it is one of Beijing's closest allies. Pakistan also relies heavily on Beijing for economic aid and military support, and often acts as China's link to Muslim countries.

But this connection is not working in China's favour now, with neighbouring Pakistan forming a convenient base for the Uighurs, a Turkic people who are mostly Muslim and who have resisted the Chinese government's political controls and religious restrictions in Xinjiang..........

Yesterday's move to implicate terrorists trained in Pakistan, they say, reflects Beijing's long-held concerns about the spillover of terrorism from Afghanistan and Pakistan to its shores.

Some Chinese academics have fingered Pakistan because Hotan city, the scene of some troubles, lies close to the border with Pakistan. Beijing's worries were made clear by President Hu Jintao to Pakistani Premier Yousuf Raza Gilani when they met in May.

Also, Xinjiang is second only to Tibet in the pecking order of Chinese sensitivities. ......... This added to Chinese nervousness.

The latest violence came less than two weeks after attackers stormed a police station in Hotan, leaving 18 dead.

The attacks make July the bloodiest month in Xinjiang since 2009, when Uighurs rioted in regional capital Urumqi and killed nearly 200 people on July 5. Han Chinese retaliated two days later.

"These kinds of terror attacks have been increasing recently," said the Global Times in an editorial yesterday.

"Overseas extremists have been stirring up conflict between Uighur and Han Chinese while some Western media have shown sympathy for the terrorists. All these factors have contributed to the current discord."

The violence has been a persistent headache for the Chinese authorities, who have used economic development to buttress governance. But Uighurs complain that the benefits of growth largely go to Han Chinese.

Even the Global Times acknowledged that lasting peace may no longer be possible.

"Honestly, a perfect harmony between Uighur Chinese and Han Chinese without any problems may be wishful thinking, no matter how hard the Chinese government tries," it said.

"It is a reality the Chinese public has to face up to and deal with."

China blames Pakistan-trained Uighurs for Xinjiang attacks

It must also be noted that China uses her media to send strong messages to countries that the Chinese Govt leaders do not wish to officially make a public statement on
We need video of accusing...with fingers pointing and all... nothing else matters.

Official Videos or pics..... pointing... otherwise sources are just propoganda..

Every one know that their are terror camps in Pakistan but some time you dnt want to admit it they why now ?????

And the whole world also knows we got the biggest secret CIA headquater/center in Pakistan outside USA and their job is to run secret terrorists training camps and send them to China, Russia and around the world to spread terror within the world.The CIA agents are running around freely across all the tribal areas(Pakistan & Afghanistan) running the ETM(eastern Turkistan movement), chechen fighters and many terrorists movements training camps
and destroying the world peace. Whenever our agencies tries to stop these CIA agents under the cover of diplomats the US starts screaming that Oh! you guyz are violating the Geneva conventions and rules for the diplomats.They try to give cover of Diplomats to their all CIA agents even if they didn't have diplomatic visas. They threat us and stops over aid and sometimes kill our loyal leaders through their undercover agents. The cold blood muder of Benazir Bhutta is one such example.....Now the CIA got so evil , they even supplying Nuklears bombs materials and training to them too.......The Raymond Davis is such a great example caught red handed.........:what:
The RAW, Mosaad , MI6 are equal partners and trying to get profit from this evil terror business..............:azn:
Brother as long as China and Pakistan know the truth who cares? We know our close relationship is rock solid and this spites and hurts our enemies to come up with shoddy threads like this. Long live China Pakistan friendship!!:china::pakistan:

Reminds me of the love affair between USA and Pakistan in 1980's
Beijing points to Pakistan after ethnic violence

NEW YORK: China pointed a finger at Pakistan, one of its closest foreign partners, as it blamed one of two deadly weekend attacks in the northwestern Xinjiang region on Muslim extremists trained across the Pakistani border.

Police also “executed on the spot” two more suspected attackers in the city of Kashgar, according to a local government statement, while paramilitary police with shotguns and automatic weapons patrolled thestreets of the city of Kashgar to prevent further unrest as local authorities said 20 people were killed in the attacks by knife-wielding members of the Uighur ethnic minority on Saturday and Sunday in a second week of violence to rock Xinjiang, a report published in The Wall Street Journal said.

The city government hasn’t said whom it blames for Saturday’s attack, when it says that two Uighur men hijacked a truck near a popular night market, plowed into a crowd, then leapt out and stabbed eight people to death. The crowd killed one attacker.

But it said on Monday that an “initial probe” had shown that leaders of Sunday’s attack on a restaurant, in which 11 people died, had received explosives and firearms training in Pakistan-based camps of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, also known as ETIM.

China has long accused Uighur groups waging a sometimes violent campaign for independence of being part of ETIM, which it says has links to al-Qaeda and other terrorist organisations and has sent people to train and fight in Pakistan and Afghanistan. But China rarely points a finger so directly and publicly at Pakistan, suggesting to some analysts that it is either unhappy with Islamabad’s counter-terrorism efforts or anxious to portray the violence as emanating from abroad.

The allegation is all the more striking as Pakistan, facing a crisis in ties with the US since the killing of Osama bin Laden, has been working hard to portray China as its “all-weather friend” and an alternative source of civilian and military aid. Pakistani officials said in May that China had agreed to take over operation of the strategically positioned Pakistani port of Gwadar, and that Islamabad had asked Beijing to build a naval base there.

China’s accusation joins a similar chorus from two of Pakistan’s other neighbours, India and Afghanistan, which accuse it of failing to act against militant camps on its soil.

A spokesman for Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry couldn’t be reached to comment on Monday on China’s allegation. But the Pakistani Foreign Ministry said in a statement it was confident that the local and central authorities in China would “succeed in frustrating evil designs of the terrorists, extremists and separatists, who constitute an evil force”. It also said that Pakistan would “continue to extend its full cooperation and support” to China against ETIM.

A senior security official also said that over the past few years, Pakistan had handed over to Chinese authorities many militant leaders who were operating from Pakistan.

The Kashgar government said its information was based on a confession by a captured suspect. The government also said that four suspects had been shot dead at the scene of the attack on Sunday, and a fifth had died in the hospital from gunshot wounds. Authorities said on Monday police had killed two other suspects, both Uighurs, while trying to arrest them — and had offered 100,000 yuan, or about $15,540, for information leading to their arrests.

It said Sunday’s attackers had set off an explosion that triggered a fire in a restaurant, then started attacking people with knives, killing six civilians and injuring 15 others, including three police officers. The 12 civilians wounded were members of China’s majority Han ethnic group, it said. The government had earlier said that three people were killed on Sunday.

Kashgar authorities on Monday said police had killed two other suspects, who they said fled the scene of Sunday’s attack, while trying to arrest them. Authorities identified the men as 29-year-old Memtieli Tiliwaldi and 34-year-old Turson Hasan-both Uighurs — and had offered 100,000 yuan, or about $15,540, for information leading to their arrests.

The two men’s mugshots were plastered around Kashgar on Monday, as hundreds of armed police manned road blocks and patrolled the city on foot, while black-uniformed counter-terrorist SWAT teams cordoned off the sites of the two attacks.

The normally bustling city streets were eerily quiet as many ethnic Han Chinese settlers, who appear to have been the targets of the attacks, stayed home, according to several Uighur and Han Chinese residents. Most Uighurs interviewed rejected the official account of the attacks, saying they were the result of long-running tensions between the Uighurs and the growing numbers of Han Chinese settlers. “You shouldn’t go out at night for the moment — there could be more problems,” said one 34-year-old Uighur mechanic who asked not to be identified by name. “They say the people came from Pakistan. They say they were international terrorists, but that’s not true. They were local people angry with the government and with the Han Chinese.”

Some Uighurs said they were concerned about revenge attacks by Han Chinese, as happened in 2009 when almost 200 people were killed in interethnic riots in the regional capital, Urumqi. Most Han Chinese residents interviewed said they believed they were the targets of the weekend attacks, and that there could be more in the near future.

One 55-year-old Han Chinese woman, who runs a restaurant near the one attacked on Sunday, said she had seen the police pursuing the suspects afterward. “There was a lot of blood on the street; we were really scared,” said the woman, who asked to be identified only by her surname, Jin.

“We were informed this morning by the local government to close our doors for three days. Now we just stay at home, no one dares to go out. People cannot buy anything, even vegetables, as there aren’t any vendors on the street.”

The latest attacks came just under two weeks after police shot dead 14 Uighur rioters in the Xinjiang city of Hotan after they attacked a police station, setting fire to it and killing two police officers and two civilians, according to state media.

It also comes as party leaders grapple with resurgent ethnic unrest in recent months in Inner Mongolia, which lies to the east of Xinjiang, and continuing tensions in Tibet, just south of Xinjiang.

Zhang Chunxian, the Communist Party secretary of Xinjiang, held an emergency meeting in Urumqi after the attacks and ordered a crackdown on religious extremism and “illegal religious activities,” according to Xinhua.

The Germany-based World Uyghur Congress said the recent violence was due to China’s repressive policies in the region, and warned of an even more severe crackdown in the aftermath of the recent attacks.

Pakistani Source: Beijing points to Pakistan after ethnic violence
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