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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

In the above cases debris is eventually found at water surface. So only hijacking is left as a possibility

what if emergency landing on sea resulting in aircraft sinking in ocean , can the sonars or is their any device which can detect in the sea , if for eg electronics are distroyed
In the above cases debris is eventually found at water surface. So only hijacking is left as a possibility

Let's not rule out the aliens.

What happened to the Oil slicks that Chinese satellites detected ? Didn't they find anything there ?
Let's not rule out the aliens.

Yeah - @isro2222 is also missing these days, perhaps tall grays abducted him again
What happened to the Oil slicks that Chinese satellites detected ? Didn't they find anything there ?

The oil was not aviation fuel. Probably marine fuel.

what if emergency landing on sea resulting in aircraft sinking in ocean , can the sonars or is their any device which can detect in the sea , if for eg electronics are distroyed

There are equipments for detection under sea and have been used 1000s of times for many different purposes around the world and are being used for this accident as well.

Even in case of emergency landing and plane sinking, this process will result in parts breaking off the plane and floating on the sea.
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BTW - Is it not strange that toys of so called super power also can't trace this jet in several days?
From gathering and reading many sources, I think the plane was most likely shot down by a missile.
Think about it, in the 21st century, they can track any individual person who has a smart device, but can't track a big airplane? They can turn your cell phone on and take pictures with it and record, but can't track a plane this size??

Malaysian authorities said the plane might have been lost somewhere in the Malacca strait. The Malacca strait is one of the busiest seaway in the world. You don't think if any debris are there, some ship would have spotted it by now?

The SCS area is probably heavily monitored with spy and civilian satellittes from the countries from the region. You don't think one of these would have picked up the wreckage?

Hijacking not likely as distress signal would have been sent to controll towers and the plane will have land where the hijackers want it to land, not disappear.

Mechanical failure ruled out. 777 is one of the safest plane.

Terrorism? Possible but not probable as control towers will know and the plane will still not disappear from radar.

Do you not find it strange destroyers and SAR ships were sent out? Some report said submarines were sent out. Why?

The only plausble explanation is the plane was hit by a missile. The question is why? Were there some people on board a certain country was trying to kill?
BTW - Is it not strange that toys of so called super power also can't trace this jet in several days?

What if the Plane made a landing under total radio silence? Let's not rule out the complicity of the Pilots as well.:eek:
A Navy ship, Navy Dorniers, IAF planes all ready and loaded for the search but Mr Antony's signature awaited. :angry:
brace yourself.........., this is some magic-stuff like "Voodoo"....


Missing MH370: Bomoh uses 'magic carpet' to find Boeing
by jastin ahmad tarmizi


Bomoh Ibrahim performing a prayer for the second time to locate Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at KLIA, Sepang on Wednesday.

SEPANG: Bomoh Ibrahim Mat Zin held a second session of rituals on Wednesday in efforts to help locate the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing plane.

Ibrahim, who calls himself Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP with the title of Datuk Mahaguru, conducted the rituals at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).

He was accompanied by several assistants who helped in the rituals using "Zam-Zam" water, two coconuts, a "magical" walking stick and carpet.

The session that was held at the Anjung Tinjau of KLIA attracted a crowd of people.

"The purpose of the rituals is to weaken the bad spirits so that the rescuers can find the plane if it indeed had crashed," he told reporters.


Ibrahim performing his ritual at the KLIA on Wednesday.

Ibrahim said the symbolic rituals have been used for many generations.

He clarified that he was doing it on his own free will despite reports that leaders of the country invited him.

On Monday, Ibrahim used a binoculars made of bamboo and a fish trap hook during his first session of rituals at KLIA to help locate the missing aircraft.

Bernama reported that Ibrahim, who has 50 years of experience as a bomoh, had become popular after offering his service to search for the victims in several major cases such as the Highland Towers tragedy and the Mona Fendy case.

A 25-second video of Ibrahim's second session has gone viral.

Missing MH370: Bomoh uses 'magic carpet' to find Boeing - Nation | The Star Online

btw what is some thing like this called in Vietnam or China ?? :v
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Current searching area and situation

Malaysian Airlines release the dialog from MH370 and the tower. Information like this:


The point is before lost contact the airplane don't exist abnormal situations but radar can't scan and read the airplane code(serial) info but can be tracked and lost signal after several minutes. What happened?

I think you should not trust last recorded position given by Malaysian authorities and to be sure scan Malaysian territory as well, may be plan crashed there and they are searching in sea.
Debris will be there if only there is a crash. What if the pilot was able to 'land' the plane in sea and went down?
Let's not rule out the aliens.

What happened to the Oil slicks that Chinese satellites detected ? Didn't they find anything there ?
Not aviation kerosene, just diesel oil leaked from some ship

brace yourself.........., this is some kind like "Voodoo"....

btw what is some thing like this called in Vietnam or China ?? :v
In Chinese, it called 跳大绳 (Tiao Da Sheng) or 巫术 ( Wu Shu) or 迷信 (Mi Xin). For a communist nation, a very few ppl trust that (Almost r old-man living the poor lack communication). This kind of 'Voodoo' had lost market in mainland of China, coz Mao dislike it called feudal & backward, China police ban it.
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From gathering and reading many sources, I think the plane was most likely shot down by a missile.
Think about it, in the 21st century, they can track any individual person who has a smart device, but can't track a big airplane? They can turn your cell phone on and take pictures with it and record, but can't track a plane this size??

Malaysian authorities said the plane might have been lost somewhere in the Malacca strait. The Malacca strait is one of the busiest seaway in the world. You don't think if any debris are there, some ship would have spotted it by now?

The SCS area is probably heavily monitored with spy and civilian satellittes from the countries from the region. You don't think one of these would have picked up the wreckage?

Hijacking not likely as distress signal would have been sent to controll towers and the plane will have land where the hijackers want it to land, not disappear.

Mechanical failure ruled out. 777 is one of the safest plane.

Terrorism? Possible but not probable as control towers will know and the plane will still not disappear from radar.

Do you not find it strange destroyers and SAR ships were sent out? Some report said submarines were sent out. Why?

The only plausble explanation is the plane was hit by a missile. The question is why? Were there some people on board a certain country was trying to kill?

I watched a movie, some terrorists stole a jet to shot down an airliner by missile. I can't remember the name.
IAF aircraft on standby for Malaysian plane search operations

NEW DELHI: The Indian Air Force on Wednesday said it has kept its aircraft on standby for taking part in the search operations for locating the missing Malaysian plane with 239 people on board.

"We have kept our aircraft on standby and as soon as we get a go ahead, we are ready to take off for search operations," an IAF spokesperson said.

The search area for the IAF is likely to be the Malacca Straits near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

The IAF has its Dornier aircraft along with the Mi-17 helicopters deployed in the Island territory and if the need be, the Navy can deploy the P-8I and the Tu-142 maritime surveillance aircraft.

The Beijing-bound Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 plane, which had five Indians on board, vanished over the South China Sea on Friday an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur.

India has a tri-services military command at Andaman and Nicobar islands and Navy and air force carry out regular patrols in the area.

Search and rescue operations which had been mobilized since early Saturday morning have failed to find the jetliner in the South China Sea and authorities have expanded the area of search into the Andaman sea, Malaysian officials said.

Authorities have put the plane's last known point of contact with air-traffic control off eastern Malaysia — roughly midway between Kota Bharu and the southern tip of Vietnam, flying at 35,000 feet.

Earlier, Malaysia sought India's assistance to trace its missing aircraft as the government here initiated the process of appointing designated people to share information and take the matter forward.

This followed an offer from President Pranab Mukherjee.

"The President of India had written yesterday to Malaysian head of state offering assistance. Following this they sought assistance. We are ready to help. We are coordinating details with Malay side," the Spokesperson in the ministry of external affairs said.

He said government was appointing designated people to deal with the issue and also take forward the process of sharing information in this regard.
with so many war ships and spy planes there is something more than what we know ... someone said Alien abduction? can that be?

@isro2222 might be able to answer that.
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