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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

MISSING MH370: RMAF chief denies military radar report - Latest - New Straits Times

12 March 2014| last updated at 01:06PM
MISSING MH370: RMAF chief denies military radar report


1. I refer to the Berita Harian news article dated 11th March 2014 on Search and Rescue Operations in the Straits of Malacca which (in Bahasa Malaysia) referred to me as making the following statements:
The RMAF Chief confirmed that RMAF Butterworth airbase detected the location signal of the airliner as indicating that it turned back from its original heading to the direction of Kota Baru, Kelantan, and was believed to have pass through the airspace of the East Coast of and Northern Peninsular Malaysia.

The last time the plane was detected by the air control tower was in the vicinity of Pulau Perak in the Straits of Malacca at 2.40 in the morning before the signal disappeared without any trace, he said.

2. I wish to state that I did not make any such statements as above, what occurred was that the Berita Harian journalist asked me if such an incident occurred as detailed in their story, however I did not give any answer to the question, instead what I said to the journalist was “Please refer to the statement which I have already made on 9 March 2014, during the press conference with the Chief of Defence Force at the Sama-Sama Hotel, Kuala Lumpur International Airport”.

3. What I stated during that press conference was,

The RMAF has not ruled out the possibility of an air turn back on a reciprocal heading before the aircraft vanished from the radar and this resulted in the Search and Rescue Operations being widen to the vicinity of the waters of Pulau Pinang.

4. I request this misreporting be amended and corrected to prevent further misinterpretations of what is clearly an inaccurate and incorrect report.

5. Currently the RMAF is examining and analysing all possibilities as regards to the airliner’s flight paths subsequent to its disappearance. However for the time being, it would not be appropriate for the RMAF to issue any official conclusions as to the aircraft’s flight path until a high amount of certainty and verification is achieved. However all ongoing search operations are at the moment being conducted to cover all possible areas where the aircraft could have gone down in order to ensure no possibility is overlooked.

6. In addition, I would like to state to the media that all information and developments will be released via official statements and press conferences as soon as possible and when appropriate. Our current efforts are focused upon on finding the aircraft as soon as possible.

Thank You

Chief of Royal Malaysian Air Force
Malaysia seeks India's help in search for missing airliner

Reuters - Malaysia has sought India's help to locate a missing Malaysia Airlines (
MASM.KL) jetliner, foreign ministry said on Wednesday, as the search expanded to cover an area stretching from China to the Andaman Sea.

"Malaysia and India are in contact on this since yesterday and contact points are being discussed. These contact points will ascertain what assistance is required and what India can offer," a spokesman at the ministry said.

The spokesman said it had not yet been decided what area India would search in. India has a large military command in its Andaman and Nicobar islands and its navy patrols in the straits of Malacca.
Malaysia seeks India's help in search for missing airliner| Reuters

Anybody who has dealt with Malaysian authorities is not surprised they fcked up. They are a particularly incompetent bunch of pampered people.

I do hope there's a miracle and all on board are found safe and sound. I can't image what the families are going through.
I have my last question here, if Malaysia Airline really lost signal of MH370, if Malaysia Military's radar really detect MH370 turn back and cross the entire country to west side of Malaysia, why Malaysia Airforce did not send fighter jets to intercept it ? Only reason maybe they know it but can't do that, WHY ?

you cannot intercept an airliner flying at attitude at moment's notice....

To pursuit an airliner at speed, that mean you need to be at its flight level going faster than the airliner.

On one hand, you have an airliner flying at speed at FL350, on the other hand you have a jet on the ground take off at sea level from stationary. A fighter cannot possible chase an airliner that's already at high level and high speed. To do that you need to put your fighter jet on a intercepting course, which mostly involve sending jet from a different airbase that intercept the course of the airliner and then chase it at the same altitude. It generally require 10-15 minutes head start.
next press conference should be in a few minutes, this should be very interesting with all the negativity the Malaysian officials have received internationally
I request this misreporting be amended and corrected to prevent further misinterpretations of what is clearly an inaccurate and incorrect report.

Irresponsible journalism is clearly a global disease.
China ' GaoFen-I ' satellite found Three floating objects at Gulf of Thailand, need send ship to check them.

Coordinate: 105.63oE,6.7oN as the center of 20 km areas

Malaysia seeks India's help in search for missing airliner

Reuters - Malaysia has sought India's help to locate a missing Malaysia Airlines (
MASM.KL) jetliner, foreign ministry said on Wednesday, as the search expanded to cover an area stretching from China to the Andaman Sea.

"Malaysia and India are in contact on this since yesterday and contact points are being discussed. These contact points will ascertain what assistance is required and what India can offer," a spokesman at the ministry said.

The spokesman said it had not yet been decided what area India would search in. India has a large military command in its Andaman and Nicobar islands and its navy patrols in the straits of Malacca.
Malaysia seeks India's help in search for missing airliner| Reuters


India is also using its satellite to locate .
with so many war ships and spy planes there is something more than what we know ... someone said Alien abduction? can that be?
Indian Navy has a satellite named Rukmini (GSAT-7) now activated in search for missing Boeing 777-200 aircraft.
03.11 9:30am China Navy 071 LPD 'JinGang mountain' (N.o999) found a red jacket on the sea, but not MH370 it's 'made in Vietnam'.








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03.12 6:40am 2nd China Navy 071 LPD 'KunLun mountain' (N.o998) arrived accident areas, still nothing to find.




Vietnam resumes air search operation, despite Malaysia has not confirmed reports that the Malaysian army had tracked signals of the lost plane over the Strait of Malacca. Now 9 aircrafts are mobilised.

The satellite VNRedSat-1 (can detect and take photos of objects more than 2.5 centimetres in size) traversed Tho Chu island at 11a.m. March 11, took images, so far not yet detected any unusual...

The satellite will take more images on March 13 of the surrounding zone, particularly in the southeast of the island.




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so what are the worst case possible scenarios than ::

Mid air explosion / terrorist or technical
Crash and aircraft sank to the bottom of the ocean

or the bloody aliens took it
Mid air explosion / terrorist or technical
Crash and aircraft sank to the bottom of the ocean

In the above cases debris is eventually found at water surface. So only hijacking is left as a possibility
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