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Beat this Resume...

now my friend on allied thing isnt u who makes everything for whites and heavily depend on them (made in china)
and u mean to say in order to be bhai bhai with u we have to be friend with pakistan(accepting their conditions offcourse) no matter wat they do then sorry forget it then.
and about defending pakistan on war with india we will see tat when happens

Now on this note you my friend should have no illusions. Whatever the difference between me and the brigands, prof got one thing right, which is that PRC won't sell out Pak's core interest just to export a few more trinkets to the Indian middle class - whether the former continue to service the "whites" or not.

I personally would like to see a three-way peace deal in South Asia. No one asks India to cater to anybody's "whim". But there has to be a strategic stand-down between India and Pakistan before there could be real stand-down between PRC and India. I firmly hold this personal opinion.

And I disagree emphatically with the professor chicken hawk on India's cozying up to the Yanks. Who cares? Let the Saffron concubines snuggle up. It's good for everyone in the long run and I am perfectly serious. :azn:

But professor evidently holds the opinion that of all members of the "harem", he gets to monopolize the attention of his "Sultan". If you disagree with him, well then you are a "jew" :what: I know - don't ask me. I can't be responsible for his limited vocabulary.

and on nukes who cares how much nuke u have the bottom line is we have nukes and 50-60 looks good to me cause havoc in any part of the world

Well by then rest assured the chicken-hawks will be back to roost in the "Sultan's" own harem - on the other side of the ocean ...

So he won't be facing no nukes - just you and the "Chinese" Chinese.

Lolz man do you think China will risk a war for the benefit of Pakisthan??are you sure about that??Any war between our countries will make all the economic progress go to drain and we will be back where we were a decade before..Are you sure your Government want that??

Personally i think the Chinese government will love to see a war between India and Pakistan because it will help them achieve their goals of weakening the financial sector of India with our any risk involving them..The maximum thing they offer will be sending additional troops to the border to keep up the pressure and giving arms and intelligence to Pakistan.Other that that i cant see Chinese army getting in the fight between India and Pakistan..

There is so much at stake here..despite what the out come is the financial sector is gonna suffer a lot because of a war...So until China dreams of over taking US in economy i don't see China going to have a direct clash with any country ..

That I emphatically disagree with. There are some veins of "thought process" that can be gauged for those who pay attention to the Chinese language press.

Will China "risk a war for the benefit of Pakistan"? The answer I think, depends on circumstance and context. There is definitely a possibility.

Don't just think 1971, when the context was "unique". But think 1951 instead - when the PRC fought the UN when the other side possessed nukes exclusively.

The presumptions you espouse are not to be taken lightly. True, time has vastly changed since 1951 and no one today has Mao's stature and command inside China. But I would not take things for granted and nor should you.

Pakistan is not just PRC's all-weather friend - arguably, it is PRC's only friend these days ...

Don't live in a fool's paradise - everyone has his own harem, as have you.

Perhaps you might wish to peek into my harem to see what treasures I got.

Don't live in a fool's paradise - everyone has his own harem, as have you.

Perhaps you might wish to peek into my harem to see what treasures I got.

Seagull my friend, Learn to Ignore this fake Chinese, just as the rest of us Chinese have. :smitten:
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That I emphatically disagree with. There are some veins of "thought process" that can be gauged for those who pay attention to the Chinese language press.

Will China "risk a war for the benefit of Pakistan"? The answer I think, depends on circumstance and context. There is definitely a possibility.

Don't just think 1971, when the context was "unique". But think 1951 instead - when the PRC fought the UN when the other side possessed nukes exclusively.

The presumptions you espouse are not to be taken lightly. True, time has vastly changed since 1951 and no one today has Mao's stature and command inside China. But I would not take things for granted and nor should you.

Pakistan is not just PRC's all-weather friend - arguably, it is PRC's only friend these days ...

Ma'am I am saying that there is so much at stake here for both our countries if we went to war...and economically we will both be weak irrespective of who wins the war..Do you think China govt will want that??

Ma'am in 1951 China has nothing to loose and every thing to gain from that war.No offense but it will also help project Mao as a greatest leader and savior of China and communism..Its not the case now..You are dreaming about over taking US in economic development and a war can complicate things..

I am aware that Pakistan is China's all weather partner but I dont think that China will risk a war..Any way i can be wrong ..It may be only my thinking. only time will tell who is right.. :cheers:
Originally Posted by WarProfessor
B. we don't care how many nukes India has or if you missiles can reach mars, provided you are not allied. <===== this means we don't want your land, but we need to get ours back (in the mean time you also have to settle with Pak)

you are threatening Chinese strategic security by allying with US, China will go to war. On a side note, we don't really need the oil in the south china sea, Vietnam can take all she wants, but we need paracel and spratley to assure our strategic security.

we don't care how many nukes china has or if your missiles can reach mars, provided you are not allied with pakistan and the rest u said tat u dont want land

you are threatening indian strategic security by allying with pakistan,so india had to counter that dont u think so INDIA is no saint infact nobody can be saint in this modern world

now how simple is tat copy paste and edit
Lolz man do you think China will risk a war for the benefit of Pakisthan??are you sure about that??Any war between our countries will make all the economic progress go to drain and we will be back where we were a decade before..Are you sure your Government want that??

Personally i think the Chinese government will love to see a war between India and Pakistan because it will help them achieve their goals of weakening the financial sector of India with our any risk involving them..The maximum thing they offer will be sending additional troops to the border to keep up the pressure and giving arms and intelligence to Pakistan.Other that that i cant see Chinese army getting in the fight between India and Pakistan..

There is so much at stake here..despite what the out come is the financial sector is gonna suffer a lot because of a war...So until China dreams of over taking US in economy i don't see China going to have a direct clash with any country ..

You don't have to convince me, you go there convince your American "buddy". We are 100&#37; AWOL in Pak, right, all we have in Pak is our little embassy in Islamabad, not one soldier with no AK's. Then what do you think is standing between US little dream of "having" Pakistan?

Bad feelings? The inevitability of it's just a matter of when we will kindly suggest to Sam:"Stop your crazy horses, you are about to jump off a cliff." ?

"watch me........?" :rofl::rofl:
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Seagull my friend, Learn to Ignore this fake Chinese, just as the rest of us Chinese have. :smitten:
On the sidelines of this Summit, SinoIndus don't you think this Jew/Jewed/ Jewie and even Joo Joo a significant contribution to our fundamental understanding of the World View - while also leading into fabulous addition, an expansion of the English vocabulary.
So many times we get stuck for the right words to what is on our minds.

While I do not insist on a Nobel Prize for our Prof - but it certainly deserves our gratitude and thanks.

Keep up the great work Professor.
On the sidelines of this Summit, SinoIndus don't you think this Jew/Jewed/ Jewie and even Joo Joo a significant contribution to our fundamental understanding of the World View - .

Thank you bro for understanding, I must confess: :lol:
That's exactly my motive to share/contribute my view to this forum. The "help" from your good brother to the north can come in a lot of ways, sometimes, very subtle like battle Tanks, :lol:
sometimes not so subtle, like gauranteed national Pak solvency to enable Pak to borrow money cheaply.

Do you really believe I am interested to deal with him? :smokin:
Thank you bro for understanding, I must confess: :lol:
That's exactly my motive to share/contribute my view to this forum. The "help" from your good brother to the north can come in a lot of ways, sometimes, very subtle like battle Tanks, :lol:
sometimes not so subtle, like gauranteed national Pak solvency to enable Pak to borrow money cheaply.

Do you really believe I am interested to deal with him? :smokin:

Oh! I am not a Pakistani, Bro...:devil:

I am fighting the Pakistanis as well .....:argh: :rofl::china:

wtF????? :undecided:

I started this thread, so that some of you can provide the credentials of premiers of various nations and discuss in detail.

No trolls (I mean jew-joo ing)!!!

By the way chinese brothers lay down your respective arms and lets get back to the concept of universal brotherhood.
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You don't have to convince me, you go there convince your American "buddy". We are 100% AWOL in Pak, right, all we have in Pak is our little embassy in Islamabad, not one soldier with no AK's. Then what do you think is standing between US little dream of "having" Pakistan?

Bad feelings? The inevitability of it's just a matter of when we will kindly suggest to Sam:"Stop your crazy horses, you are about to jump off a cliff." ?

Why should you have to convince US??They can handle them self pretty much well other wise they cant be global leader and biggest economy in the world..If you are so concerned about Pakistan why don't you help them by giving some financial aid with out the restrictions like the US aid has..

Ohh i forgot you are not the Premier of China and buddy they have clear thinking than you in this case..that's why I said war between India and China is unlikely..
Ma'am I am saying that there is so much at stake here for both our countries if we went to war...and economically we will both be weak irrespective of who wins the war..Do you think China govt will want that??

Ma'am in 1951 China has nothing to loose and every thing to gain from that war.No offense but it will also help project Mao as a greatest leader and savior of China and communism..Its not the case now..You are dreaming about over taking US in economic development and a war can complicate things..

I am aware that Pakistan is China's all weather partner but I dont think that China will risk a war..Any way i can be wrong ..It may be only my thinking. only time will tell who is right.. :cheers:

There is a grain of truth in what you say. But you can't never take anything for granted - that's the value of "strategic ambiguity".

But even I am telling you based on my understanding, PRC will backstop for Pak in no uncertain terms given the histories.

BTW, I am not your ma'am :smitten: Reserve that for the baby-sitter sister SIF.
Seagull my friend, Learn to Ignore this fake Chinese, just as the rest of us Chinese have. :smitten:


"Us Chinese"? :partay: Oh yeah, now she babysits a billion and change.

"Sinos" are not lazy btw, so how about getting literate in just a few "Chinese" words for us - even if only for show, sister?

Now go on playing with yourself here.


wtF????? :undecided:

I started this thread, so that some of you can provide the credentials of premiers of various nations and discuss in detail.

No trolls (I mean jew-joo ing)!!!

By the way chinese brothers lay down your respective arms and lets get back to the concept of universal brotherhood.

I don't know. There are trojans, and there are chosens. :agree:

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