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Beard in Islam Sheikh Yusuf Estes

Bro! Nice Idea But then there is a chance that religious discussion gets out of control...
Well I'm really thankful to Cb4 first because of him Zarvan can let himself to share religious knowledge here... I wish to remain Cb4 here a part of PDF so We can give him answers of some question which are raised all around the world .its a better platform to atleast share our views with others ...
You do realize, most new educated and open minded Muslims are actually moving AWAY from your close minded ideals and coming toward the true Islam?
Even though I don't agree with everything cb4 says, but he speaks more logic than you
Man! Hadith were mostly memorized by Sahaba(R.A) and Caliphates same like Quran... And when most best memorizing Sahaba(R.A) gets Shaheed(Martyred) during Battles.. Then Caliphate of the time ( first and second Caliphate) decided to save Quran and Sunnah in written form...Get your facts correct Cb4 you are just making mess here nothing you proved ... everything you've posted was just a claim just you said that before
... Democracy and Democratic culture is pretty dominating in western world can claim anything even about Islam..Put purity remains purity..
I really appriciated Muslim Ulma of Pakistan and India that they really did hard work to save the right Hadith frm people like you for next generation...
Beard is a Sunnah, Caring of beard is compulsory , and If you have a beard then cutting it is a sin..

There is no such thing as democracy. Forget whatever your perceptions are about the West.
Hijab banned in France is that democracy?
U.S so called democratic Where is the health care system?
Is lobbying democratic to you?
Prime Minister of Iraq is that democratic to you?--- Choosen by the U.S
Libyans killing Gaddhafi brutally is that democratic to you?--- Where is Western Human right fundamentalists
I guess you must belong to an Indian background it seems like you praise that country a lot. Good for you.....
Beard is sunnah? What is the difference between you and a Sikh?
:rofl: Then You picked up me wrong...Well If thats makes you enlightens then I'm glad for you.. Mr see before ... you better need to understand others before..

Don't worry, i have understood you very well. I have been here on PDF since 07, 4 years earlier than you :lol:
You came to start bashing from absolutely no where....
You do realize, most new educated and open minded Muslims are actually moving AWAY from your close minded ideals and coming toward the true Islam?
Even though I don't agree with everything cb4 says, but he speaks more logic than you

Yeah i know i agree, i don't know everything. But the problem is these guys sometimes need to give space.... This is is exactly the reason why Pakistani fight over each other and how it will split.... These guys think they know about Islam, they have no idea that i was born and raised in a country like Saudi Arabia, a country virtually where Islam originated from. i am not showing off, but i have experience. I have seen Whabbism and what it is. They used many parts of Islam as their culture. These guys I'm sure are quite impressed with Arabs, but they have no idea how how Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are treated. We are their so called 'brothers'
You do realize, most new educated and open minded Muslims are actually moving AWAY from your close minded ideals and coming toward the true Islam?
Even though I don't agree with everything cb4 says, but he speaks more logic than you
Don't you find it interesting that many educated Muslims who go on an exploratory spiritual path actually end up with Islam while in the past few centuries most Christians who did the same thing ended up leaving Christianity? I used to be quasi-atheist would you believe?
You do realize, most new educated and open minded Muslims are actually moving AWAY from your close minded ideals and coming toward the true Islam?
Even though I don't agree with everything cb4 says, but he speaks more logic than you
Give any example of his logic which you liked....
Open minded:lol:
Man! Quid-e-Azam were also an open minded person and a true liberal, who understand the struggle of his people and did wat his Nation wants.. Not like Fake Liberals Who eat money and then run to some foriegn country..
...i was born and raised in a country like Saudi Arabia, a country virtually where Islam originated from. i am not showing off, but i have experience.
Islam was born in 'Saudi' Arabia?

And I totally comprehend that you are not showing off. You're just misguided!*

* sorry, shan't I be allowed one light-hearted jab, please!
Don't worry, i have understood you very well. I have been here on PDF since 07, 4 years earlier than you :lol:
You came to start bashing from absolutely no where....
Lol! You still can't catch me , you missed it again...:P
Give any example of his logic which you liked....
Open minded:lol:
Man! Quid-e-Azam were also an open minded person and a true liberal, who understand the struggle of his people and did wat his Nation wants.. Not like Fake Liberals Who eat money and then run to some foriegn country..

Another new topic. Mohamed Ali Jinnah did not want to make Pakistan. It was forcibly made and it was unintentional. Our true father of Pakistan is Chaudhary Rehmat Ali. Go do research.... and you'll know what i mean.

You should show some respect. This is not who you talk to people. I'm guessing you're a teenager. I don't eat money. I belong to a middle class family maybe just like you. Maybe u don't know, but we Pakistanis sitting in the West send you billions of dollars each year, we are # 1 donator. You should thank god cuz you are still alive. I have said this earlier to you the other day.
Don't you find it interesting that many educated Muslims who go on an exploratory spiritual path actually end up with Islam while in the past few centuries most Christians who did the same thing ended up leaving Christianity? I used to be quasi-atheist would you believe?
Rightly said... Once I were like the same..But thanx to ALLAH who teach me before I get lost in deep darkness..
There is no such thing as democracy. Forget whatever your perceptions are about the West.
Hijab banned in France is that democracy?U.S so called democratic Where is the health care system?
Is lobbying democratic to you?
Prime Minister of Iraq is that democratic to you?--- Choosen by the U.S
Libyans killing Gaddhafi brutally is that democratic to you?--- Where is Western Human right fundamentalists
I guess you must belong to an Indian background it seems like you praise that country a lot. Good for you.....
Beard is sunnah? What is the difference between you and a Sikh?
Man! again you've picked me wrong i said Democratic independent thoughts ,I mentioned it above but looks like you are blinded by your experience. but Yea thats deomocratic thoughts are pretty much so called lobbying..
didn't western world feed you about lobbying democratic..? Wat they are supporting in Pakistan too..
If you are against Western ideology too then You are very much interested in your own logics.. you are 21st century's Aristotle.
Islam was born in 'Saudi' Arabia?

And I totally comprehend that you are not showing off. You're just misguided!*

* sorry, shan't I be allowed one light-hearted jab, please!

I don't know buddy but definitely French people really do have problems with everything. We have French Canadians here to. They are the same thing. I remember, when i went to Paris, these people stole my wallet on a subway train. Absolutely beautiful city but people like maybe like you are retarted. They cannot be trusted.... lol...
Beard is purely optional thing , and who likes should have it and who don't like shouldn't have it , most of the people don't like it so they do not practically have it , but they don't say it because of hypocrisy .
Another new topic. Mohamed Ali Jinnah did not want to make Pakistan. It was forcibly made and it was unintentional. Our true father of Pakistan is Chaudhary Rehmat Ali. Go do research.... and you'll know what i mean.

You should show some respect. This is not who you talk to people. I'm guessing you're a teenager. I don't eat money. I belong to a middle class family maybe just like you. Maybe u don't know, but we Pakistanis sitting in the West send you billions of dollars each year, we are # 1 donator. You should thank god cuz you are still alive. I have said this earlier to you the other day.
:blah: Blah Blah! Nice Bogey
Personal Logics Huh! Man! Who was our Leader at Then?
Man! again you've picked me wrong i said Democratic independent thoughts ,I mentioned it above but looks like you are blinded by your experience. but Yea thats deomocratic thoughts are pretty much so called lobbying..
didn't western world feed you about lobbying democratic..? Wat they are supporting in Pakistan too..
If you are against Western ideology too then You are very much interested in your own logics.. you are 21st century's Aristotle.

we don't have democratic thoughts. Same bloody thing. Just a wrong perception. You will find more capitalists. And what do these people actually do? well, they wanna to take over the whole world one by one. Whatever these people are, i don't care and all i have come here is to gain experience and thats all. I try to teach you something now but you fail. I guess you must be a bad student eh.?
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