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Be Pakistani ... Buy Pakistani !

So, I think some top experts should sit down and develop a strategy on how to keep a balance.

I think that even with a heavy 'Buy Pakistani' campaign, there will be a balance.

While many people might be convinced through 'Buy Pakistani', many others will continue to go for imported products due to price, perceptions of quality, status etc.

So in the end, as long as the government does not impose excessive restrictions on imports, a balance will remain.

But I also agree with another poster that Pakistani companies need to understand their domestic consumers a little better, and realize that their lower standards and slow upgrading of facilities are resulting in a loss of market share to imports.

Its not as if Pakistani manufacturers cannot produce quality goods - most items manufactured for export tend to be of exceptional quality - it is that they apply different standards for products they sell in Pakistan vs export, and with a growing and informed middle class, the quality offered domestically needs to be closer to that of the exports.

Producing lower end products (for which there is a market as well) can still be accomplished through multiple branding.

Of course, all of this ignores the impact of infrastructural bottlenecks on the industry, especially the current power shortage, about which the industry and consumers can do little.
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It all depends on the quality of the product. If the quality is right, I'll prefer to buy a Pakistani product. If the quality is not there for which I am paying from my hard earned money, than, no, I'll purchase from elsewhere. Buying a cheapo ‘Made in Pakistan’ product does not help the country but only the chain of the corrupt people from the manufacturer to the exporter, which I will never do.
in my eyes,how to make other country to buy Pakistani is more important
it's a good thing to buy your own production for sure
but how to do is good for Pakistani?
save money or waste money--------
encourage your businessman go around the world to make money for Pakistan or make them stay at home comfort---------?
global market is so big,and i hope our Pakistani friends will surprise us

i hope my my Pakistani friend would forgive my big mouth
We are right in our concerns that Pakistani products are low in quality. They will be low in quality in the start. Take the example of the first locally produced car, the Adam REVO. The quality of the first model was not good. But still, we should have bought the cars. This would have generated money for the company, and also raised their morale. Slowly and gradually the quality of cars would improve.

But, sadly speaking, our nation does not have this vision. Had we supported the company, Pakistan would be one of the few nations producing their own cars !

Let me give another example. More than 50 years ago, China decided to be self reliant in production of military equipment. They produced sub standard equipment in the start. For example, the aircraft they produced were no match for western aircraft. But, they kept of working, and now they have achieved a standard of production, that they can look into the eyes of any technologically advanced country.

So, if we start compromising on the quality, and start using Pakistani products, their quality will automatically get better.

And as the last post suggests, exports are the most important of all. Convince the world to buy Pakistani products.
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It is insane to try to produce everything in Pakistan and be profitable. This is just not realistic. Rather try to master in few product base and gain the world standard. Even 3/4 product lines could turn the fate of Pakistanis.

Chinese case is kinda different. They sell a lot of sub standard duplicate products to third world countries under the nose of chinese government which is not possible for Pakistan due USA and WTO restriction.
I need to ask this question again
Well i want to ask a question to fellow Pakistani members here
I have a Pakistani friend who says that the leather clothing manufacturing industry in sialkot has been closed/about to close down because of too much influx of cheap chinese leather/rexine goods.

As the Chinese leather/rexine is cheap people buy it and avoid the hand made leather goods that are made by the local manufacturer

And as result the local manufacturing industry has gone down and is in a bad shape.

The same with the tire,automobile,cellphone and textile industry.

Is this true.
Why can't the GOP issue a tax or a limit in importing of Chinese goods in that case.
This is having serious effect Pakistani economy.

If I am wrong please let me know as i have heard this from a Pakistani friend of mine.He is from sialkot.
Just wanted to confirm.
No offense meant
Neo, sialkot is the hub of Pakistani leather exports not faisalabad, as it is more in bed linnens and cotton textiles. Faisalabad also has the largest cotton trading market in Asia called 'Sutter mandi'.


around 70% of Faisalabad's population is realated to textiles in one way or the other.

Even myself :P
everyone should suport his country products, should support his national industry!
I need to ask this question again
Well i want to ask a question to fellow Pakistani members here
I have a Pakistani friend who says that the leather clothing manufacturing industry in sialkot has been closed/about to close down because of too much influx of cheap chinese leather/rexine goods.

As the Chinese leather/rexine is cheap people buy it and avoid the hand made leather goods that are made by the local manufacturer

And as result the local manufacturing industry has gone down and is in a bad shape.

The same with the tire,automobile,cellphone and textile industry.

Is this true.
Why can't the GOP issue a tax or a limit in importing of Chinese goods in that case.
This is having serious effect Pakistani economy.

If I am wrong please let me know as i have heard this from a Pakistani friend of mine.He is from sialkot.
Just wanted to confirm.
No offense meant

my indian friends,i dont agree with you

for example ,the US can not compete with China in shoes,Japan will not encourage their people to produce leather.
what is really Pakistani advantage?my Pakistani friends know better than me

South Korea is a new member of developed country,so let us see what they r good at? IT ,ship building,auto,Home appliance and?
so if you focus on what you r good at ,and try your best to win in global market,you will win for sure.

and i support Pakistan to protect their Pillar industries or what they want to develop,and you said----------Is this true.
Why can't the GOP issue a tax or a limit in importing of Chinese goods in that case.-----------and i dont know it is really need or in the rules of WTO,we buy Pakistani too,how to do is good for us(China and Pakistan),and i think the most important thing is to keep balance of trade.
we all make more money

for you ,my indian friends,some of you had a post of Pakistan buying 8000 buses from TATA. if this is a good thing ,why they limit chinese goods,Pakistani r making money from the trade too.

a country can not focus on everything
1 United States 14,330,000   
2 Japan 4,844,000
3 China (PRC) 4,222,000 ]
4 Germany 3,818,000
5 France 2,978,000
6 United Kingdom 2,787,000
7 Italy 2,399,000
8 Russia 1,757,000
9 Spain 1,683,000
10 Brazil 1,665,000
11 Canada 1,564,000
12 India 1,237,000
13 Mexico 1,143,000

14 Australia 1,069,000
15 South Korea 953,500
16 Netherlands 909,500
17 Turkey 798,900
18 Poland 567,400
19 Belgium 530,600
20 Saudi Arabia 528,300
no one r good at everything ,if there is one ,tell me,my indian friend
my indian friends,i dont agree with you

for example ,the US can not compete with China in shoes,Japan will not encourage their people to produce leather.
what is really Pakistani advantage?my Pakistani friends know better than me

South Korea is a new member of developed country,so let us see what they r good at? IT ,ship building,auto,Home appliance and?
so if you focus on what you r good at ,and try your best to win in global market,you will win for sure.

and i support Pakistan to protect their Pillar industries or what they want to develop,and you said----------Is this true.
Why can't the GOP issue a tax or a limit in importing of Chinese goods in that case.-----------and i dont know it is really need or in the rules of WTO,we buy Pakistani too,how to do is good for us(China and Pakistan),and i think the most important thing is to keep balance of trade.
we all make more money

for you ,my indian friends,some of you had a post of Pakistan buying 8000 buses from TATA. if this is a good thing ,why they limit chinese goods,Pakistani r making money from the trade too.

a country can not focus on everything
1 United States 14,330,000   
2 Japan 4,844,000
3 China (PRC) 4,222,000 ]
4 Germany 3,818,000
5 France 2,978,000
6 United Kingdom 2,787,000
7 Italy 2,399,000
8 Russia 1,757,000
9 Spain 1,683,000
10 Brazil 1,665,000
11 Canada 1,564,000
12 India 1,237,000
13 Mexico 1,143,000

14 Australia 1,069,000
15 South Korea 953,500
16 Netherlands 909,500
17 Turkey 798,900
18 Poland 567,400
19 Belgium 530,600
20 Saudi Arabia 528,300
no one r good at everything ,if there is one ,tell me,my indian friend
Friend.. You have been posting the above statistics on every thread, what the hell does that mean yaar..!! No of soliders.. or value of imports exports what????;) Heheh JK.

Hey i don't think in a free market especially as per WTO, we can impose any restrictions on imports or subsidies our local products to make it competitive. What we can assure is that quality control system is in place, and proper planing and support needs to be given to manufacture the product with quality and the least possible cost factor.

Government cannot campagain for local purchase, but NGO's and the media can, so an awareness should be among people for the same.

Today we have a maruti, we have a bajaj, reliance, who can compete with any one in the world, my choices would always be governed by the quality that i get, but yes if i get a choice between an Indian company and a foreign company with more or less the same quality my obvious choice would be an Indian product,as it has been always in the back of mind. But however i have taken my small step by trying to buy the personal care products like soap and tooth pastes made by indian companies:D, and also i used to drink only indian made gold spot now unforutnately the MNC's have taken over.
Friend.. You have been posting the above statistics on every thread, what the hell does that mean yaar..!! No of soliders.. or value of imports exports what????;) Heheh JK.

Hey i don't think in a free market especially as per WTO, we can impose any restrictions on imports or subsidies our local products to make it competitive. What we can assure is that quality control system is in place, and proper planing and support needs to be given to manufacture the product with quality and the least possible cost factor.

Government cannot campagain for local purchase, but NGO's and the media can, so an awareness should be among people for the same.

Today we have a maruti, we have a bajaj, reliance, who can compete with any one in the world, my choices would always be governed by the quality that i get, but yes if i get a choice between an Indian company and a foreign company with more or less the same quality my obvious choice would be an Indian product,as it has been always in the back of mind. But however i have taken my small step by trying to buy the personal care products like soap and tooth pastes made by indian companies:D, and also i used to drink only indian made gold spot now unforutnately the MNC's have taken over.
i had posted two times of this .
and i think there is no need to name every top 20 countries by my hands ,,copy it?why not? and i didnt do that on everywhere?right?

in your eyes, Pakistan is the same with India.
you have more people,right?
as a size of Pakistan,how about S korea,Turkey,Mexico?
and i am sure that every country has it's own way to develop,and we should respect their leader in a centain way.
had China done things well ?sure,but we dont sell experience of chinese growth, we have our problems too.and i trust Pakistani leaders and i dont think they will accept others to really hurt Pakitani economy,even best friends like China,and i respect patriots

if some of goods r Pakistan need,and they can not produce it now,where to get it ,india?

and just like JF-17 thunder,our Pakistani friends r produce them at home now,right?
development is a long match
as you said the chinese cellphone,how many factories r needed?
how about auto? first -----part of cellphone,but world-class,and another part of it and so on. then you can produce a good cellphone
how about this?or you can let MNC work with you to cooperate a firm to -------so they get money you get technology and more money in the future
for me ,i am happy that chinese company have a cooperation with :pakistan: to build factories to make money together from global market

my indian friends, here in China we have most of MNC,they make money ,we save money,and let our chinese businessman work hard to compete with them,so we can make money from their countries.

for Pakitan ,China is a big market too,there r so many countries make money from China,why not ?
I need to ask this question again
Well i want to ask a question to fellow Pakistani members here
I have a Pakistani friend who says that the leather clothing manufacturing industry in sialkot has been closed/about to close down because of too much influx of cheap chinese leather/rexine goods.

As the Chinese leather/rexine is cheap people buy it and avoid the hand made leather goods that are made by the local manufacturer

And as result the local manufacturing industry has gone down and is in a bad shape.

The same with the tire,automobile,cellphone and textile industry.

Is this true.
Why can't the GOP issue a tax or a limit in importing of Chinese goods in that case.
This is having serious effect Pakistani economy.

If I am wrong please let me know as i have heard this from a Pakistani friend of mine.He is from sialkot.
Just wanted to confirm.
No offense meant

i don't know whether your story is true or not,but would you say the same way if indian goods have the big market like chinese products do,
people buy the chinese products for their price,it's true,india can do the same thing, you just can't guarantee the same quality with chinese price,it's a joke when you cost 1$ but expect 100$ product.with chinese products,you can save money for your house,car,tourism and so many other expensive thing,how is that hurt anyone。when you make fun of china's manufacturing industry ,i suggest you to take look of your cops' arms,your tanks ,or your LCA,
sorry for your poor information,but till now ,the economic cooperation between pakistan and china is based on investment and infrastructure,are you indian tire of this alienate game?
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