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BD woman divorced husband within 10 mins of wedding on stage 4 asking dowry

Bangladesh 11/11/11 wedding ends in dowry dispute

AFP: Bangladesh 11/11/11 wedding ends in dowry dispute

(AFP) – 9 hours ago

DHAKA — A Bangladeshi man who held his wedding at the auspicious moment of 11:11 am on November 11 had his hopes of a long and happy life with his wife dashed when she left him minutes after the ceremony.

Shawkat Khan told AFP that he did not know why his new bride walked out, but Farzana Yasmin said she was angered by a demand from his family for dowry gifts including a fridge and a television.

"To make the occasion special, I even published pricey cards, inviting friends and relatives to join the wedding," Khan, 32, said, explaining the event was timed to be held 11:11 on 11/11/11.

"The wedding took place at a mosque exactly at that time," Khan, a school headteacher, said, adding he had believed 11 to be his lucky number.

"We had planned a post-marriage party two days later. I have been waiting for this numeric occasion for years. I did not know that it would end up so scandalously."

Yasmin, 27, has been hailed by many Bangladeshis for taking a stand against dowries, an outlawed and much-criticised custom in which a bride's family must give expensive gifts to her new husband.

"I disowned him because I don't want to end up like thousands of Bangladeshi dowry victims," Yasmin, who has become a media sensation in Bangladesh, told AFP.

Local police chief Babul Akhter supported her claims, saying the marriage last Friday in Patuakhali district in the country's rural southwest fell apart over dowry demands made by the husband's aunt during the wedding ceremony.

"The bride asked the groom whether he supported the illegal gift. He nodded in support, prompting the girl to disown him," Akhter told AFP.

Khan denied the allegations, saying he was wealthy enough not to need a dowry.

Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved

---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------


Bangladeshi Shawkat Ali Khan and poses with his bride Farzana Yasmin (AFP)

A Famous international news agency didn't get any thing to published !
you cannot blame India , for this social evil. Islam have prohibited this "jahiliya" activity of dowry. you are in an Islamic country . So you are the responsible people for eradicating this evil dowry practice. How can you call Bangladesh a "Muslim country" when you are keeping so much anti-Islamic rituals.?
Well she called it off, not an easy thing for a girl to do regardless of dowry demanded or not.

There is certain reason why millions of little girls are killed or aborted every year in India. "spend 600 rupee now save 50000 rupee later"
Well she called it off, not an easy thing for a girl to do regardless of dowry demanded or not.
So, since it is not an easy thing for a girl to do......therefore it is commendable even if she does it wrongly??

..............There is certain reason why millions of little girls are killed or aborted every year in India. "spend 600 rupee now save 50000 rupee later"
I think the problem lies more in discrimination against men than against women....as men are traditionally seen as bread earner, so, men think it's logical to demand dowry......read post #42
So unless the role of women are made really equal to men...this system is hard to die...........
Now you will say, men do not take part in household activities.....BUT modern men do.
Ok guys, explain to me, what's the problem with dowry? Women expect a whole lotta things from men during marriage, way beyond what men expect from women. Women expect men to have a job, to provide for them and the children, etc. What do women do? Cook? So what's wrong with getting dowry? If the woman can provide equally as the man, then you have an argument, but otherwise you don't.

Even if women do have a job, a lot of them don't have as high a paying job as their male counterpart. Women treat jobs as a little time off their home life, men treat job as a job.

I guess the only argument you can make is that he should've made it clear before marriage that he expects dowry.
So, since it is not an easy thing for a girl to do......therefore it is commendable even if she does it wrongly??

I think the problem lies more in discrimination against men than against women....as men are traditionally seen as bread earner, so, men think it's logical to demand dowry......read post #42
So unless the role of women are made really equal to men...this system is hard to die...........
Now you will say, men do not take part in household activities.....BUT modern men do.

Paying dowry makes the girls look sort of a burden on the parents that they want to get rid off. Parents giving gifts to their daughter on their own is a different matter.

Women are not the primary bread winner in families. They have very little voice.
well first u have problem with hindu customs..
Now u have problems even with converted hindus without even thinking all muslims(includig u) in bangladesh are converts!!

For your correction as far as I know majority of the bd people were budhhists not hindus... even if it was I am really thankful to my ancestors as they had got rid of all these jaat paat bull sh!t.

Condition of the girls in India is so saver that they need to make such an emotional ad where the unborn girl had to beg her mom that she will remain as an obedient servant throughout her life and will serve them all of her life if during marriage her father is worried about the dowry.

Watch it..

Ok guys, explain to me, what's the problem with dowry? Women expect a whole lotta things from men during marriage, way beyond what men expect from women. Women expect men to have a job, to provide for them and the children, etc. What do women do? Cook? So what's wrong with getting dowry? If the woman can provide equally as the man, then you have an argument, but otherwise you don't.

Even if women do have a job, a lot of them don't have as high a paying job as their male counterpart. Women treat jobs as a little time off their home life, men treat job as a job.

I guess the only argument you can make is that he should've made it clear before marriage that he expects dowry.

Marriage is a contract where finacial matters are inevitable. I seen in my brother's wedding the girl's familly pressed hard for huge sum of money as Kabin. In a normal situation like that we would had refused but as my brother liked that girl beforehand we had to accept what they demanded. On top of that we had to give whole bunch of Gold and other stuffs even though they did not ask for that. But they were good on the wedding day when they offered that we could subtract the gold from Kabin but my father declined as those were gifts.
Ok guys, explain to me, what's the problem with dowry? Women expect a whole lotta things from men during marriage, way beyond what men expect from women. Women expect men to have a job, to provide for them and the children, etc. What do women do? Cook? So what's wrong with getting dowry? If the woman can provide equally as the man, then you have an argument, but otherwise you don't.

Even if women do have a job, a lot of them don't have as high a paying job as their male counterpart. Women treat jobs as a little time off their home life, men treat job as a job.

I guess the only argument you can make is that he should've made it clear before marriage that he expects dowry.

Firstly coming from the Islamic point of view there is no dowry in Islam(dowry is not allowed), infact the guy's side has to pay the girls side (kabin). And then according to Islam it is the responsibility of the guy to fend for the family, not the girl.

Secondly this creates a social anarchy as families start demanding way more than what the girl's family can give and often results in domestic violence, divorce, or even suicide. Sooner or later parents start considering female children a burden due to this dowry and they start aborting females.

Ultimately no law can abolish the system of dowry in the name of gifts but what it can do is stop the domestic violence that occurs due to this thing. Nowadays if a girl files a case against a guy/guy's family regarding issues such dowry, domestic violence, then you can be sure the guy along with his family will get screwed regardless whether it is their fault or not, which on the other hand is also becoming a menace.
For your correction as far as I know majority of the bd people were budhhists not hindus... even if it was I am really thankful to my ancestors as they had got rid of all these jaat paat bull sh!t.

Condition of the girls in India is so saver that they need to make such an emotional ad where the unborn girl had to beg her mom that she will remain as an obedient servant throughout her life and will serve them all of her life if during marriage her father is worried about the dowry.

Watch it..

Husnain Ali's Videos | Facebook

So what's the point of converting when you keep the worst of Indians and adopt the worst of Arabians? Atleast Arabs and Indians have the excuse of them following their respective home-grown ancient culture, but you my friend will remain "Na ghar ka, na ghat ka".
For your correction as far as I know majority of the bd people were budhhists not hindus... even if it was I am really thankful to my ancestors as they had got rid of all these jaat paat bull sh!t.

Condition of the girls in India is so saver that they need to make such an emotional ad where the unborn girl had to beg her mom that she will remain as an obedient servant throughout her life and will serve them all of her life if during marriage her father is worried about the dowry.

Watch it..

Husnain Ali's Videos | Facebook

Dont change the topic....
Be on topic....
If u think islam removes all the bad rituals , why it is still there???
Even if u think conversion to islam saves all problems y it is still there in ur country???
Dude u have to understand culture of a people hhave more effect than its religion.....
U just cant escape by putting the blame on other religion.....
Its a problem with ancient culture wnhich should be weeded out....
Shall i provide links where many muslim girls are forced to wear burqah, forced to marry(child marriage), denied education??
The land of prophet mohammad itself in which a women cant go out without a man, cant drive, cant vote, cant love so where islam changed wrong cultures????
In every culture problems exist(india too has problems) and singling out a religion for a problem is like U HIDING URSELF BY PUTTING UR HEAD INSIDE EARTH(LIKE AN OSTRICH)....
if u r a true reformer accept the problems than just pass it to a other religion....
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