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BD woman divorced husband within 10 mins of wedding on stage 4 asking dowry

Jail? Ah, yes, we need to set an example! But the court needs needs tangible evidence. The fupu could as well come up with "but it was just a joke!".

Pretty easy stuff. Just say she voted BNP, Hasina will personally see her sorry a** languishes in jail.
Right Man need to give mohrana to his wife instead of taking any thing from her . taking dowry is blind following
of Hindu culture .:angry:

actually dowry practice isnt hindu culture, its a social culture practiced by many countries in the world. The greeks, portugese, english all practiced it. Its only prevalent in south asia
Right Man need to give mohrana to his wife instead of taking any thing from her . taking dowry is blind following
of Hindu culture .:angry:

How sad...evenafter converting there is no escape from the evil yindoos. :rofl:

Wake up and smell the coffee. Quit blaming your country's and community's problems on others.
actually dowry practice isnt hindu culture, its a social culture practiced by many countries in the world. The greeks, portugese, english all practiced it. Its only prevalent in south asia

In our part of the world the parents give their movable property like Gold & Money to daughter(s) at the time of her marriage, while immovable property like house and land is meant for son(s).
Dowry is Haram in Islam in Islam Man has to spent on Marriage and women and he has to afford all the expenses of wedding to
actually dowry practice isnt hindu culture, its a social culture practiced by many countries in the world. The greeks, portugese, english all practiced it. Its only prevalent in south asia

Yeah dowry is not a part of Hindu culture at all. The British introduced it here during the colonial period. It's frustrating to see brown muslim & hindu men pointing fingers at each other while considering the white men to be an uncorrupted breed.
Yeah dowry is not a part of Hindu culture at all. The British introduced it here during the colonial period. It's frustrating to see brown muslim & hindu men pointing fingers at each other while considering the white men to be an uncorrupted breed.

You are telling wholly different idea about the dowry . :what: what i have been knowing as the hindu woman don't get any share of her father property so usually during marriage it is mandatory to give dowry during her marriage.
actually dowry practice isnt hindu culture, its a social culture practiced by many countries in the world. The greeks, portugese, english all practiced it. Its only prevalent in south asia

@ I disagree with you. As a student of Law, I will say this practice came from Hindu Law. In Hindu Law of Inheritance the women donot get anything from his father as a result on the day of marriage it is practice in a Hindu society to give as much as gift. This practice continued and also inherited in Bengal Muslim society.

@ I have seen in North West Frontier Province, once a Pathan is married he himself give lot of money to the father of daughter. During the Pakistan times I have seen lot of Pathan soldiers used to get married in East Pakistan while staying in the then East Pakistan. It was mainly due to this gift. But soon once the girl was taken back to West Pakistan, the Pathan got second marriage there took and in the process the 1st wife was diforced later on. This was the common phenomenon in those days. Many Bengalee women later on landed on the "Hira Mondi" at Lahore. Still there are many Bengalee women found in those restricted areas.
@ I disagree with you. As a student of Law, I will say this practice came from Hindu Law. In Hindu Law of Inheritance the women donot get anything from his father as a result on the day of marriage it is practice in a Hindu society to give as much as gift. This practice continued and also inherited in Bengal Muslim society.

@ I have seen in North West Frontier Province, once a Pathan is married he himself give lot of money to the father of daughter. During the Pakistan times I have seen lot of Pathan soldiers used to get married in East Pakistan while staying in the then East Pakistan. It was mainly due to this gift. But soon once the girl was taken back to West Pakistan, the Pathan got second marriage there took and in the process the 1st wife was diforced later on. This was the common phenomenon in those days. Many Bengalee women later on landed on the "Hira Mondi" at Lahore. Still there are many Bengalee women found in those restricted areas.

As s student of law,please explain,what do you refer to as 'Hindu law' ???

Ms Yasmin said her husband was a 'rogue' to demand dowry payments

Farzana Yasmin,

From the name, I thought she would be Islamic yet I was proven wrong. I can conclude that she is Bengali minded bigot because:
1--She wearing tip on forehead which is from Hindu culture and only Hindu should wear it.
2--She wearing Saree Hindu style.

Although I command her for the courage however denounce her cultural look.
Good lord, when my rents got hitched, both sides of the familia dumped gifts on them before seeing them off. Good to know that the subcontinent is still clinging on to the middle ages (sarcasm)
Generally speaking.........

One of the sole purpose of marriage is to provide economic security to the woman....therefore always employed men are preferred.
They always look for a groom with the highest possible income.

As a man, I have grown up hearing....."if you do not study hard, you will not get a job, then how will you support your family??"
No one says this to a woman....for a woman in our society...it's like...."you don't need to study, you will be married off to a rich man and your future will be secured."

Now, you may think, this is an example of utmost discrimination against women in our society.....BUT, I think(quite logically) that this is actually an example of utmost discrimination against men....... as the financial burden of looking after everyone rests only on men......this pressure is created on men from a very early age...i.e they are forced to think like this from an early age....so they think it as normal.

Since the financial burden traditionally rests only on men, therefore it is not very illogical to demand some-kind of financial assistance(dowry) during marriage......it can be considered(quite logically) as a small price to pay for securing the woman's future.
This is why the "dowry" system traditionally exists even today...despite of stringent laws against it.

Therefore we cannot end this system just by denouncing it and having laws..........we actually need to change the approach with which we see the role of men and women in our society.
Once women are also forced to share the financial burden equally along with men, then these systems will automatically cease to exist.

This is how true equality can be achieved.....women will get what they are fighting for i.e right to education,financial freedom(along with responsibility ofcourse) etc. AND men will be somewhat relieved from the financial burden which they are forced to hold exclusively.

So, the bottomline is , to eliminate a problem, you need to eliminate the root cause first.
@ I disagree with you. As a student of Law, I will say this practice came from Hindu Law. In Hindu Law of Inheritance the women donot get anything from his father as a result on the day of marriage it is practice in a Hindu society to give as much as gift. This practice continued and also inherited in Bengal Muslim society.

@ I have seen in North West Frontier Province, once a Pathan is married he himself give lot of money to the father of daughter. During the Pakistan times I have seen lot of Pathan soldiers used to get married in East Pakistan while staying in the then East Pakistan. It was mainly due to this gift. But soon once the girl was taken back to West Pakistan, the Pathan got second marriage there took and in the process the 1st wife was diforced later on. This was the common phenomenon in those days. Many Bengalee women later on landed on the "Hira Mondi" at Lahore. Still there are many Bengalee women found in those restricted areas.

as a student of law i would request you to read up some history . the Europeans have been giving dowry for over a thousand years. one of the most famous and relevant to the Indian subcontinent was the seven islands of Bombay given in dowry to the British by the Portuguese.
arey yaar....
There is no point in arguing, from which religion or from where such a system originated.....this will lead us nowhere.

Instead we can have some constructive discussion about why such a system exists even today despite of stringent laws against it.

In our HINDU MARRIAGE ACT...we have strict laws against it....so does it really matter, if it's originated from Hinduism or not??

Even if we consider, "dowry" system didn't originate in Islam, but the fact that it is also creeping into Islam is equally disgraceful.

Despite of so much protest, why is it increasing instead of diminishing ??

We need to find out this why..............read post #42, you will find a probable and logical answer.
arey yaar....
There is no point in arguing, from which religion or from where such a system originated.....this will lead us nowhere.

Instead we can have some constructive discussion about why such a system exists even today despite of stringent laws against it.

In our HINDU MARRIAGE ACT...we have strict laws against it....so does it really matter, if it's originated from Hinduism or not??

Even if we consider, "dowry" system didn't originate in Islam, but the fact that it is also creeping into Islam is equally disgraceful.

Despite of so much protest, why is it increasing instead of diminishing ??

We need to find out this why..............read post #42, you will find a probable and logical answer.

Its all about Demand and supply brother. For instance in some places of Punjab where is a shortage of girls people will rather pay for the brides.
From my personal experience I seen father looking for better groom for his daughter even through offering bribes (dowry) even though the girl may well suit with a lower qualified groom.
In lower class society sometimes less attractive girls are given away with a promise that the girls father will pay for the business money or something so that the groom will get to his feet and support the familly. The two familly negotiate to that.

The system worked more less for hundreds of years with some exception ofcourse.
I seen girls mother stripped money from boys if her daughter is good looking. LOL
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