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BD woman divorced husband within 10 mins of wedding on stage 4 asking dowry

a very brave & encouraging step by the woman. this dowry menace has to be eliminated from the subcontinental society. every girl should stand up against it.
Its all about Demand and supply brother. For instance in some places of Punjab where is a shortage of girls people will rather pay for the brides.................................................................................................................................................
................The system worked more less for hundreds of years with some exception ofcourse.
I seen girls mother stripped money from boys if her daughter is good looking. LOL

So, why is it that, when the bride's family has to give money(dowry), we creat such a hue and cry.....but where grooms family has to give money( for whatever reason--cultural, demand supply reason etc.), we don't bother.

AND they say, it's a male chauvinistic world...........

..................................................From my personal experience I seen father looking for better groom for his daughter even through offering bribes (dowry) even though the girl may well suit with a lower qualified groom.
In lower class society sometimes less attractive girls are given away with a promise that the girls father will pay for the business money or something so that the groom will get to his feet and support the familly. The two familly negotiate to that...................................
And no one blames the bride or bride's family for such an attitude.......

Yes! it is understandable, that people will want the best for their daughter...but, how can marrying off their daughter to a man who wants dowry can be the best option??

Actually, everyone wants their children to lead a luxurious life....but for their daughter, the easiest way is to marry her off to a wealthy man....even by giving some bribe(dowry)

This desire of living a luxurious life at the expense of the husband's income amounts to greed....but no one condemns this...they only blame the man for his greed.

I want to live in a feminist world.....:lol:
this whole ''general south asian'' mentality of ''we are giving you the girl'' or ''where are our gifts'' and all that other stuff is so backwards........

concept of dowry itself is pretty backwards too

Bangladesh 11/11/11 wedding ends in dowry dispute

AFP: Bangladesh 11/11/11 wedding ends in dowry dispute

(AFP) – 9 hours ago

DHAKA — A Bangladeshi man who held his wedding at the auspicious moment of 11:11 am on November 11 had his hopes of a long and happy life with his wife dashed when she left him minutes after the ceremony.

Shawkat Khan told AFP that he did not know why his new bride walked out, but Farzana Yasmin said she was angered by a demand from his family for dowry gifts including a fridge and a television.

"To make the occasion special, I even published pricey cards, inviting friends and relatives to join the wedding," Khan, 32, said, explaining the event was timed to be held 11:11 on 11/11/11.

"The wedding took place at a mosque exactly at that time," Khan, a school headteacher, said, adding he had believed 11 to be his lucky number.

"We had planned a post-marriage party two days later. I have been waiting for this numeric occasion for years. I did not know that it would end up so scandalously."

Yasmin, 27, has been hailed by many Bangladeshis for taking a stand against dowries, an outlawed and much-criticised custom in which a bride's family must give expensive gifts to her new husband.

"I disowned him because I don't want to end up like thousands of Bangladeshi dowry victims," Yasmin, who has become a media sensation in Bangladesh, told AFP.

Local police chief Babul Akhter supported her claims, saying the marriage last Friday in Patuakhali district in the country's rural southwest fell apart over dowry demands made by the husband's aunt during the wedding ceremony.

"The bride asked the groom whether he supported the illegal gift. He nodded in support, prompting the girl to disown him," Akhter told AFP.

Khan denied the allegations, saying he was wealthy enough not to need a dowry.

Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved

---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------


Bangladeshi Shawkat Ali Khan and poses with his bride Farzana Yasmin (AFP)
She is talking over the mobile in her wedding stage????? wow thats rude too.
Turns out there is another side to this story which is ofcourse from the guys side. Apparently the girl's side had issues with the quality of some of the gifts that were presented to them. When they made issues about it the guy's aunt said that they could have demanded expensive "gifts" (aka dowry) from them aswell. This is when things got out of hand and the rest is well documented.

Anyway, to me the guy's story makes more sense because asking for dowry in the middle of the wedding is not usually what happens, it is usually worked out before the wedding. But one things for certain, regardless of how this case turns out to be, we gotta get rid of this dowry mentality.
You are telling wholly different idea about the dowry . :what: what i have been knowing as the hindu woman don't get any share of her father property so usually during marriage it is mandatory to give dowry during her marriage.

a. Dowry is a criminal act by law in India.
b. Woman do get share of father's property.
If you like it or not this corrupt practice has come from India and some corrupt converted hindus has still maintained this practice in muslim countries like Bangladesh. But the problem is so severe in India regarding this dowry. In Bangladesh voice should be raised against this hinduani chaal.

In India it is a criminal act by law.

Our parliament passed a Dowry Prohibition Act wayyyyyy back in 1961.

In India, the payment of a dowry was prohibited in 1961 under Indian civil law and subsequently by Sections 304B and 498a of the Indian Penal Code were enacted to make it easier for the wife to seek redress from potential harassment by the husband's family. Dowry laws have come under criticism as they have been misused by women and their families.

In India, there are civil laws, criminal laws and special legislative acts against the tradition of Dowry. Someone accused of taking dowry is therefore subject to a multiplicity of legal processes.

Dowry law in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

may be now its change by enacting law but is it untrue that there were rules to give dowry ? and the share of father property isn't new ? :undecided: :unsure:
I think the dude version makes more sense, now that we supposedly know both side of the story. Anyway she has bigger bal@s then the groom !!
@ I disagree with you. As a student of Law, I will say this practice came from Hindu Law. In Hindu Law of Inheritance the women donot get anything from his father as a result on the day of marriage it is practice in a Hindu society to give as much as gift. This practice continued and also inherited in Bengal Muslim society.

@ I have seen in North West Frontier Province, once a Pathan is married he himself give lot of money to the father of daughter. During the Pakistan times I have seen lot of Pathan soldiers used to get married in East Pakistan while staying in the then East Pakistan. It was mainly due to this gift. But soon once the girl was taken back to West Pakistan, the Pathan got second marriage there took and in the process the 1st wife was diforced later on. This was the common phenomenon in those days. Many Bengalee women later on landed on the "Hira Mondi" at Lahore. Still there are many Bengalee women found in those restricted areas.

The Hindu property law Dāyabhāga which was followed in Bengal and Assam before independence has whatsoever no acceptance of Dowry.

According to Dāyabhāga, father is the sole ruler of all property, both ancestral and personal and he can do whatsoever he wants with it, sons have no direct control over father's property.

The widow succeeds the father's property rights on his death, even in cases where he held property jointly with his brother.

I'm surprised you know so little about laws being a law student.

source : Jīmūtavāhana's Dāyabhāga : the Hindu law of inheritance in Bengal

Republic of India has her own Hindu property laws which was mentioned by garibnawaz.
Divorce at Wedding
Farzana's ex-husband loses job
Our Correspondent, Patuakhali

Farzana's ex-husband loses job

Shawkat Ali Khan Hiron, the divorced husband of Farzana Yasmin, and his aunt were suspended from their school jobs yesterday for demanding dowry.

Hiron, headmaster of Kolapara Uttar Chakamoiya Government Primary School, and Tahmina Khanam, headmistress of Nilganj Government Primary School, were suspended, said Md Ruhul Amin, Kalapara upazila primary education officer, adding copies of the letter notifying their suspension were sent to them.

Farzana, who recently completed her masters from Dhaka's Eden College, divorced Hiron at the end of their wedding ceremony on November 11.

The suspension letter issued on November 15 mentioned that the decision was made in line with the rules and following news reports that Hiron had supported his aunt when she demanded a TV, refrigerator and a motorbike as “gifts”.

Tahmina confirmed receiving the letter. She, however, claimed to have been defeated by propaganda.

Hiron, who was returning to Kalapara from Dhaka yesterday, said he did not receive the letter.

The incident of Farzana divorcing Hiron the day she was married received public support across the country, prompting the government to order an investigation.

Patuakhali District Primary Education Officer Abdul Kader started the probe on November 14, and collected a copy of the general diary filed with the police, footage, photographs and written statements of the groom and the bride. He submitted a report to the education ministry on Wednesday.

On November 14, family of Hiron at a press conference termed the news report on the incident false. They also claimed that an altercation had taken place between the bride's brother-in-law and the aunt of the groom centring a nail-polish remover.

A human chain was also formed in favour of Hiron on November 15, while NNS, an NGO, organised another human chain the next day demanding exemplary punishment to Hiron and his aunt.
An interesting fact for those who are saying that dowry is an Hindu/Indian culture/ritual.

The Island of Mumbai (It was not a city back then) was once a colony of Portugal who gave it to the British thrown as dowry.

On 11 May 1661, the marriage treaty of Charles II of England and Catherine of Braganza, daughter of King John IV of Portugal, placed the islands in possession of the British Empire, as part of Catherine's dowry to Charles.

Now the last time when I checked back in 17th Century (or even today) neither the British were Hindus nor the Portugese.

So much for dowry being a Hindu culture.

If you like it or not this corrupt practice has come from India and some corrupt converted hindus has still maintained this practice in muslim countries like Bangladesh. But the problem is so severe in India regarding this dowry. In Bangladesh voice should be raised against this hinduani chaal.

Al Zakir can give some input regarding this. :flame:

---------- Post added at 10:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 AM ----------

Watch this music Video...:::

well first u have problem with hindu customs..
Now u have problems even with converted hindus without even thinking all muslims(includig u) in bangladesh are converts!!
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I think the dude version makes more sense, now that we supposedly know both side of the story. Anyway she has bigger bal@s then the groom !!

How the groom going to prove he have or had Balls ;)
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