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BBC panorama - Muslim first British second

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So much for the integration with the host society....
The thing is other communities do integrate and so do the majority of Muslims but there is a large section of Muslims who don't integrate and cause loads of problems.
The UK sadly is full of these type of idiots
the problem is that the UK let in millions of Pakistanis in the 60s for labour. they stayed on and are causing havoc.
The thing is other communities do integrate and so do the majority of Muslims but there is a large section of Muslims who don't integrate and cause loads of problems.

And if we take that large section and multiply it with the number of non-Muslim countries and that large section becomes massive. Something very dangerous.

Why racism only against Muslims and not buddhists?
Your post does not make any sense.

Ever seen us massacring people, flying planes into buildings, behead those who don't agree with us, or impose our religion on others?

Muslim is not a race; there are many muslim countries with different races from Caucasian to east Asian and more.

Racism is just a word falsely used to placate and silence those who question this violence.
The thing is other communities do integrate and so do the majority of Muslims but there is a large section of Muslims who don't integrate and cause loads of problems.
The thing is other communities do integrate and so do the majority of Muslims but there is a large section of Muslims who don't integrate and cause loads of problems.

Integration is a liberal concept that seems to change on a whim. The population in topic is the same kind of folks that were there decades ago.

What has changed is the level of change some folks were expecting to see in their lifestyles. This is probably what is pis*ing off the liberals.

When people talk about integration they are actually talking about demographics, integration is just a catchword in disguise.
Ever seen us massacring people, flying planes into buildings, behead those who don't agree with us, or impose our religion on others?
Muslim is not a race; there are many muslim countries with different races from Caucasian to east Asian and more.
Racism is just a word falsely used to placate and silence those who question this violence.

Yes all Muslims are terrorists. I guess that's what you were waiting to hear in all of your pathetic trolling.
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