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BBC panorama - Muslim first British second

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half of anti islam feeling here is due to racism. The other half is due to sensational tabloids. :)

Why racism only against Muslims and not buddhists?
Your post does not make any sense.
Why racism only against Muslims and not buddhists?
Your post does not make any sense.
there are not many buddist to be racist against. Muslims are in big number and stand out in the crowd due to funny facial hair. Thats why.
So a band of a hundred of so extremists morons warrant an entire thread dedicated to them?

This program is five years old. Did you just watch it now.

Last date aired Feb 2009.
UK govt. should give respect to Muslims and also try to allocate funds for Mosque and Madrassa's as well. Muslims should be given equal chance in Police and other Govt. duties...
UK govt. should give respect to Muslims and also try to allocate funds for Mosque and Madrassa's as well. Muslims should be given equal chance in Police and other Govt. duties...

If they did that to Muslims, they must emulate such appeasement towards other religions like Sikh/Hindu/Buddhism/jain/parsi and what not. This way it would be a waste for white taxpayers who would watch their own ruins materialised out of nowhere/
So a band of a hundred of so extremists morons warrant an entire thread dedicated to them?

This program is five years old. Did you just watch it now.

Last date aired Feb 2009.

You beat me to it.....OP should make a little effort, Part-2, 3, 4....... are also out there.
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UK govt. should give respect to Muslims and also try to allocate funds for Mosque and Madrassa's as well. Muslims should be given equal chance in Police and other Govt. duties...
uk govt gives respect to all religion. There is equal opportunity for all to join police etc but I think they should give some quota to ethnic minorities(blacks, muslims/hindus/sikhs/jews), in police force to make it more diverse.
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Video shows UFOs over mekka claims Youtube User?

Idiot thinks Lens reflection of the lightspots are angels. :lol:

So a band of a hundred of so extremists morons warrant an entire thread dedicated to them?

This program is five years old. Did you just watch it now.

Last date aired Feb 2009.

Can you prove it?
Britain banega Pakistan bangadesh it seems. wherever there are too many islamist that place is doomed
Why you are lying?
There is no such video/

Well I was not aware of it.
However, after 2005, so much water has flown under the themes river/
Situation is even worse now.
This is something that one must admit - vis a vis this issue.
Whites are getting furious

Seeing is believing right?
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