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Battles of 1971

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A Great Great Grandfather is celebrating his 100th birthday, and invites all his family, brick and motor to join in the party. When all are there, he stands on a chair to deliver his speech.
He starts, "In whole of my life, i have never drank alcohol, never touched a cigarette, never did drugs, been married to the same woman for over 70 years, in whole of our marriage life, never once i was unfaithful to her, went to my bed at 9.00pm sharp and was up at 6.00 every morning, hence, today before you i am celebrating my 100th birthday, Someone shouts from the crowd......... HOW ? !!!!!!
And why did you post a joke in this particular thread?
Honestly I do not celebrate independence by going to so called "Shaid minar" with bunch of flower. This is a shirk practice. There is nothing to celebrate about

I honestly do feel sorry for 71 and wish that it never took place but it did. I accept it as our destiny but I do feel that Pak-bangladesh should work together by buried the ugly past.

Pakistanis are ready but some bengali minded bangladeshi got stuck in the past.

Brother Al-Zakir, may God bestow his best blessings on you and your household. It is sad that our government back home is so keen on pushing the agenda that people like leon and others are constantly pushing, which is the Bangladesh India wants us to believe in, and not the Pakistan which we were meant to be. The war was a total mistake and those who conspired with the Indians now have consolidated great wealth and power for their families in BD and India, but the vast majority are very very poor. This is not the only instance of Shirk being practiced by our people thanks to the motives of BD government with Indian sponsorship. Learned Bengali's everywhere do indeed accept the harsh reality that 1971 was a mistake and that nationalism is a false ideal which allowed us to part ways with a potentially beautiful relationship that ended in the slaughter and capture of an army that we were warriors in ourselves. Those who neglected their duty and turned their back on Pakistan to fight with the Indians will have a hard time facing God's judgment for their actions.

Pakistani army never massacred a single Bengali, they were bogged down on multiple fronts fighting off infiltratrors with the help of small hearted and backstabbing BD traitors. There is no time for massacring innocents when you are being massacred by traitors within your own ranks.

God save us from further embarrassments.



It is a nice thread; yes, the memories are so very painful, but they are all real. The people or nations who forget their past (glorious or otherwise) never survive. The past is what determines the present, and the present shapes up the future. Those who learn from their past can avoid repeating the similar mistakes and those who do not learn, keep on repeating the same old mistakes which eventually results in their final demise.

I salute to all those West Pakistani soldiers and civilians who paid the hefty price for the criminals mistakes of their selfish rulers; I also salute to all those East Pakistani brothers (now Bangladeshis) who stood up against the oppression of the West Pakistan's ruling elite class and after sacrificing countless, eventually got themselves independence.

This is very sensitive an issue, and I for one don’t think that the bitterness will ever fade away altogether, but Bangladesh is a reality, and accepting this reality, we can learn to live though with lots of pain associated with it.
It's worth mentioning that the Pakistan made G-3 Rifle had it's first real test during this war with devastating effects, but first a little back ground to the story. Initially apart from Mukti fighters, India had pushed it's own insurgents into East Pakistan. These Indian culprits were particularly ruthless and easily distinguishable as they had shaven heads and supported a pony tail. These insurgents raided the local radio station, abducted all the civilian staff and their families, killed and mutilated their bodies and piled the corpses in the court yard and started broadcasting anti-Pakistan propaganda in both Hindi and Bengali. The local Pakistan Army commander was instructed to salvage the Radio Station, who after a brief fire fight managed to over come the insurgents with about 20 of them arrested and lined up.

After a brief survey of the area, the grizzly discovery of mutilated bodies of men, women and children was made. Seeing the horror, the Commander lost it and ordered one of his men to pull the trigger, the young soldier fired a single shot from his hip, it was reported the G-3 round pierced through seven insurgents and the bullet lodged into the eighth victim. Later in the war, in the Western sector, a Pakistani ground observer shot down an Indian Mystere fighter aircraft with a burst from his G-3 Rifle.

It means you believe that even Indians can fight, but not the Bangalis. What is your point, why do you fingerpoint at the Indians? Why do not you blame Gen. Ayub Khan who stole democracy from Pakistan in 1958? Why do not you blame this Hazara who was promoted to the rank of COAS at the insistence of Bangali politicians of those days? Why he had to kill democracy to stop the influence of these same Bangali politicians who were his mentors?

Why do not you fingerpoint at your Kijilbush President Yahya and power hungry Bhutto for the starting of fighting? Why these guys failed to surrender power to the people's representatives? Why these guys did not convene the National assembly in Dhaka on 25th March, 1971? Why these guys did not even hold a meeting with Sk. Mujib when he was in their custody all through the nine months?

Can you answer the questions above? Wake up from seeing a ghost in the Dhaka radio station. No such things have happened and we did not need any foreign ghosts there. Better you answer why your so-called brave army started firing at random in Dhaka on the early morning of 26th March that killed 10,000 people?

Then, after only two days why it had to kill about another thousand innocent villagers across the Buriganga river in Jinjira with machine gun fire? I have read this Jinjira account. The army did it with a wrong information that there were rebels there. Without first getting a proper intelligence, your brute army killed these innocents.

You are still following the same kind of military dictatorship in your Pakistan. If something like '71 happens, it will be due to your own lack of vision. You have made Pakistan a greater Punjabistan. we resisted that and are a free nation today without all those problems of Talibanism that you have created in your midst.

You guys tried to show your strength against unarmed civilians. This was against the will of Allah. Allah has punished you for that by humiliating at the hands of Hindu India. Your BRAVE army should have preferred not to surrender until the last person. But, they chose humiliation by surrendering to the Hindus. But, remember, we did not surrender to your forces, we preferred being killed.

It is you who are to be blamed for all those happened in 1971 and not the foreign ghosts.

It is a nice thread; yes, the memories are so very painful, but they are all real. The people or nations who forget their past (glorious or otherwise) never survive. The past is what determines the present, and the present shapes up the future. Those who learn from their past can avoid repeating the similar mistakes and those who do not learn, keep on repeating the same old mistakes which eventually results in their final demise.

I salute to all those West Pakistani soldiers and civilians who paid the hefty price for the criminals mistakes of their selfish rulers; I also salute to all those East Pakistani brothers (now Bangladeshis) who stood up against the oppression of the West Pakistan's ruling elite class and after sacrificing countless, eventually got themselves independence.

This is very sensitive an issue, and I for one don’t think that the bitterness will ever fade away altogether, but Bangladesh is a reality, and accepting this reality, we can learn to live though with lots of pain associated with it.

Thank you Sir,expected this f.rom you. :)

To everyone...


If that is the flag you recognise,then you should change the Bangladeshi flags and put Pakistani flag on.Because that is your national flag.

You are disrespecting both the flags now.

P.S. :

You are saying "learned Bengalis" accept 1971,was a mistake.May I ask who these "learned Bengalis" are?Razakars of course.

You mean to imply that people like Zia ur Rahman,who had won Hilal-e-jurrat at 1965 war,just changed automatically and backstabbed his fellow officers?
Listen,one can not clap with one hand.Go post your crap elsewhere.

And stop posting as a Bangladeshi,I highly doubt you are one.
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Now I am posting about seven "Bir Shreshtos",(The Most Valiant Hero),highest military award given by Bangladesh.
I will just post how they died,because of which they got the awards.

F.rom Bangladesh Army

1.Captain Mohiuddin Zahangir

In December, Mohiuddin Jahangir was made the captain of a team in order to clinch the control of Chapai nawabganj from the Pakistanis. He set his camp at a place called Barghoria at the west of Nawabganj on 10 December. On 13 December, Mohiuddin Jahangir divided his army into three groups in order to attack on different enemy camps at Chapainababganj and Rajshahi. One team led by Lieutenant Rafiq crossed Mohananda and continued to proceed towards Rohonpur-Nachole-Anupura and Nawabganj. The second team crossed the Mahananda River and marched towards the city. At this point Mohiuddin Jahangir failed to establish any advantage over the enemy. So he continued with his team and crossed Mahananda and camped at Rehaichar before Dawn. He intended to destroy one of the light machine gun bunker of the Pakistan Army and crawled towards it. He managed to come closer to the bunker and charged grenade to it. But he was fired from another bunker and as a result, he was immediately shot dead. He was buried to Choto Shona Mosque premises at Mehdipur where most of his activities had taken place during the war. Later he was announced Bir Shrestho.

2. Sepoy Hamidur Rahman

On 28 October 1971, a battle was taking place between 1st East Bengal Regiment and 30 A Frontier Force Regiment in Dhalai of Sylhet. 125 Member East Bengal Regiment decided to use grenades on the Machine Gun posts of the Pakistan army. Rahman took the responsibility of throwing grenades and crawled through the hilly canals. He managed to explode two grenades before he was shot. Hamidur Rahman jumped into the enemy Machine Gun post and engaged in hand to hand fight with the two crews who were guarding the gun and at one stage neutralized the gun . Realizing the fact that Machine Gun outpost was damaged, EBR approached towards the enemy and captured their first line within a short period of time. Later they found out the dead body of Rahman. Thus Dhalai Border Outpost was captured. Sepoy Hamidur Rahman's attempt helped East Bengal Regiment to win that mission.
3.Sepoy Mostafa Kamal

On 16 April, Pakistan Army started to approach towards the Regiment camp. They were coming over the railway of the Comilla-Aakhaura root. Regiment also reconciled their position at Daruin. They settled on their trenches near a pond. Mostafa Kamal took the rightmost position.

On 17 April, Pakistanis opened fire. Major Shafayat Jamil strengthened his force by sending the 11th Platoon of company Delta to Daruin. At around 12 PM the Pakistanis attacked from West. Another part of the Pakistan Army attacked Mukti Bahini from behind. As a result, Regiment had decided to retreat from Daruin. Mostafa Kamal took the responsibily to cover for his fellow fighters. Most of the fighters retreated to a safer position as Kamal relentlessly kept firing with his Light Machine Gun. He managed to neutralize(kill) 8 Pakistani soldiers. But at one stage, he got shot. He along with 20 to 40 other soldiers died at this battle.

Bangladesh Navy

4.Engine room artificer Mohammad Ruhul Amin

On 10 December an accident occurred at the Rupsha river in Khulna. Two of the warships of the Mukti Bahini named "Padma" and "Palash" mistakenly came under fire from the Indian Air Force as it crossed the river Rupsha near the Khulna shipyards. on this day. Earlier that day, Indian Air Force fired at different places of Khunla city. Incidentally one of those bombs had fallen at the warship "Palash". Ruhul Amin was working as an artificer of that ship. After the heavy bombing, the engine room got burned and Ruhul Amin was forced to dive into the water. When he reached the river shore, he got caught by the Razakars who killed him using their bayonets.
Bangladesh Air force

5.Flight Lieutenant Matiur Rahman

On August 20, 1971 he attempted to steal a T-33 trainer f.rom Karachi, Pakistan to India in order to defect f.rom the Pakistan Air Force and join the liberation movement of Bangladesh. The T-33 aircraft was code-named 'Bluebird'. However, Matiur Rahman could not take the plane out of Pakistani territory, as reportedly, the other trainee pilot in the plane, Rashid Minhas, forced it to crash. The plane crashed in Thatta, a place near the Indian border.Matiur Rehman probably forgot to fasten his harness and lock the canopy,he had drugged the trainee pilot into unconsciousness. On regaining consciousness Rashid Minhas who was seated in the front seat struggled to wrestle control of the aircraft.In the ensuing manuvres,the canopy flew open under the stresses / G forces of the manuvers and Matiur Rehman flew out of the aircraft. His body, which was found near the crash site was buried at the military graveyard at Masroor Air Base.

Bangladesh Rifles

6.Lance Naik Munshi Abdur Rouf

East Bengal Regiment wanted to restrict the Pakistan Army f.rom using the Rangamati-Mahalchari waterway. Thus, they camped at both of the Chingri Lake at Burighat. Munshi Abdur Rouf was serving as a soldier in this company. In order to prevent the Pakistan Army f.rom utilizing the Rangamati-Mahalchari waterway, 8th East Bengal Regiment constructed a camp at both sides

On 18 April 1971, Pakistan Army attacked at the defense position of Mukti Bahini with 7 speed boats and 2 launches. Their mission was to drive the Mukti Bahini away f.rom the waterway of Rangamati and Mohalchari. Pakistani forces managed to disorient Mukti Bahini by coming closer to them and firing heavily. In the meantime Pakistanis surrounded the freedom fighters and managed to isolate nearly 100 of them. Rouf realized the threat to the entire company. So, he crawled forward to his trench and continuously fired towards the enemies with his automatic machine gun. As a result, Pakistanis dragged their launches back to a safer place and resumed their firing from there. Suddenly a mortar directly hit Rouf and he died immediately. Munshi Abdur Rouf's valiant effort helped his company to survive as his act saved nearly 150 soldiers of the Mukti Bahini on that day.
7.Lance Naik Nur Mohammad Sheikh

Lance Nayek Nur Mohammad was selected as the captain of the Standing Patrol team at Goalhati that was established to monitor the Pakistan army. On September 5, Nur Mohammad was patrolling with 4 fellow soldiers. The Pakistan army managed to point out the position of Nur Mohammad's team and attacked them f.rom three different sides. Nur Mohammad wanted to retreat to his base and continued to fire towards Pakistani armies. Meanwhile, one of his fellow soldier was shot by the bullet and Nur Mohammad started carrying him towards safety. But Nur Mohammad himself was hit by a mortar. Even though he was seriously injured, Nur Mohammad decided to continue to provide covering fire for his team. At the time, his fellow Sepoy, Mostafa, urged Nur Mohammad to go with him. Mostafa even forced Nur Mohammad to go with him but Nur Mohammad refused to go but gave his Light Machine Gun to Mostafa so that it would not be captured after his death. He kept a self loaded rifle with him and kept on fighting until he died.

He was posthumously awarded the highest gallantry award "Bir Shrestho" for his bravery during the War of Liberation.
Ziaur Rahman's interview during 1971

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