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Battle of Yarmouk

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A few districts of sindh thanks to a traitor...later gettin killed and pushed back..... Atleast im proud to say our ancestors were honourable people... even treated enemies with respect... we have a glorious ancient history... arabs to be honest have nothing to show excluding the tales of the successes and rules of Hazrat Mohammad Saw and sahabas.... killing baby girls,getting defeated by persians,romans,ottomans etc...

A Proud Pakistani Baluch...



That was called Jahiliya (a period of ignorance) by Arab Muslims who were the first to fight for Islam on the sides of our prophet Mohammad ASWS.

Arabs are a very old civilisation pre-dating even Mesopotamia and the Indus valley civilisations, new archaeology in Saudi Arabia confirms the Jordanian Nabateen civilisation and others back to more than 9000 years old and some recent DNA studies confirm the Arab genes are 60 000 years old and that most probably the major part of humanity has This gene.
So before insulting Arabs out of anger, know that they are(the masses and most leaders) the people who cherish you Pakistanis the most.
No , it wasn't a unilateral war of aggression. In the name of Jihad? Please , get some knowledge before speaking. The Jihad , as we know it today , didn't arise UNTIL the time of Nur-ud-deen Zangi. Read up on that more.

Offcourse they were...unless you believe "youtube scholars" or "FFI scholars" to be more qualified and authentic than actual academics like Karen Armstrong , Bernard Lewis , John L Esposito etc etc ..

A decisive battle which saved Islam and made it clear that now Islam would go outside of Arabia. Roman cruelty , power, and hegemony was over. Arabs had arrived on the world scene for the first time !

You know that who started hostilities? don't you? When Muslim representatives , who went for invitation to Islam , were killed , against ALL the traditions of desert/tribal hospitality of that time?


SO essentially you are saying that the Byzantinians were in their own territory minding their own business hundreds of kilometres away from Arabia. Then the Arab Muslims tell the Byzantinians to submit to the Arabic imperialism through their new religion called Islam. When Byzantinians tell the Arabs to take a hike, the Arabs make that as the excuse to attack and occupy the Byzantinian territories.
Are you suggesting that this is what muslims should being today too?
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Is it OK if US takes over the middle-eastern oil wells as bounty of war?

They have to fight for it and win first!

Besides this, what do you expect the people of that time to do with hundred of thousands of prisoners of war or victims of war as I would call them? Kill them or give them a chance for a better life, up to in harems (women sections) of a palace? those were not sexxxual places, those were the quarters of Queens and Princesses!
Show us any other group of humans who treated their POWs as such throughout history.
So please come back to your senses.
Are you suggesting that this is what muslims should being today too?

No not now. It's not the era of cavalry charges.

Between them, the Christian nations still have about 10,000 nukes all capable of smoking away anything in any part of the world many times over.

Kill them or give them a chance for a better live, even in harems (women sections) of a palace?
Show us any other group of humans who treated their POWs as such throughout history.

That was fantastic. NOT.
Original post:

Besides this, what do you expect the people of that time to do with hundred of thousands of prisoners of war or victims of war as I would call them? Kill them or give them a chance for a better life, up to in harems (women sections) of a palace? those were not sexxxual places, those were the quarters of Queens and Princesses!
Show us any other group of humans who treated their POWs as such throughout history.
So please come back to your senses.

What are you trying to do by cutting sections ?
Arabs did change history either people here like it not. They have enough history to be proud of to the end of times...The people who are denying this fact are living in denial.
It is enough pride for them having carried the message of Islam on their shoulders and lightening the world with it... Hisotry has a lot of facts written by French and the west hisotrians higlighting the sciencific breakthroughs and knoweldge invented by arabs. I advise the ignorants here to get educated and avoiding looking stupid by denying proven facts.

However, What Khalid and "Sahabah" did in their times is not a pride for arabs only, this is a pride to all Muslims.

They have to fight for it and win first!

Besides this, what do you expect the people of that time to do with hundred of thousands of prisoners of war or victims of war as I would call them? Kill them or give them a chance for a better life, up to in harems (women sections) of a palace? those were not sexxxual places, those were the quarters of Queens and Princesses!
Show us any other group of humans who treated their POWs as such throughout history.
So please come back to your senses.

We have fought and won, and carried of prisoners as hostages (why do you think you are in Canada?)
Arabs did change history either people here like it not. They have enough history to be proud of to the end of times...The people who are denying this fact are living in denial.
It is enough pride for them having carried the message of Islam on their shoulders and lightening the world with it... Hisotry has a lot of facts written by French and the west hisotrians higlighting the sciencific breakthroughs and knoweldge invented by arabs. I advise the ignorants here to get educated and avoiding looking stupid by denying proven facts.

However, What Khalid and "Sahabah" did in their times is not a pride for arabs only, this is a pride to all Muslims.
Welcome to PDF!!
you will change your mind about that in a month...
Arabs did change history either people here like it not. They have enough history to be proud of to the end of times...The people who are denying this fact are living in denial.
It is enough pride for them having carried the message of Islam on their shoulders and lightening the world with it... Hisotry has a lot of facts written by French and the west hisotrians higlighting the sciencific breakthroughs and knoweldge invented by arabs. I advise the ignorants here to get educated and avoiding looking stupid by denying proven facts.

However, What Khalid and "Sahabah" did in their times is not a pride for arabs only, this is a pride to all Muslims.

Thank you for stating the truth brother. I agree with you 100%!!!

They have to fight for it and win first!

Didn't US win against Iraq, not once, but twice, with occupying the country completely for over 7 years?
Isn't US still occupying Afghanistan? By Islamic code, Isn't US entitled to kill Afghans and use the Afghan men, women and children as war bounty and keep them as slaves?
Didn't US win against Iraq, not once, but twice, with occupying the country completely for over 7 years?
Isn't US still occupying Afghanistan? By Islamic code, Isn't US entitled to kill Afghans and use the Afghan men, women and children as war bounty and keep them as slaves?
How can you kill someone and keep them as a slave?
Secondly, you have a confused understanding of slavery. For example, when we crushed Persia, we didn't enslave every single Persian. Only cities that refuse to surrender and armies are allowed to be enslaved. Its a standard practice among everyone back in the day:D
How can you kill someone and keep them as a slave?
Secondly, you have a confused understanding of slavery. For example, when we crushed Persia, we didn't enslave every single Persian. Only cities that refuse to surrender and armies are allowed to be enslaved. Its a standard practice among everyone back in the day:D

Kill some and enslave the rest.. Enemy population who are combatants or hostile or support the combatants/hostile can be killed as per Islamic code, right? non-combatants like women and children can be enslaved isn't it?

Besides this, what do you expect the people of that time to do with hundred of thousands of prisoners of war or victims of war as I would call them? Kill them or give them a chance for a better life, up to in harems (women sections) of a palace? those were not sexxxual places, those were the quarters of Queens and Princesses!
Show us any other group of humans who treated their POWs as such throughout history.
So please come back to your senses.

So, As per your logic its OK for members of the Bush administration and the generals from US military to keep mistresses from Iraq and Afghanistan?
That would give the Iraqi and Afghan women, especially widows from WOT, a "better life". I presume they would be looking forward to sharing the bed with the guys who were responsible for the deaths of their husband/father/brothers/sons.
At the end of the day, you owe your salvation in the after life to them. Partially.

We owe our salvation in the next world to no one besides God, He alone has the power or the authority to save us from hell. All people are responsible for choosing their own religion and beliefs, no one has the right to take credit for someone else's religious beliefs. Consider the fact that it's entirely up to that person to decide if he or she wishes to be a part of that religion. In conclusion, the credit for our belief in Islam or our salvation in the afterlife goes to God alone, nobody can give that credit to somebody else.

Also, don't forget that you and the Iranians are originally Arabs:

The article in that thread is interesting. However just because some of the ancestors of modern humans may have lived in Arabia does not mean that we were originally Arabs. The Arabic language & culture was not around at that time. It was probably more like a collection of different Semitic & Indo-European tribes living together. We are going to have to wait for further research before arriving at any conclusions.

Besides, all humans originate from Adam & Eve. Read about the story of Prophet Noah & his sons after the flood. The stories of Shem, Ham, & Japheth; that may shed some light on the different races & ethnicities around today. Shem is considered the father of the Semitic people, Ham; the father of Africans & east Asians such as the Chinese, & Japheth is considered the father of all the Indo-European people. Both the words "Arab" & "Hebrew" for example are derived from the name "Eber"; he is the great-grandson of Shem & an ancestor of Prophet Abraham. Getting back to Adam & Eve; as far as I know, they lived in Arabia, does that mean we can throw the out of Africa theory in the garbage?
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