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Bangladeshi man becomes first Muslim in Britain to wed in same-sex marriage.

Bd origin faggot. Lanati beghairat.

None of the Islamic schools (Sunni or Shia) accept the gays.
You will not be asked for your islamic school after the death.
You are asked for your religion.
Sunni or Shia is not a religion. The religion is Islam!
As every true muslim knows, islam is forbidden to be gay.
Are you a muslim at all?

It will be unislamic to disagree with you.
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Bangladeshi man becomes first Muslim in Britain to wed in same-sex marriage
News Desk, bdnews24.com

Published: 2017-07-12 00:08:12.0 BdST Updated: 2017-07-12 00:14:10.0 BdST

  • gay-muslim-marriage.jpg

    Sean Rogan and Jahed Choudhury pose for the media at Wallsall Registry Office. Photo via the Independent
A British Muslim of Bangladeshi origin has stepped up against what his community has always called “a sin.”


The 24-year-old, Jahed Choudhury, tied the knot with his boyfriend Sean Rogan, 19, in Britain's first-ever gay Muslim wedding, reports the Daily Mail.

Choudhury said being homosexual, he grew up being bullied at home and school, and was eventually sent on a religious pilgrimage to “cure the disease.”

He met Rogan two years ago when he had given up all hope and was even considering killing himself.

Rogan had spotted Choudhury crying on a town bench in Darlaston and comforted him. They soon became a couple.

The two wed in a ceremony in Walsall, both wearing traditional wedding clothes.

Choudhury's mother, sister, older brother and cousin attended the wedding, as did Rogan's mother, two sisters and older brother.

“My mum has always been so supportive. Without her I would not be here today,” Choudhury said.

He also described the terrible phases he experienced before meeting Rogan.

“I stood out like a sore thumb - I never liked football, I preferred watching fashion shows on TV. I remember feeling trapped.”

“It went all over school, people would spit on me, empty the rubbish bins on me, call me pig and the Muslim people would shout ‘haram’ - which is a very nasty insult in my language.”

A period of trying to change his sexual orientation consisted of him having a girlfriend, changing his social circle, taking medication and even going on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh.

According to Choudhury, the situation only got worse - he was assaulted by Muslims in his neighbourhood and a homophobic slur was sprayed on his front door.

The mosque he had been attending for 15 years no longer allowed him entry.

Choudhury says he has post-traumatic stress disorder meaning he struggles to face people alone and cannot work.

“But now I have taken a significant step forward for both the Muslim and LGBT communities,” said the groom.

The couple has planned a large after party in Darlaston and will go to Spain for weeklong holiday.

Choudhury also revealed that Rogan was considering converting to Islam, but that the couple would struggle to find a mosque to attend.

The newlyweds said they have received a number of death threats since the wedding, but they remain determined to ignore them.

Not Muslim.
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So who is getting it up the recieving end. A nice way for depopulation program and disease.
Is this the kind of news that deserve to be on defence forum?

As for the news, these homos who flaunt their sins and promote their degenerate life style are the worse possible and evil of humans out there. Its one thing to have evil desires and inclinations and quite another to act on, promote and justify those evil inclinations. These homos with Muslim names are no doubt disbelievers and apostates. These are the worse of the worse of people as the story of the people of Lut shows us in the Quran. Allah (swt) punished that nation unlike any other evil people and nations.

I don't personally believe this is a news worthy in a defence forum. It has nothing to do with BD.

Having said that LGBT rights is something Islam and muslims will have to deal with. It is unhelpful to claim they do not exist, the relationship is childish, etc.

Public Accommodation will need to be made for LGBT people by Muslims majority countries and muslims societies wherever they are.

Just because western secular world have come to celebrate a degenrate abomination does NOT mean non-western and Muslims have to follow suit. That kind of notion right there is hallmark of a colonized slave mentality. Western society does NOT represent epitome of human progress and civilization if you are in that mistaken false belief.

Unlike christianity Islamic texts are unambigious and clear cut on the issue of sodomy and similar sexual perversions. These perversions are morally reprehensible and condemned while under islamic law in an Islamic land, such acts have clear cut punishments.

That decision is not upto you. Don't pass your judgement on people like that.

Has anyone asked you to pass a judgement on his religion?

No need to call people infidels and crap because, they don't agree with your version of religion.

Before you passingt you liberal judgement, you should have informed yourself that this "don't pass judgement" mantra is NOT something muslims have to abide by. Its a mantra coined in morally decadant liberal secular west and has absolutely NO place in Islamic tradition and history. This whole notion of "don't judge" is NOT compitable with islam. And yes humans even you hypocritical western society also judge people based on your own socio-cultural prejudice. You yourself with you bigoted anti-islamic view on PDF is a classic example.

And yes these 2 homos promoting their sins in public are the worse of disbelievers. In islam muslims are indeed alllowed to judge others but that judgement is based on an islamic perspective. Also Allah (swt) commands muslims to promote good and forbid evil. There is absolutely 0 room for a snowflake liberal "don't judge" mantra in Islam.

They are sinners not infidels.

When someone starts justifying and promoting sins, they do indeed become infidels. That fine line between sin and apostasy become very thin then. Eg- if someone drinks alcohol but knows and consider the act to be sinful and do NOT try to justify that sin then he is a muslim sinner. But if that guy suddenly tries to justify that sin saying its not sinful etc then he/she has become a disbeliever.
@Nilgir is a gay or expert of gay marriage. Good to know.
Man's a Bangladesh expert, he'd make an excellent ambassador to Bangladesh.

He should be in the UN, serving as a special envoy, fix all your problems proper and make bd great again, even if BD was never great to begin with and there was no BD till a few years ago. :enjoy:
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it's funny how everyone is blowing their tops over them being muslim or not! who cares seriously!! for me I'm glad they are gay. I'll be more glad if there are more and more gays. As some people mentioned already 'LESS COMPETITION'!
I get the chance to hook up with lots of different girls!!! :lol::lol::lol:
The decay of the society is LGBT rights. Tolerate them, don't encourage them; don't allow sexual fluidity, "coming out" etc etc. West has this bad decay which they're spreading to rest of the world too.
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The mosque he had been attending for 15 years no longer allowed him entry.

Choudhury says he has post-traumatic stress disorder meaning he struggles to face people alone and cannot work.

Choudhury also revealed that Rogan was considering converting to Islam, but that the couple would struggle to find a mosque to attend.

:-) lol
Cannot work but is fine to have his bum spanked by another man. Yeah makes sense
what are your views for cow eaters?
this is questtion for all indian hindus who are posting in this thread.

I come from a Christian family, I eat beef. I believe you shouldnt mix religion and politics. I dont think any community should take advantage of certain freedoms given by the state.
Only problem.here is he is making a deliberate attempt to link this to Islam and Islam doesn't allow this. This is the problem people have with his situation if he didn't use Islam do you think he would be in the media......hell no

Nice attire, I'll take gays over religious lunatics any day.
Are you into the gay stuff?

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