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Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

As you have probably noticed from the foregoing discussion India has a serious inferiority complex in regard to China. Although BD certainly prefers China to India we try to avoid a quarrel and so we have to approach India first to sooth their egos and then finally we opt for another country. India would not confront us directly but they have other methods to create trouble. Our politics is so polarized that it is easy for India to meddle. Unfortunately the present interim government is very soft on India and this is a cause of concern which may result in a backlash.

Well you seem to suffer from a phobia. Its INDIA everywhere for you. We bully, we interfere and yet B'desh continues to be the same.

Well had you offered India the access to your ports before you allowed the chineese to? Going by your logic of avoiding the quareel you should have !!!
You mean to say you are giving in for bullying. Its a shame that in public forum you go about maligning your own country and govt in such a manner.

No I would not say giving into bullying as we will not submit to Indian interests or pressures. My criticism of the interim government is intended to be constructive and certainly not maligning. I am merely stating what this unrepresentative government yet does not fully understand (as it has not had to make its case to the public) which is that the Bangladeshi public distrusts India and giving away too much will create frustration and resentment. I consider that helpful advice.
It doesn't make sense India hasn't even developed a nuclear power station supplying greater than 220 MV. How can they start building nuclear power station of 600 MV, the Indians are trying to build a Nuclear power station of max Power output of some where 475 MV.

The source is a bit weird.

sir,with due respect,your knowledge about india's civil nuclear programme is ZERO,you dont know a single god damn thing about the type of PWRs india has manufactured so far,so i consider it my responsibility to enlighten you with facts
1)india as of 2012,has mastered the technology of small(100-300mw) and medium(550-700mw) class PWRs,NPCIL,has successfully constructed reactors whose output is 500mw,they are constructing reactor cores with output power of 700mw,so,two such cores can give out a combined power of 1400mw,thats what they are doing at rawatbhata,according to,NPCIL's chairman,india can export reactors upto 550mw of output power
Nuclear Power in India | Indian Nuclear Energy
2)india is a leader in FBR(fast breeder reactor) technology,there is no other country which has successfully designed and manufactured 550mw FBR,infact they ar planning to commercialize india's FBR technology
sir,with due respect,your knowledge about india's civil nuclear programme is ZERO,you dont know a single god damn thing about the type of PWRs india has manufactured so far,so i consider it my responsibility to enlighten you with facts
1)india as of 2012,has mastered the technology of small(100-300mw) and medium(550-700mw) class PWRs,NPCIL,has successfully constructed reactors whose output is 500mw,they are constructing reactor cores with output power of 700mw,so,two such cores can give out a combined power of 1400mw,thats what they are doing at rawatbhata,according to,NPCIL's chairman,india can export reactors upto 550mw of output power
Nuclear Power in India | Indian Nuclear Energy
2)india is a leader in FBR(fast breeder reactor) technology,there is no other country which has successfully designed and manufactured 550mw FBR,infact they ar planning to commercialize india's FBR technology

Tell me what are the risks associated with Nuclear reactors...
Ah, a seven yearold thread....look this is all mute, we have already signed deals with russia, for reactors.
Ah, a seven yearold thread....look this is all mute, we have already signed deals with russia, for reactors.
Rossiya is only supplying us 1000 mw class reactors...whereas india at present is constructing four,700 mw PHWR, and construction on rest 4 will start soon
India has ambitious plans of expanding itz FBR reactors to rest of the country, india at the moment is very interested in pu-ur based FBRs, because of the low availability of uranium reserves in india
India is infact a leader in fast breeder reactor technology...and the chairman of NPCIL hopes to commercialise the fbrs,
India has ambitious plans of expanding itz FBR reactors to rest of the country, india at the moment is very interested in pu-ur based FBRs, because of the low availability of uranium reserves in india
India is infact a leader in fast breeder reactor technology...and the chairman of NPCIL hopes to commercialise the fbrs,

Bangladesh already finalized deal with Russia for 2000 MW plant.

No we are not going for any smaller reactors. But India can surely work with or private sectors, some of them I heard importing smaller reactors from USA.

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

china has no legal access to the nuclear technology from europe, India has.

They have from USA... Dont believe it???
Bangladesh already finalized deal with Russia for 2000 MW plant.

No we are not going for any smaller reactors. But India can surely work with or private sectors, some of them I heard importing smaller reactors from USA.

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

They have from USA... Dont believe it???

forget russia buy our fbrs and ahwrs in the future
Bangladesh already finalized deal with Russia for 2000 MW plant.

No we are not going for any smaller reactors. But India can surely work with or private sectors, some of them I heard importing smaller reactors from USA.

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

They have from USA... Dont believe it???
Well I doubt if bangladesh can pay 3.2 bn USD for two 1000 mw reactors..
Because, the two reactor cores at kundumkulan produce 2000 mw, and india has planned to construct four more units at the same site..two reactor assemblies cost us about $3 bn..so it isn't cheap at all,
In my opinion, indian reactors will be most economical solution for bangladesh, especially the 700 mw PHWR,but for 1000 mw class or above, rossiya will be better
Skallagram: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

amardeep_mishra: what sort of a retard are you to revive a 5 year old thread? Stay shush and let this thread die!
Skallagram: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

amardeep_mishra: what sort of a retard are you to revive a 5 year old thread? Stay shush and let this thread die!
I suggest you to show respect to other members of this forum, because my dear friend, respect is not a one way process but infact two way process

---------- Post added at 10:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

Btw, is it a crime to write logical, technical comments on a four year old forum? Well I'm afraid, I didn't do anything wrong
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