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Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

For all those who were speaking abt India evil deisgns in neighbouring S Asian countries, this should come as a slap in the face. Why would the 'natural brother' Pakistan and big boy in the region China be overlooked by B'desh.

When did China become the Big BOy of the region, China is the South Asian Internet Fora India-Hater's Big Boy, not reality.
A.Q.Khan kept everything confidential about all those 'very confidential nuclear tech'

Why dont you tell us what A.Q Khan told you we want to know what all that confidential stuff is about or forever hold your peace.:woot:
I recently attended a seminar in my local university by a visiting guest lecturer from India who is chief engineer/designer of the Indian nuclear power program. He start off the lecture talking about Chernobyl disaster and Three Mile Island accident, then he admit India is still in infancy stage of nuclear development, and he complained that there are no "literature" on nuclear reactor design and testing, and thus India was forced to indigenously develop its own control system. The problem he faced is India have little knowledge in Nuclear Reactor design even after so many years of research, and it could not build large complex reactor like the US/USSR/China/EU/Japan/Korea. It was a fact stated by him and that is why India planned to build so many nuclear reactors in recent years because it is forced to build smaller simpler design, out of the fear it just might blow up. (Bigger the reactor, bigger the fallout and disaster)

If you look at the number of reactors each country operate and the number of MW output, you can see India is pretty far behind everyone else. With 16 reactors, it only generate 3557 MW of power. Even Taiwan with 6 reactors generate more than India. Infact if using that as ratio of power output vs number of reactor you can tell how far behind Indian's nuclear technologies is. It is only SLIGHTLY better than Pakistan's.
(Per reactor output : India's 222.31 MW vs Pakistan's 212.5 MW)
If you compare how many reactor India built to achieve this "amazing" advance of 222.31 MW per reactor compare to how many Pakistan built, it can easily be seen Pakistan is actually advancing faster than India in this area. Even Armenia which built just one reactor outputs more than Indian's average. :D


So Adux, if I were you, I wouldn't be going off a ego-trip just yet of boasting how India's research program is "best in the world". :D

Interesting post Overseer, do you have the name of the professor/chief designer for me?
I'd like to read more about his analysis.
Probably to prevent India accusing us of building nuclear weapons. India is constantly on our back so we have to give them a few crumbs to keep them happy. Also there is a tendency of this interim government to kowtow to India too much and this is being resented by the ordinary Bangladeshis.

Munshi Ji, BD has never accepted any intimidations from India, why would you compromise on the nuclear issue.
Since you're a islamic nation, at some point some country would object and accuse you of building the nukes anyway.
I'd stick with China.
Thanks for that, I will check it up.
About the US wanting to know how much Indian's have reached in FBR. It is not a new tech, but it is not a perfected Tech either from Western. Kaboom?, FBR is producing good results. US specificly wanted the FBR in Nuke Deal, which iNdia opposed, Google it up http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/955/safeguarding-breeder-reactors

Has the FBR gone critical yet?

I doubt the USA would be interested in Indian FBR technology when they have full access to UK and German designs.
USA has no plans to build more reactors either, so this doesn't make sense.
For all those who were speaking abt India evil deisgns in neighbouring S Asian countries, this should come as a slap in the face. Why would the 'natural brother' Pakistan and big boy in the region China be overlooked by B'desh.

Pakistan doesn not have a indigenous design that can be exported. Sofar we've completed the Chasnupp-I/II which was abandoned by the French in the late seventies with chinese assistance.
The first indigenous design is the 50mw heavywater reactor in Punjab, again heavy Chinese assistance was acquired to complete the design and we're nowhere closer exporting it yet.

So the socalled 'natural brother' isn't actually in the picture. It remains to be seen if the report is genuine and the contract will go to India.

I'm pretty sure BD will opt for a Chinese design at the end of the day.
Why dont you tell us what A.Q Khan told you we want to know what all that confidential stuff is about or forever hold your peace.:woot:

They know, India too used A.Q. Khan's network to acquire technology. ;)
They know, India too used A.Q. Khan's network to acquire technology. ;)

If you believe the lies spoken in Musharraf's book.

India had Russia backing her to the hilt. I dont really think AQ Khan network was all that needed.
Ah, I see A.Q Khan's helped India in the 90's, which actually exploded its first bomb on 1974. Indian bombs where plutonium based, while Pakistan was Uranium based. While India attained more yields than Pakistan. OK!!!!lol

PS: Neo, Indian FBR achieved criticality in 1985
Munshi Ji, BD has never accepted any intimidations from India, why would you compromise on the nuclear issue. Since you're a islamic nation, at some point some country would object and accuse you of building the nukes anyway. I'd stick with China.


As you have probably noticed from the foregoing discussion India has a serious inferiority complex in regard to China. Although BD certainly prefers China to India we try to avoid a quarrel and so we have to approach India first to sooth their egos and then finally we opt for another country. India would not confront us directly but they have other methods to create trouble. Our politics is so polarized that it is easy for India to meddle. Unfortunately the present interim government is very soft on India and this is a cause of concern which may result in a backlash.
Adu, I never claimed AQ Khan helped you with the bomb.

His network was not about building the bomb but about techonology and spares, it involved high ranked people from around the world. India at some point used the network to acquire whatever she needed from abroad.
I heard a UFO was hovering over Dhaka last week. There are people being abducted...
Musharraf critically acclaimed book is not a source I would take Neo, They have obivous political motive
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