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1. Witness the havoc that the wrath of two quarreling women can cause. One in power has sold her soul to her masters when she was their guest for 7 long years. The other, though a patriot, is blinded by her affection to her corrupt spineless sons.

2. Unless the military takes over situation will slide to a state when Hasina may find an excuse to call her masters to walk in. The military must not waste any more time in hearing this bakwas lectures of "democracy" and "institution building" bla bla. It has become incumbent on them to take over to save the nation from further bloodshed and destruction.
Have no faith on BNP, but still would like to see BNP anytime if it is instead of BAL-thug.
At least, BNP does not play with people's sentiment and forces people, creates division and makes polarization.

BNP looks like Deshi Chor.
BAL looks like Indian Thug.

BAL is the enemy of BD and Islam.

1. Witness the havoc that the wrath of two quarreling women can cause. One in power has sold her soul to her masters when she was their guest for 7 long years. The other, though a patriot, is blinded by her affection to her corrupt spineless sons.

2. Unless the military takes over situation will slide to a state when Hasina may find an excuse to call her masters to walk in. The military must not waste any more time in hearing this bakwas lectures of "democracy" and "institution building" bla bla. It has become incumbent on them to take over to save the nation from further bloodshed and destruction.

Although I am allergic to Army's role in restoring democracy, looking at the history and result of MUA/FUA during 2007-2009 CTG, tainted by pro-India General Moeen, this time if IKB can play a neutral role and ensure a fresh, free and fair election, then I personally would welcome Army's intervention and help to restore democracy.

As it is, democracy has been killed in Bangladesh by the current repressive and dictatorial govt. in power, with the killing of 80 unarmed protesters according to pro-AL news paper reports which is equivalent to their own admission of crimes against Bangladeshi's and a mass killing on a scale that never happened since 1971.

So I support Army take over, dissolving the current govt. and holding of a fresh, free and fair election under a Army supported CTG, to restore democracy in Bangladesh.
People are getting fed up from this repetitive hartal & they are not pleased with BNP's stand against war tribunal. My many softcore BNP supporter friends & relatives don't support BNP any more.
Although I am allergic to Army's role in restoring democracy, looking at the history and result of MUA/FUA during 2007-2009 CTG, tainted by pro-India General Moeen, this time if IKB can play a neutral role and ensure a fresh, free and fair election, then I personally would welcome Army's intervention and help to restore democracy.

As it is, democracy has been killed in Bangladesh by the current repressive and dictatorial govt. in power, with the killing of 80 unarmed protesters according to pro-AL news paper reports which is equivalent to their own admission of crimes against Bangladeshi's and a mass killing on a scale that never happened since 1971.

So I support Army take over, dissolving the current govt. and holding of a fresh, free and fair election under a Army supported CTG, to restore democracy in Bangladesh.

Mia bhai,do u think its a well thought plan on ALs part.if army take over I think they will not try Al gov:for pilkhana tragedy. Dose anyone know the actual law for Marshall law?as party goes AL BNP are same.so how army going to try them ?court Marshall? Or our regular court?
Mia bhai,do u think its a well thought plan on ALs part.if army take over I think they will not try Al gov:for pilkhana tragedy. Dose anyone know the actual law for Marshall law?as party goes AL BNP are same.so how army going to try them ?court Marshall? Or our regular court?

AL and India is probably scared of IKB take over. They will try to launch a counter coup and kill IKB, if a coup happens and if it is true that IKB is not pro-India but pro-Bangladesh. So there is great danger in a coup for loosing some valuable pro-Bangladesh people to the pro-India killers on the loose in Bangladesh.

So as @aazidane mentioned earlier, IKB date of retirement is in June and so if a coup does not happen by that time, AL will try to retire IKB and promote the pro-India guy (I forget his name) to the top Army post, so Army can help AL to come to power through a rigged election.

If we are really a "democracy", Bangladeshi's deserve and should demand for a free and fair election under army supported neutral CTG rule. AL's coming to power through a rigged election with support of a pro-India army chief will show proof positive that Bangladesh is not a real "democracy", but a dictatorship, where AL stays in power with India's help and support.

I personally support AL's coming to power in a rigged election with India's help, as that would make our countrymen understand the real nature of Awami League, an anti-democratic dictatorial fascist Indian agent that wants to make our country a vassal state of India.

Only after our great majority, the 90% understand the true nature of Awami League, can there be a mass revolt against Awami League that will be supported by Army Jawans, even though there are a few pro-India officers sitting at the top, placed there by Awami League.

As for the trials, these are not important now, there will not be fair trial anyways, unless we have a true free and fair election and a truly democratic govt. comes to power. Only then there can be questions about trial of past crimes, and there has been many starting with AL killing of 40,000 politicals opponents by RAW creation Mujib Bahini (that sit out most of the liberation war in 1971) in 1972-1975 (including many Mukti-Bahini freedom fighter soldiers), down to this Pilkhana massacre of 57 Army officers.

The next 9 months will be about struggle for power and what kind of election we will have at the end of AL term at the end of this year. So lets not worry about these trials, they are not for an interim Army govt. or a CTG govt. to tackle, they have to wait for a bona fide democratically elected govt. who has the people's mandate and hence the right to conduct such important trials.
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AL and India is probably scared of IKB take over. They will try to launch a counter coup and kill IKB, if a coup happens and if it is true that IKB is not pro-India but pro-Bangladesh. So there is great danger in a coup for loosing some valuable pro-Bangladesh people to the pro-India killers on the loose in Bangladesh.

So as @aazidane mentioned earlier, IKB date of retirement is in June and so if a coup does not happen by that time, AL will try to retire IKB and promote the pro-India guy (I forget his name) to the top Army post, so Army can help AL to come to power through a rigged election.

If we are really a "democracy", Bangladeshi's deserve and should demand for a free and fair election under army supported neutral CTG rule. AL's coming to power through a rigged election with support of a pro-India army chief will show proof positive that Bangladesh is not a real "democracy", but a dictatorship, where AL stays in power with India's help and support.

I personally support AL's coming to power in a rigged election with India's help, as that would make our countrymen understand the real nature of Awami League, an anti-democratic dictatorial fascist Indian agent that wants to make our country a vassal state of India.

Only after our great majority, the 90% understand the true nature of Awami League, can there be a mass revolt against Awami League that will be supported by Army Jawans, even though there are a few pro-India officers sitting at the top, placed there by Awami League.

As for the trials, these are not important now, there will not be fair trial anyways, unless we have a true free and fair election and a truly democratic govt. comes to power. Only then there can be questions about trial of past crimes, and there has been many starting with AL killing of 40,000 politicals opponents by RAW creation Mujib Bahini (that sit out most of the liberation war in 1971) in 1972-1975 (including many Mukti-Bahini freedom fighter soldiers), down to this Pilkhana massacre of 57 Army officers.

The next 9 months will be about struggle for power and what kind of election we will have at the end of AL term at the end of this year. So lets not worry about these trials, they are not for an interim Army govt. or a CTG govt. to tackle, they have to wait for a bona fide democratically elected govt. who has the people's mandate and hence the right to conduct such important trials.

IKB took the responsibility as CAS at 25 June,2012. If he gets retirement this year June, it'll be only one year meaning forceful retirement. Generally one chief comes for a period of 3 years.

On our land fair trial comes on gun point not from tribunal.
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IKB took the responsibility as CAS at 25 June,2012. If he gets retirement this year June, it'll be only one year meaning forceful retirement. Generally one chief comes for a period of 3 years.

On our land fair trial comes on gun point not from tribunal.

Excellent info. I think an attempt to remove IKB by force could be valid grounds for a coup, but coup's are always dangerous, the outcome is hard to tell.

Ultimately, people of Bangladesh has to decide how long they will tolerate this kind of politics of killing. I always prefer a people's revolution against govt. and then a sympathetic army playing a supporting role by preventing mass killing of unarmed opposition by police or other party cadres.

So I would let things play out, let AL come back to power and wait for people to get sufficiently angry and eventually overthrow this dictatorial govt. We made several mistakes, I think Mujib family killing was one, and not banning AL for good after 1975 was another one. Now the people of Bangladesh will have to pay for these mistakes with blood of some martyrs to free the country from the clutch of foreign agents' dictatorial rule and bring back and establish true democracy and say good bye to politics of killing. Anyone engaged in killing for political gain, should be barred from politics for life.
So my guess is true.AL is doing everything in their power to cause disruption so eventually they will go Scot free for the crimes they're doing with our money at that.your analysis is accurate, but unfortunately it will take another bloody war for peace to come. By nature we are peaceful but when provoked everyone knows what we are capable of(52,71,75,79,90)so who knows what will happen next?and it will be a long time for politics to be blemish free.our students are our future.what do we see every morning when we open the news papers? Students with chapati in hand killing innocent passerby/openly challenging judicial systems. What you have written will remain in writing unless there is true change in educational system.university gelei hobena monushotto shikhte hobe.joy bangla.(sorry couldn't stop my self)ha aaaaaaa.
So my guess is true.AL is doing everything in their power to cause disruption so eventually they will go Scot free for the crimes they're doing with our money at that.your analysis is accurate, but unfortunately it will take another bloody war for peace to come. By nature we are peaceful but when provoked everyone knows what we are capable of(52,71,75,79,90)so who knows what will happen next?and it will be a long time for politics to be blemish free.our students are our future.what do we see every morning when we open the news papers? Students with chapati in hand killing innocent passerby/openly challenging judicial systems. What you have written will remain in writing unless there is true change in educational system.university gelei hobena monushotto shikhte hobe.joy bangla.(sorry couldn't stop my self)ha aaaaaaa.

Until and unless we are ready for true democracy, we will not get it. We have to earn it with our blood, once we are ready. Till then, the current show will continue. There is no short cut unfortunately.
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