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Protest demanding death penalty for 1971 war criminals divides Bangladesh

Gulf widens between those who think Shahbag Square rallies are righting historical wrong and those who see them as anti-Islam

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Age-old violence and recriminations still provide the fuel for Bangladesh spring | World news | The Observer

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Death penalty called for by opponents of Jamaat-e-Islami as Shahbag protests continue - video | World news | guardian.co.uk

This is from Germany


Pleas watch this video, what do you think?

sobar upore desh Feb 23 2013 - YouTube

cant watch youtube links
She is not anti-Islam, she wants to keep power in her hand, for that she will oppress anyone, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, stop being so dramatic, pretty sure BNP would do the same too.

Sudden death of Murtid blogger "thaba baba" and subsequent exposures of extreme anti-Islam hate speech on his website has made Muslim community mad as hell. They would burry them alive if possible. If Hasina was Imandar then she would have withdraw her support of ShahBhag gathering but instead she is shooting at Muslims. I don't know what else Hasina need to do prove that she is a Islam hating beimaan. She is deceiving people with fake idendity. She is not Imandar.
I think these Mullahs will not be able to continue their protest for long time due to lack of people's support, although most of the people are anti AL right now.

And the main reasons of lack of people's support are, people do not want to bother and get into trouble. This is the fact, no matter even it is related to Islam, people are changed now. The Proof Is, look BNP is not active, but only the Mullahs.
By the way, Islamists Blogger Farabi was arrested today for his Facebook Update " J imam atheist k Janaza prabe takeo mere fela uchit and Rajib k bagh er mukhe dewa uchit"............ But atheist bloggers who insulted Our Prophet Sm are getting police protection................

fb id of farabi


check out his wall
Sudden death of Murtid blogger "thaba baba" and subsequent exposures of extreme anti-Islam hate speech on his website has made Muslim community mad as hell. They would burry them alive if possible. If Hasina was Imandar then she would have withdraw her support of ShahBhag gathering but instead she is shooting at Muslims. I don't know what else Hasina need to do prove that she is a Islam hating beimaan. She is deceiving people with fake idendity. She is not Imandar.

nope, she is doing this for power, nothing to do with anti-Islamism, its just that Islam got into this somehow.
i think pissing off the Mullahs is not a good idea. or else we have 2 see a revolution like Iran's.

Let's clarify. Its not about "mullah"/alems rather indo Awami League attack on Islam. No one should attack on Islamic value and aspiairtions. "mullah"/alems are just defending against attack.
By the way, Islamists Blogger Farabi was arrested today for his Facebook Update " J imam atheist k Janaza prabe takeo mere fela uchit and Rajib k bagh er mukhe dewa uchit"............ But atheist bloggers who insulted Our Prophet Sm are getting police protection................

fb id of farabi


check out his wall

Yet Awami and hasina loving people like @animelive will come up with nonsense logic that Hasina is not enemy of Islam and Muslim. Some people are born blind and deaf although they have ear and eye. Afsoos!!! :disagree:
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Yet Awami and hasina loving people like @animelive will come up with nonsense logic that Hasina is not enemy of Islam and Muslim. Some people are born blind and deaf although they have ear and eye. Afsoos!!! :disagree:

You are getting too emotional, you always do therefore you have no idea about the things going on.
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I think these Mullahs will not be able to continue their protest for long time due to lack of people's support, although most of the people are anti AL right now.

And the main reasons of lack of people's support are, people do not want to bother and get into trouble. This is the fact, no matter even it is related to Islam, people are changed now. The Proof Is, look BNP is not active, but only the Mullahs.

BNP-Jamat supporters are fully active under Taheedi janata banner otherwise Hartal would not be so successful today but BNP taking cowardice route which I don't like. There should be no hold back when comes to Allah and Rasool(s.a.a.w).
You are getting too emotional, you always do therefore you have no idea about the things going on.

Yes I am emotional and short tempered yet I don't know how I am successful in life. :P

Bro all I know, Bd now completely divided. There is nothing in between.

It's either pro-Islam or against Islam. Battle between Imandar and beiman. The outcome will depend on the majority. Which side you on. :azn:
Yes I am emotional and short tempered yet I don't know how I am successful in life. :P

Bro all I know, Bd now completely divided in half. There is nothing in between.

It's either pro-Islam or against Islam. Battle between Imandar and beiman. The outcome will depend on the majority. Which side you on. :azn:

I would not say divided in half. People who wants to uphold Islamic value and aspiration much larger in percentage but they were and are largely silent except few we are seeing now. On the other hand people who are attacking Islam and plan to undermine Islamic values in disguise "secularism" and fsacism are small but they appear big because they get Awami leage regime and terror police support, media is controlled by them. These fascist nastik bunch also get support from external source like india and try to amplify their activity.
In Egypt at Al Azhar Mosque Square thousand gathered to protest attack on Islam and Islamic values in Bangladesh. People from different Muslim countries participated the demonstration. Prominent Islamic thinkers and alems gave deliberation in the demonstration.

বাংলাদেশে ইসলাম অবমাননার প্রতিবাদে মিশরে বিক্ষোভ

২২ ফেব্রুয়ারি,২০১৩
নিজস্ব প্রতিনিধি, মিশর

কায়রো: বাংলাদেশে ইসলাম অবমাননার ঘটনায় শুক্রবার বাদ জুমা মিশরের আল আযহার মসজিদ স্কোয়ারে ‘আরব ইসলামিক ফোরামের’ উদ্যোগে বিক্ষোভ দেখানো হয়েছে।
বিক্ষোভে ইসলাম অবমাননার নিন্দা সম্বলিত পোষ্টার ও প্ল্যাকার্ড নিয়ে বিভিন্ন দেশের কয়েক হাজার আরব মুসল্লি যোগ দেন। তারা বাংলাদেশ সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে নানা শ্লোগান দেন।

বিক্ষোভে নেতৃত্ব দেন সিরিয়ার বিখ্যাত আল্লামা শাইখ আলি আহমদ আল জুহায়লী, আযহার মসজিদের প্রবীন খতিব ও ক্বারী হাসান আল তালবাঈ ও ছাত্র নেতা আইমান আল আবদুল্লাহ আল মাহদী। সভাপতিত্ব করেন আব্দুল্লাহ আল গুল।

বিক্ষোভের সময় বক্তারা বলেন, বাংলাদেশ মুসলিম বিশ্বের অন্যতম বড় দেশ হওয়া সত্বেও নাস্তিক আর মুরতাদরা কিভাবে রাসুল (স) ও তার স্ত্রীদের অবমাননার নিন্দা করে। তারা অবমাননাকারীদের বিচার দাবি করেন।

এ সময় তারা ইসলাম অবমাননাকারীদের ব্লগ ও ফেইসবুক বন্ধের দাবি জানান।

তারা ঘোষণা করেন, রাসুলকে (সা.) অবমানকারীদের ফাঁসি না দিলে আরব বিশ্বজুড়ে আন্দোলন করা হবে।

প্রধান অতিথির বক্ত্যব্যে আল্লামা শাইখ আলি আহমদ আল জুহায়লী বলেন, ‘শেখ হাসিনা সরকার যতবার ক্ষমতায় এসেছে, মুসলিম বিশ্ব ততবার দেখেছে বাংলাদেশের মুসলমানদের নির্যাতনের শিকার হচ্ছে।’

আল জুহায়লী বাংলাদেশের আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালকে বিতর্কিত আখ্যায়িত করে মন্তব্য করেন, ‘এটা কোন ন্যায় সংগত আদালত নয়। এটা হল মুসলমানদের ফাঁসি দেয়ার ষড়যন্ত্র। যার নজির দুনিয়ার আর কোথাও নেই।’

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