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Whatever crime, bribery, looting etc. so far done by BAL has not been appreciated anybody. They will pay for it in the next election. In the meantime it is national demand to hang the war criminals and it is long over due and there is no question about it. It is betterment of the BNP to support the hanging of these Jamaati war criminals and it will stop BAL from using 71 and war crime issue all the time and help BNP to focus all other mistakes which has been done by BAL. BNP knows well the importance of war crime issue thats why they are completely silent in this case. But the drama that Jamaat is trying to play here is just giving BAL the excuse to focus public attention more into the war crime issue from it's numerous failure. Lastly regarding mancha if it is not for saving the war criminal cause hardly government can do anything about it. Not to mention Amardesh editor already said that BNP is suffering huge loss for siding with Jamaat and vacating street and handing over the control to Jmaat. But BNP are not angels either. We have seen how much corrupt they are and thats why they lost the election miserably last time. This cycle is ongoing for the last 23 years but not likely anything will improve even if BNP comes to power. Same amount of looting, crime and corruption will still be there.

1. At this juncture of time all need to get up from the sleep. I feel that BAL will never allow any fair election to happen----but will cling to power---as after so much misdeeds it is unable to afford so. That also indicates that someone other than BAL is the 'lesser evil'---not BAL. BAL will continue to divide the people, all institutions, society and the country---as much as it can to prevent a fair election---to save own face & even existence

2. For the emancipation of the country & people (from whatever division BAL has already managed to cause,) BNP, JI and Ulema should support each other's program closely----but BNP & JI should work at arm's length---not too intimate, though---but not to discard each other. This solidarity with JI is must also to make BAL agree to any fair election. The biggest mistake for BNP will be to expect a fair election by automation. Only BNP is to declare that they also want WC trial----but it should be fair & transparent. BNP has done that already. No need to mix-up with Shahbagis any further inch. 25 FEB ANNIVERSARY will be a acid test for them to show how much 71 spirit they have. Concious People (in both mass & Army) will know them in clear terms 'very soon'. But a lot depends on how effectively BNP can play its cards and deploy its man-power on-time and purposefully. Is BNP OK for that? Already BAL is trapped in its hole that was dug by itself---that too with a turnished image.

3. As for we common people we must act & react responsibly. The line of division has been drawn. We may lose whatever we earned painstakingly. BAL has managed to mess-up the play-ground. Both are corrupt, you are right, but we need to chose the 'lesser evil' with care and sincerity.
By the way, Islamists Blogger Farabi was arrested today for his Facebook Update " J imam atheist k Janaza prabe takeo mere fela uchit and Rajib k bagh er mukhe dewa uchit"............ But atheist bloggers who insulted Our Prophet Sm are getting police protection................

fb id of farabi


check out his wall

I do not know if Facebook is helping the Govt to trace people, in that case some alternativebook is needed like Halal Facebook - Muslim Facebook - MFB - Islamic Facebook.

Although the name is very funny, Halal Facebook aka MillatFacebook, but the concept is fine, that is the Muslim Version of FB that will not let the Muslim sentiment be hurt.
Jamaat knows how to use the media quite well along with guerilla tactics. They knew dhaka was tightly monitored, so they unleashed mayhem in manikganj, it had the same impact on the whole country. Nicely played!
Jamaat knows how to use the media quite well along with guerilla tactics. They knew dhaka was tightly monitored, so they unleashed mayhem in manikganj, it had the same impact on the whole country. Nicely played!

@ Not agreed with your arguments. It was the henious jobs of awami gundas and police. They just killed the innocent people of local village. Non of them were the members of Jamaat-e-Islami. Some local supporters of BNP and Ulema Mashek just brought out a small procession and blocked the road.
Excuse me fellow members for a bit offtopic post.

I see this thread got sticky while the thread regarding the mainstream protest and the talk of the country is not. Mullah revolution is not real. It was just a showdown by jamat-e-islami to divert the attention of Bangladeshi people. But that ploy failed miserably. The Shahbag Protest is ongoing and it is having a big impact on Bangladeshi people. I sincerely request the @WebMaster to unlock the thread and make it a sticky.


Thank you.

@ Not agreed with your arguments. It was the henious jobs of awami gundas and police. They just killed the innocent people of local village. Non of them were the members of Jamaat-e-Islami. Some local supporters of BNP and Ulema Mashek just brought out a small procession and blocked the road.

I agree with aazidane in this case. It is a game played by Jamat as BAL has been playing a lot of games lately.
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Jamaat knows how to use the media quite well along with guerilla tactics. They knew dhaka was tightly monitored, so they unleashed mayhem in manikganj, it had the same impact on the whole country. Nicely played!

You are wrong.... There was no Jamat there... Villagers are fighting against brutal police force... Try to watch Bangla Vision News Report... Villagers said police opened fire without cause, they killed one villager in point blank range after arresting him....
Latest news is : Moulanas Have given an ultimatum to end Shahbag protest within 3 days or Protest will begin again... Even Today we had sporadic fight and Hartal in different parts of the country... So mods please dont fall for any misleading Info
Latest news is : Moulanas Have given an ultimatum to end Shahbag protest within 3 days or Protest will begin again... Even Today we had sporadic fight and Hartal in different parts of the country... So mods please dont fall for any misleading Info

Really? :lol:

Mufti Bin Nuri Deobandi at Shahbag

একটু আগে বক্তব্য দিয়েছেন মাওলানা মুফতি মাহবুবুর রহমান বিন নুরি দেওবন্দি। তিনি বলেছেন, জামায়াতে ইসলাম ইসলামের শত্রু, কোন অবস্থাতেই তারা ইসলামের ধারক না। কোন ওলামা-আলেম জামায়াতে ইসলামকে সমর্থন করেন না বলে তিনি সবাইকে সতর্ক করেছেন শয়তানের লেবাশধারী এই জামায়াতে ইসলামকে প্রতিহত করতে হবে, আইন করে তাদেরকে নিষিদ্ধ করতে হবে।

In an earlier statement by Maulana Mufti Bin nuri deobandi he said Jamaat-e-Islam is the enemy of Islam. Under any circumstances, they are not the holder. No olama - alema supports Jamaat-e-Islam. He also warned everyone that Jamaat-e-Islam is indeed Satan in disguise and should be prevented, and they should be banned by making laws.

LINK: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...13334.525832910792864&type=1&relevant_count=1
Latest news is : Moulanas Have given an ultimatum to end Shahbag protest within 3 days or Protest will begin again... Even Today we had sporadic fight and Hartal in different parts of the country... So mods please dont fall for any misleading Info

Any link...?
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