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Bangladesh obtains 2nd position in sanitation coverage in South Asia: UNICE

Show me a thread where you have congratulated India on any achievement ( any thread) and I will show you Indians congratulating bangladesh on this very thread.

I do not go to any other thread apart from this one to begin with. So point of asking congratulation from me.
In the next twenty years there will be 100% connection to pipe water. For the present, the GoB has taken steps to send piped water to big four cities, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna and Rajshahi. After which all the (old) district Towns will come under this project. The piped water projects will then keep on extending to small municipalities and villages one after another. For now $21 billion has been allocated to these projects.

Not underground, but only surface water will be treated and distributed to all the households. Arsenic problem will be solved in this way. Tendering for Karnafuli Water Treatment Project (for Chittagong) has ben completed and the main Contractor has been selected.

I think you were talking about this project of 150000 cr taka...

Water, sanitation by 2015 plan finalised

The three-phase SDP (2011-2025) on water and sanitation will be implemented at a proposed expense of Tk 1,50,000 crore.
The point was to call you out on your lies and self esteem issues. Accomplished.

Lie is a tendency and part and parcel of typical Indians like yours not mine. When I say something that is backed by stat and facts which is not the case of Indians those who prefer to speak loud and big when ground reality is completely different where India as a nation fail to provide basic service to it's citizen but try to act like a super power.
Bangladesh obtains 2nd position in sanitation coverage in South Asia: UNICEF/WHO

Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS)

DHAKA, Oct 3, 2012 (BSS) - With 81 percent people currently using healthy latrines, Bangladesh is now in second position in sanitation coverage in South Asia as an intensified campaign is underway to reach a national goal of cent percent coverage by next year.

"Ninety six percent people are now used to use latrines, 81 percent of which having the required sanitation standard . . . in terms of coverage we are in second position after Sri Lanka", which achieved 96 percent coverage, a local government ministry spokesman told BSS as the country is set to launch the Sanitation Month from tomorrow.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF statistics, compared to Bangladesh's 81 percent sanitation coverage, India's achievement is 43 percent coverage; Pakistan covered 54 percent of its population and Nepal 45 percent.

The local government ministry official said only four percent Bangladeshis now defecate in open places while the figure was 42 percent in 2003, when the current sanitation campaign was launched.

"The campaign has significantly reduced the mortality rate of children under 5, which now only 53 among 1,000 children while the figure was 88 in 2003," he said.

The theme of the day is "the expenditure in sanitation improves standard of life" and as part of the sanitation campaign October 15 will be observed as the World Hand Wash Day.

But officials and experts said of the 81 percent sanitary latrines, 56 percent are used by single families while the rest 25 percent are shared ones while the sanitation coverage in the capital appeared highest with 90 percent.

Bangladesh set the target of ensuring cent percent sanitation coverage by 2013 against the UN Millennium Development Goal (MDG) deadline of 2015.

Meanwhile, an official handout said local government minister Syed Ashraful Islam would open the Sanitation Month campaign at the Osmany Memorial Hall while the a massive motivation campaign was planned engaging traditional singers and staging public meetings, street rallies and colourful street marches and sanitation fares across the country.

Congratulations to Banglabesh for achieving this performance while again Shameful India is lagging behind despite being richer and more developed than Bangladesh. India is the worst of all the South Asian countries in terms of provision of such a basic amenity. What a shame, India, the supposedly biggest and richest country of South Asia while Bangladesh is the poorest country but it is cleaner and more hygienic than the richest. India is spending so much in weaponry while it cannot even supply the basic latrine to its population, what a shame for a country which is shining in loads of defeacation and human wastes. The provision of healthy latrine is to be considered as a basic human right that any country is supposed to supply to its citizens, just like the right for food, housing and employment. India deserves its name as scatland and pitland.
India's record on sanitation is embarassing to say the least .

In spite of having an overall better Human development index rank , higher GDP per capita and lower poverty rate than Bangladesh , we are so far behind on sanitation .

I don't know what the govt. is doing . I read somewhere that sanitation coverage is very low in the rural areas in India . As low as 30 % .In urban areas it is around 75 % .

Can i get a direct source from UNICEF or UN please , if possible ?
India's record on sanitation is embarassing to say the least .

In spite of having an overall better Human development index rank , higher GDP per capita and lower poverty rate than Bangladesh , we are so far behind on sanitation .

I don't know what the govt. is doing . I read somewhere that sanitation coverage is very low in the rural areas in India . As low as 30 % .In urban areas it is around 75 % .

Can i get a direct source from UNICEF or UN please , if possible ?

India has higher poverty then Bangladesh. The link is already posted in previous page.
I think the heavy rainfall all across the year have really helped to wash off ope defecation problems in bangladesh. Kudos !!
I think the heavy rainfall all across the year have really helped to wash off ope defecation problems in bangladesh. Kudos !!

NO. People actually have access to proper sanitary toilet. I mean they have it in their residence. Unlike some other neighboring country where their people go out side to release waste. Can you differentiate the difference? Probably you can but won't for obvious reason. :flame:
India has higher poverty then Bangladesh. The link is already posted in previous page.

According to a new poverty Development Goals Report, as many as 320 million people in India and China are expected to come out of extreme poverty in the next four years, while India's poverty rate is projected to dropto 22% in 2015. [ 5 ] The report also indicatesthat in Southern Asia, however, only India, where the poverty rate is projected to fall from 51% in 1990 to about 22% in 2015, is on track to cut poverty in half by the 2015 target date.Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia India has a huge population and poverty cannot be reduced in a day, as india develops the poverty level too will comedown slowly..
According to a new poverty Development Goals Report, as many as 320 million people in India and China are expected to come out of extreme poverty in the next four years, while India's poverty rate is projected to dropto 22% in 2015. [ 5 ] The report also indicatesthat in Southern Asia, however, only India, where the poverty rate is projected to fall from 51% in 1990 to about 22% in 2015, is on track to cut poverty in half by the 2015 target date.Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia India has a huge population and poverty cannot be reduced in a day, as india develops the poverty level too will comedown slowly..

Good for you if India can achieve it. But new report placed Indian poverty to 37% which was initially counted as 29%. So it will be interesting to see if India really can reduce poverty to 22% by 2015. If it can it will be big success but it will be difficult as the recent rise in food price may throw many middle class back to poverty.
Good for you if India can achieve it. But new report placed Indian poverty to 37% which was initially counted as 29%. So it will be interesting to see if India really can reduce poverty to 22% by 2015. If it can it will be big success but it will be difficult as the recent rise in food price may throw many middle class back to poverty.

The ineptness of current govt is the root cause. The present govt. performed much badly then their earlier stint when they had the big communist ROD up in their back.. anyways, the current raising of FDI in retail will help to some extent but the trust which the entire corporate diaspora has lost in current govt cannot be claimed back.

What India needs is any other govt. other than Congress at the helm !!
The way India is blocking water... this could be a serious issue in the coming years...

Blocking or already blocked? Have a through analysis on the effects of farakka and all other dams and see the findings...our North lost its biodiversity, the people their got new look, arsenic infested half of BD.
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