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Bangladesh Navy

list of the chinese missiles c704,c705K D,CM 400 AKG,CM 506 KG,CM-501G,CM 502KG,CM 602G,C-802,C-802AGK,C-803,C-805

A version called Otomach was proposed as a further improvement on the Mk2, with a speed of Mach 1.8. However, further evaluations found that stealth was better than speed at penetrating warship defenses so the project was dropped. In 1992, the Italian government started the development of a new generation anti-ship missile designated Otomat Mk3 with a disbursement of 19 million. Meanwhile, the French Navy chose to pursue the ANS/ANNG/ANF project for a supersonic missile, thereby ending French involvement in the development of the Otomat.[6]

The Mk3 version was named at one point Ulisse, the Italian name for the mythical hero Odysseus. With development starting twenty years after the Mk1 version, the Mk3 was a quite different weapon. The guidance package was updated with new IR and radar sensors in the nose, a GPS navigation system and an updated data link to allow the engagement of coastal targets. To improve the missile chances of hitting, its nose and wing shapes were optimized for a reduced radar cross section (RCS). Range was improved to 250–300 km while keeping the same dimensions of the previous versions.

then comes otomat mk2 block IV version

source: Otomat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

source:Missile antinave Teseo - Otomat
The missiles and computer and the cell phone is same like. few days later they become backdated
I'm sorry, but why used the designation F-22# for any of those ship designs? All of those design designations are imho referring to USED ships. Lupo's from Italy, Ulsan's from North Korea, Type 053 Jianghu , Jiangwei I and II variations from China. F-22-whatever hints at the F-22P, which is a newer sino-export design. F-25T is the Nuaresan for Thailand. Catch my drift?

F-22B is a program name. Its got nothing to do with which country is she ships are going to be.
120 km (C-802), 180 km (C-802A); 180+ km Teseo Otomat "Effective Range In excess of 180 km"

Effective range in excess of 180 km means, the range may increase depending on the drag factor. If the missile is fired against the wind then the max effective range is 180 km and if fired for wind direction then the max effective range may increase by 5 to 10 km making it hit a target as far as 185 to 190 km. But, 250 km! you must be joking...
c803 has more speed mach 2 while otomat has 1.8 but otomat block IV is more advanced than c803 , BD need to go for SALSCM (latest variant of c803 but has 400km range, need to scale down it to buy it) or can go for carrier killer CM400AKG with range of 250 but problem is it is not sea-skimming, can also go for C602G which has 290KM but again problem is it has subsonic speed .9 mach

what did not ? read about it :disagree:

BD needs a practical ranged missile. 400 km is not practical for Bangladesh navy. Its not practical AShM for any navy. Can you name one AShM ever fired by any country from a distance of 180+ km range. You can't. Cause, from 180+ km distance with the best radar system in the world, you can't be sure if you are targeting at a military ship or a civilian container or a cruise ship. You need aircraft/satellite/take your ship close into a WVR range to identify the target. Bangladesh Navy do not have that kind of support at the moment and 25-200 km ranged AShM thus are the good options for BN now.

When we will have (if in the future!) a LHD(if ever) and satellite, then we may go for AShM beyond 200 km range. Till then, C-704, C-802, C-802A, Otomat MK are good assets we have. Otomat KM on the other hand the only multi-purpose (AShM and Land attack cruise missile) supersonic cruise missile we have.
@Bamboo Castle do you know that BD will launch its first Satellite in 2015 ?

now tell me when this kind of modern missile developed, if talk about C803 which developed in late 1990s. From that time to know no major war took place between countries whoever have this kind of missile, so how did you expect to use of those ?
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F-22B is a program name. Its got nothing to do with which country is she ships are going to be.

Right. Then why use F-22 at all? WHy pic the first part of a type used by PN? Why not simply make it F-21 (21st century frigate), or something like that. I don't believe it is coincidental that F-22 is used.

Is this just fan-art?
Effective range in excess of 180 km means, the range may increase depending on the drag factor. If the missile is fired against the wind then the max effective range is 180 km and if fired for wind direction then the max effective range may increase by 5 to 10 km making it hit a target as far as 185 to 190 km. But, 250 km! you must be joking...

Uhm, IIRC, I never mentioned 250km! I'm giving you what the producers says. Typically, I would think, you would use the 'in excess of ... km' when you do not want to reveal the maximum effective range. Or when there's are different max ranges depeding on the launch platform (e.g. surface versus air launched versions). Never heard anybody explain it with reference to wind...

The newest MM40 version (MM40 Block 3) has an improved range in excess of 180 kilometres (97 nautical miles) through the use of a turbojet engine, and includes four air intakes to provide continuous airflow to the engine during high-G manoeuvers.
Exocet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The missile has a maximum range in excess of 400 kilometres (250 mi),[1] though the exact number is uncertain, but for the export version, the maximum range is reduced to 280 kilometres (170 mi) to meet the international arms trade regulation which limits the maximum range below 300 kilometres (190 mi).
C-602 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

range in excess of 67 nmi (124 km) depending on launch platform
Harpoon (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Range: In excess of 30 km
The F-22P is based upon the Type 053H3 Frigate and if the F-22B is a new ship then it is likely to be a ship based on the Chinese frigate with the Ship being modified to Bangladesh's requirements hence why there is a B.
This is not exactly something new but it does have confirmation on how type 056 Corvettes and on How Bangladesh Showcased it's ships at LIMA 2013

Former Coast Guard Cutter Jarvis Transferred to Growing Bangladesh Navy
Bangladesh navy improves combat power, showcases modernized warship at LIMA

The Bangladesh navy (BN) took possession of its largest warship on May 23, 2013 in Alameda, Calif., with the “hot transfer” of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Jarvis (WHEC 725). Jarvis was ceremonially decommissioned and transferred over to the Bangladesh navy as BNS Somudra Joy (F-28) at Coast Guard Island, Alameda, Calif., in the presence of Coast Guard Vice Adm. Paul F. Zukunft, commander Coast Guard Pacific Area, and Bangladeshi Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Vice Adm. M.F. Habib.
The ship transfer marks an historic moment in U.S.-Bangladesh defense and security relations, as this is the first time such a large warship has been transferred from the United States. One more WHEC will be acquired by next year, says Habib.
Prior to this, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and U.S. Navy provided training and hardware, including small boats and advisors to the BN.In addition, the USCG has been steadily delivering significant quantities of small craft – primarily 16 Safeboat Defenders and 20 Metal Shark Defiants, with more than 30 such craft delivered to date. Deliveries of Defiants are ongoing under the USCG Security Assistance Program. Most of these craft are used by the naval Special Warfare and Diving and Salvage (SWADS) although a few have gone to the Bangladesh Coast Guard.In particular, Habib pointed out the role played by the U.S. sea services in standing up the special warfare command known as SWADS. “SWADS has been instrumental in curbing piracy in our area,” says Habib.Upon installation of some navigational equipment, consoles and communications gear, BNS Samudra Joy is expected to depart Alameda for its home port, Chittagong, in October 2013. In due course, the ship will be fitted with an air search radar as well as guided missiles and small caliber guns, although details are unknown at this time.

Bangladesh Navy Progress
This acquisition is emblematic of the progress made by the BN in recent years to improve its combat power, modernize its fleet, acquire larger platforms with longer endurance and crucially, become a three dimensional navy with naval aviation and submarines, as it strives to provide effective maritime security for Bangladesh.It is doing so by modernizing the fleet with the upgrade of existing platforms as well as the induction of new platforms with long endurance.Well supported by incumbent Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the ongoing naval acquisition package includes 11 ships and submarines as part of the Hasina administration’s commitment to building a well-equipped navy.
Besides the Samudra Joy, the most recent additions to the BN fleet are two large missile armed patrol craft, known as LPC, from China as well as a series of locally built, gun armed patrol craft – also of Chinese provenance.
The 648-ton LPC, with a length of 64.2 meters, a beam of 9 meters and a draft of 2.5 meters, were built at Wuchang Shipyard in Wuhan under the auspices of CSOC (China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Company).
The first, Durjoy (P 811), was launched on Aug. 26, 2012, while the second, Nirmul (P813), was launched on Sept. 27, 2012. Both ships arrived Bangladesh in February 2013.

The LPC are armed with a single 76.2mm NG-16-1 automatic cannon, two twin 25mm cannon mounted amidships, four C-704 surface to surface missiles (SSM) mounted aft, and two forward-mounted six-barreled RDC depth charge rocket launchers. Primary sensors include a TR-47C gunfire control radar with built-in electro-optical sensors, an SR-60 search radar, and an ESS-3 bow mounted sonar with an effective range of about 8000 meters. A JRCSS combat management system (CMS) with at least three multifunction consoles is also fitted.
The LPC are powered by triple Pielstick diesels driving three screws for a top speed of 28 knots. Range is 2500 nautical miles (nm) and endurance with a crew of 60 is 15 days. According to CSOC officials speaking to Defense Media Network at LIMA 2013, these are cost-effective warships, able to perform both strike missions at ranges of about 40 kilometers as well as undertaking limited anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations.

Wuchang is also building two 90-meter, 1,330-ton corvettes based on the Type 056 to bespoke Bangladeshi specifications, including a helicopter hangar. Steel cutting for these ships took place on Jan. 8, 2013. CSOC expects to complete construction of these corvettes by 2014 or early 2015.

The BN has also commenced induction of five 50-meter long, 255-ton Padma-class inshore patrol craft from the Navy-owned Khulna Shipyard, using material packages supplied by Hudong shipyard in China. Billed as the largest homebuilt warship to date, the first of class, BNS Padma (P 312), was commissioned on Jan. 24, 2013. The second was delivered in early May, and all are to be delivered by December 2013. Impressively, the program is running on schedule. The long-term plan is to build 25 of these craft.Powered by four Deutz diesels, the Padma class are capable of doing 23.7 knots. They have a range of 1,500 nm and an endurance of 7 days. Armament comprises two twin 37mm gun mounts as well as two 20mm cannon. These ships can also lay mines if required. They will be used primarily for riverine patrols and exclusive economic zone (EEZ) protection.
Upon completion of this program, Khulna SY is expected to undertake construction of at least two LPC, similar to the two recently acquired from China. In due course, Khulna SY reportedly will also build corvettes. Two are planned initially.

In addition to the new-build ships, the BN is expecting to take delivery of two ex-PLA Navy Type 052H2 Jianghu 3 class frigates fitted with C-802 SSM around November 2013.
These acquisitions mean that the two elderly ex-Royal Navy frigates of 1950s vintage, BNS Umar Farooq (ex-HMS Llandaff) and BNS Abu Bakr (ex-HMS Lynx) can finally be withdrawn from service.
So, by 2014, the BN will very likely possess four additional frigates to complement a modernized Jianghu 1 frigate, BNS Osman, and a modern Daewoo-built DW 2000H frigate, BNS Bangabandhu, that’s been fitted with a Chinese-built FN-90 surface to air missile system.

Aside from the combatants, at least one auxiliary tanker is under construction at Ananda Shipyard and Slipways Ltd (ASSL) for delivery by July 2013. The 79.85-meter tanker has been designed to replenish two ships simultaneously using RAS gear sourced from the United Kingdom.

A 3-D Force With Aircraft and Submarines
But the most significant new development is the acquisition of a submarine capability. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that a submarine with base facilities would be added to the Bangladesh navy to build up a “deterrent force.” One or two “off the shelf” boats will be initially acquired, says Habib, to act as training boats – both for submariners and for providing much needed ASW experience to the surface fleet.
It is understood that more than 100 sailors are receiving their submarine training in Turkey. What is not clear is the type of submarine to be acquired. While some sources say it is to be the Chinese Type 035B Ming class, others say that it will very likely be ex-Turkish Type 209 boats. Former South Korean Type 209 boats are also a possibility.
The other significant development is the creation of a naval air arm. Having acquired two Agusta Westland AW 109 Power helicopters in July 2011, the nascent air arm is looking forward to commissioning its first fixed wing aircraft – two RUAG built Dornier Do 228NG maritime patrol aircraft with U.S.-built Telephonics RDR 1700B radars – in August 2013.
Additional helicopters are planned, says Habib. Other sources suggest Chinese built Z-9C helicopters may be acquired along with the Wuchang-built corvettes.

Modernizing Legacy Platforms
In addition to new acquisitions, several legacy Type 021 and Type 024 fast attack missile craft in service with 81 FAC Squadron and a couple of offshore patrol vessels with 10 FSG Squadron have been upgraded with new armament. Notably, the fast missile craft fleet has been upgraded with C-704 surface to surface missiles in place of the elderly but powerful SY-2 (NATO Silkworm) surface to surface missile. The lightweight C-704 SSM has a range of 38 – 40 kilometers (km).
Two ex-Royal Navy Castle class OPV, BNS Bijoy (F35) and BNS Dhaleshwari (F36) of the 10 FSG Squadron also underwent a major upgrade program. One of the class, BNS Dhaleshwari, visited Langkawi for the LIMA 2013 Exhibition. Defense Media Network visited the ship, which has been fitted with a 76.2mm NG-16-1 main gun and four C-704 missiles on the raised forecastle in 2012. In addition to these weapons, both ships received the TR47C fire control radar and the SR 60 search radar. An electronic warfare suite is to be fitted in due course to these 8-meter, 1840-ton warships. In a recent naval exercise, Dhaleshwari fired four C-704 missiles, all of which hit their targets at ranges of up to 38 km. One of four helicopter-capable ships in the BN, these two OPVs have also embarked AW109 helicopters.
Bangladesh Navy should continue to seek US cutters, which are perfect in terms of capability and price. After acquiring three more Hamilton class cutters (if possible) then BN should aim to fill the Offshore Patrol Vessel requirement with Medium endurance cutter - Famous class. These 1,800 t vessels were designed to patrol the EEZ (320 km). They are armed with 1 × OTO Melara Mk 75 76 mm/62 caliber naval gun and 2 × .50 caliber (12.7 mm) machine guns. They also have a helipad like our Castle class FSGs.

The reason I favour such a procurement is that that BN can maintain a powerful presence in the seas all the while keeping a low profile politically. Though these vessels are categorised as cutters, they can be fitted with C-704 SSMs just like the Castle class. There are 13 to be made available once their replacements are in place for the USCG. All vessels were built in 1979–1989 and commissioned first in 1983. They are certainly better choice than Italian Minervas, which were too expensive.
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