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Bangladesh must not allow Indian Commandos in Dhaka


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Bangladesh must not allow Indian Commandos in Dhaka - Walking on a knife-edge


Tuesday December 22 2009 07:34:32 AM BDT

By Dr K M A Malik, UK

Introduction:The recent news that India is preparing to send a Commando-style force in Dhaka allegedly to guard its diplomatic mission and to protect VIPs is of great concern to many Bangladeshis. None of the pro-government print and electronic media in Bangladesh has yet published this news, for reason unknown to us. These media outlets appear to be interested more in the daily political bickering, squabbles, gossips and scandals inside Bangladesh than in the ever-increasing foreign control of different state organs. Attempts by foreign powers, especially the US and Indian imperialists, to reduce the country as a vassal state by all possible means, legal or illegal, covert or overt, seem to be of marginal interest to them.

I have seen the news covered in only two Bangla dailies, Amar Desh [1] and Shangram [2]. Both these newspapers have been the targets of severe criticisms by Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) (the current ruling party) for not following their dictates and carrying news stories uncomfortable to them. These papers as well as the daily Naya Diganta and weekly Holiday are often accused of being ‘anti-national’ or anti-liberation’ and ‘anti-India’ but ‘pro-Pakistan’ by a large number of BAL leaders and their camp followers in the media world. It is to be noted that the docile media in Dhaka, in general, do not wish to ‘hurt’ the feelings of New Delhi rulers and their followers in Dhaka, for fear of reprisals and/or the loss revenue earnings from advertisements, etc.

Media reports on the issue

In case some people suggest that the news on sending Indian troops to Dhaka is another piece anti-India propaganda concocted by Amar Desh and/or Sangram, it has to be mentioned that these papers did not ‘invent’ the story; they cited the Indian media outlet, New Delhi based Press Trust of India (PTI) as well as Kolkata based Ananda Bazar Potrika as the sources of the report. So any suggestion to discredit the report in Amar Desh and/or Sangram would be unacceptable.

For the sake of convenience of discussion, let us quote the PTI news (New Delhi, Dec 17, 2009). Captioned “Indian mission in Dhaka to be guarded by SSB troops”, it reads,

“Facing threat from terror group Laskhar-e-Taiba, India will soon deploy its para-military troops to guard its mission in Dhaka.

At least 50 specially-trained troops of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), a force that guards Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan borders, will soon be sent to guard the High Commission after getting a clearance from External Affairs Ministry.

The personnel have been trained in VIP, mobile and static security duties and would also render technical support responsibilities, official sources said.

The troops will be sent soon and an assessment report is being prepared for their deployment, they said, adding SSB personnel will be in addition to the security men provided by Bangladesh government.”

Analysis and comments

It is clear from the above PTI report that Indian government has already decided to send at least 50 specially trained troops of an elite force SSB to Dhaka and this would be done after getting a clearance from India’s External Affairs Ministry. And the purpose of this deployment is said to be providing security to the Indian High Commission in Dhaka and other dignitaries from possible attacks by the terror group Laskhar-e-Taiba (LeT). Indian government would probably justify this deployment on the excuse that Laskhar-e-Taiba is a serious threat to its security because this group is allegedly using Bangladesh soil to carry out terrorist activities in India. Three alleged members of this group were arrested last month by Bangladesh security forces, who then also said that they got the intelligence and information about these persons from the US FBI. It was also claimed that this group were taking preparations for attacks on the Indian, British and US embassies in Dhaka. We do not know how far the story about these alleged terrorists’ plan to attack the three most important embassies in Dhaka is true. But even if this were true, it is the duty of Bangladesh security forces to protect all the foreign embassies including the Indian embassy from any potential terrorist attacks, and not of the Indian SSB commando force.

The arrest of the three alleged LeT members in Bangladesh could also be another piece of R&AW-instigated disinformation campaign against Bangladesh and its security forces to portray the country as a ‘failed state’ and its security forces as totally ineffective to deal with ‘terrorism’. Such type of R&AW-inspired propaganda against Bangladesh and Muslims is nothing new. Indian ruling class and their various establishments suffer from ‘big power’ chauvinism and they have never treated the less powerful neighbours with due respect and dignity. They have always treated Bangladesh with disdain and extracted only one-sided benefits without giving anything in return. Of course, they have very successfully cultivated some important elements within Bangladesh political establishment and planted agents in different sectors to advance their cause.

The position of the Bangladesh government on the issue is unclear and to a large extent it remains very mysterious. We do not know for sure if the government has already agreed to India’s proposal for stationing the ‘especially trained’ and armed SSB elite forces in Dhaka. If such proposal has not yet been accepted, how is that the Indian government is preparing for sending its forces in Dhaka? On the contrary, if Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has already agreed to the proposal (no body else in the government would have the authority or guts to do so), does she really want to hand over the security of the Bangladesh state to the ‘big brother’? Does she accept that Bangladesh security forces are incapable of providing security to foreign diplomatic missions and other VIPs? Does she understand the consequences of Indian forces moving with arms in Dhaka streets?

Besides, there are dozens of other related questions that must be answered by the BAL government before it becomes a pawn in the hands of their so-called friends. If the friendship is not a one way but two-way traffic, would India allow armed Bangladeshi elite forces such as SSF to be deployed in New Delhi or Kolkata to provide security to Bangladeshi Missions there? In times of a serious crisis, it is not inconceivable that these Missions would become natural targets for attacks by various anti-Bangladeshi outfits such as R&AW-inspired Banga Sena or any terrorist (Muslim or Hindu) groups based in India.

If the Indian mission or any of India’s numerous business houses, cultural centre, etc., or any of its thousands of citizens living in Dhaka or elsewhere in Bangladesh come under any kind of attacks by a terrorist group like Laskhar-e-Taiba, JMB or HuJI-B [4] (the chances of such acts would only increase after the Indian forces are deployed in Dhaka), what would the government do? Would it allow more Indian troops inside Bangladesh to protect ‘India’s vital national and strategic interests’ and/or ‘help’ the BAL government in its ‘fight against terrorism’? What happens if India itself or any other external actor ‘stages’ some dramatic incidents of sabotage, kidnapping and hostage taking or carries out some high profile murders, and Bangladesh security forces are not able to make a quick response? Would it be difficult for India’s various agencies to create or take advantage of any serious ‘terrorist’ incidents to ‘volunteer’ more troops inside Bangladesh?

Those who want to know do know that imperialist and hegemonic powers do not bother for friendship with a particular group or one political party in economically and militarily weaker states; they only want to advance their own economic and strategic interests by any means ?? sweet talk, a little crumbs, coercive diplomacy, blackmail, threats, covert actions, creation of internal dissension and strife, and, finally, if the above less visible methods fail, by armed aggression and brutal occupation. The excuse for such drastic action by the imperial powers is often: ‘restoring civil order’, ‘maintaining peace’, ‘creating stability’, ‘prevention of serious abuses of human rights’, protecting minority rights, ‘advancing the cause of freedom and democracy’, etc. There are numerous examples in old as well as recent history where the imperial powers did not hesitate to dispense with their one-time ‘friends’ by conspiratorial and/or violent methods.

After the recent double game played by BAL government against the ULFA leaders who are fighting for their own independence from Indian control, this and other freedom seeking ethnic armed groups in Assam and other regions north-east of Bangladesh would become hostile to Bangladesh and Muslims. If the government proceeds further along the Indian trap of becoming an active partner (or collaborator) in their counter-insurgency campaigns in the north east, the anti-Indian freedom fighters there may extend their battlefield within Bangladesh territories. India’s war against ULFA and other freedom fighters in the north east is not ‘our war’ and we must not get involved in that.

In the past, we have observed all governments to remain more or less silent on any difficult issue related to foreign countries especially the US and India. But the silence of the present government on security threats posed by the two imperialist powers is alarming, to say the least. While many ministers miss no opportunity to argue for public acceptance or compliance of India’s multi-faceted demands and actions that many consider contrary to Bangladesh’s national interests, they seem to be totally indifferent or oblivious to their foremost duties and obligations, that is, to stand firm against all external and internal adversaries to safeguard the country’s hard won independence, sovereignty and vital national interests.


The government and people of Bangladesh must not allow the deployment of Indian SSB commando forces on their soil, whatever may be the initial excuse. Such an arrangement would invariably generate more suspicion, hostility and animosity against both the BAL and Indian governments. It would open the country to further Indian and US imperialist intervention on this or that excuse. The people of Bangladesh wish to live in peace with their Indian neighbours, but they will never accept the presence of Indian troops on their soil.

Bangladesh security forces have suffered some serious setbacks during the last three years due first to the misguided ‘Gang of Four Generals’ and then to the mishandling of the armed and security forces by the BAL government, especially after the tragic Peelkhana massacre. But we are confident that the armed and security forces would soon recover from the setbacks forced upon them by the nation’s local and foreign enemies and they would definitely stand side by side with the patriotic people to safeguard the nation’s sovereignty and security.

Now all these RAW and indian apologist lurking under disguise hare taken cover under silence. All the while indians are making arrangement with awami stooge govt to destroy elements of Bangladesh sovereignty one by one.
Bangladesh must defend its land against INDIA or otherwise look at us when every Foreign diplomat in Pakistan is Carrying Assault Rifles and when they are stopped by police they either refuse to come out of car or sped away.
I am expecting iDune and his ilk to be all over this thread shouting how this is a part of a plan by India to conquer Bangladesh.
What an hypothesis, very poor article just read fully to understand its insignificance.
Introduction:The recent news that India is preparing to send a Commando-style force in Dhaka allegedly to guard its diplomatic mission and to protect VIPs is of great concern to many Bangladeshis. None of the pro-government print and electronic media in Bangladesh has yet published this news, for reason unknown to us. These media outlets appear to be interested more in the daily political bickering, squabbles, gossips and scandals inside Bangladesh than in the ever-increasing foreign control of different state organs. Attempts by foreign powers, especially the US and Indian imperialists, to reduce the country as a vassal state by all possible means, legal or illegal, covert or overt, seem to be of marginal interest to them.

According to the article, Indian commandos will be there to protect Indian diplomates and will be in the Indian mission. So they are not there to capture BD as article suggests.

And why your govt or media is not listening to the intelligent author, this is BD internal matter. It is very bad that author wasted lot of eenergy in frustation and none is even giving any sh!t....:blah:

I have seen the news covered in only two Bangla dailies, Amar Desh [1] and Shangram [2]. Both these newspapers have been the targets of severe criticisms by Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) (the current ruling party) for not following their dictates and carrying news stories uncomfortable to them. These papers as well as the daily Naya Diganta and weekly Holiday are often accused of being ‘anti-national’ or anti-liberation’ and ‘anti-India’ but ‘pro-Pakistan’ by a large number of BAL leaders and their camp followers in the media world. It is to be noted that the docile media in Dhaka, in general, do not wish to ‘hurt’ the feelings of New Delhi rulers and their followers in Dhaka, for fear of reprisals and/or the loss revenue earnings from advertisements, etc.

Poor BD People are electing same evil- India lovers again and again. BTW, this rant is all internal to BD. :hang2:
Also it seems that Pro-India means anti-Pakistan here. With such a short sighted vision, these fellow are not doing any good to BD.

In case some people suggest that the news on sending Indian troops to Dhaka is another piece anti-India propaganda concocted by Amar Desh and/or Sangram, it has to be mentioned that these papers did not ‘invent’ the story; they cited the Indian media outlet, New Delhi based Press Trust of India (PTI) as well as Kolkata based Ananda Bazar Potrika as the sources of the report. So any suggestion to discredit the report in Amar Desh and/or Sangram would be unacceptable.

For the sake of convenience of discussion, let us quote the PTI news (New Delhi, Dec 17, 2009). Captioned “Indian mission in Dhaka to be guarded by SSB troops”, it reads,

“Facing threat from terror group Laskhar-e-Taiba, India will soon deploy its para-military troops to guard its mission in Dhaka.

At least 50 specially-trained troops of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), a force that guards Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan borders, will soon be sent to guard the High Commission after getting a clearance from External Affairs Ministry.

The personnel have been trained in VIP, mobile and static security duties and would also render technical support responsibilities, official sources said.

The troops will be sent soon and an assessment report is being prepared for their deployment, they said, adding SSB personnel will be in addition to the security men provided by Bangladesh government.”

India has also cleared the strength of securitymen and where they would be located (Indian mission).
And if only 50 SSB commondos can capture Dhaka according to article, I would say BD is in biggggg trouble. :suicide:

It is clear from the above PTI report that Indian government has already decided to send at least 50 specially trained troops of an elite force SSB to Dhaka and this would be done after getting a clearance from India’s External Affairs Ministry. And the purpose of this deployment is said to be providing security to the Indian High Commission in Dhaka and other dignitaries from possible attacks by the terror group Laskhar-e-Taiba (LeT). Indian government would probably justify this deployment on the excuse that Laskhar-e-Taiba is a serious threat to its security because this group is allegedly using Bangladesh soil to carry out terrorist activities in India. Three alleged members of this group were arrested last month by Bangladesh security forces, who then also said that they got the intelligence and information about these persons from the US FBI. It was also claimed that this group were taking preparations for attacks on the Indian, British and US embassies in Dhaka. We do not know how far the story about these alleged terrorists’ plan to attack the three most important embassies in Dhaka is true. But even if this were true, it is the duty of Bangladesh security forces to protect all the foreign embassies including the Indian embassy from any potential terrorist attacks, and not of the Indian SSB commando force.

This gives a reason why commondos would be sent. And India is not forcing this. You government agreed on this move.

The arrest of the three alleged LeT members in Bangladesh could also be another piece of R&AW-instigated disinformation campaign against Bangladesh and its security forces to portray the country as a ‘failed state’ and its security forces as totally ineffective to deal with ‘terrorism’. Such type of R&AW-inspired propaganda against Bangladesh and Muslims is nothing new. Indian ruling class and their various establishments suffer from ‘big power’ chauvinism and they have never treated the less powerful neighbours with due respect and dignity. They have always treated Bangladesh with disdain and extracted only one-sided benefits without giving anything in return. Of course, they have very successfully cultivated some important elements within Bangladesh political establishment and planted agents in different sectors to advance their cause.

Not only RAW, they could be aliens as well. But oops no proof I say. :azn:

The position of the Bangladesh government on the issue is unclear and to a large extent it remains very mysterious. We do not know for sure if the government has already agreed to India’s proposal for stationing the ‘especially trained’ and armed SSB elite forces in Dhaka. If such proposal has not yet been accepted, how is that the Indian government is preparing for sending its forces in Dhaka? On the contrary, if Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has already agreed to the proposal (no body else in the government would have the authority or guts to do so), does she really want to hand over the security of the Bangladesh state to the ‘big brother’? Does she accept that Bangladesh security forces are incapable of providing security to foreign diplomatic missions and other VIPs? Does she understand the consequences of Indian forces moving with arms in Dhaka streets?

There are many cases where foreign commondos are deployed to protect vital locations. This does not mean the host security agency is incompetent. Beside this, this is approved by Bangladeshi govt.

Besides, there are dozens of other related questions that must be answered by the BAL government before it becomes a pawn in the hands of their so-called friends. If the friendship is not a one way but two-way traffic, would India allow armed Bangladeshi elite forces such as SSF to be deployed in New Delhi or Kolkata to provide security to Bangladeshi Missions there? In times of a serious crisis, it is not inconceivable that these Missions would become natural targets for attacks by various anti-Bangladeshi outfits such as R&AW-inspired Banga Sena or any terrorist (Muslim or Hindu) groups based in India.

There was no such demand from BD as of now. So no speculations regarding this.

Rest is just rant. But I love the highlighted part.

If the Indian mission or any of India’s numerous business houses, cultural centre, etc., or any of its thousands of citizens living in Dhaka or elsewhere in Bangladesh come under any kind of attacks by a terrorist group like Laskhar-e-Taiba, JMB or HuJI-B [4] (the chances of such acts would only increase after the Indian forces are deployed in Dhaka), what would the government do? Would it allow more Indian troops inside Bangladesh to protect ‘India’s vital national and strategic interests’ and/or ‘help’ the BAL government in its ‘fight against terrorism’? What happens if India itself or any other external actor ‘stages’ some dramatic incidents of sabotage, kidnapping and hostage taking or carries out some high profile murders, and Bangladesh security forces are not able to make a quick response? Would it be difficult for India’s various agencies to create or take advantage of any serious ‘terrorist’ incidents to ‘volunteer’ more troops inside Bangladesh?

I would suggest author to stop whatever he is eating now a days. Are we seeing a new conspiracy theory. There are already many related to omnipresent and omnipotent RAW!! :smitten:

Those who want to know do know that imperialist and hegemonic powers do not bother for friendship with a particular group or one political party in economically and militarily weaker states; they only want to advance their own economic and strategic interests by any means ?? sweet talk, a little crumbs, coercive diplomacy, blackmail, threats, covert actions, creation of internal dissension and strife, and, finally, if the above less visible methods fail, by armed aggression and brutal occupation. The excuse for such drastic action by the imperial powers is often: ‘restoring civil order’, ‘maintaining peace’, ‘creating stability’, ‘prevention of serious abuses of human rights’, protecting minority rights, ‘advancing the cause of freedom and democracy’, etc. There are numerous examples in old as well as recent history where the imperial powers did not hesitate to dispense with their one-time ‘friends’ by conspiratorial and/or violent methods.

Offtopic. Not related to india in particular. Writer himself got confused where he has started.

After the recent double game played by BAL government against the ULFA leaders who are fighting for their own independence from Indian control, this and other freedom seeking ethnic armed groups in Assam and other regions north-east of Bangladesh would become hostile to Bangladesh and Muslims. If the government proceeds further along the Indian trap of becoming an active partner (or collaborator) in their counter-insurgency campaigns in the north east, the anti-Indian freedom fighters there may extend their battlefield within Bangladesh territories. India’s war against ULFA and other freedom fighters in the north east is not ‘our war’ and we must not get involved in that.

This shows state of mind of author. And I never knew BD people and BD muslims are two different entities.[

In the past, we have observed all governments to remain more or less silent on any difficult issue related to foreign countries especially the US and India. But the silence of the present government on security threats posed by the two imperialist powers is alarming, to say the least. While many ministers miss no opportunity to argue for public acceptance or compliance of India’s multi-faceted demands and actions that many consider contrary to Bangladesh’s national interests, they seem to be totally indifferent or oblivious to their foremost duties and obligations, that is, to stand firm against all external and internal adversaries to safeguard the country’s hard won independence, sovereignty and vital national interests.

US has nothing to do with Indian SSB commondos. Writer finally got lost. :rofl::rofl:

The government and people of Bangladesh must not allow the deployment of Indian SSB commando forces on their soil, whatever may be the initial excuse. Such an arrangement would invariably generate more suspicion, hostility and animosity against both the BAL and Indian governments. It would open the country to further Indian and US imperialist intervention on this or that excuse. The people of Bangladesh wish to live in peace with their Indian neighbours, but they will never accept the presence of Indian troops on their soil.

Go complain your goverment. Crying never gives a solution.

Bangladesh security forces have suffered some serious setbacks during the last three years due first to the misguided ‘Gang of Four Generals’ and then to the mishandling of the armed and security forces by the BAL government, especially after the tragic Peelkhana massacre. But we are confident that the armed and security forces would soon recover from the setbacks forced upon them by the nation’s local and foreign enemies and they would definitely stand side by side with the patriotic people to safeguard the nation’s sovereignty and security.

This time author lost a big time. The topic where article started is nowhere in the picture. :tsk:
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Bangladesh must defend its land against INDIA or otherwise look at us when every Foreign diplomat in Pakistan is Carrying Assault Rifles and when they are stopped by police they either refuse to come out of car or sped away.

Defend Bangladesh Against the very Same India, which if had not Defended former in 1971, It would not have been in EXISTENCE to even think of a "Defense" in 2009 !! ??
Defend Bangladesh Against the very Same India, which if had not Defended former in 1971, It would not have been in EXISTENCE to even think of a "Defense" in 2009 !! ??

Mate, lets be fair. They don't owe their independence to anyone. They fought with their own blood. Lets get out of this mentality, if it exists, and respect them as equals.
According to the article, Indian commandos will be there to protect Indian diplomates and will be in the Indian mission. So they are not there to capture BD as article suggests.

And why your govt or media is not listening to the intelligent author, this is BD internal matter. It is very bad that author wasted lot of eenergy in frustation and none is even giving any sh!t....:blah:

Poor BD People are electing same evil- India lovers again and again. BTW, this rant is all internal to BD. :hang2:
Also it seems that Pro-India means anti-Pakistan here. With such a short sighted vision, these fellow are not doing any good to BD.

India has also cleared the strength of securitymen and where they would be located (Indian mission).
And if only 50 SSB commondos can capture Dhaka according to article, I would say BD is in biggggg trouble. :suicide:

This gives a reason why commondos would be sent. And India is not forcing this. You government agreed on this move.

Not only RAW, they could be aliens as well. But oops no proof I say. :azn:

There are many cases where foreign commondos are deployed to protect vital locations. This does not mean the host security agency is incompetent. Beside this, this is approved by Bangladeshi govt.

There was no such demand from BD as of now. So no speculations regarding this.

Rest is just rant. But I love the highlighted part.

I would suggest author to stop whatever he is eating now a days. Are we seeing a new conspiracy theory. There are already many related to omnipresent and omnipotent RAW!! :smitten:

Offtopic. Not related to india in particular. Writer himself got confused where he has started.

This shows state of mind of author. And I never knew BD people and BD muslims are two different entities.[

US has nothing to do with Indian SSB commondos. Writer finally got lost. :rofl::rofl:

Go complain your goverment. Crying never gives a solution.

This time author lost a big time. The topic where article started is nowhere in the picture. :tsk:
These razakar Mullah guys cry not against India, but cry for the love of our 1971 oppressors. These mullahs need all the fabricated stories, however demeaning these may be to the country, to make their pleas heard by others.
They didnt complain when we sent in thousands of our troops to Dhaka in 1971 and yet they complain when we send in 50 commandos to protect our embassy in Dhaka in 2009 :undecided:
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