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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Proposed Defence Expenditure & BDR Mutiny – Interlinked?

1. I am completely stunned and shocked like many others at the savagery and cruelty displayed by the BDR jawans during the revolt. We are informed that many of the victims had been first shot, then bayoneted, with some having their eyes pulled out and then dumped in stinking and dirty sewers. The atrocious acts committed on the women were even more incomprehensible and debasing with many being first gang-raped and then their bodies burned. What level of hatred (or madness) is required for a human being to carry out such despicable acts? Not even the Pakistani forces resorted to such behaviour in our liberation war in 1971. The obvious reason for this restraint is that the mutilation or defilement of dead bodies is strictly prohibited in Islam. It is a great sin to humiliate or abuse the body of a dead person whether friend or foe. It is on this ground that I am of the opinion that the mutiny and killing could not have been done by Muslims who would have this sin carved into their souls for eternity. This could have only been planned and orchestrated by outsiders and non-Muslims.

Munshi Bhai,

A ready made example was ALer's dance and desecrate on Jamaati/Shibiri dead bodies in 28th, OCT, 2008. Some of them were Muslims. One more example was how Iranians and Iraqis used Mastered, VX and Cyanied on each others and later bayonated life-less bodies. They both were Muslims. From my vast dealings with ALers and imperial observation on Iranians/Iraqi Shia and Baathists, I found one common thing among them and that was 'Indoctrination by naivity'. I even met AL leaning Mullahs in CTG, who announced killing Shibiri/Jamaati Jayege. Furthermore, I found out that many Tableagies called Jamaaties Kafirs. But when I called their bluff and pointed out that they were sowing un-Islamic stuff then they told me that they were indoctrinated by their post-decissors. It is the 'Wrong education and miss-teaching' that makes man so hateful and unfortunately those men are available among Muslims. You can also look at how Mullahs from Indian GOVT regulated Madrassa's are brain-washing TTP guys in Afghanistan/NWFP to fight against Pakistani Muslims.
More RAW propaganda -

Bangladesh mutineers name tycoon with Pak links

NEW DELHI: The first signs of a Pakistani footprint is showing up in the bloody mutiny that shook Bangladesh this week.
As mass graves
continue to spew forth more bloody tales - 10 more bodies have been recovered, bringing the toll to 76 - what is emerging slowly is a larger design behind the apparently senseless killing over the past couple of days.

The preliminary interrogation of some of the rebels has thrown up the name of Salauddin Qadeer Chowdhury, a well-known shipping magnate and reportedly very close to the Pakistan military-intelligence complex and the opposition BNP. According to sources monitoring the situation, about one crore taka has already changed hands to help the mutiny along.

Chowdhury, a close associate of opposition BNP leader Begum Khaleda Zia, was closely connected to the Chittagong arms drop case of April 2004 - the arms were apparently intended for ULFA. The ships were caught carrying the arms.

Salauddin Chowdhury, belonging to an old Chittagong family, has been close to Pakistan for decades.

Trouble continues to brew in Dhaka, where the army cadres, particularly mid-level officers, are spoiling for a fight with the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) cadres. So far, the Bangladesh army leaders, led by army chief Moeen Ahmed, have kept the officers in check, which is making the present situation slightly different from 1975.

According to the fire service operations chief, Sheikh Mohammad Shahjalal, 50 officers are still missing. "We have so far removed 10 dead bodies. They are badly decomposed and many are mutilated," he said. "They not only shot them dead but some bodies were badly mutilated with bayonets," Shahjalal said.

It is increasingly clear that the chief targets are the army chief Moeen Ahmed and prime minister Sheikh Hasina who, reports say, has been moved to an army guest house for her personal safety.

In fact, a number of plots are surfacing, all intended to create confusion while the real targets would have been attacked.

Sources are also pointing to the scale of the brutality of the murders, the mutilations, etc, which they say are tell-tale signs of the Islamist ideologies that have infiltrated the lower cadres of the BDR, thanks to their extensive Jamaat-e-Islami and Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) connections.

Behind the mutiny is the war crimes tribunal that Sheikh Hasina promised to set up for the trial of Pakistani collaborators or razakars from the independence war. This had created trouble inside Bangladesh and Pakistan as well.
In fact, Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari sent an emissary to Sheikh Hasina, Pervez Ispahani, to persuade her to put off this trial as it could embarrass the Pak army considerably.

After the dust has settled down, Sheikh Hasina and Ahmed are likely to launch a purge of their own in the army, which is likely to create its own tensions. In any case, it promises to keep Sheikh Hasina off balance for a while, as Bangladesh joins other tottering nations on India's periphery.

Bangladesh mutineers name tycoon with Pak links-India-The Times of India
Dhaka disarm request to Delhi - Eye on rebels on the run

New Delhi, Feb. 28: Dhaka has requested New Delhi to disarm and hand over Bangladesh Rifles mutineers trying to flee into India with the Bangladesh Army hot on their heels, officials here told The Telegraph.

The increased security on the border with Bangladesh has largely to do with this request. The border — which runs for more than 4,000km, is largely fenced inside Indian territory and does not follow defined markers — has been reinforced with additional BSF units.

The security establishment has concluded that it does not require a realignment of forces in the eastern and northeastern theatres for this purpose.

Dhaka has told New Delhi that firing that may be heard on this side, or bullets that may cross the border, should not be misunderstood as signs of aggression: they are aimed at mutineers who have not yet turned themselves in. Around 700 armed BDR men are said to be on the run. ( )

But it is the request to disarm BDR mutineers that is uncomfortable for India. The US too is encouraging India to play a “stabilising role” in the region.

“India doesn’t want to meddle in Bangladesh’s internal affairs, though it risks being affected by them,” said Sreeradha Datta, Bangladesh specialist and fellow at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis.

“While India may be sympathetic to what is happening with Bangladesh’s internal crisis, it will not be dictated (to on) what action it should be taking.”

Datta explained: “I would try to prevent elements from coming over to India, by force if necessary and even if the US wants us to. India should not be seen as a party to disarming the BDR.”

Yesterday, home minister P. Chidambaram had confirmed that BDR soldiers at outposts in two or three places had communicated to their BSF counterparts in some frontier bunkers that they might request shelter because the army was after them.

The appeals have been made in about 30 places on the borders in Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya and Tripura.

In some outposts, BDR soldiers have sent written notes to their BSF counterparts seeking shelter, saying they have a rampaging army pursuing them.

The developments signal that the Bangladesh Army is now baying for blood and wants to avenge the massacre of its officers — most of whom are sons of army officers and civilian bureaucrats — by the BDR mutineers.

It also explains the turnaround by Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who said amnesty would not be granted to killers. The army chief, General Moeen U. Ahmed, himself under pressure from his cadre, had met Hasina and conveyed the demand from the army for swift justice.

The army wants public punishment, even death, for the killers of the BDR director-general, Major General Shakil Ahmed, his wife, the deputy director-general and scores of other officers whose bodies are being dug out of mass graves. The army is expecting 50-100 mutineers to be handed exemplary punishment that could go up to the death sentence.

Indian officers monitoring the developments said General Moeen Ahmed was confronted by his officers in the cantonment before he went to meet Hasina.

If Hasina can restrain the army and follow the due process, she will emerge stronger. “The next five-six days are crucial,” a source said, suggesting the government was focusing its efforts on preventing a backlash from the army.

One silver lining — for India, too — is that the Bangladesh Army is not as politicised as the BDR is. The army had also built bridges with India of late.

After the meeting last night, General Moeen Ahmed reaffirmed army support for the government. “Let me tell you all again that the Bangladesh Army is subservient to the government,” he said.

“We are a people’s army serving the nation and upholding democracy. Please stay calm. We are trying to address the situation and resolve (disputes) with the help of everyone.”

Hasina’s long-standing rival, Opposition leader Khaleda Zia, offered to co-operate with the government in its investigations into the mutiny but criticised the Prime Minister for initially offering amnesty to the BDR rebels.

“This gave them time to kill more people and conceal their brutality,” Khaleda said.

Hasina’s Awami League has had a traditionally tenuous relationship with the army, which has had better relations with Khaleda’s Bangladesh National Party.

The party of Khaleda, widow of former army chief General Zia-ur Rehman, has also attracted former army officers as leaders in larger numbers than the Awami League.

Indian officers, however, admit that the grievances over pay and perks in the BDR are genuine and the mutiny, if organised, could not have been the handiwork of the Jamaat and fundamentalist elements from the very beginning.

This is understandable because disgruntlement in the Indian security forces is all too real. Indian military forces, for example, are now resentful over recommendations of the sixth pay commission.

Other agencies, like the Assam Rifles officered by the army, too have issues which they have raised time and again with the government and which are still being addressed.

The latent discontent in the BDR is suspected to have been fanned by fundamentalist forces, aided by the ISI. Other sources said that over the years, the BDR, which had fought against Pakistan in the Liberation War, had been politicised and came to be divided into two camps — one supporting Awami League and the other backing the BNP. The BNP faction is said to have been infiltrated by elements sympathetic to the Jamaat and the Huji.

The spilling over of the BDR mutiny outside Dhaka may have been fomented by the Jamaat, the sources said.

Dhaka’s request that the mutineers be disarmed by Indian forces and be handed over to the Bangladesh Army has the tacit blessings of the US.

But India does not want to be seen as acting under international pressure and wants to confine itself to acting in its own interests.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | Dhaka disarm request to Delhi Eye on rebels on the run

Our next Army chief. I started liking this guy.. He is as sharp or more than MUA. Also he is from my home district Habiganj and from a very ordinary familly.
Dhaka disarm request to Delhi - Eye on rebels on the run
Bangladesh even did not talk to India regarding border security (Our foreign minister said).
Where are those people getting all these news?????
Are they trying to feel important????
You half that brain of yours and read the article posted in this thread itself, which amazingly has also been quoted by me in the post above the one you are quoting.

Sorry for the late reply. and also thank you for wasting my valuable time reading a crap... Your military aswel as intellegence has gained innumerable criticism from around world regarding Mumbai attacks... and that same Indian agency is offering us assistance!!
Let me tell you something, send some guys from your "strong" military in Bangladesh, we're more than ready to train them... no offense...
Our next Army chief. I started liking this guy.. He is as sharp or more than MUA. Also he is from my home district Habiganj and from a very ordinary familly.

Hope he's a real patriot and embarks upon developing our military... Ameen...
What were your inteligence doing? How can a few odd bought' BDR men trigger such a mass revolt.

Ill treated. No pay, no rations, no basic necesaties isnt part of the training. Dont speak thrash. Less salary and less rations is punishing the entire family, were BD preparing the whole family to be tough and ready to fight.

Go and ask those animals.

These kind of second grade treatment is what forced them to do such mass killing and atleast now you stop degrading BDR men based on their background.

No you don't say what I should be talking.
We are not a rich country and they are not the same class government servants as the army.Their pay grade is different.Don't talk about something you don't know about.
Moreover,who forced them to join BDR,no one.It is voluntary service not conscription.
Now do they expect same treatment as the officers?
Arent you ashamed to say this in a public forum. That your soldiers were bought to slaughter their own officers.

I am ashamed that this killing happened.

BUT I am NOT ashamed to speak the truth.
Where did you get this???? NO PAY????? what a bullshit story. All govt employees enjoy the same pay scale, be it BDR or a clerk in a post office. All the same. Regarding ration, yes they do get ration, not sure how less or more with army soldiers, which can be easily addressed and the prime minister promised to look into it the previous day. Also there is a national pay comission working and the pay raise will be realized from June this year. Again that will apply to all govt employees.

Regarding the ill treatment. Why you guys dont understand, its not a IT company where boss will go and try to be funny with their employees for motivation. Its army and army talks in their own language. That is how it is and that is how it fits most.

Thanks Man!Gave the perfect reply.These people don't try to understand that more evidences of outside involvement is unveiling.

Lt.Gen Harun Ur Rashid former COAS,said from where so much ammunition came from?
One survivor said he saw a mini van which does not belong to BDR,carrying BDR jawans and supplying ammo.He watched it while he was hiding.
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India intruding into Bangladesh

India already started hostile move in Bangladesh border taking advantage of tragic event and weakness of Bangladesh defense.

In Dinajpur border, BSF already intruded into Bangladesh and building permanent structure in Bangladeshi land and disputed area violating Int'l border.

In Sylhet border BSF already tried to build border out post next to border pillar.

Indian drug boss pushing more drugs into Bangladesh taking advantage of loose border petrol on Bangladeshi side.

India is consistent with its lie and deception - one face its propagating talk of help and on the other face India intruding, occupying and building structure in Bangladeshi land.

::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::
India intruding into Bangladesh

India already started hostile move in Bangladesh border taking advantage of tragic event and weakness of Bangladesh defense.

In Dinajpur border, BSF already intruded into Bangladesh and building permanent structure in Bangladeshi land and disputed area violating Int'l border.

In Sylhet border BSF already tried to build border out post next to border pillar.

Indian drug boss pushing more drugs into Bangladesh taking advantage of loose border petrol on Bangladeshi side.

India is consistent with its lie and deception - one face its propagating talk of help and on the other face India intruding, occupying and building structure in Bangladeshi land.

::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::


What's the govt doing?I heard Army was supposed to take position on the borders from today.

Do you have more source to it?Its very very serious matter.
India intruding into Bangladesh

India already started hostile move in Bangladesh border taking advantage of tragic event and weakness of Bangladesh defense.

In Dinajpur border, BSF already intruded into Bangladesh and building permanent structure in Bangladeshi land and disputed area violating Int'l border.

In Sylhet border BSF already tried to build border out post next to border pillar.

Indian drug boss pushing more drugs into Bangladesh taking advantage of loose border petrol on Bangladeshi side.

India is consistent with its lie and deception - one face its propagating talk of help and on the other face India intruding, occupying and building structure in Bangladeshi land.

::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::

Why cant we stand up to this?? why our govt is still silent?? its our mother land and its totally our duty to defend our mother land... my humble requst to the govt: Plzzz wake up!!
Govt to form tribunal, not all mutineers BDR men : Ashraf

Sat, Feb 28th, 2009 11:31 pm BdST
Dhaka, Feb 28 (bdnews24.com) – A special tribunal will be formed to fast-track trial of the perpetrators who "planned" the recent massacre at the BDR headquarters, some of whom were not paramilitary border guards, a minister said Saturday.

"A full investigation into the gory killings will be carried out. The government has some evidence which point to the involvement of people outside of the BDR," local government minister Syed Ashraful Islam said.

"The law minister has already been instructed to form a special tribunal.

"The law and the clauses under which perpetrators can be tried will be put before the cabinet and then a bill will be tabled in parliament to fast-track the trial process."

Legal actions would be taken against those whose link to the Feb.25-26 events was proved, said Ashraful, also the ruling Awami League spokesman, after a joint meeting of the cabinet and senior party leaders at prime minister Sheikh Hasina's official residence.
He said the meeting strongly condemned the carnage, prayed for the departed souls of the slain army officers and sympathised with their families and renewed resolve to find the killers, instigators.

"Every single one of those responsible will be put in the dock."

He said some changes will be made to the enquiry committee formed to dig out the truth about how and why the incident happened.

Non-partisan, neutral individuals will carry out investigations and file a report "as soon as possible", the minister added.

"It's beyond our words to describe the shock events. Those we've lost were our assets. It'll take a long time to recoup the irreparable loss.

"Those who died in the Peelkhana incident are martyrs. They will be buried with state honour."

Continued Ashraful: "A monument will be built in remembrance of the slain officers. The families of the dead will each be given Tk 10 lakh and the government will bear their expenses."

On top of that, the government will help out those affected by the rebellion.

"The prime minister sent out army troops no sooner had she got the news. But it takes time for the army to reach a certain place. Whatever happened in Peelkhana (BDR headquarters) had happened before the army members had reached the scene.

"After that, our main concern was the safety of the hostages. The standoff was resolved quickly considering the security of the people in general apart from the BDR members.

"All the democracies of the world have endorsed the measures taken."

"If the army stormed the headquarters those who have survived may not have altogether. There's no scope to do politics over what has happened.

"Some politicians are trying to create problem through misinterpreting the events. We call on all across the political spectrum to get united to resolve the crisis," Ashraful said.

Govt to form tribunal, not all mutineers BDR: Ashraf men :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::

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