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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

To expose hallow propaganda by Indians and Awami card holders:

Its Pakistan best interest for Bangladesh to have a strong defense force as both countries are facing common threat - India. Therefore, simply no Pakistani organization would take any self inflicting venture.

If nothing else Jammat or most of Bangladeshi political parties vehemently oppose Indian bully and ploy to weaken Bangladesh. So Jammat having hand in this tragic situation to weaken Bangladesh defense force and making Bangladesh vulnerable to Indian hegemony is oxymoronic propaganda at best. Any 10 years old can see the LIE written all over it.

JMB, Huji etc, are on constant run. Most of their command structure was dismantled by RAB during last BNP govt. These organizations are extremely weak and operate such low level they don’t have capability of even long time survival let alone hatching such huge undertaking. Besides, its not BDR but RAB who are after these organizations.

I would also like to add that Pakistan and BD should be working together even if the India threat does not exist. There is no reason why we should only be together because of the India card. We have commonalities in many areas, such as the state of the two economies, the religious and cultural affinities (latter to a certain degree), and common goals within South Asia (both want to be dealt with on the basis of equality and without any threat of being pushed around).
No local media said govt asked for Indian help. Indians have manufactured the news of help to create way and arguments for Indian troops. Now going by Indian arguments and news, motive of these killings and South asian taskforce PLOY getting clear. It is Indians who should provide us the proof that Awami govt has asked for Indian troops.

US and UK official statement said they would support the govt. No where they talked about offering or sending troops.

But its Indian that is using the tragic situation (which likely of their own creation) for making way to send their troops.

please don't package everything together, people are very much aware who is doing what.

As per the reports, India was not gettinmg ready to send '0,000 strong mission, but a few to guard that train.

The hysteria and lack of self confidence are driving everybodymad.
They were indeed among the best officers.The BDR week was going on and many were present there to receive their awards from the Prime minister.This BDR week happens annualy,if I am not wrong,and it brings a festive mood everywhere.I was there in Dhanmondi just the day before and found BDR men with their special uniform with "Paghri" assisting the traffic police.I thank Allah that I didn't have any work there on Wednesday,otherwise I would have been near the HQ.

What were your inteligence doing? How can a few odd bought' BDR men trigger such a mass revolt.

Ill treatment is also a part of your training,especially when you are a non-commissioned soldier.It is present even in your army,believe it or not.It toughens the soldier.Even if there was some ill treatement,does this mean all of them ill treated?NO,NEVER.

Ill treated. No pay, no rations, no basic necesaties isnt part of the training. Dont speak thrash. Less salary and less rations is punishing the entire family, were BD preparing the whole family to be tough and ready to fight.

I will tell you a true story. My sister's friend's uncle was one of the deads.He was a Colonel.In spite of being a high ranking officer,he used to bring his driver(who are jawans) and make him sit beside him while eating at any wedding ceremony or other ceremonies.Then why was this man killed? The sad part is,his daughter is giving SSC exam and tomorrow is his Janaza.

Go and ask those animals.

ELooking at their 50 or odd demands,don't you think those are by some illiterate idiots,I should say this because unlike Army personnel,who needs to pass class 12 and then go for further study ,these BDR jawans need to pass only class 8.This shows their level of thinking and how vulnerable they are to ill preaching by some "External Force".

These kind of second grade treatment is what forced them to do such mass killing and atleast now you stop degrading BDR men based on their background.

Can't agree on the last point.JMB has regrouped and recent incidents bear the marks.It may also be possible by them.The question is are they capable of flowing in crores of Taka?

Huji has intl. backing,so they have the money.

As far as RAW is concerned,they definitely have the reason and resources to infiltrate BDR.

Arent you ashamed to say this in a public forum. That your soldiers were bought to slaughter their own officers.

So who is behind this attempt to "weaken" BD? Can folks be clear about what is being asserted here? (Sorry for being so politically incorrect and asking this question) ;-)

Why would you want BDR to be bigger and stronger? What if they pose another challenge to BA when they are more capable?

This is too premature to talk about who is behind the carnage but definitely a state. Its not any individual.
Second about the BDR, BDR is not a normal border security force as it is misinterpreted in outside Bangladesh. This is not BSF and its just another army and a big deterrance. This is how the defence is laid out in Bangladesh's security. In the wartime they will immediately merged with army and will come under army command. Even anser/VDP, cadet core all are aimed at war time strategy. That is how we keep our original army smaller and sharper while it can grow as big as 500,000 soldiers within a short notice.
What do you think??? we will be just a sitting duck when india will attack???
Sorry that is big NO. :enjoy:
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Ill treated. No pay, no rations, no basic necesaties isnt part of the training. Dont speak thrash. Less salary and less rations is punishing the entire family, were BD preparing the whole family to be tough and ready to fight.

Where did you get this???? NO PAY????? what a bullshit story. All govt employees enjoy the same pay scale, be it BDR or a clerk in a post office. All the same. Regarding ration, yes they do get ration, not sure how less or more with army soldiers, which can be easily addressed and the prime minister promised to look into it the previous day. Also there is a national pay comission working and the pay raise will be realized from June this year. Again that will apply to all govt employees.

Regarding the ill treatment. Why you guys dont understand, its not a IT company where boss will go and try to be funny with their employees for motivation. Its army and army talks in their own language. That is how it is and that is how it fits most.
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Arent you ashamed to say this in a public forum. That your soldiers were bought to slaughter their own officers.

Yes we are ahamed. Ofcourse we are.
But at the same time, if it were a conspiracy, and had an hand from outside state(which is most likely) then its not the fault of any soldier or army. thats terrorism.
As per the reports, India was not gettinmg ready to send '0,000 strong mission, but a few to guard that train.

The hysteria and lack of self confidence are driving everybodymad.

We need some time before we should think of any indian offer or any further business. First we need to be clear that India did not have anything to do with it.
Yes,but Huji can be a candidate,as it is backed by Al-qaeda.

Adding to that:Killing of Colonel Gulzar adds to the suspicion that JMB might be involved.But you are right,they don't have the money to finance this.

I dont beleive its HUJI or any terrorist organization Its not their pattern. There must be a state behind it... Count my word.
From my standpoint, the BD military was in process of modernization of its forces including the BDR, Army, Navy and Air Force. This incident may halt the progress made, the modernization may face intense scrutiny and delays. The only beneficiary coming out of this is India.

No this incident will further strengthen the army as the sympathy is running high for them and people and politician started to realize, how important it is for Bangladesh to arm itself. Everybody started to realize the feelings of living in a insecured country.
Army HQ Tells Press-Army reins in its anger

Military action was all planned in time; problem solved politically at PM's directive

Sunday March 01 2009 00:32:21 AM BDT

Army officials yesterday said they are in profound grief over the massacre of army officers and their family members by rebel BDR jawans at Pilkhana but being members of a disciplined force they have to control their emotions.(The Daily Star)

"It was a carnage. So it is natural that there will be pent-up anger among us. But, being members of a disciplined force, we can control our emotion," said Director of Military Intelligence Brig Gen Mahmud Hossain at a press briefing at the army headquarters in Dhaka cantonment.

He said the crisis was solved politically following the prime minister's directives although they made all preparations to carry out military operations at the BDR headquarters.

Mahmud said of the 63 bodies retrieved so far, the identity of 47 could be confirmed as of 8:00pm yesterday.

He also said 31 army officers managed to survive the carnage while 72 army officers are still missing.

The director of Military Intelligence said certainly all BDR members did not take part in the mutiny but those involved in it need to be identified through investigation.

"I cannot say what should be the process of trial. But whatever it is, we demand a speedy trial," he said.

Whatever might be the reason behind the mutiny, the BDR jawans should not have expressed their anger through such brutal killings.

Lt Col Salam and Maj Istiaque, who survived the massacre, at the press conference narrated the brutalities committed by the BDR jawans.

Replying to a query, Salam said a group of jawans were involved in the killings and some of them were very aggressive.

He also urged the media to broadcast or publish reports more objectively.

'Guards came from nowhere and opened fire'

DHAKA, February 27 (AFP): Syed M. Kamruzzaman knows he had a lucky escape. He saw 11 men killed before his very own eyes when the border guards known as the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) launched an armed mutiny. The colonel, on temporary posting from the army to the BDR, could have been one of the victims. He was in a meeting at BDR headquarters in Dhaka when the mutineers stormed in.
"A group of guards barged into the hall where we were holding our meeting and hurled abuse at us, telling us they weren't treated properly. They demanded cheap rations, UN postings and better pay," he said. The guards, he said, were all armed -- some carrying submachine guns and others rifles. The head of the BDR, Major General Shakil Ahmed, was among those shot dead.
"None of us were armed. They told us to walk in single file, marched us outside and then four more guards came from nowhere and opened fire and Major General Shakil was gunned down," Kamruzzaman said. "Bullets sprayed from behind and I was hit in the stomach. I crawled to a bathroom and hid under a basin. They found me and shot me again but somehow I survived." "It was cold-blooded murder," he said. Other officers taken hostage have also revealed how they managed to escape death when the rogue BDR troops decided to mutiny.
Bangladesh regularly sends police and army personnel abroad on lucrative United Nations peacekeeping missions, but BDR troops work mainly domestically. Between 4,000 and 5,000 people, including families of soldiers and officers, are believed to live in the headquarters compound where the drama unfolded. Lieutenant colonel Shams told the English language newspaper New Age he hid under a cot when the armed guards began their siege. "They picked on my domestic servant, beating him up seriously," he said.
Many took cover in sewerage manholes for the entire 34 hours of the incident. "It was dark and smelly. I jumped into it and kept the lid shut but could hear the sound of gunshots. I stayed there without any food and light. I could not separate day from night," Major Munir told reporters. With a total force of nearly 70,000 troops, the BDR's primary task is to patrol and secure Bangladesh's 4,000-kilometre border with both India and Myanmar.
The average BDR trooper earns about 70 dollars a month -- the equivalent to a very low government clerk, and a salary that has long been a source of simmering discontent within the ranks. The revolt, which began at the headquarters early Wednesday, was reportedly triggered by the refusal of senior officers to consider appeals for more pay, subsidised food and holidays.
Most of the officers are seconded to the Rifles from the army for a tenure of two to four years, and the BDR troopers have complained that this makes them less than receptive to their particular grievances. Some have accused the officers of skimming off their salaries and appropriating food supplies meant for distribution to the poor. Some of the mutineers, who aired their grievances to television crews they invited into their headquarters, directly accused the BDR chief of making millions of dollars by stealing money from food funds.

'Guards came from nowhere and opened fire' - The Morung Express
INDIANS are pathetic now is confirmed

Bangladesh mutineers name tycoon with Pak links

NEW DELHI: The first signs of a Pakistani footprint is showing up in the bloody mutiny that shook Bangladesh this week.
As mass graves
continue to spew forth more bloody tales - 10 more bodies have been recovered, bringing the toll to 76 - what is emerging slowly is a larger design behind the apparently senseless killing over the past couple of days.

The preliminary interrogation of some of the rebels has thrown up the name of Salauddin Qadeer Chowdhury, a well-known shipping magnate and reportedly very close to the Pakistan military-intelligence complex and the opposition BNP. According to sources monitoring the situation, about one crore taka has already changed hands to help the mutiny along.

Chowdhury, a close associate of opposition BNP leader Begum Khaleda Zia, was closely connected to the Chittagong arms drop case of April 2004 - the arms were apparently intended for ULFA. The ships were caught carrying the arms.

Salauddin Chowdhury, belonging to an old Chittagong family, has been close to Pakistan for decades.

Trouble continues to brew in Dhaka, where the army cadres, particularly mid-level officers, are spoiling for a fight with the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) cadres. So far, the Bangladesh army leaders, led by army chief Moeen Ahmed, have kept the officers in check, which is making the present situation slightly different from 1975.

According to the fire service operations chief, Sheikh Mohammad Shahjalal, 50 officers are still missing. "We have so far removed 10 dead bodies. They are badly decomposed and many are mutilated," he said. "They not only shot them dead but some bodies were badly mutilated with bayonets," Shahjalal said.

It is increasingly clear that the chief targets are the army chief Moeen Ahmed and prime minister Sheikh Hasina who, reports say, has been moved to an army guest house for her personal safety.

In fact, a number of plots are surfacing, all intended to create confusion while the real targets would have been attacked.

Sources are also pointing to the scale of the brutality of the murders, the mutilations, etc, which they say are tell-tale signs of the Islamist ideologies that have infiltrated the lower cadres of the BDR, thanks to their extensive Jamaat-e-Islami and Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) connections.

Behind the mutiny is the war crimes tribunal that Sheikh Hasina promised to set up for the trial of Pakistani collaborators or razakars from the independence war. This had created trouble inside Bangladesh and Pakistan as well.
In fact, Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari sent an emissary to Sheikh Hasina, Pervez Ispahani, to persuade her to put off this trial as it could embarrass the Pak army considerably.

After the dust has settled down, Sheikh Hasina and Ahmed are likely to launch a purge of their own in the army, which is likely to create its own tensions. In any case, it promises to keep Sheikh Hasina off balance for a while, as Bangladesh joins other tottering nations on India's periphery.
We cant rule out SQ Choudury(He is a top criminal and conspirator) but its not Pakistan...
INDIANS are pathetic now is confirmed

Bangladesh mutineers name tycoon with Pak links

NEW DELHI: The first signs of a Pakistani footprint is showing up in the bloody mutiny that shook Bangladesh this week.
As mass graves
continue to spew forth more bloody tales - 10 more bodies have been recovered, bringing the toll to 76 - what is emerging slowly is a larger design behind the apparently senseless killing over the past couple of days.

The preliminary interrogation of some of the rebels has thrown up the name of Salauddin Qadeer Chowdhury, a well-known shipping magnate and reportedly very close to the Pakistan military-intelligence complex and the opposition BNP. According to sources monitoring the situation, about one crore taka has already changed hands to help the mutiny along.

Chowdhury, a close associate of opposition BNP leader Begum Khaleda Zia, was closely connected to the Chittagong arms drop case of April 2004 - the arms were apparently intended for ULFA. The ships were caught carrying the arms.

Salauddin Chowdhury, belonging to an old Chittagong family, has been close to Pakistan for decades.

Trouble continues to brew in Dhaka, where the army cadres, particularly mid-level officers, are spoiling for a fight with the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) cadres. So far, the Bangladesh army leaders, led by army chief Moeen Ahmed, have kept the officers in check, which is making the present situation slightly different from 1975.

According to the fire service operations chief, Sheikh Mohammad Shahjalal, 50 officers are still missing. "We have so far removed 10 dead bodies. They are badly decomposed and many are mutilated," he said. "They not only shot them dead but some bodies were badly mutilated with bayonets," Shahjalal said.

It is increasingly clear that the chief targets are the army chief Moeen Ahmed and prime minister Sheikh Hasina who, reports say, has been moved to an army guest house for her personal safety.

In fact, a number of plots are surfacing, all intended to create confusion while the real targets would have been attacked.

Sources are also pointing to the scale of the brutality of the murders, the mutilations, etc, which they say are tell-tale signs of the Islamist ideologies that have infiltrated the lower cadres of the BDR, thanks to their extensive Jamaat-e-Islami and Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) connections.

Behind the mutiny is the war crimes tribunal that Sheikh Hasina promised to set up for the trial of Pakistani collaborators or razakars from the independence war. This had created trouble inside Bangladesh and Pakistan as well.
In fact, Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari sent an emissary to Sheikh Hasina, Pervez Ispahani, to persuade her to put off this trial as it could embarrass the Pak army considerably.

After the dust has settled down, Sheikh Hasina and Ahmed are likely to launch a purge of their own in the army, which is likely to create its own tensions. In any case, it promises to keep Sheikh Hasina off balance for a while, as Bangladesh joins other tottering nations on India's periphery.

Apparently Bd still investigating yet India already smelling ISI all over. Is ISI gone mad that it want to weaken BD army? We all know pak army is very closely working with Bd and we are moving toward greater military alliance in near future and that is Indian headache. It's not Indian interest to see a strong BD with powerful military..
Indian media already started Propaganda war to distant pak-bangla military and also create political unrest in Bd soil. It's allover their electronic and print media. We must be vigilante and beware of Indian and tackle this issue with extreme care otherwise this bastard will succeed once again.
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