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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Apparently Bd still investigating yet India already smelling ISI all over. Is ISI gone mad that it want to weaken BD army? We all know pak army is very closely working with Bd and we are moving toward greater military alliance in near future and that is Indian headache. It's not Indian interest to see a strong BD with powerful military..
Indian media already started Propaganda war to distant pak-bangla military and also create political unrest in Bd soil. It's allover their electronic and print media. We must be vigilante and beware of Indian and tackle this issue with extreme care otherwise this bastard will succeed once again.

indians objective is to isolate pakistan,to show it like a rouge state wich means no arms sale from west and to treat it like nepal and the same for banghladesh
Apolosizing for not being able to pro-active and having a broken heart after observing a trend of destructive activities in BD since OCT 28, 06, I want to ask why has the killers only demanded to meet Hasina and why has she obliged easily with their demands? Survivors have revealed that Killers have tide their forehead with red cloths and chanted 'Joy Bangla' slogan while continuing killing spree, then a natural question should be why would SAKA CHOW's goons use Rawamy Leaguer's slogan? Furthermore, some of the killers couldn't identify their superiors and were aided by others on finding them. So, how wasn't it possible for BDR not to recognize their superiors? That scenario opened a possibility of the presence of outsiders. Why aren't we trying to solve these issues before tracing money?
Apolosizing for not being able to pro-active and having a broken heart after observing a trend of destructive activities in BD since OCT 28, 06, I want to ask why has the killers only demanded to meet Hasina and why has she obliged easily with their demands? Survivors have revealed that Killers have tide their forehead with red cloths and chanted 'Joy Bangla' slogan while continuing killing spree, then a natural question should be why would SAKA CHOW's goons use Rawamy Leaguer's slogan? Furthermore, some of the killers couldn't identify their superiors and were aided by others on finding them. So, how wasn't it possible for BDR not to recognize their superiors? That scenario opened a possibility of the presence of outsiders. Why aren't we trying to solve these issues before tracing money?

This is too early to comment and point any finger to anybody. But, its obvious that, the govt has a very big division within itself. In the first day nobody came forward to join hands with Hasina and the senior leaders were watching to see the circus of Sahara which she failed miserably. I did not like the way Hasian/Sahara gangue handle the situation the first day and I did not like, how the strong leadership were marginalized by hasian and motia after election. I am glad that Ashraf took over from today and a strong inquiry comission he promised. Let see how it goes. Army will keep their pressure on.. Dont worry..

SAKA is a crminal, anything can be possible for him... So dont rule him out though...
I just got some information on Army planning on taking over BDRs. They assesed 15 mins to take over BDR headquarter and 45 mins to take over whole bangldesh!!!! That just a good information for you to assess the first day action that Hasina govt took.
Also there was a caos in cantonment last night. Sirens were heard whole night and Senior officers had hard time to calm down the soldiers.
This is too early to comment and point any finger to anybody. But, its obvious that, the govt has a very big division within itself. In the first day nobody came forward to join hands with Hasina and the senior leaders were watching to see the circus of Sahara which she failed miserably. I did not like the way Hasian/Sahara gangue handle the situation the first day and I did not like, how the strong leadership were marginalized by hasian and motia after election. I am glad that Ashraf took over from today and a strong inquiry comission he promised. Let see how it goes. Army will keep their pressure on.. Dont worry..

SAKA is a crminal, anything can be possible for him... So dont rule him out though...
Here you are advocating not to jump on conclusion but in the previous post you are suspecting SAKA and that too by based on Murderous Malaun's propaganda. Isn't calling SAKA a criminal conclusive? IMO, no one has done more for CTG than SAKA's father as he has donated his properties for CTG UNIVV and BIT that could only be equalled to Sir Salimullah. And a George Town Univv's graduate SAKA talks straight, demonstrates invincibility in Rawzan not to be silly like what Indians are trying to paint about him. I had gone to his village, Sultanpur before Ershad's outster in 1989 and had seen people respecting him. Now, just because criminal MUA and his gang arrested him, he became a criminal? Was he convicted? And if he was then in which court? Any conviction under illegal court of FUA was null and void, period. So, please stay away from doubiasness, thanks.
I just got some information on Army planning on taking over BDRs. They assesed 15 mins to take over BDR headquarter and 45 mins to take over whole bangldesh!!!! That just a good information for you to assess the first day action that Hasina govt took.
Also there was a caos in cantonment last night. Sirens were heard whole night and Senior officers had hard time to calm down the soldiers.
And here is the icing on your info cake. The reason behind the chaos was to demonstrate displeasure against MUA, which warranted his master's quick promulgation of backing him up (We stand with Hasina GOVT).
Here you are advocating not to jump on conclusion but in the previous post you are suspecting SAKA and that too by based on Murderous Malaun's propaganda. Isn't calling SAKA a criminal conclusive? IMO, no one has done more for CTG than SAKA's father as he has donated his properties for CTG UNIVV and BIT that could only be equalled to Sir Salimullah. And a George Town Univv's graduate SAKA talks straight, demonstrates invincibility in Rawzan not to be silly like what Indians are trying to paint about him. I had gone to his village, Sultanpur before Ershad's outster in 1989 and had seen people respecting him. Now, just because criminal MUA and his gang arrested him, he became a criminal? Was he convicted? And if he was then in which court? Any conviction under illegal court of FUA was null and void, period. So, please stay away from doubiasness, thanks.

Well thats one side of what you know him. Yes thats all true.
But another side, I know a familly whose memeber was shot point blank by mr. SAKA himself. It was a Malaun familly and he took over their properties too. I also know his Dhaka dying where I had rare occasion to visit, which he just use that as a hiding ground for his top terrorist. I had opportunity to talk to them long time ago. Anywyas thats SAKA..
I would also like to add that Pakistan and BD should be working together even if the India threat does not exist. There is no reason why we should only be together because of the India card. We have commonalities in many areas, such as the state of the two economies, the religious and cultural affinities (latter to a certain degree), and common goals within South Asia (both want to be dealt with on the basis of equality and without any threat of being pushed around).

Absolutely. Bangladesh needs to have increasing cooperation with Pakistan ind defense and other fields.
Well thats one side of what you know him. Yes thats all true.
But another side, I know a familly whose memeber was shot point blank by mr. SAKA himself. It was a Malaun familly and he took over their properties too. I also know his Dhaka dying where I had rare occasion to visit, which he just use that as a hiding ground for his top terrorist. I had opportunity to talk to them long time ago. Anywyas thats SAKA..
I could believe treachourous Malaun's story if I didn't eat, sleep but later back-stabbed by them and that was so common for all in my DIST, who got along with Malauns that they even found out that Malaun in my area sold same property to 10 Muslim friends before fleeing away to IND but never told about his fleeing scheme to anyone. Moreover, I know for fact that SAKA possesses 'IRON SHOULD BE MET BY IRON' logic in his heart. So, him being GOD FATHER of muscle men against ALers was perceivable. I guess that's why Malaun never liked him and IND singled him out.
Powerful quarters behind massacre

An influential member of the high powered probe committee has said after a visit to the Peelkhana BDR headquarters, theatre of the carnage, that their impression was such a great crime could not be committed without instigation from powerful quarters.

Talking to The New Nation, on condition of anonymity, he termed the incident as a mass murder. The government formed the seven-member high powered committee on Friday making Home Minister Sahara Khatun as chief, to investigate the horrifying killing at the BDR headquarters held on February 25.

It was estimated that more than 100 army officers and civilians were killed during the bloodshed that the BDR jawans caused to press home their demand.

The committee members yesterday visited the spot and will formally start investigation from Sunday to find out the actual reason of the carnage and the people who were behind the scene.

UNB adds: Home Minister Sahara Khatun yesterday hoped they would be able to submit the probe report on BDR mutiny within seven days, as the investigators already inspected the haunted BDR headquarters.

She also hoped that the motives behind the mutiny at the BDR headquarters would come out through the investigation.

"We'll be able to inform the countrymen about the tragic incident," she told journalists after the maiden meeting of the members of the high-level inquiry committee formed by the government late Friday as horrendous tales of mass murders and marauding started unfolding.

The Home Minister informed that they have planned to induct four more members into the existing six-member probe body to finish the investigation process quickly finding out the facts.

Another member of the committee and newly appointed BDR Director General, Brig General Mainul Hossain, said efforts are afoot to restructure the paramilitary border force to rebuild its command, wrecked through the killing of its chief and most top officials.

The new BDR chief further stated that each border of the country is protected-no border is unprotected.

He said short-term and midterm steps for the Bangladesh Rifles would be taken to rebuild the border-protection force.

The DG assured that all points of the national border are secure.

He said they would interrogate those suspected of carrying out the mutiny.

"We will also question the residents of Peelkhana's surrounding areas," he added.

The New Nation - Internet Edition
Several BDR soldiers reported to HQ, identified mutineers

Red flags were used as masks by offenders

Staff Correspondent

In recent development, several BDR soldiers reported to headquarter on Saturday and one of them named some soldiers who participated in the mutiny and killing of army officers.

Sipoy Md Al Murad Khan, serial no 75484, Unit 44 Rifle Battalion, Charlie Company, said he was on guard duty from 7 to 9 am at gate-5 on the day of BDR carnage on February 25.

He said after completing duty when he went back to 44 Battalion, Sipoy Altaf carrying serial no likely 603-of same Battalion and same Company insisted on giving him the keys to the kote and tortured him in this regard. He said "Altaf being senior, assaulted on me to give him my weapon and also demanded the keys of the kote."

Murad Khan said all arms of his company were in possession of Guard Commander Havilder Rafique Uddin who was forced to unlock the kote finally due to severe threat.

About other accomplices he said "There were 3 to 4 central RPs along with the mutineers and killers. I do not know their names, I know them by face and I shall be able to identify them."

He said the aforesaid criminals pointed a rifle at his chest pressurizing him to join the mutiny, he ran away from gate no 5 area and went to my battalion. "I put off my uniform and wore civil dress. I waited till noon there, I saved a Major from mutineers and I fled headquarter by surmounting boundary wall," he explained.

He said his village home is located at Boira in Khulna and his mobile number is 01716065226.

However, other BDR soldiers who came to report said they do not know anything about this mutiny and they were either on leave or left headquarters finishing duty prior to the mutiny.

Other BDR soldiers who came to report to headquarter included Sipoy Mahbubur with serial no-57390 of 36 battalion, Sipoy Hasibur with serial no-65959 under unit commander Major Saleh, Lance Nayek Ranjit Raksam with serial no 55684, Nayek Mohsin with serial no 48461, sipoy Quamrul Islam with serial no 62805 under 25 battalion, Lance Nayek Sahidul Islam with serial no 56992, Havilder Md Zumarot Ali with serial no 37323 under 24 battalion, Nayek Nazrul Islam with serial no 51857 (RSU), Havilder Assistant Abdul Mannan with serial no 41040, Havilder Rafiqul Islam under 44 battalion and Sipoy Abdur Raqzzaque with serial no 39216 of 24 battalion.

About wearing red mask by mutineers they said as there was an annual function of BDR and HQ was decorated with red flags, the mutineers used those flags as masks.

leading news
Trial in tribunal, not all mutineers BDR men

Dhaka, Feb 28 (bdnews24.com) – A special tribunal will be formed to fast-track trial of the perpetrators who "planned" the recent massacre at the BDR headquarters, some of whom were not paramilitary border guards, a minister said Saturday.

"A full investigation into the gory killings will be carried out. The government has some evidence which point to the involvement of people outside of the BDR," local government minister Syed Ashraful Islam said.

"The law minister has already been instructed to form a special tribunal.

"The law and the clauses under which perpetrators can be tried will be put before the cabinet and then a bill will be tabled in parliament to fast-track the trial process."

Legal actions would be taken against those whose link to the Feb.25-26 events was proved, said Ashraful, also the ruling Awami League spokesman, after a joint meeting of the cabinet and senior party leaders at prime minister Sheikh Hasina's official residence.
He said the meeting strongly condemned the carnage, prayed for the departed souls of the slain army officers and sympathised with their families and renewed resolve to find the killers, instigators.

"Every single one of those responsible will be put in the dock."

He said some changes will be made to the enquiry committee formed to dig out the truth about how and why the incident happened.

Non-partisan, neutral individuals will carry out investigations and file a report "as soon as possible", the minister added.

"It's beyond our words to describe the shock events. Those we've lost were our assets. It'll take a long time to recoup the irreparable loss.

"Those who died in the Peelkhana incident are martyrs. They will be buried with state honour."

Continued Ashraful: "A monument will be built in remembrance of the slain officers. The families of the dead will each be given Tk 10 lakh and the government will bear their expenses."

On top of that, the government will help out those affected by the rebellion.

"The prime minister sent out army troops no sooner had she got the news. But it takes time for the army to reach a certain place. Whatever happened in Peelkhana (BDR headquarters) had happened before the army members had reached the scene.

"After that, our main concern was the safety of the hostages. The standoff was resolved quickly considering the security of the people in general apart from the BDR members.

"All the democracies of the world have endorsed the measures taken."

"If the army stormed the headquarters those who have survived may not have altogether. There's no scope to do politics over what has happened.

"Some politicians are trying to create problem through misinterpreting the events. We call on all across the political spectrum to get united to resolve the crisis," Ashraful said.

Trial in tribunal, not all mutineers BDR men :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::
20-25 soldiers behind carnage
Saturday, February 28th, 2009

The mutiny in Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) was spearheaded by a group of 20 to 25 non-commissioned soldiers who forced others to take up guns and participate in the savagery that followed, according to information shared by surviving officers and some fleeing mutineers.

They said the small group of leaders, all of whom were based in Pilkhana BDR Headquarters, carried out all the mindless killings, most of which took place between 9:00am and 11:00am on Wednesday.

As soon as the first shot was fired, some of the rebel leaders armed themselves and locked the officers inside Darbar Hall at gunpoint, while some others rushed to the residence of the BDR director general and other officers.

Some went to the arms depot and broke open its doors. Then they forced other soldiers present in Pilkhana to take up arms as well, many of whom were there that day from battalions outside Dhaka, on the occasion of the BDR Week.

“If you don’t take up arms and join us, you will be shot,” a leader of the mutiny was quoted by a soldier, who like many others fled the headquarters on Thursday.

He said the majority of the soldiers were against the killing of so many officers.

“There were arguments between the mutiny leaders and other soldiers about the killings. Many tried to convince the leaders that all officers are not bad. But the leaders were furious,” he said.

Another soldier said many of the soldiers felt deprived and were angry about the role of some top officers, whom they branded as corrupt. “There was no argument about the fate of the corrupt persons,” he said adding some soldiers were also killed as they tried to stop the killings.

The soldiers said most of them broke down in tears seeing so many dead bodies of officers, scattered at different places in the compound. Initially many bodies were dumped in sewers.

The wholesale killing prompted them to flee the headquarters, the soldiers added.

They also said there was no specific leader of the mutiny. All soldiers of the small leading group seemed to be the leaders in the brutality.

They said a few officers were able to come out alive from Pilkhana, because many of the soldiers protested when the mutiny leaders wanted to kill them.

While narrating the horrible deeds that went on inside Darbar Hall, Lt Col Syed Kamruzzaman, who survived the killing spree, said he was saved by ‘a few good soldiers’.

“They took me to another place and kept me hidden from the others,” he said at a media briefing in the army staff college officers’ mess in Mirpur Cantonment.

As the mutineers heard a rumour that the army could storm Pilkhana, the small group of leaders ordered the soldiers to bring out four armoured personnel carriers (APC).

“They pointed their guns at us and ordered us to operate the APCs,” said a soldier, who was present in Pilkhana during the mutinee. The unwilling mutineers also had to take positions at different points to face any retaliation.

Some of the soldiers also said the mutiny bosses forced them to dig a mass grave behind the BDR mortuary Wednesday evening and dumped the bodies of dead officers in it.

“I saw three trucks with bodies parked there and some jawans were digging a ditch,” said a soldier, who had hidden an officer inside a bathroom to save him. “There were many soldiers who tried to save the officers and their families in many ways,” he added.

Major Firoz, who survived the mutiny, told The Daily Star that some soldiers helped his pregnant wife to leave Pilkhana on Thursday morning. “She became ill and they were kind enough to let her go outside.”

20-25 soldiers behind carnage
Proposed Defence Expenditure & BDR Mutiny – Interlinked?

There are I believe certain features of the BDR mutiny that cannot be easily dismissed as mere conspiracy theorizing and which I wish to elaborate on in this short article. I would hope that readers will respond to my arguments and start a debate on this crucial national issue –

1. I am completely stunned and shocked like many others at the savagery and cruelty displayed by the BDR jawans during the revolt. We are informed that many of the victims had been first shot, then bayoneted, with some having their eyes pulled out and then dumped in stinking and dirty sewers. The atrocious acts committed on the women were even more incomprehensible and debasing with many being first gang-raped and then their bodies burned. What level of hatred (or madness) is required for a human being to carry out such despicable acts? Not even the Pakistani forces resorted to such behaviour in our liberation war in 1971. The obvious reason for this restraint is that the mutilation or defilement of dead bodies is strictly prohibited in Islam. It is a great sin to humiliate or abuse the body of a dead person whether friend or foe. It is on this ground that I am of the opinion that the mutiny and killing could not have been done by Muslims who would have this sin carved into their souls for eternity. This could have only been planned and orchestrated by outsiders and non-Muslims.

2. The main ground for my suspicions on outside inspiration is the enlarged defence expenditure proposed by the AL government recently. The type of military equipment that was to be procured were highly sophisticated and would have significantly enhanced our defence capabilities. I am of the opinion that the BDR mutiny and these defence expenditures are linked due to some quarters not wishing Bangladesh to have an effective fighting force. Who could possibly feel threatened by the government proposal and would then seek to have it cancelled and also to send a warning signal to the government and military not to move forward with the procurements or even disable the defence forces in a preemptive act of sabotage?

3. Related to point 2 is whether the AL government hoodwinked the nation by pretending to seek the procurement of the weapons and thereby allow Bangladesh to establish an effective fighting force defending the country but she had no real intention to follow through on either issue. She made a similar comment to the BDR, of making it a competent and efficient force, only a few hours before the mutiny started but according to some opinions she hesitated to act against the mutineers. Why in Gods name did it take 3 days for artillery and tanks to move to the spot? Why were such inexperienced negotiators allowed to enter the compound and parley with the mutineers with a very hasty amnesty agreement being cobbled together in only a matter of a few hours?

4. How is it that our neighbouring country’s press and media were able to identify the culprits and planners of the mutiny within only a few hours of the revolt occurring? More pertinently those identified by the Indian reports had nothing to gain from this conspiracy and rebellion. Instead to identify possible suspects one should first list those who had most to gain and determine only then whether they had the means and resources to carry out such an operation. From the eye witness accounts now appearing we know that this was pre-planned and premeditated. The army officers were taken by surprise without forewarning of the attack. We know now (according to firsthand testimony of survivors of the carnage in the BDR HQ) that Gen. Shakil Ahmed had in fact raised the BDR jawan’s grievances with the Prime Minister who promised to look into the issue. If this be the case why was it necessary for the jawan’s to then kill the officers regardless.

5. The intelligence and televisions pictures similarly raise some important questions. If the mutiny was planned by Islamist groups why were mutineers seen chanting ‘Joy Bangla’ instead of ‘Allah hu Akbar’ or ‘Bangladesh Zindabad’. The rumour that the BSF had been inciting the BDR jawans to attack the army should also be verified. There is also some doubts over why India proposed a Peace Mission even before Dhaka made a request.

6. There are rumours circulating that many of the army officers killed in the attack had only been transferred to the BDR in the last two weeks to one month. If this is really the case then this might show that the transfers were deliberately planned and the killings premeditated to wipe out some of the best and most brilliant officers in the army. These claims must be verified.

All these points deserve an answer and by seeking to find the truth we will discover if any outside forces were indeed involved or whether this was a brief act of national madness unprecedented in our country’s history.

Bangladesh plans major defence procurement

The Hindu – February 23, 2009

Dhaka (PTI): Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's new government in Bangladesh has decided to launch a massive defence procurement drive to strengthen the armed forces and to equip them with modern weapons and military hardware.

Planning Minister Air Vice Marshal (retd) AK Khondoker told parliament yesterday that the purchases would be made during the current and next fiscals. He said the forces would be made well equipped and trained in line with the country's financial capabilities.

"For equipping the army, plans have been taken to procure helicopters, tanks, APCs (armoured personnel carrier), anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, sniper rifles, different types of modern radio systems, explosives, night vision and related hardware, other types of weapons and vehicles in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010," he told the house.

A process was now underway to procure three new frigates to earn the "three dimensional" capabilities for the navy to face the 21st centuries challenge, he said.

"A process to sign a procurement deal has been completed to buy appropriate anti-ship missiles for Bangladesh Navy's ultra modern frigate while it is now awaiting the government's final nod... Works are underway to install anti-aircraft missile in the ship (frigate)," Khondoker said.

February 28, 2009
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