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Bangladesh: Coup??

Awami chamcha waiting to be sack in about 2 yrs Insh'Allah.

'Key plotter linked to Hizb ut-Tahrir'
Thu, Jan 19th, 2012 11:54 pm BdST Dial 2000 from your GP mobile for latest news

Abu Sufian
bdnews24.com Senior Correspondent

Dhaka, Jan 19 (bdnews24.com) – Maj Syed Mohammad Ziaul Huq, said to be the mastermind of a coup to oust the Sheikh Hasina government, tried to create a flow of militancy in the army, bdnews24.com learned on speaking to several of his colleagues.

Maj Ziaul Huq was involved with banned Islamist outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir, the army said at a press briefing on Thursday.

Army officers said his links with Hizb ut-Tahrir are proved, as the extremist outfit distributed leaflets reading the 'Tale of Maj Ziaul Huq' soon after his remarks were posted on Facebook.

Maj Ziaul Huq, hailing from Moulvibazar, completed the 41st long course of Bangladesh Medical Association. He was posted at the Mirpur Cantonment.

Though the army came up with a statement on Ziaul Huq's plot to oust Hasina on Thursday, he was being talked about in the social media sites for several days now.

According to the army, he met a senior officer on Dec 22 and tried to provoke him into using the army against the state and democracy. The senior officer immediately informed the appropriate authorities, and his leave and transfer order were cancelled.

"But he did not return to work and is still engaged in trying to organise subversive activities against the army," a spokesperson for the force told the press conference.

"Maj Zia on Dec 26 sent a provocative email to some people known to him, narrating imaginary and unbelievable tale of his arrest and torture. The story was uploaded in a blog site named Soldiers' Forum, too."

Later, he posted on his Facebook account that he, Lt Col (retd) Ehsan Yusuf and another officer, were detained for a long time.

In Thursday's press briefing, the army said Yusuf and Maj Zakir have been placed under arrest for plotting a coup and that they "boldly admitted their role in the plot".

It was only after Ziaul Huq posted the remarks on Facebook that posters and leaflets of Hizb ut-Tahrir were seen in the city.

The leaflets read, "Patriotic army officers, the incumbent government has killed your colleagues."

The leaflets and posters also urged the people to oust the government.

Several army officers requesting anonymity told bdnews24.com that Maj Ziaul Huq left MIST without any leave still on duty in the logistics area.

"He, along with some retired and serving officers of the army, tried to create an extremist Islamic flow in the force. He also urged army officers to join extremist Islamic outfits," one of the army officers told bdnews24.com.

According to them, Maj Ziaul Huq had faced penal action in 2000 for leaving office without any leave.

Several blogs also posted stories about him, but withdrew them later.

The email sent to people known to him, he said intelligence officials had abducted him from Savar.

They took him to an unknown place where foreign intelligence officials were present, he said and added that he fled the place after two days of interrogation with torture.

He claimed many army officers knew about his 'abduction' but remained silent.

Maj Ziaul Huq said there could be more attempts to abduct him, so he was hiding.

The army in the press briefing said that he had telephonic conversation on the plan with an expatriate named Ishrak Ahmed, possibly in Hong Kong now. Ishrak hails from Balubhara village of Barshail union of Naogaon.

You are very wrong Apo, maybe even biased... China helps us because they want to make india lil bit nervous about Bangladesh. They will be continuously helping us to make India more uncomfortable. But India wants to be regional power here in this bay of Bengal hence want complete submission to their will...

Whom are you trying to argue with Farhan. Apo's mind in filled with indian dung. His post are always
filled with bigoted logic.
Because I'm very anti-Islamist parties, to the core.

Farhan, look I know you like Jamat, and I'm in no way implying Jamat is an evil group.

Look at history: Fundamentalists are not always evil.

General Zia in Pakistan was a fundamentalist (idealist). Fundamentalist policies eventually lead to rise of extremists. These extremists then turn against the fundamentalists themselves. I don't think General Zia of Pk ever foresaw this chaotic state of affairs in Pakistan.

Today you see guys like al-zakir supporting the extremists. But once the extremists consolidate their power in our soil, al-zakir's children would be some of the innumerable victims in the future - victims of "not being islamic enough". Because once it gets extreme, extremists compete to offer more extreme extremism. :D

Sir, you're right on the money with your analysis.Do you follow Bharat Rakshak forum ? I say this because your "more islamic" turning on the "less islamic" theory seems straight out of BRF.

Luffy 500: Again, welcome to the forum!

Yes, I'm Islamophobic.

I don't want to see Bangladesh turning into a new Afghanistan.

I'm in Canada because education here is better. This is how the future of Bangladesh should look like.

The current Bangladeshi model of a country's existence is unsustainable. Sooner or later the country will collapse. We need strong support from a large country like India or China to look for new resources in the oceans or outer space. China only assists us to contain India, but they have no desire to see a powerful nation down here just for the sake of it. But cooperating with India, in the future, would be a better choice because, after all, we're the same race, same people, same blood!

PS: I don't mean to offend any of you devout Muslims. Apologies if you misunderstood my message. Nothing against Islam - just don't mix it up with state affairs.

Look bro you are in the minority and as such your lot can't decide the future of our country. The
majority will decide the future of this country. We didn't part ways with India to become secular. And no we are not the same race, same people, same blood. We are muslims while they are not. Our Religion gave rise to a distinct culture opposite to that of W.bengal. Religion comes first for
majority bangladeshis and whatever similarity we have with bharat doesn't hold much
Under current situation neither BNP, BAL or Jammat is good for BD. So, it will better if all of you avoid posting with political bias to certain party. We all know what parties do after they come to power. Those who are whining for BNP/Jammat I can assure you they will be much worse then BAL this time as they will look forward to revenge and vengeance. It is really desirable now to bring reform and revolution in all parties. Removal of current leaders, and bringing of honest and capable people in the mainstream politics.
Is this the same one that somebody posted in PDF and we all laughed at him. Seems BD military is scanning PDF like pakistani military.
Guys, be careful what you say here(especially bangladeshis).
Just curious are you Buddhist or Chakma in terms of religion???

N Regarding India to what extent you can say they are well wisher of Bangladesh??? Those who knows me they know it quite well that initially I only used to post economy related news. But seeing the venom, big mouth and hate of the Indians I had to turn different to expose Indians. But it is a different issue that in real life I have lots of Indian friend.

Sami bro, I'm a Bangali by ethinicity.

Religion? I form my own beliefs inside my mind and make sure it doesn't spill out.

It's funny that while you started out with economic news and then proceeded to india bashing threads, it was just the opposite for me. Old members here remember how I used to argue with indian members all day regarding the legitimate conflicts (nothing based on religious hatred). But the arguments never led to any constructive discussion - it tells us something. hatred breeds more hatred, while forgiveness, love and respect among people, in my experience, almost always leads to a mutually agreeable solution.

But see the big picture. We neighbors (except the fundamentalists) fight and argue because that's the state (especially the messed up boundaries) in which the British have left us. Whoever heard of partitioning a region based on religion? Absolute madness. But I do admire the level of intelligence the British people possess. That's why they worked for centuries to gain technological superiority, while we've entered an Islamic dark age where muslims are getting nihilistic.

Ok, let's just say I'm scared of what the future holds for us. This is the typical path muslim countries are taking:

1 - immoral, money-loving people run our country (true for all countries because politicians are like that)

2 - Islam is the solution

3 - rise of public Islamic sentiments

4 - government crackdown on Islamists

5 - Islamists take over with popular support

6 - a few years pass

7 - the country is not looking better, so islamists decide it's time to get more Islamic

8 - education is geared more towards theology

9 - public codes of conduct is forced upon the people

10 - cooperation with western nations is downgraded, so transfer of technology for manufacturing industries is limited

11 - lack of civil liberty causes a fall in entrepreneurial spirit and the economy goes down

12 - islamists in power get more desperate and start blaming foreign powers for conspirating against them

13 - country is isolated from the rest of the world and is at mercy of the arab world

14 - superpowers see an opportunity to attack an isolated state and get its resources or establish military presence

15 - then history repeats

I missed a few steps I guess but that's the general idea. Sorry for making it too long. I'm sure most of you won't even read this. But Islamists are scary as hell! :D
No, you are same as Indian because you are a Hindu like them. I have better prescription for you and the likes. Migrate there and be happy, we will be happy too. We didn't created Pakistan and then Bangladesh to be like Bharti.

Him and like minded will be sack in about two years. Army need purification to make it patriot again.

rofl a razakar jamati talkng about creatng BD :) . How funny it can be. Dude creation of BD must be the SADDEST point in ur life so stop fooling around. Lol ;)
So some extremist idiot decides to plan a coup being a major at that posts his view on fb to do it, in fact if you are planning a coup fb should be the last place to provide details about it....what a moron! First of all no coup is possible in BD without the backing of the 46th brigade and the tank regiment in Savar and a major is too small a rank for anything to happen. You need brigadiers and generals atleast. BAL generals saw it as an oppurtunity to play politics and get the west in their side to show that this country is full of fundamentalists and to remain in power; exposing a small incident by an idiot and making it a big issue....a great PR stunt and making a mountain of a mole hill by the BAL government!
Why should a certain orientation matter ? What does it matter wheather Apocalypse is muslim, hindu or whatever. He ( assuming its a him) does not want to see Mullahs in power for reasons he stated.
Why should a certain orientation matter ? What does it matter wheather Apocalypse is muslim, hindu or whatever. He ( assuming its a him) does not want to see Mullahs in power for reasons he stated.

His religious belief or non-belief doesn't matter however his naked Bharat loving raise valid question whether this individual a Bangladeshi or not. Please see bellow and decide yourself.

China only assists us to contain India, but they have no desire to see a powerful nation down here just for the sake of it. But cooperating with India, in the future, would be a better choice because, after all, we're the same race, same people, same blood![/B]

PS: I don't mean to offend any of you devout Muslims. Apologies if you misunderstood my message. Nothing against Islam - just don't mix it up with state affairs.
Hey, I just found out that these STUPID STUPID IDIOTS created a Facebook profile, named: Mid Level Army Officers bringing changes to the Army soon as a New Year's gift. (Yes, I know what a stupid name).

Mid-level Officers of Bangladesh Army are Bringing down Changes Soon | Facebook

So these stupid stupid idiots published their details of this secret coup and published it on Facebook. What the hell were they thinking?

Now we are sure this was no big thing, just a few disgruntled officers posting bullshit on the Internet. And the government trying to make a big deal out of it.

I do not think the sequence and chronology of events is quite right and we do not have all the information on when and what happened unless we only believe one side of the story.

At best we can argue the whole thing was premature and not properly thought out but no one seems to suggest that Major Zia's grievances are not legitimate. Under the AL the Army has become totally politicized and RAW is being given a free hand in our affairs.
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