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Bangladesh: Coup??


Fits the bill.
Hey, I just found out that these STUPID STUPID IDIOTS created a Facebook profile, named: Mid Level Army Officers bringing changes to the Army soon as a New Year's gift. (Yes, I know what a stupid name).

Mid-level Officers of Bangladesh Army are Bringing down Changes Soon | Facebook

So these stupid stupid idiots published their details of this secret coup and published it on Facebook. What the hell were they thinking?

Now we are sure this was no big thing, just a few disgruntled officers posting bullshit on the Internet. And the government trying to make a big deal out of it.

that army spokesman mentioned about this page today to the press
This is quite interesting. Assuming this attempted coup was by pro-Islamic elements inside the Army (And I don't blame them, because AL is destroying the country's economy and institutions), then there can only be one outcome, that is, greater tensions between Islamists and secularists. Because, now if they try to kick out the Islamist army officers (who make up a big proportion), they will further increase tensions. So the AL now cannot go forward, it cannot go back.

AL > Islamists (BD > Afghanistan/Pakistan)

I'll be happy to see AL and the Islamists destroying each other, but before Hasina goes down, I hope she makes sure all the Islamists are completely annihilated. :D
Apocal why did you thank this post when yoy know jamat is not involved in this. May i know please??

Because I'm very anti-Islamist parties, to the core.

Farhan, look I know you like Jamat, and I'm in no way implying Jamat is an evil group.

Look at history: Fundamentalists are not always evil.

General Zia in Pakistan was a fundamentalist (idealist). Fundamentalist policies eventually lead to rise of extremists. These extremists then turn against the fundamentalists themselves. I don't think General Zia of Pk ever foresaw this chaotic state of affairs in Pakistan.

Today you see guys like al-zakir supporting the extremists. But once the extremists consolidate their power in our soil, al-zakir's children would be some of the innumerable victims in the future - victims of "not being islamic enough". Because once it gets extreme, extremists compete to offer more extreme extremism. :D
We are Dravidian. We are the Bangladeshi. We must crush all the Aryan clusters and their stooges from our territory. We are not a myth. We are the united Eighth Largest Nation of the world. We must retain our rightful existence of us by the grace of the Almighty. We are the answer to the Aggressors. If anybody want transit from us , We must splice it into several pieces with our full strength. It is certain, there is no alteration of that. Be aware. We the Bangladeshis are not in sleep.

This is funny. The nation has survived yet another coup and we talk of transit..

@ the topic, Military Coups seem to be a lasting tradition the BD army seems to carry on with since its PA days.
Indian friends...I would suggest one thing...."It may be a good idea to defeat an enemy is just leave them alone...you donot
have to do any thing rather than making yourself stronger"...
Yeah, extremists are evil! Let's all give up our religion and become Atheists! Just in case we "by accident" start blowing up mosques! Also let us totally hand over sovereignty to secular India. And throw into prison and repress any religious Muslim Bangladeshis. Just to be safe.

This is Mr. Apocalypse's logic. This is, ultimately, what secularists want. A secuarist upper class, kept in place by the power of external countries, who base their legitimacy on "keeping the Islamists out of power". This secularists class can do whatever it wants, no one can oppose it because if anyone does, they must be "Islamic terrorist".
I do agree with some of the major's points.

But however, I do not agree with the approach he was taking.
I do agree with some of the major's points.

But however, I do NOT agree with the approach he was taking. At times I have come to think that some those guys at the armed forces really are a bunch of idiots with their heads in the sand.

Yes, randomly email and SMS sensitive information

Yes, be a patriotic arrowhead.

nope sir. he was actually approaching army officers about the coup and get caught red handed as someone reported about him! After that He had to flee..... After that He just utilized his only option - Network and Phone.
All these arrest of officers happended weeeks ago but statement came today to cover and push the news of BSF torture video. Pure and simple. These Awami move also serving indian cause of destroying Bangladesh army.


Information of attempted coup is ' leaked' out to cover for eight BSF constables beating up a BD national.

This must deserve the Grammy for fertile imagination.
Yeah, extremists are evil! Let's all give up our religion and become Atheists! Just in case we "by accident" start blowing up mosques! Also let us totally hand over sovereignty to secular India. And throw into prison and repress any religious Muslim Bangladeshis. Just to be safe.

This is Mr. Apocalypse's logic. This is, ultimately, what secularists want. A secuarist upper class, kept in place by the power of external countries, who base their legitimacy on "keeping the Islamists out of power". This secularists class can do whatever it wants, no one can oppose it because if anyone does, they must be "Islamic terrorist".

Are you sure Apocalypse is not a false flagger indian . If not an indian he must be an athiest and islamophobic awami supporter
Bangladeshis will always treasure religion and our islamic identity will always remain inshallah no matter what people like
Apocalypse and their Bharati masters try to do.
Because I'm very anti-Islamist parties, to the core.

Farhan, look I know you like Jamat, and I'm in no way implying Jamat is an evil group.

Look at history: Fundamentalists are not always evil.

General Zia in Pakistan was a fundamentalist (idealist). Fundamentalist policies eventually lead to rise of extremists. These extremists then turn against the fundamentalists themselves. I don't think General Zia of Pk ever foresaw this chaotic state of affairs in Pakistan.

Today you see guys like al-zakir supporting the extremists. But once the extremists consolidate their power in our soil, al-zakir's children would be some of the innumerable victims in the future - victims of "not being islamic enough". Because once it gets extreme, extremists compete to offer more extreme extremism. :D

You live in canada and want to view the future of our country via the canadian prism I guess.
But you fail to realize that we bangladeshis don't want to embrace pagan culture and and a
retarded ideology like secularism is not popular here.:angel::agree:
nope sir. he was actually approaching army officers about the coup and get caught red handed as someone reported about him! After that He had to flee..... After that He just utilized his only option - Network and Phone.

Did he say coup? Did he intend a coup?

My friend, that was futile imagination from Maj. Zia's point of view unless he wants his country to suffer. A coup must have more justification than that.

Also note that the AL government is technically an elected government. Yes I know it is very unpopular now and really no room for improvement.

Right now, there isn't enough justification for a coup!

I'd say, that guy got off too quick!

Try saying that to your superiors while in the armed forces of any country, and you'd get a harsh response. In the US, you'll be sent to jail or even executed.

Maj. Zia's timing was poor. Extremely poor.

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