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Bangladesh Army's Guided multiple rocket luncher system

For these guided munitions,shorter range increases accuracy if only INS is uses.
Greater the range and greater will be need for more advanced or multiple guidence systems,increasing the cost and complications.
Most of the Jamati leaders who have been caught(you know who) have done enough **** to be executed.........if a state of emergency is declared and the 'Joutho-Bahini' is deployed right after the verdict any kind of jamati uprising can be stopped.....if the state of emergency is kept for a year I think the sentiment would die out!!
Please show us a single proof that would meet the common sense of neutral jury against their wrong doing, which would warrant them to be hung? And how could you kill the international sentiment by the 'Joutha Bahini', the reach of which wouldn't pass the national boundary? Finally, JI's political leaders have the grass-root's support from a very organized, cadre-based, over 1 crore of people; Which Faruk, Rashid had lacked. So, their cases are different. And JI's PAK branch is extremely revolutionary, has friends in Egypt, Turkey as Brotherhood and A&K parties but Faruk, Rashid had none. Then, how would you rationalize imposing a year long emergency?
If you are referring to Hammer's working with me in another website, yes he worked with me in a team, but he left when we had a disagreement about Mujib's role in Agartala conspiracy. Those of the accused in that conspiracy case who are still alive today, since they confessed openly (in 2010) that the allegation in that conspiracy case was in fact true, then in my opinion Mujib and others, who took part in that conspiracy, had committed treason according to the law of the land at the moment (before 1970). Hammer stopped working with me after I expressed that opinion.

Now if you ask me, Hammer is a good person, but I believe he is misinformed and perhaps a little emotional. In time, with more experience, I believe he will become an asset for Bangladesh and its people.

As for my political affiliations, I have none. I support the abolition of all political parties in all countries and in my opinion, only independents should be allowed to run for elections. People should be organized and should not allow anti people forces to organize. As far as I can tell, almost all political parties in all countries are anti people, either they are agents of the rich and in smaller under developed countries, in addition to being agents of the rich, they are also being bought and controlled by bigger wealthier countries. They are also a great tool of adversaries to divide the people and create infighting. They are a necessary evil at initial stages of democracy, but these parties should be phased out once people become more educated, informed and organized.

To mods: Sorry for the OT post, I am just answering a question. Please feel free to delete my OT posts.

Now if you ask me, Hammer is a good person, but I believe he is misinformed and perhaps a little emotional. In time, with more experience, I believe he will become an asset for Bangladesh and its people.
Kalu Bhai, how could a good person cunningly stick with 'Political Curse' and repeatedly insult others even after hearing the real meaning of the 'cursed word' A.K.A RAZAKAR? Doesn't this type of action resemble Goebel's one? So, if someone knowingly practice and promote such conniving, sleazy and hybrid arts then can he be considered as good person anymore?
Actually I was replying to a previous quote.......Are you suggesting that the Jamatis should not be punished because we cannot bring Awami thugs to justice.....I never even mentioned anything about Awami league.....But you brought them up in response to a statement about punishment of war-criminals....shows your intention!

Only Awami thugs talks about extrajudicial killing of people under farcical kangaroo court. And your suggestion for Awami League escape plan (using state of emergency) after Awami League extrajudicial killing is for maritans? Kid you want to walk like awami thugs, talk like awami thugs, defend awami thugs but want to be called "Holier-than-thou"? Grow up. No one should die under doctored law and by judgement of awami kangaroo court by its own admission. If you have evidence to prove that ICT is not kangaroo court do so in a seperate thread. Besides, when Sheikh mujib signed Simla agreement to wave right to try REAL war criminals, this political vendetta to divide the country after 42 years only benefit india and Awami league destructive politics. Awami League even did politics with the same Jamaat and tried to make back channel deal to seperate Jamaat from BNP and asked them to participate in next election under Awami regime. Jamaat did not budge. Bangladesh has other pressing needs to attend to than divisive and destructive indo awami league agenda.
Please show us a single proof that would meet the common sense of neutral jury against their wrong doing, which would warrant them to be hung? And how could you kill the international sentiment by the 'Joutha Bahini', the reach of which wouldn't pass the national boundary? Finally, JI's political leaders have the grass-root's support from a very organized, cadre-based, over 1 crore of people; Which Faruk, Rashid had lacked. So, their cases are different. And JI's PAK branch is extremely revolutionary, has friends in Egypt, Turkey as Brotherhood and A&K parties but Faruk, Rashid had none. Then, how would you rationalize imposing a year long emergency?
I never said that ICT was neutral.....BUT there are substantial evidence to prove that 3 to 4 of the accused did actively help the Pak military.......1 of them even admitted in an interview(though he claimed that he wanted to help the innocent people)......I know the JI is organized but any serious uprising can be stopped through vigilance of law enforcers if not through state of emergency.....and Brotherhood and A&K?? Two of our most influential leaders were gunned down who had strong grass root support and superpower friends.......nothing happened.......if there were no serious reaction to Mujib and Zia's murder why should there be any reaction to the execution of these JI leaders??
BUT there are substantial evidence to prove that 3 to 4 of the accused did actively help the Pak military..........if there were no serious reaction to Mujib and Zia's murder why should there be any reaction to the execution of these JI leaders??

First, when Pak military war criminals were let go by Sheikh Mujib and Awami League by Simla accord, trying their helper let alone proving their crime is farcical and politically motivated. Crime has nothing to do with so called ICT, it is involved in Awami League political assassination.

Second, anyone wrongdoing has be proven in a neutral court not by thuggish claim.

Thirdyou are preaching to kill Jamaat leaders without any proof and with reason since mujib and Zia killing had not generate reaction so JI leader killing should not, this is classic definition of thuggishness. Moreover, mujib and Zia were assassinated by military coup. You are basically suggesting Awami League is planing assassination of Jamaat leaders instead of a military coup. For that Awami leadrship will be will be criminal for conspiracy and assassination.
First, when Pak military war criminals were let go by Sheikh Mujib and Awami League by Simla accord, trying their helper let alone proving their crime is farcical and politically motivated. Crime has nothing to do with so called ICT, it is involved in Awami League political assassination.

Second, anyone wrongdoing has be proven in a neutral court not by thuggish claim.

Thirdyou are preaching to kill Jamaat leaders without any proof and with reason since mujib and Zia killing had not generate reaction so JI leader killing should not, this is classic definition of thuggishness. Moreover, mujib and Zia were assassinated by military coup. You are basically suggesting Awami League is planing assassination of Jamaat leaders instead of a military coup. For that Awami leadrship will be will be criminal for conspiracy and assassination.

1)Contrary to what you believe i don't give a rat's *** about Awami Lwague.
2)The Simla Talks at the behest of the Indira Gandhi Government over the fate of the Pakistani Prisoners of War end up in unconditional pardoning of all; in return the Pakistani governmernt agrees to return all the Bangladeshi Civil Servants and Army Officers held in various concentration camps since 1971; however, it also refuses to admit the Biharis stranded in Bangladesh opting for Pakistani citizenship.

Sheikh Mujib also pardons most of the native (Bangalee) Collaborators, except for those accused of criminal activties.
3)The crimes of these JI leaders can be proven in a neutral court.Their own newspapers clearly state them as colaborators.
4)I never suggested that AL should assassinate them.......You did!
I never said that ICT was neutral.....BUT there are substantial evidence to prove that 3 to 4 of the accused did actively help the Pak military.......1 of them even admitted in an interview(though he claimed that he wanted to help the innocent people)......I know the JI is organized but any serious uprising can be stopped through vigilance of law enforcers if not through state of emergency.....and Brotherhood and A&K?? Two of our most influential leaders were gunned down who had strong grass root support and superpower friends.......nothing happened.......if there were no serious reaction to Mujib and Zia's murder why should there be any reaction to the execution of these JI leaders??
Just name 1, I repeat 1 to prove 3 to 4 of the accused actively aided 'PAK Mil' in committing crime not helping them to save 'Bengali BROS'. And remember, helping 'PAK MIL' to save his 'Bengali BROS' and 'Aiding them in killing the similar innocents' were completely paradoxical/opposite actions. BTW, do you even know that the accused, Prof. Azam that you have mentioned even asked for bringing specific 'PAK MIL MEN OF THE THEN' in the court room to proof his truthfulness but the Commie Bastard's run ICT hasn't permitted it?

Mighty Law-Enforcers could suppress masses for days, years but not forever. Proof was that the collapse of SOVIET, which was built on 1 crore Muslim's slaughter and the perishing of 1, 86,000 Masjids. And, on what legal ground Law Enforcer would suppress legal opposition? JI walas aren't under ground's folks but 100 times more transparent than Commie Satan. Finally, cowardice/opportunistic ALers ran way to IND during 71s war, after Mujib's death and Zia died during the infancy of democracy when hardly any grass-root's political cadres of BNP existed but time was different around JI Leader's trial. So, there would be war of 'Long haul', I bet.
Just name 1, I repeat 1 to prove 3 to 4 of the accused actively aided 'PAK Mil' in committing crime not helping them to save 'Bengali BROS'. And remember, helping 'PAK MIL' to save his 'Bengali BROS' and 'Aiding them in killing the similar innocents' were completely paradoxical/opposite actions. BTW, do you even know that the accused, Prof. Azam that you have mentioned even asked for bringing specific 'PAK MIL MEN OF THE THEN' in the court room to proof his truthfulness but the Commie Bastard's run ICT hasn't permitted it?

Mighty Law-Enforcers could suppress masses for days, years but not forever. Proof was that the collapse of SOVIET, which was built on 1 crore Muslim's slaughter and the perishing of 1, 86,000 Masjids. And, on what legal ground Law Enforcer would suppress legal opposition? JI walas aren't under ground's folks but 100 times more transparent than Commie Satan. Finally, cowardice/opportunistic ALers ran way to IND during 71s war, after Mujib's death and Zia died during the infancy of democracy when hardly any grass-root's political cadres of BNP existed but time was different around JI Leader's trial. So, there would be war of 'Long haul', I bet.

Bangladesh Genocide Archive |
Bangladesh Genocide Archive | Collaborators and War Criminals
1)Contrary to what you believe i don't give a rat's *** about Awami Lwague.
2)The Simla Talks at the behest of the Indira Gandhi Government over the fate of the Pakistani Prisoners of War end up in unconditional pardoning of all; in return the Pakistani governmernt agrees to return all the Bangladeshi Civil Servants and Army Officers held in various concentration camps since 1971; however, it also refuses to admit the Biharis stranded in Bangladesh opting for Pakistani citizenship.

Sheikh Mujib also pardons most of the native (Bangalee) Collaborators, except for those accused of criminal activties.
3)The crimes of these JI leaders can be proven in a neutral court.Their own newspapers clearly state them as colaborators.
4)I never suggested that AL should assassinate them.......You did!
I'm cleaning garbage repeatedly to be buried under more of it again. Now, just tell me when have these genocidal claims been proved and established by neutral judge, first? 2ndly, SK. Mujib pardoned collaborators because out of over 1,00, 000 early accused, the most were his party men and then the number was trimmed to a very small portion, still a single JI leader's name didn't appear there. Then listen up Kiddo, U seem like one of those 'Daddy's boy', whose knowledge base has been built on the so-called "Shadhinotar Pakkher Shakti'r" run propaganda industry that was built on bags of Bharati's money. And U don't know Zilch about that Fukcing Bharati Mo Fos are behind this farce for their strategic gain out of 150 Mill + people's expenses. Just wait for me to unfold the fukcing Bharati's motive behind such dangerous scheme of things, will ya Kiddo?

Feast but not ours but Malaun enemy's one:tdown:.
1)Contrary to what you believe i don't give a rat's *** about Awami Lwague.

you want to walk like awami thugs, talk like awami thugs, defend awami thugs but want to be called "Holier-than-thou"?

2)The Simla Talks at the behest of the Indira Gandhi Government over the fate of the Pakistani Prisoners of War end up in unconditional pardoning of all; in return the Pakistani governmernt agrees to return all the Bangladeshi Civil Servants and Army Officers held in various concentration camps since 1971; however, it also refuses to admit the Biharis stranded in Bangladesh opting for Pakistani citizenship.

You can not hide historical record of an agreement by running big mouth. Like it or not you have to live through it.
Kalu Bhai, how could a good person cunningly stick with 'Political Curse' and repeatedly insult others even after hearing the real meaning of the 'cursed word' A.K.A RAZAKAR? Doesn't this type of action resemble Goebel's one? So, if someone knowingly practice and promote such conniving, sleazy and hybrid arts then can he be considered as good person anymore?

M_Saint Bhai, posts in an anonymous web forum is not the best way to judge people. I could be wrong, but we should give people the benefit of doubt.

Besides, I am really not sure how things on the ground is affected with posts in a forum like this. It seems more like a storm in a tea cup.

Sorry to mods again for OT posts.
It was even more interesting that Kalu miah hired gun was calling everyone "razakar" in propmotion of his forum and Awami league destructive activities. Deception is Awami league tool and run by many shades of black.

It happens sometimes, I invited a relative of mine here who later appeared himself as a pro-AL. Then I said myself...upppppsssssss, my mistake, haha
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