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Bangladesh Air Force

why didnt go for C-802 antiship? C-702 has very small anti ship range of 35KM.

Because of the aircraft KLJ-6F radar configuration and the aircraft light weight.

But you disclosed it openly did you not?

So F-7BGI are only purchased for the next 3-4 Years and then Flankers would be brought in procured in 2016-2017 replacing BGIs...Highly unlikely in case of BGIs. BAF paid and that will not go down the drain for the next 10-12 Years you bought Aircrafts not tri cycles.

I still maintain Flankers for any other new platform would not come before the beginning of the decade, there is no immediate Threat more cash would be available and more platforms would be available including J-10B/su-35/just for purpose of info adding JFT Blk III if it ever materialize and the the government is not pro indian. Go through my posts I did say Flankers are the only logical choice as being available and more capable platform if BAF is to focus heavy capabilities.

What kind of dope did he take before making this kind of statement. We need some. Please give us some..
Are you crazy....did Pakistan fit any C-80X on any of their fighters? I know that only india fitted Brahmos on their Flankers.

Are you idiot? do you know what is C-802 and what is brahmos? or just behaving like a retard person.

C-802 is a Antiship missile. we have C-802A. C-803 and C-603. if you dont know any thing then better STFU

Because of the aircraft KLJ-6F radar configuration and the aircraft light weight.

What kind of dope did he take before making this kind of statement. We need some. Please give us some..

i think its because of the radar range as Jf-17 is also in class of light weight fighter.
Are you idiot? do you know what is C-802 and what is brahmos? or just behaving like a retard person.

C-802 is a Antiship missile. we have C-802A. C-803 and C-603. if you dont know any thing then better STFU

i think its because of the radar range as Jf-17 is also in class of light weight fighter.

I asked did u fit C-80X on any of your fighters.....what's idiotic here stupid...1st learn how to talk.
Are you crazy....did Pakistan fit any C-80X on any of their fighters? I know that only india fitted Brahmos on their Flankers.

Yes JF-17 uses several missiles like CM-400AKG,C-803,C-802A,MAR-1,MAR-1B(signed deal with brazil),H-2,H-4 SOMs,RAAD ALCM,SD-10A,C-603,HAFR-1(anti runway)several other PGMs etc etc etc

And no indian jet as of right now is fitted with brahmos... only future plans to fit a few su-30s with it... after its air launched version is produced... so they are still years aways...
Now you are going around in circles, saying the same thing over and over. And whats more, your statements are becoming more vague and ambiguous. "Some sort of secrecy." What sort of secrecy can be maintained about a deal? The details of the deal? Or the fact that a deal has been signed? If it is the former I agree, I have said so myself, but once signed, a deal is public. I am not talking about the pre-deal interest. That is always a secret, or atleast people try to keep it low key affair untill both parties are sure that they will go ahead with the purchase soon or they will be signing a deal soon.

This is the way defence deals work:
First, a potential customer shows interest in some equipment. Then they approach the country of origin for the said equipment. Both sides then work out some basic agreements without making a big fuss about it, like inspecting the weapons, getting briefed by the manufacturers, or even being invited to some live fire testing of sorts. All this is usually kept under the wraps. This is not a deal. This is just showing some interest. It does not mean they will sell/buy.

A lot more happens after that. The potential customer military then does some analysis based on what they say and were presented. Just because a gun fires a bullet, you dont go and buy it for your entire army. You do a feasibility analysis among others. You want to make sure you can afford it, that transitioning to the new weapon will not be difficult, it will work in the environment, spares will be available etc. This happens only after the manufacturer reveals to you some information about the weapon. This kind of knowledge is not available everywhere, only with users and manufacturers. Once the analysis is done, the results and suggestions are put to the govt, who will then decide wether to buy or not. Usually, by this point, one of two things can happen. The media catches wind of it, media have their sources (especially if its some big deal). Or the deal is not significant enough to warrant a report. Once the govt decides to purchase it, they will take it up with the country of origin and sign some MOU or may be even the deal itself. Either of those will make the whole process public.

A deal does not necessarily become public only when the weapons reach BD. If it is a small deal of no strategic consequence (like purchase of a few thousand rifles for SF or ballistic resistant vests for army) sure, people might not even be aware of such deals even after the equipment has arrived. But big ticket items, like ships, fighters, hundreds of tanks/artillery, these cannot be hidden. Some times the interested party and it interest in the weapon is leaked to the media long before any deal is signed.

And ISRO and DRDO? really? they are domestic organizations. I am talking about deals between two countries and you bring up internal R&D organizations. Is your comprehension that weak? May be I am wasting my time explaining to you. I will take my leave from this thread (atleat on this topic).

I do not have time to read an Essay, write in short .
You are right, all you have time is to say "I heard blah blah top secret blah blah procurement not public blah blah".

the blah blah is coming from you, anyway you may get ban for talking off topic, so stop it now
You are right, all you have time is to say "I heard blah blah top secret blah blah procurement not public blah blah".

Try understand the general Public of Bangladesh first. New procurements are side news in newspapers, they don't make big headlines. Why?Thats because majority of Bangladesh don't give a damn about military equipment.I could go to Bazaar and ask if anyone knows what weapons do our Migs use.Probably all of them,with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 people,won't even know what a Mig is!!. At the same time i could walk into a middle school in the UK and 12 years olds would know what a harrier is. Why would news agencies spend money and waste resources for procurement news when the general public don't care.

Bdforever has a point,you could not find a BD news article on us buying a south korean corvette but AMI international do just because the BD armed forces don't bother yelling out procurement news unless asked or told to.
Try understand the general Public of Bangladesh first. New procurements are side news in newspapers, they don't make big headlines. Why?Thats because majority of Bangladesh don't give a damn about military equipment.I could go to Bazaar and ask if anyone knows what weapons do our Migs use.Probably all of them,with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 people,won't even know what a Mig is!!. At the same time i could walk into a middle school in the UK and 12 years olds would know what a harrier is. Why would news agencies spend money and waste resources for procurement news when the general public don't care.

Bdforever has a point,you could not find a BD news article on us buying a south korean corvette but AMI international do just because the BD armed forces don't bother yelling out procurement news unless asked or told to.

even when news come, many people start yelling that we do not tanks, weapons bla bla etc without proper knowledge of this issue, so govt. tries its best to keep things secret as much as possible.
no offense meant but some of you guys are quite funny since you start from the best of the best yet end up with something similar to what PAK is operating...

* Oplot was favourite but settled for MBT 2000 aka Al-Khalid (pak army version)

* We went for F-7 PG you went for BG, then BGI (BAF specified verison with whole THREE displays, payload, range, radar, ew,comm gear are all the same as BG/ F-7G China version)

*F-22 BG frigate aka F-22P for Pak Navy

Judging from the above, some might talk about Rafale/ EF-2000 or Gripen or Mig-35 or J-10 for BAF but eventually they will settle for FC-1.
no offense meant but some of you guys are quite funny since you start from the best of the best yet end up with something similar to what PAK is operating...

* Oplot was favourite but settled for MBT 2000 aka Al-Khalid (pak army version)

* We went for F-7 PG you went for BG, then BGI (BAF specified verison with whole THREE displays, payload, range, radar, ew,comm gear are all the same as BG/ F-7G China version)

*F-22 BG frigate aka F-22P for Pak Navy

Judging from the above, some might talk about Rafale/ EF-2000 or Gripen or Mig-35 or J-10 for BAF but eventually they will settle for FC-1.

Understandable. However MBT-2000 was bought due to the fact that the Yatagan(Not oplot)has certain problems operating in our environment.F-7BG was bought before we annouced that we were getting 4.5 generation figthers in 2011(the air marshal stated the order will Materlise in 5-10 years so we will get official confirmation during 2016-2021),F-7BGI was bought as a stop-gap since we needed more funds to buy the proper Jets. Yak 130s were ordered so it indicates a russian bird will be bought in the future.You can cross out rafale,ef-2000,gripen and Mig-35 since we can't buy them until sometime after 2030. Unless the Yak-130 can train pilots for the FC-1.

The F-22B is still a rumour or possible on the drawing boards.
so essentially both BG and BGI are stop gap measures, strange.
What kind of dope did he take before making this kind of statement. We need some. Please give us some..

:cheesy:Ask it from my friend BDforever sheikh hasina dope shop. But he is a good chap.

It would be a disastrous decision to fall for Mig-29 once again, but I think BAF would pick Flankers by next decade since there is no immediate Threat nor can a squadron of Flankers do a zilch about IAF, 2020+ is when BAF could go for a new platform, If someone doesn't believe me that is fine with me we can always disagree.

so essentially both BG and BGI are stop gap measures, strange.

Very strange considering the coffers are almost empty.
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