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Bangladesh Air Force

Would love to answer, but what is the question? ... ... Sorry, language barrier here!

Oops I thought you were a Pakistani ! :oops:

Apologies ! :)

My friend @BDforever thinks that the F7 BGI eclipses everything that the F-7PG offers & that the Radar (the aforementioned one) has a range of 86 km; I do believe that most of the specs hes provided along with the specs for the Radar sound too good to be true. Would you agree ?
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Hello, our procurement process are not disclosed openly in public media so cut it, BD is not like India or Pakistan. My posts always come from reliable source.

But you disclosed it openly did you not?

So F-7BGI are only purchased for the next 3-4 Years and then Flankers would be brought in procured in 2016-2017 replacing BGIs...Highly unlikely in case of BGIs. BAF paid and that will not go down the drain for the next 10-12 Years you bought Aircrafts not tri cycles.

I still maintain Flankers for any other new platform would not come before the beginning of the decade, there is no immediate Threat more cash would be available and more platforms would be available including J-10B/su-35/just for purpose of info adding JFT Blk III if it ever materialize and the the government is not pro indian. Go through my posts I did say Flankers are the only logical choice as being available and more capable platform if BAF is to focus heavy capabilities.
But you disclosed it openly did you not?

So F-7BGI are only purchased for the next 3-4 Years and then Flankers would be brought in procured in 2016-2017 replacing BGIs...Highly unlikely in case of BGIs. BAF paid and that will not go down the drain for the next 10-12 Years you bought Aircrafts not tri cycles.

I still maintain Flankers for any other new platform would not come before the beginning of the decade, there is no immediate Threat more cash would be available and more platforms would be available including J-10B/su-35/just for purpose of info adding JFT Blk III if it ever materialize and the the government is not pro indian. Go through my posts I did say Flankers are the only logical choice as being available and more capable platform if BAF is to focus heavy capabilities.

the procurement program is not disclosed fully in media, but most of us know whoever in touch with defence related issue. F-7BGI is to replace A-5 and F-7MB and it will be operational till 2025. F-7BGI is for mainly ground attack. talking about immediate threat is foolishness. A strong force does not build by days or by just 1-2 years, it takes long time. Bangladesh armed forces has made goal of 2030. why you do think Flanker makes more logic ? anyway 16 Su-30MKB will join by 2016-2017.




Hello, our procurement process are not disclosed openly in public media so cut it, BD is not like India or Pakistan. My posts always come from reliable source.

How many times will this same excuse be repeated in the BD section? Are you buying toffees? These are defence purchases, running into billions, at least the hundreds of millions. They are not under the table deals. You are buying them from a foreign company, you are buying them legitimately. Which means there is a paper trail of the purchase. At least there is an MOU signed before the transactions start taking place. There is only so much money you can hide away for top secret purchases. Especially if it is with foreign countries/companies. Even the top secret deals between China and Pakistan or India and Russia are not in the billions. They will be spotted easily. Such secret deals dont usually adhere to equipment like dozens of fighters or hundreds of tanks/artillery. Even 2 or 3 ships cannot be hidden away, they run into the hundreds of millions. Top secret is usually used for strategic equipment or tech, like missiles or missile tech, may be buy AAMs, may be hide the sale of some tech in the purchase of a nuc sub (may be something India did with Russia, not sure).
How many times will you guys use this excuse? Top secret!!!! How much money is BD stashing away for such secret deals? One guy says in the navy section the ships BD is getting from SK or China are top secret. Then some one says the "5 sqds of Su" are top secret. Really? You are going to hide 3 billion dollars? From the Russians? From the Koreans?
If some one comes to me and says, bro, i want to buy from you but I dont want to show it on the books since its top secret, I will take his money and refuse to sell him or he will tkae the goods and refuse to pay me. Deals are signed specially for this single reason. So people dont skip on their promises, be it payment or delivery. Understand this.
How many times will this same excuse be repeated in the BD section? Are you buying toffees? These are defence purchases, running into billions, at least the hundreds of millions. They are not under the table deals. You are buying them from a foreign company, you are buying them legitimately. Which means there is a paper trail of the purchase. At least there is an MOU signed before the transactions start taking place. There is only so much money you can hide away for top secret purchases. Especially if it is with foreign countries/companies. Even the top secret deals between China and Pakistan or India and Russia are not in the billions. They will be spotted easily. Such secret deals dont usually adhere to equipment like dozens of fighters or hundreds of tanks/artillery. Even 2 or 3 ships cannot be hidden away, they run into the hundreds of millions. Top secret is usually used for strategic equipment or tech, like missiles or missile tech, may be buy AAMs, may be hide the sale of some tech in the purchase of a nuc sub (may be something India did with Russia, not sure).
How many times will you guys use this excuse? Top secret!!!! How much money is BD stashing away for such secret deals? One guy says in the navy section the ships BD is getting from SK or China are top secret. Then some one says the "5 sqds of Su" are top secret. Really? You are going to hide 3 billion dollars? From the Russians? From the Koreans?
If some one comes to me and says, bro, i want to buy from you but I dont want to show it on the books since its top secret, I will take his money and refuse to sell him or he will tkae the goods and refuse to pay me. Deals are signed specially for this single reason. So people dont skip on their promises, be it payment or delivery. Understand this.

You do not know nothing about BD military, so stop bullshitting. News only come to media when those equipments arrive, before that hardly mentioned, even some stuff has kept undisclosed in media, we can only see them in defence related pages. recent example: Bangladesh and Belarus has made joint commission for joint defence project which did not come in bangladesh media, only few defence media and belarus authority.

another eg. Like me some bangladeshi knows that bangladesh is buying equipments from Serbia. There was a international defence exhibition going on in serbia and a serbian member in pdf was posting pictures, so I asked him about it. He answered me that he asked to authority about it and they just told him it is secret, only said to him that they are selling equipment to a southasian country.
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You do not know nothing about BD military, so stop bullshitting. News only come to media when those equipments arrive, before that hardly mentioned, even some stuff has kept undisclosed in media, we can only see them in defence related pages. recent example: Bangladesh and Belarus has made joint commission for joint defence project which did not come in bangladesh media, only few defence media and belarus authority.

another eg. Like me some bangladeshi knows that bangladesh is buying equipments from Serbia. There was a international defence exhibition going on in serbia and a serbian member in pdf was posting pictures, so I asked him about it. He answered me that he asked to authority about it and they just told him it is secret, only said to him that they are selling equipment to a southasian country.

Did I say anything about all the media knowing or reporting the deals? I said they are easily tracked. Some choose to report it, others dont. Just because BD media is not reporting it does not make it secret. And you yourself said it "Bangladesh and Belarus has made joint commission for joint defence project which did not come in bangladesh media, only few defence media and belarus authority." Some body is monitoring it and reporting it - to the media. And that example about the deal between BD and Belarus, they just signed the deal, the equipment has not arrived. So your argument is baseless. Stop spouting nonsense about the deals not becoming public untill the equipment arrives. Before it arrives, you have to sign a deal and once you sign it, it is public knowledge, they have to make it public, that is the whole point of signing a deal. The details of those may be hidden, but the fact that two parties signed a deal cannot be kept hidden. Governments, especially elected governments, have to account for they money they spend. So once again I say the same thing, there is only so much money that can be left unaccounted for secret deals, large deals, especially for 4th gen planes, war ships etc are not hidden. That is the way things work when you start deals between two countries. Read my post once again.

BTW I never said I know about BD military. I am speaking about the general way deals are signed between two countries. BD is not exempt to this natural rule. It is not the military that signs the deals, it is the govt that signs the deals on behalf of the military. Military only advises the govt on what they need, it is entirely upto elected govts to decide if they will buy it or not. And usually, military deals have to be approved by govts even if they are the ones selling them, not just by govts that want to buy said equipment. Even if BD govt does not mention the deal, the other party will usually present the deal to their governing bodies, all for the sake of accountability. And then it is no longer a secret.

Edit: Oh! and please let me know the thread about the said serbian posting pictures of the exhibition.
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A strong force does not build by days or by just 1-2 years, it takes long time. Bangladesh armed forces has made goal of 2030. why you do think Flanker makes more logic ? anyway 16 Su-30MKB will join by 2016-2017.

I hear ya my friend, that is why the beginning of the decade is what BAF is geared towards. 2016/2017 highly unlikely perhaps negotiations delivery would still be by 2020+ I maintain that. Flanker Aka su-27/30/33/34/35 series.

Why I think Flankers are better for BAF is because it comes with better punch for the money in long run for merely 16-24 numbers, I don't want to go into technical details I am sure you know it and google and this forum has all the information. The other distinct advantage is in any conflict/war if russians stops the spares and weapons alternate is China that produces indigenous flankers and Chinese weapons/avionics can be integrated and spare sought for easily that would not be the case with F-16s F-18s, Gripens. Previously one of you guys were saying F-18s to be purchased it turned out dust not going to bet but logical conclusion is Flankers to be the next induction in the future of BAF not Fulcrums only fools would induct a dead horse considering the entire world are dumping them back to russia apart from india.
Did I say anything about all the media knowing or reporting the deals? I said they are easily tracked. Some choose to report it, others dont. Just because BD media is not reporting it does not make it secret. And you yourself said it "Bangladesh and Belarus has made joint commission for joint defence project which did not come in bangladesh media, only few defence media and belarus authority." Some body is monitoring it and reporting it - to the media. And that example about the deal between BD and Belarus, they just signed the deal, the equipment has not arrived. So your argument is baseless. Stop spouting nonsense about the deals not becoming public untill the equipment arrives. Before it arrives, you have to sign a deal and once you sign it, it is public knowledge, they have to make it public, that is the whole point of signing a deal. The details of those may be hidden, but the fact that two parties signed a deal cannot be kept hidden. Governments, especially elected governments, have to account for they money they spend. So once again I say the same thing, there is only so much money that can be left unaccounted for secret deals, large deals, especially for 4th gen planes, war ships etc are not hidden. That is the way things work when you start deals between two countries. Read my post once again.

BTW I never said I know about BD military. I am speaking about the general way deals are signed between two countries. BD is not exempt to this natural rule. It is not the military that signs the deals, it is the govt that signs the deals on behalf of the military. Military only advises the govt on what they need, it is entirely upto elected govts to decide if they will buy it or not. And usually, military deals have to be approved by govts even if they are the ones selling them, not just by govts that want to buy said equipment. Even if BD govt does not mention the deal, the other party will usually present the deal to their governing bodies, all for the sake of accountability. And then it is no longer a secret.

Edit: Oh! and please let me know the thread about the said serbian posting pictures of the exhibition.

of course some one is watching but some sort of secrecy can be maintained when two govts agrees to do so, anyway you will not understand it because you are from the place where even IRSO or DRDO chief farts that becomes news headlines. There is a thread about that exhibition, check yourself.
of course some one is watching but some sort of secrecy can be maintained when two govts agrees to do so, anyway you will not understand it because you are from the place where even IRSO or DRDO chief farts that becomes news headlines. There is a thread about that exhibition, check yourself.

Now you are going around in circles, saying the same thing over and over. And whats more, your statements are becoming more vague and ambiguous. "Some sort of secrecy." What sort of secrecy can be maintained about a deal? The details of the deal? Or the fact that a deal has been signed? If it is the former I agree, I have said so myself, but once signed, a deal is public. I am not talking about the pre-deal interest. That is always a secret, or atleast people try to keep it low key affair untill both parties are sure that they will go ahead with the purchase soon or they will be signing a deal soon.

This is the way defence deals work:
First, a potential customer shows interest in some equipment. Then they approach the country of origin for the said equipment. Both sides then work out some basic agreements without making a big fuss about it, like inspecting the weapons, getting briefed by the manufacturers, or even being invited to some live fire testing of sorts. All this is usually kept under the wraps. This is not a deal. This is just showing some interest. It does not mean they will sell/buy.

A lot more happens after that. The potential customer military then does some analysis based on what they say and were presented. Just because a gun fires a bullet, you dont go and buy it for your entire army. You do a feasibility analysis among others. You want to make sure you can afford it, that transitioning to the new weapon will not be difficult, it will work in the environment, spares will be available etc. This happens only after the manufacturer reveals to you some information about the weapon. This kind of knowledge is not available everywhere, only with users and manufacturers. Once the analysis is done, the results and suggestions are put to the govt, who will then decide wether to buy or not. Usually, by this point, one of two things can happen. The media catches wind of it, media have their sources (especially if its some big deal). Or the deal is not significant enough to warrant a report. Once the govt decides to purchase it, they will take it up with the country of origin and sign some MOU or may be even the deal itself. Either of those will make the whole process public.

A deal does not necessarily become public only when the weapons reach BD. If it is a small deal of no strategic consequence (like purchase of a few thousand rifles for SF or ballistic resistant vests for army) sure, people might not even be aware of such deals even after the equipment has arrived. But big ticket items, like ships, fighters, hundreds of tanks/artillery, these cannot be hidden. Some times the interested party and it interest in the weapon is leaked to the media long before any deal is signed.

And ISRO and DRDO? really? they are domestic organizations. I am talking about deals between two countries and you bring up internal R&D organizations. Is your comprehension that weak? May be I am wasting my time explaining to you. I will take my leave from this thread (atleat on this topic).
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