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Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

Safiaddin was not a Kurd. Anyone can claim anything on wikipedia by posting a link to the claim. This is only a claim by Ahmad Kasravi and Vladimir Minorsky, two people with agenda. They claimed that Safiaddin moved from "Kurdistan" to Ardabil, but this claim is not supported by any source. Safiaddin was referred to as "Ey Tork-e Pir" in Safavid manuscripts.


EBN BAZZ?Z ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

Please provide me with a academic source that claims otherwise.
How can't Iran do much about it? It shares borders with Armenia and Azerbaijan, and has enough resources to influence a possible conflict.
You can't openly declare war, not on your own. When a war breaks out between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Turkey is determined to do whatever it takes to get results. Turkey is ready to take on Russia for this, how deep are you willing to go down?
Gypsies. Yes, I see many Turks using this word, in order to address Iranians. It so funny, considering the fact that you guys were living in yurts not long time ago.
We are proud of our nomadic ancestry, it made our ancestors one of the most fierce warriors ever walked on earth
La yürü seninde bunlardan bi farkın yok.
We are proud of our nomadic ancestry, it made our ancestors one of the most fierce warriors walked on earth

You can be proud of those fierce warriors. Because that was perhaps the only thing you guys can be proud of. Hordes of barbaric and illiterate horsemen, moving from one place to another, only to conquer lands.

That must be the reason why during the Islamic Golden Age, most scientists were Persians and Arabs, while Turks were absent. You know; people who really contributed to mankind. Thats a real merit. Not conquering lands. Any fool with great will can do that.
You can be proud of those fierce warriors. Because that was perhaps the only thing you guys can be proud of. Hordes of barbaric and illiterate horsemen, moving from one place to another, only to conquer lands.
Shows how little you know about Turkish history. What's more ironic is, you are calling me by the name the Greeks used to insult you with :)
Sonra da gelip bize bırakın bu Türk birliği sevdasını diyorlar. Yahu adam İstanbul şivesini çözmüş be.

(Not: Kafatascı filan değilim. Burada Türk Birliği deyince tipik ülkücü oluyorsun da...)
Another thread were we discuss the same things, thanks to Persian trolls.

Either there needs to be more mods in this section, or something should be done. I'm sick of having to deal with bunch of trolls who repeat like a broken record.

The thread topic and discussions are world apart.

This is not only limited to this thread, every thread is like this. Discussion about genetics, history, culture etc...in totally unrelated threads.
Another thread were we discuss the same things, thanks to Persian trolls.

Either there needs to be more mods in this section, or something should be done. I'm sick of having to deal with bunch of trolls who repeat like a broken record.

What else can you expect from a bunch of gypsies.
Another thread were we discuss the same things, thanks to Persian trolls.

Either there needs to be more mods in this section, or something should be done. I'm sick of having to deal with bunch of trolls who repeat like a broken record.
They keep repeating the same nonsense and then ask themselves why Turks are so negative about Iranians.

These poor IRan fan boys are still living 2000 years ago.. HELLO? your country is ****. Sorry for my french.
Turkey's GDP number 16
Iran GDP number 25
And Iran is only number 25 because of oil, otherwise you would be somewhere in the 50
Iran- Country under sanctions from US and Europe.

Turkey - Full support from NATO.

Don't put it on just oil, look at other factors too.

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