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Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

Iran has suicidal regime. We shouldn't underestimate the extent they are willing to do sinister things. At the moment Turkey says they won't participate on an attack on Iran, but if Iran keeps supporting PKK terrorism this can change swiftly. Turkey didn't put Patriot system for nothing.

A war against your big neighbor would be devastating for both countries.
The Turks have made mistakes in the past by always having wars for power, Selim and İsmail, Yıldırım and Timur and many more throughout history but we all clearly know this will never happen again.

Azerbaycan Turks, Türkiye Turks, Türkmenistan Turks and from other Turkish nations clearly can be seen. Safevids are a great Turkish empire. Today the Turkmens and Azerbaycan is shia which is because of Safevid Turks and we are closest brothers.

The Turkmens in Iraq always has that brotherhood feeling that safe hood that they can always come to Türkiye or Türkmenistan. They also some of them shia and was a big part of safevids. Today safevids is a great empire that is part of all of us but mainly from Azerbaycan.

We will never leave our brothers EVER.

Türkiye Turks - Bulgaria Turks - Syria Turkmens - Iraq Turkmens - Balkan Turks - Azerbaycan - Türkmenistan - KKTC - Kyrgyzstan - Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan. We are all together FOREVER.

Soon there is joint channel between this countries, also most are moving to Latin alphabet and more.....
If it were up to me, I would have supported Armenia too. Not because I like Armenians, or hate Azerbaijanis, but simply because it is in my own national interests to try to prevent further Turkish expansion in the Caucasus
All Turkey wants is to reach out to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan through causcaus. So we're just passing by, we aren't a threat to you unless you force us to be.
Do they teach it like that in Iranian schools? Safavids was recruiting from anatolian Turkmen tribes. That's why Ottoman Empire declared war, beaten safavid army near tabriz somewhere (I've heard you've built a monument there) and retreated from Safevid territory.

What invasion? what massacre? The battle took place in an uninhabited area. Who kicked whom out of where? The Ottoman Army retreated on it's own. We never seek to invade Iran, It'd be a huge drain on time and resources. We were concentrated on conquering Europe that's how it always was.

Actually , Safavid were kurds and after some decade they become turks ( by language ) and after they come to power , some of them tried to attach themselves to prophet descends and then they changed they origin ....

well , for sure you lake historical knowledge .... Iran and Ottoman empire had more than 1 battles ... and after Shah Abbas I could obtain canon and gun ( what we didn't have in previous battles ) , we really kicked you out from country .... all people knew ottomans never leave a region by themselves , unless someone could force them to get out !!! ..... ( for example , why you didn't retreat from Egypt , Syria , europe and only retreat from IRan !!! )

and about Shah tahmasp :
The discord in Iran had allowed its enemies, the Uzbek khans in the east and the Ottoman Empire in the west, to seize territory. The Ottomans were at the height of their power during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. They launched four invasions of Iran between 1533 and 1553. Since the Ottoman army possessed overwhelming numerical superiority, Tahmasp avoided pitched battle with them and resorted to alternative tactics.

In 1534, Suleiman invaded Iran with a force numbering 200,000 men and 300 pieces of artillery. Tahmasp could only field 7,000 men (of dubious loyalty) and a few cannons. The Ottomans seized the Safavid capital Tabriz, crossed Kurdistan and captured Baghdad. Tahmasp avoided direct confrontation with the Ottoman army, preferring to harass it then retreat, leaving scorched earth behind him. This scorched earth policy led to the loss of 30,000 Ottoman troops as they made their way through the Zagros mountains and Suleiman decided to abandon his campaign.[6]
so simply , if The suleiman want to continue his invasion , he would lose more troops and .... the result of 2nd Suleiman invasion was :

During the final Ottoman invasion of Iran in 1553, Tahmasp seized the initiative and defeated Iskandar Pasha near Erzerum. He also captured one of Suleiman's favourites, Sinan Beg. This persuaded the sultan to come to terms at the Peace of Amasya in 1555. The treaty freed Iran from Ottoman attacks for three decades. Nevertheless, Tahmasp took the precaution of transferring his capital from Tabriz to Qazvin, which was further away from the border.[8]

and the genocide and massacre and crimes that ottoman did in history is well known ... Greece , Armenia , Europe , Alawis , kurds , Iran and ....

Greek genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Assyrian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and ....

pan Turk using grey wolves as their symbol ... this simply show their savage cultural and .... and it mean they want to tear other races ...
All Turkey wants is to reach out to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan through causcaus. So we're just passing by, we aren't a threat to you unless you force us to be.

Yes, but its a zero-sum game, so if you guys are gaining more influence in the Caucasus, it will be at the expense of our influence, which Iran will never allow. Besides that, unlike Turkey, we have the geographical upper hand in case Armenia and Azerbaijan start a war.

Safavids were not Kurds, just because one of the their founder's ancestors was Kurdish doesn't automatically makes Safavids Kurdish, Safavids were Turko-Persian.

Same mentality also calls Ayyubids a Kurdish empire, like anything about them was Kurdish except from ancestors of founders.

Ottomans never tried to conquer Iran, thats a fact, as you said there was many wars triggered by various reasons, some won by Ottomans some won by Safavids.

Non of these genocide claims true, and nobody was angel, every people done good and bad things in their history.
The retard called "twilight", Shah Ismail was related to Uzun Hasan, what is Kurdish about that? I have explained about this already in other threads.

Safavid state was no different than Aq-Qoyunlu and Qara-Qoyunlu before them. It was a Turkman state based and centered in Azerbaijan.

Turkman = Muslim Oghuz Turk. Azerbaijani Turks were known as Turkman aswell during those times, so the usage of Turkman should not be connected to Central Asia when we talk about middle-ages.
Actually , Safavid were kurds and after some decade they become turks ( by language ) and after they come to power , some of them tried to attach themselves to prophet descends and then they changed they origin ....
Safavids was not Kurds, their army consisted of almost %100 percent Turkmens relying on ages old Turkic traditions of horse-archery meanwhile Ottoman Army was much more advanced on siege weaponry

( for example , why you didn't retreat from Egypt , Syria , europe and only retreat from IRan !!! )
All the territories Ottoman Empire conquered, either belonged to orthodox christians or sunni muslims. Ottomans weren't stupid enough to bring sectarian conflicts in itself. Plus Iran by then was a vast territory with little resources to offer.
This scorched earth policy led to the loss of 30,000 Ottoman troops as they made their way through the Zagros mountains and Suleiman decided to abandon his campaign.
It's because they couldn't loot muslim cities. Ottoman Army never liked to march east, especially the fiefs
Yes, but its a zero-sum game, so if you guys are gaining more influence in the Caucasus, it will be at the expense of our influence, which Iran will never allow. Besides that, unlike Turkey, we have the geographical upper hand in case Armenia and Azerbaijan start a war.
If you won't finish something, don't start. It's not like you can do much about it, so you might as well do nothing.

It's not worth making a total enemy out of Turkey. Things are fvcked up enough already between two countries.
Claiming Shah ismail was Kurdish is beyond comical. It actually made me laugh. I don't know anybody that even disregarded that Shah İsmail I'd Turk even Iranians admit to this.

Anybody can claim anything but some things are just absolutely funny when you claim the most stupid things.
If you won't finish something, don't start. It's not like you can do much about it, so you might as well do nothing.

How can't Iran do much about it? It shares borders with Armenia and Azerbaijan, and has enough resources to influence a possible conflict.

It's not worth making a total enemy out of Turkey. Things are fvcked up enough already between two countries.

Agreed. But bear in mind that Armenia is of geo-political importance to Iran.

Claiming Shah ismail was Kurdish is beyond comical. It actually made me laugh. I don't know anybody that even disregarded that Shah İsmail I'd Turk even Iranians admit to this.

Anybody can claim anything but some things are just absolutely funny when you claim the most stupid things.


Yes, he was (partially) Kurdish.
Both his father and grandfather were married to Uzun Hasan's relatives and both were already Turkified, iw Junayd, Haydar, Ismael, any of them even spoke Kurdish ?
If someone wonders why I hate these gypsies, it is enough to look at examples in this forum, including this user "twilight".

Gypsies. Yes, I see many Turks using this word, in order to address Iranians. It so funny, considering the fact that you guys were living in yurts not long time ago, while we were living in urban areas for more than 2000 years.

It so funny, especially coming from a Turkified Caucasian; one of the most poor people on earth.

Safiaddin was not a Kurd. Anyone can claim anything on wikipedia by posting a link to the claim. This is only a claim by Ahmad Kasravi and Vladimir Minorsky, two people with agenda. They claimed that Safiaddin moved from "Kurdistan" to Ardabil, but this claim is not supported by any source. Safiaddin was referred to as "Ey Tork-e Pir" in Safavid manuscripts.

What we do know certainly, is that Uzun Hasan was uncle of Sheykh Haydar (Shah Ismail's father) and grandfather of Shah Ismail.

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