Am currently in semicon manufacturing, specifically NAND. I had a career change from avionics due to family related responsibilities. Not likely to return to aviation. But if I can I will, even at a lower pay if necessary.
My opinion here is more emotional and less financial. It is not that I do not like what I am doing now, I do like watching silicon wafers changed to memory cells, but there is a difference between 'like' and 'love' and there is much to be said about seeing your work soar off into the wild blue yonder. Making a life changing decision based upon financials may yield short term physical benefits but also may secure you into a job you may not enjoy over the long run.
You are single ? If yes, then you have mobility and that gives you options and opportunities for a happy career that older folks, like me today, most likely will never have again. Since you are starting out, you will not have the pay, corporate prestige, and seniority no matter which path you chose in any company, so NOW is the best time to assess yourself and what you really want to do, as in what you love, so that when you do rise in corporate ranks, the pay, benefits, prestige, and seniority do not become a sort of cage for your happiness. By then you may also have a family and with it comes non-work related responsibilities that relies on your work to make it in life.
I wish you good fortunes in which ever path you chose.