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Average IQ by Country

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IQ score is the ratio that your intellectual age has to chronological age.As this ratio is not stable and decrease overtime an alternative formulae is used which measures IQ as deviation from average.

The Problem with IQ tests like SBIT is that they are not culture fair tests.

Also there is no method that exist in Statistics except a IQ census by which you could measure average IQ of a Country.This average IQ crap is fed by organisations like CCP to hide the massive inferiority complex that its citizens have due to being mind slaves.

Agreed. Its like the racial superiority theory pioneered by Nazis. Say that you have high IQ under CCP and everything else is forgotten.
Agreed. Its like the racial superiority theory pioneered by Nazis. Say that you have high IQ under CCP and everything else is forgotten.

LOL, I can't remember the last time the CPC even mentioned anything to do with IQ. :lol:

If what you say is true, I'd better start practicising my cognitive skills!!
Chinese are the next Nazi, and history will be repeated.
But who will be the next Jews:lol:
Common people; a few Chineese posters here don't represent the whole of China
or atleast the CCP:partay:
LOL, I can't remember the last time the CPC even mentioned anything to do with IQ. :lol:

If what you say is true, I'd better start practicising my cognitive skills!!

The very fact that chinese are digging up some random blog to post some scientifically inaccurate fact is a strong enough reason for infering that they have been indoctrinated in it.Do you see an Indian,Pakistani,American or Korean posting such stupidities.
Apparently you never been to outside of India?

In my experience , and others living abroad would agree , Afghans are very liberal and smart people. Specially Afghani girls are very good students ....... Oh well ...that can be said about girls of any country..Even in Pakistan , girls almost ALWAYS outperform guys in examinations etc :cheesy:
Not true in my school, neither about girls or afghans. And girls do tend to be more jobless therefore find more time to study- atleast I can say that i had a good childhood and i have a life :P
Apparently you never been to outside of India?

In my experience , and others living abroad would agree , Afghans are very liberal and smart people. Specially Afghani girls are very good students ....... Oh well ...that can be said about girls of any country..Even in Pakistan , girls almost ALWAYS outperform guys in examinations etc :cheesy:


Talibanis are a proof of that.

Anyway given the dirt poor condition that a afghan lives in,don't you think that only people who would be able to attend your school or any school for that matter would be within 0.00001% of population.
Top 10 countries with the highest IQ

Hong Kong = China (A city of China)

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^^ And why is MR David Song feeling proud about that?:rofl:
Hong Kong = China (A city of China)

The reason is because parents here in Hong Kong go crazy in making their children study hard and do well at school.

Literally crazy. Parents will even phone up teachers and bug them all day long.

Though Shanghai has now already surpassed Hong Kong in the OECD tests. :lol:

I think if you test the other mainland cities... they may well have surpassed us too.
what a dumb thread......get some life yaar.
I would not trust these sources for many countries ... perhaps the results are only valid for countries where there is systematic IQ testing on a yearly basis for a large number of people.

I had read an article a while ago about the low iranian IQ. Turned out all Western sources use an IQ study done in the 1950's in a single school in Shiraz. They use the same data over and over again.

In all my internet searches, I could not find any statistics of IQ for Iran. Either these are not available in English, or Iran does not publish IQ score results ?

In any case, studies have shown that IQ had a steady rise for decades in Western Countries, before finally leveling off. This must mean that the spread of education was the factor raising IQ. Once education levels reach saturation levels, no more progress is seen. So, for developing countries, one must wait a few decades before comparing to the West. Also, countries that have had a long tradition of learning and literacy (Japan, Korea) - even higher than the West in past centuries - would have higher scores.

If there is a genetic component to IQ, we have to wait a few decades before making any pronouncements.

Malnutrition and lack of parental attention in the development of children is another factor for lower IQs in poorer countries.

The example you gave was exactly of a type that i wanted to.Thanks for saving me the labour of typing.

The survey like this suffers from sample bias.

I could conduct a survey proving that average chinese IQ is less than that of pigs.I just need to select my sample accordingly.

For proving high IQ one should select a sample from high end prep schools or schools that are set up for gifted children.

For proving low IQ you could select your sample you need to select your sample from a mental institute or a remote village where everyone is illiterate.

Determining Average IQ of the country,You must be joking.:rofl:
The reason is because parents here in Hong Kong go crazy in making their children study hard and do well at school.

Literally crazy. Parents will even phone up teachers and bug them all day long.

Though Shanghai has now already surpassed Hong Kong in the OECD tests. :lol:

Shanghai is a great city I visited in 2009 :usflag:
Shanghai is a great city I visited in 2009 :usflag:

Back ten years ago, we all thought that Shenzhen could be the first mainland city to surpass us here in Hong Kong. :lol: We were all talking about Shenzhen, because it was right next to us.

But in fact, Shanghai has leaped miles ahead. It is really incredible.

Shanghai is truly unbelievable, anyone who has visited that city will know what I mean. It looks more modern than my own city of Hong Kong... and it is still growing at a lightning speed.
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