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Average IQ by Country

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Few aboriginals decide IQ of whole country?

It was of indigenous populations. White Australians would be the same as other Western Europeans.
@Topic - this IQ chart resembles the HDI chart- excluding anomalies such as oil rich Arab nations.
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It was of indigenous populations. White Australians would be the same as other Western Europeans.
@Topic - this IQ chart resembles the HDI chart- excluding anomalies such as oil rich Arab nations.

You do know that IQ is not racially fixed right? It could be argued that Nordic people during the Roman Empire and Dark Ages had much lower IQ than Gupta Indians or the people in the Abbasid Caliphate during the Middle East's golden Age. Western Civilization did originate form 5th century Anglo-Saxon Britain or Denmark but from the deserts and Meddterian basins of the Middle-East, like the Semitic Assyrians and Phoenicians and Babylonians etc.. As economic and industrial development grows (along with better access to education), the national IQ will grow quickly. For example, under the Bell Curve, West African and various Asian nations are adding 10+ points to their IQ pointage while Europe and N.America still remains stagnant.
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You do know that IQ is not racially fixed right? It could be argued that Nordic people during the Roman Empire and Dark Ages had much lower IQ than Gupta Indians or the people in the Abbasid Caliphate during the Middle East's golden Age. Western Civilization did originate form 5th century Anglo-Saxon Britain or Denmark but from the deserts and Meddterian basins of the Middle-East, like the Semitic Assyrians and Phoenicians and Babylonians etc.. As economic and industrial development grows (along with better access to education), the national IQ will grow quickly. For example, under the Bell Curve, West African and various Asian nations are adding 10+ points to their IQ pointage while Europe and N.America still remains stagnant.

I would like to see your source for that. From what I've read - it takes centuries for any changes to occur, and the reason East Asian have higher IQ's and lager cranial capacity is due to colder temperatures and the resultant seasonal changes requiring forward thinking and team work ability to survive and adapt to such changes.

Some Chinese members would know more on this - Im a novice when it comes to such topics.
I would like to see your source for that. From what I've read - it takes centuries for any changes to occur, and the reason East Asian have higher IQ's and lager cranial capacity is due to colder temperatures and the resultant seasonal changes requiring forward thinking and team work ability to survive and adapt to such changes.

Some Chinese members would know more on this - Im a novice when it comes to such topics.

Based on the IQ charts alone may not be enough to substantiate the so call "East Asian" IQ phenonmena
However when you combine this survey with other intellectual tests perhaps we may draw some sort of conclusions there.
EQ makes some other sense, Chinese people needs learn how to brand, how to market, how to communicate with people, that is one thing Indians are ahead of China. Indians in the west performs far better than Chinese.
EQ makes some other sense, Chinese people needs learn how to brand, how to market, how to communicate with people, that is one thing Indians are ahead of China. Indians in the west performs far better than Chinese.

Nah! are koreans japanese faring any better? NO! There are many reasons for this, not because of EQ!
There is no such a thing in serious scholar researches as “EQ”, which was invented in the past decades by the socialists solely for the purpose of “break even” with IQ. After all it’s not coincidental that low IQ people ( on average) somehow have high “EQ” and high IQ people all low “EQ”, is it? :rofl:

From genetics point of view, the invention of “EQ” does have a hidden explanation that they refuse to recognise: underlying testosterone level:

High IQ races have relatively lower testosterone levels (the East Asians are the lowest. Northern Europeans are the next lowest), while lower IQ races have higher testosterone levels.

High testosterone level means grow (physically) faster, mature earlier, with shorter life span everything being equal, more active, characterwise more expressive, with larger ego (i.e. less humble, more likely to brag = more likely to go beyond the truth, literally... sound familiar here?), hence more social and more extravert on average... so there you go , “high EQ”. :lol: Actually it is in a nutshell a nature’s mechanism at work in which to compete with smarter ppl, dumber ones need to talk louder and more, apart from other physical characteristics, in the hope to “breakeven” with brain to have the equal chance of survival.

If further add functional illiteracy to the above, after a healthy doze of curry needless to say, there you go, you have Indians. :lol:
Justifying own fake nationalism and racism attitudes........

Good for chinese internet warriors to feel arrogant towards other races in world....

They are like a bunch of lab rats, I Was readinng up on how the CCP controls the amount, type and variety of information that they pass on to their subjects and expect them to lap it all up without complaint. Each and every internet comment is monitored and they have thousands of words that are banned and the messages containing them are banned. In schools they are fed that they are superior and more intelligent from other races ( no mention of the Japanese genes..lol)......they do some crazy F ing sh!t with them like controlled birth, artificial assimilation, genome tech to raise their intelligence to produce smarter citizens.
Nah! are koreans japanese faring any better? NO! There are many reasons for this, not because of EQ!
Yes, Japs and Koreans are far far better than us when dealing with westerners, we have a lot of good products, why they are all sold with a cheap price ? Cloth, Shoes are normal things and all made in China, why westerners can attache a brand tag then sell it with a very good price and only leave a small profit for Chinese manufacturing. Think about it twice, we should learn how to brand.
There is no such a thing in serious scholar researches as “EQ”

Who are the most successful people in any group?

Is it the people who do the technical work or the people who can play politics?

Is Bill Gates rich because he wrote some software, or because he knew how to market and sell it to the right people?

Who gets the girl? the techy nerd or the smooth talker?

People with high IQ work for people with high EQ.
Who are the most successful people in any group?

Oke, you're talking about within race at the moment. Thatm however, is NOT an different matter from between races.

They're similar indeed, all following the same natural rules.

First you must be clear of the precise definition of "successful", which is not neccesarily the same as the "he who has the most money", even though $$$ is traditionally one of the most important yardsticks.

These yardsticks, however, are under the implicit assumption that everything else being equal the ones, both within and between races, who have the higher IQ have higher chances to have more wealth under nornaml circumstances, in a sense that $$$ generally speaking is merely a fair reflection of the underlying IQ in the long run.

This is the case between and within races. It is,though, not directly cross-race compareble sometimes due to temporar social conditions, say, for instance, that Indian billionnaire Armani(correct spelling?) brothers may not reach the average IQ level of desperately poor Commi North Korea.

Therefore, "being successful" has much deeper meaning than $$$.

To me "being successful" means, more or less, the ultimate capability to ensure the unquestionablely definite natural survival and continual survival of the offspring and offspring thereafter, alongwith the quantity of them.

( China is positive example in history by both quality of Chinese civilisation and quantity of Chinese people, while India is the an opposite example - the current peace time huge population boom depending on the UN Hunger Relief, endless World Bank/ADB soft loans and countless int'l charities is unsustainable, or a "sustaniable time bomb", thus can NOT be used as a "proof" to justify the degree of Indian natural success. )

With that in mind, now one can start to brush aside your following "evidences":

Is it the people who do the technical work or the people who can play politics?

If generally assuming tech workers have higher average IQ than politicians (not always the case though, many politicians are not dumb at all), of course work ppl are more successful, 10,000X time. How many tech ppl (and their offspring) in your country and how many PMs and MPs(and their offspring) you have?

Is Bill Gates rich because he wrote some software, or because he knew how to market and sell it to the right people?

Firstly Gates is tech ppl to start with. Secondly, Gates has IQ > 140. Theirly, even if he were a pure dumb shell, any such individual cases would be useless to prove anything.

Who gets the girl? the techy nerd or the smooth talker?

On average, techy nerds get smart girls and half-empty smooth talkers get half-empty girls.

People with high IQ work for people with high EQ.

Now this seems to be universal correct due to the impefect nature of how societies are set up.

Yet it still proves my point that higher IQ workers are quantitively perhaps 10,000X more successful than their far dumber bosses who are far fewer, however lucky they are but not for very long. It's because the majority of the offspring of the later would not be that lucky in the long run.
Yes, Japs and Koreans are far far better than us when dealing with westerners, we have a lot of good products, why they are all sold with a cheap price ? Cloth, Shoes are normal things and all made in China, why westerners can attache a brand tag then sell it with a very good price and only leave a small profit for Chinese manufacturing. Think about it twice, we should learn how to brand.

Your answer is not relevant to EQ!
For segmental profitabilities during the manufacturing and supply chain process, they involve manufacturing proficiency, product quality, patents, franchaises, brand ownership, distribution promotion, marketing ..politics and national sentiments
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