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Average IQ by Country

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Just curious how come collective IQ of Pakistan did not aid in war against an adversary perceived to have lower collective IQ.

I mean the higher should atleast aided in proper critical decision making :D

India has 7x the population, which allows it to select for higher IQ people to lead from a much larger base of people.

Does anyone have an IQ chart showing the distribution curve of the Indian IQ? If India has 5% which have an average IQ of 100 (European average) then, if those people secede, these 60 million people could be as powerful and wealthy as the UK or Italy.
Ha! I can prove Chinese IQ is low ----- My mother in Law.
India has 7x the population, which allows it to select for higher IQ people to lead from a much larger base of people.

Is the same context applicable in case of a Sino-Indian conflict?

Does anyone have an IQ chart showing the distribution curve of the Indian IQ?
I never found any. :cry:

If India has 5% which have an average IQ of 100 (European average) then, if those people secede, these 60 million people could be as powerful and wealthy as the UK or Italy.

hmmmm, to come think of it what you say might be true, taking the example of China here.

Two provinces of Chinese territory which were disconnected from the mainland namely Taiwan and Hong Kong could have been the n 1-2% approx of the highest of IQ breed among China say about 120, and is possibly the reason why they achieved prosperity many years prior to main land China, even today it may take mainland China several years to achieve those living standards all over the nation. :)

I guess the racism of Hong Kongers against mainland Chinese (by calling them as locusts) is a manifestation of higher IQ of Hong Kongers over their mainland counter parts. :)
Oke, you're talking about within race at the moment. Thatm however, is NOT an different matter from between races.

I wasn't getting involved in the race/country debate, but making a general comment about the various types of intelligence.

I agree that IQ measures something useful. IQ tests measure the ability to discern patterns (find the next in sequence, find the odd one out) and the ability for logical deduction. Both these skills are central to the development of science and technology, and a group with higher average IQ will tend to progress faster in these fields.

However, EQ also refers to another aspect of intelligence, which also involves pattern matching and inference. A person with high EQ can see the emotional patterns in other people. This skill is just as advanced as the IQ skill of pattern matching: it doesn't help build jet engines, but it helps control other people's behavior, for better or for worse.

I also agree that "success" is determined in the evolutionary context of survival. In that context, for group survival, a combination of IQ and EQ is needed; a population must have a viable mix of the two to survive. High IQ is needed to develop technologies to deal with the physical world, and the EQ is needed to make sure the group doesn't self-destruct.
China is positive example in history by both quality of Chinese civilisation and quantity of Chinese people, while India is the an opposite example - the current peace time huge population boom depending on the UN Hunger Relief, endless World Bank/ADB soft loans and countless int'l charities is unsustainable, or a "sustaniable time bomb", thus can NOT be used as a "proof" to justify the degree of Indian natural success.

A primitive zombie like you is an example of low EQ coupled with a drastic lack of self esteem.

Someone who needs constant validation in unscientific "reports" like this one.

Tell me how could one goat herder Mongol "herd" 20,000 of you "high IQ" Chin who won't even dare run at night even if unguarded?

And if a "brave one" of you did, he was tracked down by that goat herd and made an example for the rest of the herd.

Why the small number of Manchus made you all wear that Q style?

Why were you high IQ Chin and East Asians (this is new, till quite late they were at each others' throat, even now are) the lowest of the low in all measures of human well being till just a few decades back?

China crossed India in GDP in 1987. It can change again in future.

Sad and pathetic primitive zombies like you are only an embarrassment to all of humanity. I understand why China treats it's people the way they do.

Some of you were probably scraped in the womb and turn out like this!
Funny thing is that wiping the iPad glasses whole day with n-Hexane makes some of them hallucinate that they are doing something more than providing dirt cheap labor that is eminently replaceable.

A hint of coming out of gut wrenching poverty has gone to the heads of some.

While we have nothing against the Chinese and are happy for 680 millions of them having come out of extreme poverty, some of these barely outta there tell us that coming out of pettiness and depravity will take a long time for some of these pathetic trolls.
Funny thing is that wiping the iPad glasses whole day with n-Hexane makes some of them hallucinate that they are doing something more than providing dirt cheap labor that is eminently replaceable.

A hint of coming out of gut wrenching poverty has gone to the heads of some.

While we have nothing against the Chinese and are happy for 680 millions of them having come out of extreme poverty, some of these barely outta there tell us that coming out of pettiness and depravity will take a long time for some of these pathetic trolls.

China is held back due to its massive population. We can compare smaller nations which are ethnic Chinese like Singapore , taiwan with small nations populated mainly by Indians or even other South Asians. None come close.

East asians outperform the rest of Asia. South Asians are least developed in Asia.
China is held back due to its massive population. We can compare smaller nations which are ethnic Chinese like Singapore , taiwan with small nations populated by hindu south Asians like trinidad . a world of difference.

One has to take a long term view and also take the history of the places into account.

You are actually proving a counterpoint.

The same Hans in multiple places, very different results. A small city (with a colonial history) can't be a proxy for a huge country with a huge population.

Indians tend to be successful everywhere in the world.

Now it is happening in India as well for the last 2-3 decades and it is only going to get better.

East asians outperform the rest of Asia. South Asians are least developed in Asia.

East Asians were the lowest on all development indicators till a few decades back. Things can and do change when nations develop.
Exceptional economic growth since 1970 drove a world-leading doubling of the region’s average HDI value from 0.36 in 1970 to 0.71 in 2010.

China crossed India in GDP in 1986-87. In HDI, may be a few years earlier but the difference was hardly significant.

The fact is that people have forgotten the reality of just a few years or decades back and started making all sorts of pathetic claims.

My Han friends from Singapore claim that the mainlanders are petty, smallminded crooks and untrustworthy. I don't believe in generalizing but may be they know something I don't.
I wasn't getting involved in the race/country debate, but making a general comment about the various types of intelligence.

I agree that IQ measures something useful. IQ tests measure the ability to discern patterns (find the next in sequence, find the odd one out) and the ability for logical deduction. Both these skills are central to the development of science and technology, and a group with higher average IQ will tend to progress faster in these fields.

However, EQ also refers to another aspect of intelligence, which also involves pattern matching and inference. A person with high EQ can see the emotional patterns in other people. This skill is just as advanced as the IQ skill of pattern matching: it doesn't help build jet engines, but it helps control other people's behavior, for better or for worse.

I also agree that "success" is determined in the evolutionary context of survival. In that context, for group survival, a combination of IQ and EQ is needed; a population must have a viable mix of the two to survive. High IQ is needed to develop technologies to deal with the physical world, and the EQ is needed to make sure the group doesn't self-destruct.

Neither was I talking about sth else.

ONE type of intelligence as we humans know thus far: IQ.

IQ can be precisely measured on variaty of strict (sicentifically and statistcally valid) paramemetres, and overtime, across world;

IQ measures are objective: say 81 IQ, we all know and can expect how many g-loaded questions that he/she gets them wrong, given a cetrain level of difficulty. This doesn't change when coutries, cultures, values or weather change.

IQ can be used a pretty reliable predictor of many things throughout one's life time.

All the things above can not be said on "EQ", which can not be measured or caculated, let alone to any degree of reliability, or precision , or over time, or across countries or races. ( what kind of hairstyle or face shape or voice tone or pacing rhythm can be calculated and universally recognised, under 40 degree weather of course, as "high EQ" btw? And how much that can be changed in high sea with category 8 typoon, or in Saudi or Finland when the "EQ score" is taken? :rofl:)

So called "EQ" is a very subjective thing and can, more often than not, swing widely given different cultures, values, perspectives. or even different statues of one's current mood or tomorrow's weather (e.g. what one thinks is "high EQ", aka highly sociable or attractive, another one could completely disagree with good reasons).

So called "EQ" can not be used as any indicator to predict anything with decent degree of confidence, let alone for a long run or across different races or regions, unlike IQ.

In fact so called "EQ" can be trained to drastically improve or worsen (e.g. with cosmetic surgery for appearances, and high quality courses from a group of highly experienced HR, PR experts or psychology specialists), unlike IQ on which one can spend a life time training and still get scores in the ballpark of the original score, else everyone can become Einstein can’t they?

IQ is largely innate ability and can be as largely as 80% inherited, while "EQ" is indeed no much more than a skill set in comparison, just like any social skill sets say smooth talking, or film acting or stand-up comedian tricks.

Sorry, but there is no "EQ”, which is merely a neo-liberal politically correct “invention”, inserted forcefully into the scientific field of human intelligence.
Some problems with IQ tests include:

1. It is unclear what they actually test.
2. Coaching can boost scores by 10 points or even more, so to a signifcant extent they test familiarity with the kinds of questions asked.
3. Research undertaken in West Africa (Guinea-Bissau) about 25 years ago suggested that the biggest determinant of all was whether or not kids had gone to school. Kids who hadn't been to school were bewildered by the question-and-answer ritual and only achieved low scores.
4. The so-called 'linguistic' questions are unrelated to ability to learn foreign languages at school.
5. Maturity (now somtimes referred to as emotional intelligence) is extremely important, but it isn't tested in IQ tests. For example, however bright you may be at maths and physics, it may be of limited use if get angry easily. You need to get along with others, stick up for yourself effectively without violence, be sensitive to those around you and so on. Losing your temper easily when you are frustrated will cause no end of problems - and not just with peers.

Having said all this, IQ tests may have some limited uses, but they are only a rough and ready guide and shouldn't be interpeted in isolation . An individual test (as opposed to a group test), given face-to-face by a psychologist, is generally more informative.

I have seen many people (Indians and foreigners) with high IQ and achievements.

Only some pathetic trolls with no achievement in real life make noise about it.
Your answer is not relevant to EQ!
For segmental profitabilities during the manufacturing and supply chain process, they involve manufacturing proficiency, product quality, patents, franchaises, brand ownership, distribution promotion, marketing ..politics and national sentiments
OK, Chinese are poor in branding and communication, Right? thats one disadvantage of us.
OK, Chinese are poor in branding and communication, Right? thats one disadvantage of us.

this thread not about marketing or anything relating to commerce or production
your only point of scoring is you have admitted your mistake
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