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Australian threatens to burn down Islamic school

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That is not mocking Jesus because He is God. Take the typical water analogy with three distinct forms, none of the states is disqualified to be water.

Do you want to go into details about that? Food for thought:

Water can be in 3 phases but in all 3 phases, the molecules are the same H20...They do not change...Now, If Jesus and GOD were the same...What GOD knows Jesus would know:

Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away. 36"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. 37 For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.".

Jesus said my father is greater than I.

By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me- Who does he hear from?

(New Living Translation (©2007)
I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will.)

John 5:30

New Living Translation (©2007)
For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will.
John 6:38
Who sent him?

Father forgive them, for they know not what they do
(Luke 23:34).
Who is Jesus asking for help?

"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?"
Why has thou forsaken me?...
Matthew 27:45-46

Whose is Jesus talking to? GOD? But he is GOD...

very dumb , so you decide position of religion on reading text , 100 % islami terrorist get inspiration by reading koran .
DO THEY? Did you come from their camp? For I do not know where they get inspired from! I read the Quran yet I do not find the same understanding as them! Nor do I even call their doing ISLAMIC!
gambit. people are not understanding what you are trying to put through. Recommend to be direct.
I wrote all that about Jesus because of what 1 person posted!

I would not have brought it up nor do I even expect any reply or reaction....But those are just food for thought! MIND YOU I have enough Christian/ Hindu and atheist friends but I do not disrespect them nor their practices! They respect mine and that is called mutual harmony..

IF they ask me questions I answer...THEY ARE obliged to listen because they asked! Otherwise do not ask if you do not want an answer!
gambit. people are not understanding what you are trying to put through. Recommend to be direct.

And in my language we call people like you fuel or the matchstick which causes all the chaos!

I did not ask him for any explanations all I said was how can it be mockery when Jesus himself shows there is a GOD in heaven and even Jesus calls and asks help from! AT LEAST that is how I see those verses as...NOT ME SAYING...its from the bible...If you do not wish to answer that is fine! I will stop here and there is no COMPETITION like the Indian and Pakistani competition of whose fart is louder!

No you are in their camp. you r blind by faith , koran contain hate about every non-muslim
Have you read it YOURSELF without going through anti ISLAMIC sites? :pop:
kill or convert is slogan of Islam since inception.

Really? Then you must be reading about a different faith! Because I AM A MUSLIM AND I HAVE NOT CONVERTED ANYONE NOR KILLED A SINGLE HUMAN LET ALONE A SINGLE ANIMAL (except mosquitoes)!
gambit. people are not understanding what you are trying to put through. Recommend to be direct.

He was trolling.

He even asked for the address of my country's consulate. He's probably flying to New York by now. But I didn't tell him that there is another consulate in LA :rofl:
The word 'Son' is metaphorical. When God took the human form of Jesus, He did it so His creations can relate to something more understandable, as well as having a divine example on how one should live according to God's laws. That is why Jesus hungered, thirsted as normal human beings do, and even felt despair because He knew what His fate will be.

What a pile of ****. Jesus was a man. He preached some things, that became a religion. Also the gospels have been heavily edited and adopted as per convenience. The Bible is probably the most concocted book in all of history. It supports slavery, bashes on gay people, even endorses killing of children!!!!

Remember the story where 42 children were mauled and killed by 2 bears for making fun of some holy dudes bald head?

Shittiest religion out there. And the most violent.

This coming from a guy that was raised a roman catholic. But now I am an Atheist.

And virgin mary? :rofl:


And Jews crucified him to end His claim to be the Son of God. I wonder which of the 2 are worse? crucifying or mocking/ salendering (which happened in our friend's mind) [According to Mr. intelligent calling him a prophet and giving him respect and agreeing to his miracle birth by a virgin is somehow mocking and salendring him!] or crucifying?

Jews didnt. The romans did.

We easily ignore war torn countries like Palestine, Kosovo, Libya and so on....Calling it Muslims killing each other not saying oppressors killing others! Why must everyone take these media highlights and paint all Muslims like that?

Most of the terrorism actually kills more muslims. As far as Palestine goes, the ones that are actually making their lives more miserable than it woudl be, are not hte Israelis, its the Hamas. Fighting Israel is like shovelling **** against the tide. Any reasonable man would understand this and not throw pointless rockets at them only to have air raids and another 20 dead every day.

supposedly if mary had been guilty of adultry, then do you think that in those times people were that stupid to believe her? and then comes the question that according to history mary naturally was not fertile to have given birth to any child, is that the blunder of the historians too that they have written a lie?
What a pile of ****. Jesus was a man. He preached some things, that became a religion. Also the gospels have been heavily edited and adopted as per convenience. The Bible is probably the most concocted book in all of history. It supports slavery, bashes on gay people, even endorses killing of children!!!!

Remember the story where 42 children were mauled and killed by 2 bears for making fun of some holy dudes bald head?

Shittiest religion out there. And the most violent.

This coming from a guy that was raised a roman catholic. But now I am an Atheist.

And virgin mary? :rofl:


Jews didnt. The romans did.

Most of the terrorism actually kills more muslims. As far as Palestine goes, the ones that are actually making their lives more miserable than it woudl be, are not hte Israelis, its the Hamas. Fighting Israel is like shovelling **** against the tide. Any reasonable man would understand this and not throw pointless rockets at them only to have air raids and another 20 dead every day.

Sorry but I found none of that interesting nor amusing! Jesus was also a prophet of Muslims....Even if he wasn't that IS SERIOUSLY OFFENSIVE!
does it matter text is text it's same every where and any way no need to read their deed are enough ,now don't start , Islam is religion of "peace" :taz::lol:(with blood of thousands of innocent )

YES, it does matter!

I alway quote from Bible sites like BibleGateway.com: A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages. Free NET Bible and Thousands of Bible Studies | Bible.org - Worlds Largest Bible Study Site

Or anyother

Do you think they are no CHRISTIAN bashing sites? I could quote from any 1 of those too!

does it matter text is text it's same every where and any way no need to read their deed are enough ,now don't start , Islam is religion of "peace" :taz::lol:(with blood of thousands of innocent )

Yes it matters how you read something, whether you got a proper translation and in which context that verse...and many other aspects! People who do not care are the ones who misquote and spread hatred!
If man ever discovers the time machine all relgions will fall ,Atheism will save humanity.
What a pile of ****. Jesus was a man. He preached some things, that became a religion. Also the gospels have been heavily edited and adopted as per convenience. The Bible is probably the most concocted book in all of history.
This has nothing to do with the alleged divine sourcing and status of the Bible. This is about the alleged divine status of Jesus and what was He doing on Earth.

The story of Jesus and Krishna have alot of similarities.
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supposedly if mary had been guilty of adultry, then do you think that in those times people were that stupid to believe her? and then comes the question that according to history mary naturally was not fertile to have given birth to any child, is that the blunder of the historians too that they have written a lie?

Its not adultery if she had sex before marriage. I mean it could have been that she was knocked up by Joseph himself. The sly son of a gun :lol:

But in all seriousness, historians those days have to be taken with a grain of salt. It was a time when they had no science, no nothing. They thought the sun revolved around the earth and that the earth was flat. etc etc., So they were big on mythology etc

And their writings, any historians writings will always be influenced by - the culture he belongs to, the general beliefs in that culture at that time, the social norms of those times, the story telling rhetoric of those times etc.,

So you cant take the Bible as an authentic source of information when it comes to history.

When it comes to Christianity, it is very possible that they misrepresented a lot of facts.Just to make Jesus "divine". Why else have they only adopted 4 gospels - Mathew, mark, luke and john ? What about the gospel of judas and stuff? Cuz its not convenient for them thats why.

Sorry but I found none of that interesting nor amusing! Jesus was also a prophet of Muslims....

I am an atheist. I find it very amusing. Religion to me is an ideology, and as such I dont susbscribe to it. ANY religion. I think they are all ****. And I dont play favourites ^^

This has nothing to do with the alleged divine sourcing and status of the Bible. This is about the alleged divine status of Jesus and what was He doing on Earth.

The bible is the one that actually gives him divine status. Why else would Muslims just call him a man? ^^
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