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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

I wasn't thinking of informers reporting on unusual activities.

Pakistan's problem is partly that. But partly the foreigners that enter and cause mayhem.

The KGB would roam around the Soviet Union asking people for their papers. If they could not show they were Soviet then they could be arrested. That's what Pakistan needs also. It's a security problem.

[I think since the PAF base attack is an obvious security breach so this discussion is pertinent.]

Yes, what you say is needed but, IMHO, it is NOT sufficient. Lets face it: Police, rangers, ISI, military, FC etc are over-stretched as it is. During my last visit to Karachi in November 2009 I was told that the Rangers deployed at various points in the city were so terrified for their own safety that any approaching vehicles aroused their fears. The recent attack against the 'Chechens' where women/kids were killed was probably a manifestation of the security agencies' fatigue, paranoia, and jitterness.
Pakistan badly NEEDS a vast setup of informers who get rewarded for every successful 'tip'. Bypass the courts for such information. Military sets up 'cells' to go through these. Right now, most 'suspicious' or 'odd' activities seen by neighborhood folks are just shrugged off. Look at what even OBL neighbors said: They just thought it was 'odd' house but then shrugged off. What if some neighbors saw these terrorists who attacked the base today and just shrugged off? Hey, it is the job of the ISI. So why should I care?
I know there will be some abuse. Some revenge. But still better than what is happening right now. And I don't feel good about such Draconian steps. But they are necessary.
Nukes are not a AK-47 that it can be stolen.

Nukes are stored in the forms of parts most important is fissile material.These parts are joined to get a operateable weapon.All the parts are stored at different locations .Even if someone gets the part they cant not make weapon out of it.

But this time is not of talking nukes.We have lost more useful item i-e PC3 orions worth of hundreds of millions.
We should talk about one point agenda i-e Taliban are our enemies.

Can you get Uncle Sam understand that? Well thanks for telling me about the Nukes.

Now one point agenda: that Taliban is our enemies. Why??? what damage we have given to Talibans? can you tell me?
Talibans (were born in Afghanistan) dont have the capacity to attack US, therefore in return they are targeting Pakistan being the sucker of US.
There cant be one point agenda, as you just looking at the finished form of product ignoring the components of that product.
Flooding water in the form of a tsunami and an earthquake - 10 to 12 men with grenades and assault rifles (being actively countered by security forces as in the case of the GHQ and base attack) can\'t replicate that kind of destructive force.

What are you smoking?

He is not smoking anything....his point is valid....you are just desperately trying to prove your point.

The force of the earthquake and tsunami was not the reason for the fukushima meltdown. The loss of power subsequent to the earthquake was. How is it not feasible for jihadis to cut the power off with rockets and bombs for a couple of hours ensuring its meltdown?

Stop trying to defnd the indefensible here, this is real now.
Five people have been killed in the attack — four Navy personnel and one Rangers personnel.
Interior Minister Rehman Malik has arrived in Karachi.

RIP Brave soldiers ... Inshallah we will wipe these extremist & their ideology
There are some who still don't understand that terrorism and their murderous acts have to be wiped out. You cannot coddle pathologically brainwashed in the name of an extreme man made version of Islam or otherwise expect that all of sudden one day they will go away and behave themselves. These folks are brainwashed, particularly from the Wahabbist madrassahs of more recent years, but in some cases kidnapping of whole families is being done to force a young child or teenager to be a suicide bomber...with their family held as ransom, but not necessarily then released, either.

Please do not comment on something which you do not understand.. go drink you beer and have a Big Mac.. we'll deal with our problems ourself.. thanks
There are some who still don't understand that terrorism and their murderous acts have to be wiped out. You cannot coddle pathologically brainwashed in the name of an extreme man made version of Islam or otherwise expect that all of sudden one day they will go away and behave themselves. These folks are brainwashed, particularly from the Wahabbist madrassahs of more recent years, but in some cases kidnapping of whole families is being done to force a young child or teenager to be a suicide bomber...with their family held as ransom, but not necessarily then released, either.

one thing i dont understand before 2001 there was not such item call terrorism the day you americans entered in this region we are facing such things a lot :S
There are some who still don't understand that terrorism and their murderous acts have to be wiped out. You cannot coddle pathologically brainwashed in the name of an extreme man made version of Islam or otherwise expect that all of sudden one day they will go away and behave themselves. These folks are brainwashed, particularly from the Wahabbist madrassahs of more recent years, but in some cases kidnapping of whole families is being done to force a young child or teenager to be a suicide bomber...with their family held as ransom, but not necessarily then released, either.

and how do you know so much? did you visit any of the wahabist madressahs? Do you even know what Wahabi, Sunni, Shiite and Sufi mean? other than Fox news bullshyt.
The navel Chief , Air Chief and head of security should resign ASAP. They failed to protect the base which was suppose to protect the nation by some stone age people.
But wait how can stone age people can do a attack like this? Is it revenge of Mombay attack and why navy ?

Navy has nothing to do with WOT ? its deep , is it inside job ?

Next time some from Pakistan will say our Assets are save , who gana believe them.

So many questions
1. Is it Arabs , taking Osama revenge?
2. Is it stone age people of Afghanistan Pakistan boarder
3. Is it RAW and Afghan combine attack , with blessing of CIA
4. Or is it Inside job , rebalians in ISI
There are some who still don't understand that terrorism and their murderous acts have to be wiped out. You cannot coddle pathologically brainwashed in the name of an extreme man made version of Islam or otherwise expect that all of sudden one day they will go away and behave themselves. These folks are brainwashed, particularly from the Wahabbist madrassahs of more recent years, but in some cases kidnapping of whole families is being done to force a young child or teenager to be a suicide bomber...with their family held as ransom, but not necessarily then released, either.

you people are part of the problem and not the solution
it is possible that cia guys sent some guys to capture some info, destroy some valuables, transmit them and then be killed
The navel Chief , Air Chief and head of security should resign ASAP. They failed to protect the base which was suppose to protect the nation by some stone age people.
But wait how can stone age people can do a attack like this? Is it revenge of Mombay attack and why navy ?

Navy has nothing to do with WOT ? its deep , is it inside job ?

Next time some from Pakistan will day our Assets are save , who gana believe them.

So many questions
1. Is it Arabs , taking Osama revenge?
2. Is it stone age people of Afghanistan Pakistan boarder
3. Is it RAW and Afghan combine attack , with blessing of CIA
4. Or is it Inside job , rebalians in ISI

the equipment they are using can only be provided by them.
The navel Chief , Air Chief and head of security should resign ASAP. They failed to protect the base which was suppose to protect the nation by some stone age people.
But wait how can stone age people can do a attack like this? Is it revenge of Mombay attack and why navy ?

Navy has nothing to do with WOT ? its deep , is it inside job ?

Next time some from Pakistan will day our Assets are save , who gana believe them.

So many questions
1. Is it Arabs , taking Osama revenge?
2. Is it stone age people of Afghanistan Pakistan boarder
3. Is it RAW and Afghan combine attack , with blessing of CIA
4. Or is it Inside job , rebalians in ISI

it might very much be possible because for the first time military is trying to capture them alive
There are some who still don't understand that terrorism and their murderous acts have to be wiped out. You cannot coddle pathologically brainwashed in the name of an extreme man made version of Islam or otherwise expect that all of sudden one day they will go away and behave themselves. These folks are brainwashed, particularly from the Wahabbist madrassahs of more recent years, but in some cases kidnapping of whole families is being done to force a young child or teenager to be a suicide bomber...with their family held as ransom, but not necessarily then released, either.

here you go

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