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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Very well said my brother! Some guys here are masters of going off topic when they know they have no chance of winning a debate reasoning in a logical way, i mean look at what they are talking about now :rofl:
There is no point discussing what has already been discussed, the links PN provided proved only that Karzai could have given hell to pakistan in balochistan had he wanted to but he did not do so by refusing Nawab Bugtis request for talks.The other Bugti is not our prb anymore he is residing in Switzerland, its between pak and switzerland.

@Iphone you have been answered check older posts, we don't give a rats a$$ who you give asylum to be it Haqqani, Mullah Omar or Santa Claus as long as you put a leash on them.
@Bilal Do you honestly expect us to read your mental masturbation? Your are not even worth a reply! Stop wasting bandwidth for heaven's sake! and the same goes for PD

Brahamdagh was given shelter by you guys, our intel found out his location and put it squarely before your american backers and kharzoi himself, they had no option but to pack him off to switzerland it has nothing to do with the goodness of kharzoi towards Pakistan.
And I can tell you that balls all that floppy eared president of yours can do anything to Pakistan , he cant even go to the toilet without asking permission from his American patrons! :rofl:
Brahamdagh was given shelter by you guys, our intel found out his location and put it squarely before your american backers and kharzoi himself, they had no option but to pack him off to switzerland it has nothing to do with the goodness of kharzoi towards Pakistan.
And I can tell you that balls all that floppy eared president of yours can do anything to Pakistan , he cant even go to the toilet without asking permission from his American patrons! :rofl:

That is not true, he is allowed to go to the toilet whenever he wants, just the whole Presidential Palace is bugged including the toilets and the ISAF hear everything, I mean everything from morning until night, everything. I thought Gen. Petraus is the President of Afghanistan?
Is this the Watani thread or the PNS Mehran thread? -- get a grip people.

In the early hours of the attack, we informed you that there was for sure inside help, we also informed you that the so called "deep state" will not allow the people of Pakistan to know the truth of this event - the rest of the world by now knows that the Pakistan armed forces are a a shadow of what they once were and that it is today riddled with Islamists, more shockingly, some of Pakistan armed forces personnel have taken and have imparted instruction weapons, training, Tactics and Procedure to Islamist terrorists. We also highlighted the political dimension, the effort by the armed forces high ups, particularly Kiyani and his supporters, to allow these events to isolate the government, unfortunately, it's the armed forces that are being isolated, an eventuality that only serves to bring into sharp focus that if the armed forces will not own reform, they will be made to own it.

Mystery surrounds number of Naval base attackers

KARACHI: Mystery surrounded the number of attackers who had besieged the navy’s airbase in Karachi as Interior Minister Rehman Malik, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir and police gave different figures.

A police official claimed that there were twice as many attackers as the number claimed by the government and navy. An FIR of the attack at PNS Mehran, where police was not allowed to enter during the gunbattle against terrorists, was lodged with the Shahrah-e-Faisal Police Station on Tuesday. The FIR number 447/11 was registered under sections 302, 324, 427, 353, 121/34 of the Pakistan Penal Code, 3/4 of the Explosives Act and 7 Anti-Terrorism Act on the complaint of Lieutenant Irfan against 12 unidentified terrorists.

Eight of the terrorists nominated in the FIR are invisible in the whole episode, as reportedly, investigators had, after great difficulty, found the body of the forth terrorist who had blown himself up. In his statement, Lt Irfan said that terrorists were carrying rocket launchers, Kalashnikovs and other deadly weapons. He pointed out that the terrorists, who carried such a huge cache of weapons, had entered the PNS Mehran by climbing the back wall into the base with the help of ladders and cutters. The FIR states that 10 security personnel were martyred while four terrorists were killed during the attack. Security personnel recovered two live suicide jackets, 10 hand grenades, 1 rocket launcher and 4 Kalashnikovs that belonged to the attackers, it added. In Monday’s news conference, Interior Minister Rehman Malik had said that there were some four to six terrorists and two of them managed to flee from the airbase. But navy officials increased the number of terrorists a day after Malik’s media briefing. A navy spokesman said he was looking into the discrepancy
. atif raza
By not taking action against bugti,afghan govt was just returning the favour for pakistan allowing haqqanis to stay in north wazeeristan.bugti is now in switzerland where as haqqanis are still in pakistan-occasionally crossing border and attacking nato/ana and returning to safe heaven.
I do not believe a word that Rehman Malik and his team say. Though I recommend Rehman Malik for the Guiness Book of World Records for lying with a straight face,
I do not believe a word that Rehman Malik and his team say. Though I recommend Rehman Malik for the Guiness Book of World Records for lying with a straight face,

No doubt, we already know we have been lied to -- For the life of me, I cannot understand why -- these people simply cannot exist without lying to the public - Readers are aware that we have been calling for the armed forces to focus on their key mission, on their core competencies, proficiency ensuring that Pakistan's enemies come to harm, and not politics - unfortunately some reactionary elements cannot even begin to consider that people who cannot even secure themselves or even arrange an election should not have the right to tell civilians legitimately elected to their positions, how to govern the country ---- but friends, these calls are growing louder, it is in the best interest of armed forces to get back to their original role, to once and for all understand that they are supposed to protect the government, not threaten and blackmail it:

EDITORIAL: Back to the barracks

The attack on PNS Mehran in Karachi has shaken the people of Pakistan. When the country’s most powerful institution, the armed forces, is not safe from such a brutal attack, how can the common man feel safe? Unfortunately, the armed forces do not seem to be ready to take stock of the deteriorating security situation. It was with incredulity that we heard Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir assert that the 16-hour long attack on our naval airbase was not due to any security breach. If losing 10 soldiers, two Orion aircraft and being under siege for 16 hours does not constitute a security failure, then our guardians must share their ‘wisdom’ with the rest of the nation and let us know what they consider ‘failure’. Admiral Bashir’s response is typical of all high officials in this land of the pure. They never accept their mistakes. But this culture of impunity, particularly where the armed forces are concerned, must be changed. Instead of opaque and unaccountable impunity, all investigations should be transparent and no one should be above the law. Heads must roll and the terrorists who got away should be found and prosecuted. Interestingly, while Interior Minister Rehman Malik claimed that two terrorists managed to escape from the naval base, according to an FIR registered under the Explosives and Terrorism Act in Shahrah-e-Faisal Police Station, six to eight terrorists escaped.

It is still not clear why it took almost 16 hours to clear the naval airbase when a possible hostage situation has been denied. Granted that a frontal assault in the presence of sophisticated aircraft, fuel and ammunition in the base might have meant more destruction, but there remain unanswered questions about how the terrorists managed to enter the base so easily. Or is this an indication of how ‘watchful’ our security agencies really are? This is not just a security breach but also an intelligence failure of the highest order. We lost our soldiers, we lost millions of dollars worth of aircraft and we also lost our trust in the hitherto unquestioned competence of our armed forces. All this is a result of the decline in professionalism in the military.

Pakistan’s military is busy meddling in politics, keeping tabs on civilians and making money. Instead of wasting time on things that are not central to their concerns, the military should go back to the barracks in letter and spirit. The defence budget being given to them is not to keep snooping on the citizens of Pakistan or entertaining terrorists; it is given to them so that they can guarantee that our lives are safe and we are protected both from internal and external threats. This distraction of the armed forces has led to the institution’s deterioration. And this is telling in the struggle against terrorism. The terrorists are involved in asymmetrical warfare, which is not easy to combat. For that we need a highly professional force. Pakistan has suffered immense damage because of the military’s decline in professionalism. In these trying times when the terrorists make it seem so easy to attack any place at will, we need our soldiers to concentrate on the fight against the scourge of terrorism. It is time the military confines itself to the tasks assigned to it, as they are crucial for the country’s future.

On another note, the WikiLeaks exposé about the involvement of Saudi Arabia and the UAE in financially supporting Deobandi and Ahl-e-Hadith madrassas in south Punjab should serve as a wake-up call. Nearly $ 100 million is given to such madrassas annually, “ostensibly with the direct support of those governments”. We should not tolerate this even if we consider the two Arab states our ‘friends’. With friends like these, who needs enemies? These petro-dollars are feeding the ‘production factories’ of terrorists and extremists. This must come to an end once and for all.
Dedicated to Defense.pk member, a gentle soul, a worthy conscience, Rabzon:

And Friends, below is another editorial from a leading paper - I encourage you to read both the editorials above and below and see for yourself if the TT group has served you, has it provided you with the information yesterday, that the papers are publishing today:

Misinterpreting the PNS Mehran attack
By Editorial
Published: May 25, 2011

The spin doctors have done their much-too-familiar routine. The only conclusion the common man can draw is to believe that India and America and possibly Israel have attacked our navy and destroyed the two Orions meant only to detect Indian submarines. What was the method followed by the TV channels? Ring up just any retired officer from one of the three arms of the military, call him a ‘defence analyst’ and let him unload bile on the nation.

The ‘it’s-not-our-war’ chorus was hardly punctured by realism, except that the family of the martyred navy aviation officer, Yasir Abbas, pleaded that al Qaeda and the Taliban be recognised as engaged in a war against Pakistan. One channel has the pavlovian reflex of calling the great orator Zaid Hamid every time there is a terrorist incident to hear that the Mumbai attack was done by India itself and that the Taliban and al Qaeda are working for India. Then there is a naval officer in Tehreek-e-Insaf who doesn’t stop rebuking the army for still being linked to the US when, in fact, the US was after our nukes.

If it was speculation everybody indulged in, why couldn’t anyone build a convincing scenario about the objectives of the al Qaeda-Taliban combine behind this attack? The entire world knows that the Taliban are aligned with al Qaeda. The Americans have killed some Taliban and al Qaeda leaders we couldn’t, but are still guilty in our eyes for ‘funding them and using them’ against our valiant army. Al Qaeda has accepted that Osama was killed by the Americans but one TV anchor hasn’t stopped building the scenario that he was not killed in Abbottabad, just like the conspiracy theory which says that 9/11 never happened the way the Americans say it happened.

The phalanx of retired military officers is bent upon reliving its fantasy that the Americans betrayed Pakistan from day one and are once against destroying Pakistan in league with India and Israel. Somehow, the question ‘whom does this all benefit?’ has become the catechism of all our spurious analysts. If the terrorists destroyed the Orions, who will gain from this? No one other than India. After that the nation is supposed to take up arms against India because the latter must be involved in the attack on the base. No one asks why would the Americans risk the lives of six of their own citizens [the trainers who were on the base when it was attacked] in the process?

After the world has silently acknowledged al Qaeda’s ability to train its terrorists to the highest point of expertise in land and sea assaults, we still think that because the terrorists were ‘highly trained’ they must have been prepared by India or America. It is no use telling our conspiracy theorists that the Taliban have, in fact, owned up to the attack and are targeting the navy because it is a part of the armed forces. It is no use reminding the ‘defence experts’ that terrorists have successfully targeted our ISI officers and attacked the agencies buses, killed our SSG commandos while they were in their mess, attacked our GHQ, our FC trainees, our police personnel, and our political leaders. The refrain still is that we do not recognise who our enemy truly is, meaning it is not the Taliban or al Qaeda.

Why did the navy ignore the attacks carried out on its buses in April? Why was it not possible for its security experts to anticipate that it was an escalating situation and that the next attack would be on a more important target? This is a pattern observed in all terrorist attacks. Why can’t al Qaeda take revenge by destroying the American-made Orions in PNS Mehran? Why would India — a friend of the US — bribe the Taliban to attack PNS Mehran, putting American trainers at risk? Why can’t we consider the possibility that perhaps the escalating attack on the navy is a prelude to an al Qaeda sea operation? Why do we forget that it developed this expertise before it learned higher forms of terrorism?

We should recognise that we need help globally to fight terrorism made invincible by sympathy within us for its Islamic credentials. Those whom we call our enemies understand our collective psychosis and are still willing to help, albeit with the thought that a heavily infected Pakistan can ruin the world.

I think the end-game here is, India and Pakistan should join hands to finish off this western funded terrorism mess(started with Saudi+USA funded Jehad war on Soviets) and form an economic union. Lets bring peace and prosperity for our brothers. Its time to complete what was left in 1947.


This can only happen if india takes the HIGH ROAD----and not let mumbai type of attacks stop the progress of peace.

Britain did it----they had the IRA launching mortars at 10 downing street and the british were sitting in the peace talks with the irsh----you know why----they had a 1000 years of history behind them to make them understand that by reacting----the terrorists win.

India has not reached that stage of understanding yet---the day it does----it will find ways to make peace with pakistan regardless of what the hurdles are.

India is not ready and mature enough to let it happen-----. It is feeling too strong----and too important to take that final step.
Dedicated to Defense.pk member, a gentle soul, a worthy conscience, Rabzon:

And Friends, below is another editorial from a leading paper - I encourage you to read both the editorials above and below and see for yourself if the TT group has served you, has it provided you with the information yesterday, that the papers are publishing today:

Misinterpreting the PNS Mehran attack
By Editorial
Published: May 25, 2011

The spin doctors have done their much-too-familiar routine. The only conclusion the common man can draw is to believe that India and America and possibly Israel have attacked our navy and destroyed the two Orions meant only to detect Indian submarines. What was the method followed by the TV channels? Ring up just any retired officer from one of the three arms of the military, call him a ‘defence analyst’ and let him unload bile on the nation.

The ‘it’s-not-our-war’ chorus was hardly punctured by realism, except that the family of the martyred navy aviation officer, Yasir Abbas, pleaded that al Qaeda and the Taliban be recognised as engaged in a war against Pakistan. One channel has the pavlovian reflex of calling the great orator Zaid Hamid every time there is a terrorist incident to hear that the Mumbai attack was done by India itself and that the Taliban and al Qaeda are working for India. Then there is a naval officer in Tehreek-e-Insaf who doesn’t stop rebuking the army for still being linked to the US when, in fact, the US was after our nukes.

If it was speculation everybody indulged in, why couldn’t anyone build a convincing scenario about the objectives of the al Qaeda-Taliban combine behind this attack? The entire world knows that the Taliban are aligned with al Qaeda. The Americans have killed some Taliban and al Qaeda leaders we couldn’t, but are still guilty in our eyes for ‘funding them and using them’ against our valiant army. Al Qaeda has accepted that Osama was killed by the Americans but one TV anchor hasn’t stopped building the scenario that he was not killed in Abbottabad, just like the conspiracy theory which says that 9/11 never happened the way the Americans say it happened.

The phalanx of retired military officers is bent upon reliving its fantasy that the Americans betrayed Pakistan from day one and are once against destroying Pakistan in league with India and Israel. Somehow, the question ‘whom does this all benefit?’ has become the catechism of all our spurious analysts. If the terrorists destroyed the Orions, who will gain from this? No one other than India. After that the nation is supposed to take up arms against India because the latter must be involved in the attack on the base. No one asks why would the Americans risk the lives of six of their own citizens [the trainers who were on the base when it was attacked] in the process?

After the world has silently acknowledged al Qaeda’s ability to train its terrorists to the highest point of expertise in land and sea assaults, we still think that because the terrorists were ‘highly trained’ they must have been prepared by India or America. It is no use telling our conspiracy theorists that the Taliban have, in fact, owned up to the attack and are targeting the navy because it is a part of the armed forces. It is no use reminding the ‘defence experts’ that terrorists have successfully targeted our ISI officers and attacked the agencies buses, killed our SSG commandos while they were in their mess, attacked our GHQ, our FC trainees, our police personnel, and our political leaders. The refrain still is that we do not recognise who our enemy truly is, meaning it is not the Taliban or al Qaeda.

Why did the navy ignore the attacks carried out on its buses in April? Why was it not possible for its security experts to anticipate that it was an escalating situation and that the next attack would be on a more important target? This is a pattern observed in all terrorist attacks. Why can’t al Qaeda take revenge by destroying the American-made Orions in PNS Mehran? Why would India — a friend of the US — bribe the Taliban to attack PNS Mehran, putting American trainers at risk? Why can’t we consider the possibility that perhaps the escalating attack on the navy is a prelude to an al Qaeda sea operation? Why do we forget that it developed this expertise before it learned higher forms of terrorism?

We should recognise that we need help globally to fight terrorism made invincible by sympathy within us for its Islamic credentials. Those whom we call our enemies understand our collective psychosis and are still willing to help, albeit with the thought that a heavily infected Pakistan can ruin the world.

Can't be said in a better way
"Dedicated to Defense.pk member, a gentle soul, a worthy conscience, Rabzon:"

Some would call him a liberal fascist. An unconscionable slur. Even in the face of unwarranted personal attacks, though, he remained above the fray.

He has a beautiful soul and is a great friend to Pakistan.
Sorry , was unable to follow a thread with 174 pages. Can someone put some brief info on how many terrorists involved, how many got killed and how many taken custody.
Also take some pain to put the number of forces that took the pain of taking down these scums and how long it took.
In keeping with the idea that this smells of white wash and over all Armed Forces white wash, read below how the police were treated - they, the Navy, and the Air Force allowed the terrorists in but kept the police out -- stranger than fiction?? read on:

PNS Mehran attack: Police kept out
Published: May 24, 2011

KARACHI: As soon as news of an attack at the naval base spread, a posse of civilian law-enforcement agencies, including the police, Crime Investigation Department, Special Investigation Unit, Special Protection Group, Anti-Extremism Cell, Counter-Terrorism Unit, reached the spot. But the navy personnel did not let them in.

“This is not good,“ fumed Anti-Extremism Cell chief SSP Chaudhry Aslam Khan. “What can we do now? They are not providing us access.
No need to stay here. We are going back.

Angry officers were turned away from the gates of the PAF Museum, PNS Mehran and PAF Faisal through which army trucks whizzed past.
Many officers just hung back, too cagey to risk being embarrassed by rejection.

“Leave it, yaar,“ said a CID official. “Yahan par kharey ho kar apni beizzati karwaien kya?“ He grabbed Aslam’s arm and steered him away too.

Later, some police officials also entered but according to reports all of them had to stay at the guardroom.

The vehicles of intelligence officials went through as did about three ambulances and fire engines. It seemed as if the entire city’s ambulances had reached the spot but all of them were turned away.

Even Karachi police’s Special Investigation Unit SSP Raja Umer Khattab, in his silver SUV, was denied entry. However, a convoy of the Ranger’s wing commander was immediately let in.

Sindh Police Crime Investigation Department’s senior officials SSP Omer Shahid and SSP Chaudhry Aslam in their black SUV managed to reach just the parking lot of the museum, but returned when the Navy Marines began engaging the militants in a fierce gun battle. One or two journalists too sneaked in with the convoy of some of these police officers, but they, too, returned, in one case with bruises on their arms, minutes later. The convoys of Pakistan Army and Rangers, however, continued pouring into the base unhindered till early morning.
"Dedicated to Defense.pk member, a gentle soul, a worthy conscience, Rabzon:"

Some would call him a liberal fascist. An unconscionable slur. Even in the face of unwarranted personal attacks, though, he remained above the fray.

He has a beautiful soul and is a great friend to Pakistan.

Can't disagree with that -- it seems the disease of Pakistan has infected those who run this forum -- no apology offered for the great personal attack on this kind individual, no apology offered by abuses hurled at him by a member of this forum's "moderation" team, it's admin team.

Really rather shabby -- but lets see whether decency still exists with the admin and moderation team.
The ‘it’s-not-our-war’ chorus was hardly punctured by realism, except that the family of the martyred navy aviation officer, Yasir Abbas, pleaded that al Qaeda and the Taliban be recognised as engaged in a war against Pakistan. One channel has the pavlovian reflex of calling the great orator Zaid Hamid every time there is a terrorist incident to hear that the Mumbai attack was done by India itself and that the Taliban and al Qaeda are working for India. Then there is a naval officer in Tehreek-e-Insaf who doesn’t stop rebuking the army for still being linked to the US when, in fact, the US was after our nukes.
I hope I am not offending the Paks here. This Ziad Hamid guy is a mental manstrubator. The one who takes his words seriously is a just making a fool of himself. Dont encourage him.
I agree India and Pak are enemies and pak took it as a oath....
"India is my enemy, hence all indians are my enemies. Whenever you see an indian hit him on his face if you dont have a gun handy."
But letting this Ziad hamid like guys on TV to spoil the citizens will only make the worst things much more worse.

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