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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

^ Even I could ask you, how did Osama get into Afghanistan in first place? Through Pakistan along with the Taliban, which was only recognized by Saudi and Pak government? See, conspiracies are very easy. ]
you're the one resorting to conspiracies here. osama was first in Afghnistan where he got a warm reception from the taliban over there and under there rule and support he launched 9/11. that's your shelter. fine you wanna keep on sheltering terrorists from Pakistan or anywhere in the world under your pushtoon customs, you have a pathetic way of justifying it, it's your call.
:lol: You mean the mansion? What sources of yours say he was irrelevant? last time i checked the US is saying it was his C&C center, leading AQ from strategic down to tactical level! Bramdagh couldn't fart without Karzai's permission while OBL used to make his fav videos for Al-Jazeera meters away from your PMA!

mansion? that shitty slum of a house is considered a mansion? I didn't know Afghans standards of real estate have dropped that much. Even your occupiers are calling it a **** hole now.
What resources your country possess to control a dreaded terrorist? bugati was providing just as much intel to BLA from sitting inside Afghanistan and they were carrying out attacks against PA and innocent civilians.
It's unbelievable you guys would support sheltering a terrorist in your country. OBL or Haqqanis or Mullah Omar or dixie diasy, all of us Pakistanis here and Pak gov't we denounce these terrorist character and in no way support their presence in Pakistan.
But you guys are just at another level. Not only you admit to providing them shelter, you thump your chests publically doing so. wah kiya baat hai.
^ Your condition isn't much great either and yet your eyes don't move over from Afghan-Indo issues, no? Soviet was invited, they didn't invade and it was this very same Daud Khan who later decided to keep USSR at a distance which caused enmity amongst many in the government. And anti-Daud Khan camps were funded way before USSR's entrance in Afghanistan, inform yourself. And it's this very same forum which claims today's Afghan government is Tajik controlled and most trouble-makers in Pak regions are NA, but as far as I know Tajiks never were interested in Pakhtunkhwa, Pashtunistan, or Pashtun-whatever so keep your nonsense in your pocket please and don't go back to history to justify your point. If you got nothing to say or no prove regarding situation then just give up, you don't HAVE TO apply salt to your wounds.

Hammy-kiddy, same goes to you. Take some rest because seriously you can't be taken.

I am done here, unless some sources about CURRENT situation is provided.

Next time you talk crap about Pakistan, remember Pakistan is still holding 4 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan today that don't want to go back to Afghanistan, while there are 0 Pakistani refugees inside Afghanistan. Afghan leaders are corrupt to the core: the guards aided 500 terrorists to escape from a Kandahar prison, their puppet president gets the support of landlords, the president's family members are drug lords, foreigners running Afghanistan & ruthlessly killing their innocent Afghan civilians; just a pathetic country made up of pathetic, shameless leaders. That's why Afghanistan has been a war-torn country in its entire history, & will forever be the most under-developed country in the world.

There are no drug lords in Pakistan, Pakistan has a proper judiciary & system in place. The Pakistani president, no matter how corrupt he is, was elected democratically. You don't even have a government. Despite the US spending over $300 billion to improve the poppy ridden ANA and other law enforcement forces, you have fallen back than gone forward. You start cross border firing on our troops as well, in addition to your guards letting 500 terrorists escape, & shooting 8 US troops at an airport. And to add to the mix, we have to take in 4 million of your Afghan refugees in our country. We've been in far worse situations in our past (1971), these events are a walk in the park, & Pakistan & Pakistanis has always managed to overcome hardships & adversities, & that's the difference between Afghanistan & Pakistan.
i like watani guy infact...... infact its a pleasure for us that you drop by sometimes and discover our long lasting marital bonds ;) there is even no divorce in it, saath jiye ge saath mare ge
Be clear, what are you talking about?

Oh i was talking about OBL's killing in Abbottabad.. did you implemented your 'proof' logic on there also?.. NO.. your government just started jumping up and down.. No one has any proof up until now, and you are referring to it as a developed FACT.. am i not right?
So next time we Pakistanis should not defend our country because it may offend Pakistani Pashtuns when we speak the cold hard truth about their Afghan brothers?

The brutal Pakistan army has been killing Balochs since decades, actually their massacre had started right after the creation of Pakistan. Even today army sabotages every reconciliation effort that the civilian government starts in Balochistan. The demand of Balochs is justified, they should be allowed to run their own province and the natural resources buried in their mountains belong to them.

Bugti was killed but Altaf the terrorist whose hands are red with the blood of innocent Pashtuns and Sindhis is military establishment's biggest buddy.
The brutal Pakistan army has been killing Balochs since decades, actually their massacre had started right after the creation of Pakistan. Even today army sabotages every reconciliation effort that the civilian government starts in Balochistan. The demand of Balochs is justified, they should be allowed to run their own province and the natural resources buried in their mountains belong to them.

where in karachi are posting form.........porus? somebody check his IP.
The brutal Pakistan army has been killing Balochs since decades, actually their massacre had started right after the creation of Pakistan. Even today army sabotages every reconciliation effort that the civilian government starts in Balochistan. The demand of Balochs is justified, they should be allowed to run their own province and the natural resources buried in their mountains belong to them.

Bugti was killed but Altaf the terrorist whose hands are red with the blood of innocent Pashtuns and Sindhis is military establishment's biggest buddy.

Army hates altaf... false flagger.

Also its baluch not balouchi or balochs...balouchi is our language.
^ Your condition isn't much great either and yet your eyes don't move over from Afghan-Indo issues, no? Soviet was invited, they didn't invade and it was this very same Daud Khan who later decided to keep USSR at a distance which caused enmity amongst many in the government. And anti-Daud Khan camps were funded way before USSR's entrance in Afghanistan, inform yourself. And it's this very same forum which claims today's Afghan government is Tajik controlled and most trouble-makers in Pak regions are NA, but as far as I know Tajiks never were interested in Pakhtunkhwa, Pashtunistan, or Pashtun-whatever so keep your nonsense in your pocket please and don't go back to history to justify your point. If you got nothing to say or no prove regarding situation then just give up, you don't HAVE TO apply salt to your wounds.

Hammy-kiddy, same goes to you. Take some rest because seriously you can't be taken.

I am done here, unless some sources about CURRENT situation is provided.

Very well said my brother! Some guys here are masters of going off topic when they know they have no chance of winning a debate reasoning in a logical way, i mean look at what they are talking about now :rofl:
There is no point discussing what has already been discussed, the links PN provided proved only that Karzai could have given hell to pakistan in balochistan had he wanted to but he did not do so by refusing Nawab Bugtis request for talks.The other Bugti is not our prb anymore he is residing in Switzerland, its between pak and switzerland.

@Iphone you have been answered check older posts, we don't give a rats a$$ who you give asylum to be it Haqqani, Mullah Omar or Santa Claus as long as you put a leash on them.
@Bilal Do you honestly expect us to read your mental masturbation? Your are not even worth a reply! Stop wasting bandwidth for heaven's sake! and the same goes for PD
Political asylum to a politician is different than a terrorist........The example u gave is useless and not viable.......... brahamdog is a UN black listed terrorist accused of a number of murders,kidnapping,anti state activities,hate crimes and watnot!

LOL...So assuming Haqqani is under "Political assylum" eh? We already know that Osama was the guest of honor in Pakistan....

Oh wait...you're right, I take it back The Taliban was a "political" organization and Mullah Omar was the President of the Afghanistan recognized by the UN right?

Now start flip-flopping on your comments....Im very eager to see you wiggle your way out...
LOL...So assuming Haqqani is under "Political assylum" eh? We already know that Osama was the guest of honor in Pakistan....

Oh wait...you're right, I take it back The Taliban was a "political" organization and Mullah Omar was the President of the Afghanistan recognized by the UN right?

Now start flip-flopping on your comments....Im very eager to see you wiggle your way out...

moron where in his post do you see any mention of Haqqni and Mullah Omer ?
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