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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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That's true. India mass murders its people but its population is still out of control. Starvation, famine is one method to reduce numbers, others are military genocide in the northeast and kashmir. It's still the biggest receiver of foreign aid in Asia from the World Bank and ADB.
China also recieves aid....though India has firmly said that we don't require aid..other agencies come to pay..cuz they can't digest a self dependent India...nothing to our bad..we ll just get more money though we have enough! :lol:
Did China ever had a Tibetan Premier or President since 1949.
A Sikh was our President during 1984 riots.

From what I can see of India, the president has no power, the prime minister has the power but he's like a dummy. He just sits there half asleep while his advisors (who are virtually all hindu) make all the policy.
As you keep saying, people voted for Congress and not the Sikh or Sonia Gandhi.

The Muslim vp has no power. He just cuts ribbons.

People voted seeing MMS not Sonia.... And Its not our problem if you are unaware of the functions of the second highest constitutional office in the country
From what I can see of India, the president has no power, the prime minister has the power but he's like a dummy. He just sits there half asleep while his advisors make all the policy.

We don't have any complains if our country is growing at 9% :D
From what I can see of India, the president has no power, the prime minister has the power but he's like a dummy. He just sits there half asleep while his advisors make all the policy.

The most powerful person in India (according to Forbes) is Sonia Gandhi, who is a white European woman.

It makes sense when you consider this:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill.
The most powerful person in India (according to Forbes) is Sonia Gandhi, who is a white European woman.

It makes sense when you consider this:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill.
You are such a moron with no logic and keep posting that winston churchill quote...if you love quotes so much do prefer reading these :lol:
Quotes on India
You are such a moron with no logic and keep posting that winston churchill quote...if you love quotes so much do prefer reading these :lol:
Quotes on India

Thanks. Even Albert Einstein praised us & was inspired by India,He said among all religions Hinduism have the most logical explanation for creation of the Universe.
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